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Bøger af Raymond McGee

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  • - Técnicas simples de mindfulness (atención plena) para aliviar el estrés y el miedo, y vivir una vida sin depresión
    af Raymond McGee
    158,95 kr.

    Usa el poder de tu mente para superar tus miedos, aliviar el estrés de tu cuerpo y deshacerte de la ansiedad para siempre. ¿Has sentido alguna vez a tu cuerpo fuera de control cuando los ataques de pánico golpean, como si no pudiera respirar?¿Los dolores de cabeza se han convertido en tu compañero de todos los días?¿Te quedas despierto por la noche porque no puedes dejar de preocuparte por tu familia, tus amigos o tu trabajo?En el mundo agitado en el que vivimos, estos problemas se han vuelto tan comunes que la mayoría de las personas ya no los registra como problemas.Pero subestimar el estrés y la ansiedad puede tener consecuencias terribles.Ellos atacan sutil y brutalmente, y pueden arruinar tu salud mental y física.Agotan tu cuerpo y tu mente hasta el punto de que luchar contra ellos se vuelve increíblemente difícil.Ese es generalmente el punto en el que las personas se rinden y aceptan una vida desequilibrada, llena de fobias e infelicidad.Pero no tiene por qué ser así.Incluso cuando el miedo y la ansiedad hayan tomado el control de tu vida, puedes luchar y vencerlos con la herramienta más poderosa del mundo: Tu mente.Esta parte increíblemente compleja de cada ser humano es a menudo subestimada, y la mayoría de las personas nunca se dan cuenta de cuánto puede afectar a su vida.Con técnicas de mindfulness (o atención plena) sencillas, puedes equipar tu cerebro con herramientas para combatir los pensamientos negativos y vencer la ansiedad de forma permanente.Sin embargo, mindfulness no tiene que ver solo con sanar tu mente, también trata de traer equilibrio a todo tu ser y transformar la forma en que te acercas y percibes la vida misma.Simplemente no es posible sentirse mal o ansioso por algo una vez que entrenas tu cerebro para lidiar de forma adecuada con todas las emociones y pensamientos negativos.Cómo lidiar con la preocupación y la ansiedad te ayudará en ese viaje en el que descubrirás: Las causas comunes de la ansiedad, sus síntomas y los efectos dañinos que puede generar en tu bienestar, y cómo puedes superarlos Los poderosos y probados beneficios que la atención consciente o plena (mindfulness) puede tener en tu salud física y mentalEjercicios de respiración simples pero efectivos para combatir los ataques de pánico, el estrés y las fobiasDiferentes ejercicios de meditación, diseñados específicamente para tratar la ansiedadUna guía detallada sobre cómo incorporar las técnicas de mindfulness a tu vida cotidiana hasta que se conviertan en parte de tu rutinaConsejos sobre cómo vivir el presente y dejar de preocuparte por las cosas que no puedes controlar (y no, ¡no las has probado todas!)Posiciones simples de yoga que aliviarán tu mente del estrés y nutrirán tu cuerpo, incluso si no eres un yogui experimentadoY mucho más...La práctica de mindfulness no requiere de mucho tiempo, y puedes beneficiarte especialmente de ella aunque tengas una agenda súper cargada y agitada.No necesitas terapias de asesoramiento costosas, y ciertamente no tienes que pasar cuatro horas al día meditando.Con la ayuda de estos ejercicios de mindfulness, cualquiera podrá encontrar alivio al miedo y la ansiedad.Si estás listo para abrazar la felicidad y empezar a disfrutar de la vida sin pensamientos invasivos, desplázate hacia arriba y haz clic en el botón "Añadir al carrito" ahora mismo.

  • - Simple Mindfulness Techniques to Relieve Stress and Fear and Live a Life Without Depression
    af Raymond McGee
    173,95 kr.

    Use the Power of Your Mind to Outsmart Your Fears, Relieve Your Body of Stress, and Get Rid of Anxiety Forever. Do you ever feel like your body is out of your control when panic attacks hit, and as if you can't breathe? Have headaches become your constant companion? Do you sometimes lay awake at night because you can't stop worrying about your family, friends, or your job? Because of the hectic world we live in, these issues have become so common that most people don't even register them as problems anymore. But underestimating stress and anxiety can have terrible consequences. They attack subtly and viciously and can bring ruin to both your mental and physical health. They exhaust your body and mind to the point where fighting them becomes incredibly hard. That's usually the point where people give in and embrace an unbalanced life, full of phobias and unhappiness. But it doesn't have to be that way. Even if fear and anxiety have taken control over your life, you can fight back and beat them with the most powerful tool in the world: Your mind. This incredibly complex part of every human is so often underrated, and most people never realize just how much it can impact their life. With simple mindfulness techniques, you can equip your brain with tools to fight back negative thinking and beat anxiety permanently. However, mindfulness isn't just about healing your mind--it's about bringing balance to your whole being and transforming the way you approach and perceive life itself. It simply isn't possible to feel bad or anxious about something once you train your brain to properly deal with all negative emotions and thoughts. How to Deal With Worry and Anxiety will help you on that journey. Here's what you'll discover: The common causes of anxiety, its symptoms, and the damaging effects it can have on your wellbeing, yet how you can overcome them The powerful and proven benefits that mindfulness can have on your physical and mental health Simple, yet effective breathing exercises for combating panic attacks, stress, and phobias Different meditation exercises, designed specifically for dealing with anxiety A detailed guide on how to incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily life, until they become a part of your routine Tips on how to stay in the present and stop worrying about the things you cannot control (and no, you haven't tried them all!) Simple yoga positions that will relieve your mind of stress and nurture your body, even if you're not a seasoned yogi And much more. Practicing mindfulness doesn't require a lot of your time, and you can especially benefit from it even if you have a super busy, hectic schedule. You don't need expensive counseling therapies, and you certainly don't have to spend 4 hours meditating a day. With the help of these mindfulness exercises, anyone will be able to find relief from fear and anxiety. If you're ready to embrace happiness and start enjoying life without the intrusive thoughts, then scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button right now.

  • - Simple Mindfulness Techniques to Relieve Stress and Fear and Live a Life Without Depression
    af Raymond McGee
    223,95 kr.

    Use the Power of Your Mind to Outsmart Your Fears, Relieve Your Body of Stress, and Get Rid of Anxiety Forever. Do you ever feel like your body is out of your control when panic attacks hit, and as if you can't breathe? Have headaches become your constant companion? Do you sometimes lay awake at night because you can't stop worrying about your family, friends, or your job? Because of the hectic world we live in, these issues have become so common that most people don't even register them as problems anymore. But underestimating stress and anxiety can have terrible consequences. They attack subtly and viciously and can bring ruin to both your mental and physical health. They exhaust your body and mind to the point where fighting them becomes incredibly hard. That's usually the point where people give in and embrace an unbalanced life, full of phobias and unhappiness. But it doesn't have to be that way. Even if fear and anxiety have taken control over your life, you can fight back and beat them with the most powerful tool in the world:Your mind. This incredibly complex part of every human is so often underrated, and most people never realize just how much it can impact their life. With simple mindfulness techniques, you can equip your brain with tools to fight back negative thinking and beat anxiety permanently. However, mindfulness isn't just about healing your mind--it's about bringing balance to your whole being and transforming the way you approach and perceive life itself. It simply isn't possible to feel bad or anxious about something once you train your brain to properly deal with all negative emotions and thoughts. How to Deal With Worry and Anxiety will help you on that journey. Here's what you'll discover:The common causes of anxiety, its symptoms, and the damaging effects it can have on your wellbeing, yet how you can overcome themThe powerful and proven benefits that mindfulness can have on your physical and mental healthSimple, yet effective breathing exercises for combating panic attacks, stress, and phobias Different meditation exercises, designed specifically for dealing with anxietyA detailed guide on how to incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily life, until they become a part of your routineTips on how to stay in the present and stop worrying about the things you cannot control (and no, you haven't tried them all!)Simple yoga positions that will relieve your mind of stress and nurture your body, even if you're not a seasoned yogiAnd much more.Practicing mindfulness doesn't require a lot of your time, and you can especially benefit from it even if you have a super busy, hectic schedule. You don't need expensive counseling therapies, and you certainly don't have to spend 4 hours meditating a day.With the help of these mindfulness exercises, anyone will be able to find relief from fear and anxiety.

  • - tecnicas simples de mindfulness (atencion plena) para aliviar el estres y el miedo, y vivir una vida sin depresion
    af Raymond McGee
    218,95 kr.

    Usa el poder de tu mente para superar tus miedos, aliviar el estrés de tu cuerpo y deshacerte de la ansiedad para siempre. ¿Has sentido alguna vez a tu cuerpo fuera de control cuando los ataques de pánico golpean, como si no pudiera respirar?¿Los dolores de cabeza se han convertido en tu compañero de todos los días?¿Te quedas despierto por la noche porque no puedes dejar de preocuparte por tu familia, tus amigos o tu trabajo?En el mundo agitado en el que vivimos, estos problemas se han vuelto tan comunes que la mayoría de las personas ya no los registra como problemas. Pero subestimar el estrés y la ansiedad puede tener consecuencias terribles. Ellos atacan sutil y brutalmente, y pueden arruinar tu salud mental y física.Agotan tu cuerpo y tu mente hasta el punto de que luchar contra ellos se vuelve increíblemente difícil.Ese es generalmente el punto en el que las personas se rinden y aceptan una vida desequilibrada, llena de fobias e infelicidad.Pero no tiene por qué ser así.Incluso cuando el miedo y la ansiedad hayan tomado el control de tu vida, puedes luchar y vencerlos con la herramienta más poderosa del mundo:Tu mente.Esta parte increíblemente compleja de cada ser humano es a menudo subestimada, y la mayoría de las personas nunca se dan cuenta de cuánto puede afectar a su vida. Con técnicas de mindfulness (o atención plena) sencillas, puedes equipar tu cerebro con herramientas para combatir los pensamientos negativos y vencer la ansiedad de forma permanente.Sin embargo, mindfulness no tiene que ver solo con sanar tu mente, también trata de traer equilibrio a todo tu ser y transformar la forma en que te acercas y percibes la vida misma.Simplemente no es posible sentirse mal o ansioso por algo una vez que entrenas tu cerebro para lidiar de forma adecuada con todas las emociones y pensamientos negativos. Cómo lidiar con la preocupación y la ansiedad te ayudará en ese viaje en el que descubrirás:Las causas comunes de la ansiedad, sus síntomas y los efectos dañinos que puede generar en tu bienestar, y cómo puedes superarlos Los poderosos y probados beneficios que la atención consciente o plena (mindfulness) puede tener en tu salud física y mental Ejercicios de respiración simples pero efectivos para combatir los ataques de pánico, el estrés y las fobias Diferentes ejercicios de meditación, diseñados específicamente para tratar la ansiedadUna guía detallada sobre cómo incorporar las técnicas de mindfulness a tu vida cotidiana hasta que se conviertan en parte de tu rutinaConsejos sobre cómo vivir el presente y dejar de preocuparte por las cosas que no puedes controlar (y no, ¡no las has probado todas!)Posiciones simples de yoga que aliviarán tu mente del estrés y nutrirán tu cuerpo, incluso si no eres un yogui experimentadoY mucho más...La práctica de mindfulness no requiere de mucho tiempo, y puedes beneficiarte especialmente de ella aunque tengas una agenda súper cargada y agitada.No necesitas terapias de asesoramiento costosas, y ciertamente no tienes que pasar cuatro horas al día meditando.Con la ayuda de estos ejercicios de mindfulness, cualquiera podrá encontrar alivio al miedo y la ansiedad.

  • af Raymond McGee
    168,95 kr.

    Use the Power of Your Mind to Outsmart Your Fears, Relieve Your Body of Stress, and Get Rid of Anxiety Forever.Do you ever feel like your body is out of your control when panic attacks hit, and as if you can't breathe?Have headaches become your constant companion?Do you sometimes lay awake at night because you can't stop worrying about your family, friends, or your job?Because of the hectic world we live in, these issues have become so common that most people don't even register them as problems anymore.But underestimating stress and anxiety can have terrible consequences.They attack subtly and viciously and can bring ruin to both your mental and physical health.They exhaust your body and mind to the point where fighting them becomes incredibly hard.That's usually the point where people give in and embrace an unbalanced life, full of phobias and unhappiness.But it doesn't have to be that way.Even if fear and anxiety have taken control over your life, you can fight back and beat them with the most powerful tool in the world: Your mind.This incredibly complex part of every human is so often underrated, and most people never realize just how much it can impact their life.With simple mindfulness techniques, you can equip your brain with tools to fight back negative thinking and beat anxiety permanently.However, mindfulness isn't just about healing your mind--it's about bringing balance to your whole being and transforming the way you approach and perceive life itself.It simply isn't possible to feel bad or anxious about something once you train your brain to properly deal with all negative emotions and thoughts.How to Deal With Worry and Anxiety will help you on that journey. Here's what you'll discover:The common causes of anxiety, its symptoms, and the damaging effects it can have on your wellbeing, yet how you can overcome themThe powerful and proven benefits that mindfulness can have on your physical and mental healthSimple, yet effective breathing exercises for combating panic attacks, stress, and phobiasDifferent meditation exercises, designed specifically for dealing with anxietyA detailed guide on how to incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily life, until they become a part of your routineTips on how to stay in the present and stop worrying about the things you cannot control (and no, you haven't tried them all!)Simple yoga positions that will relieve your mind of stress and nurture your body, even if you're not a seasoned yogiAnd much more.Practicing mindfulness doesn't require a lot of your time, and you can especially benefit from it even if you have a super busy, hectic schedule.You don't need expensive counseling therapies, and you certainly don't have to spend 4 hours meditating a day.With the help of these mindfulness exercises, anyone will be able to find relief from fear and anxiety.If you're ready to embrace happiness and start enjoying life without the intrusive thoughts, then scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button right