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Bøger af Ravikumar Kurup

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  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    896,95 kr.

    The return of Kauravas to India is in a way to the return of Shia Muslims to India as conquers and rulers. The battle of Kurukshetra was between Pandavas and Kauravas. The Kauravas were neanderthalic Asuras especially Gandhari and Dhuryodhana. The Pandavas were Devas or Aryans. After defeat in the battle of Kurushetra the Kauravas who were remaining under the teacher Shukracharya migrated to South India. Shukracharya was the guru of the Asuras. The South Indian had contact and trade with West Asia where in the process of evolving monotheistic Islamic religion was on. Shukracharya was a Shaivite and practically a monotheistic. Shukracharya with remaining Kauravas migrated to Iran, Iraq, Syria and West Asia becoming Shia Muslims. The cerebellar dominant neanderthalic brain is impulsive, intuitive and spiritual. It is more susceptible to irrational acts without any logic or reason. Terrorism and acts of cruelty can be linked to such a brain substrate.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    896,95 kr.

    The homo neanderthalis and Dravidians may have a common origin in the Lemurian landmass. This suggests that the Vedas and Vedic civilization may have an Antarctic or Lemurian origin. Neanderthal genes have been described in the homo sapien population. The Neanderthal brain has a prominent cerebellar cortex and small prefrontal cortex. This results in defective vocalization, symbolic speech, impulsive behaviour, obsessive traits, intuition and extrasensory perception. The Neanderthal brain structure results in female dominance and matriarchal social patterns. It was considered plausible that Neanderthal genomics and metabolonomics could also contribute to androgynous behaviour. Autistic patients tend to have Neanderthal metabolonomics and phenotype. This results in a society of Amazonian women, matriarchy and male eunuchs.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    896,95 kr.

    The growth of endosymbiotic archaea leads to methanogenesis which contributes to only a small amount of global warming. But the archaea are capable of carbon dioxide fixation and take up the function of trees which have been cut down reduced the carbon dioxide levels and temperature levels. The archaea are also capable of ammonia oxidation which also reduces global warming. Thus, the endosymbiotic archaea brings global warming under control as well as changing the human species to an autistic tribe of eunuchs in small clusters who are defrontalized with a cerebellar cognitive affective disorder. This new species in the post-AI world can be called Homo autisticus and a Gandhian-Buddhist civilization of anarchy.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    896,95 kr.

    The oxidative stress& osmotic stress of global warming can induce aldose reductase mediated conversion of glucose to fructose via the enzyme sorbitol dehydrogenase. This also leads to induction of fructokinase, generation of fructose, fructosemia and fructositis. The increased fructose can fructosylate proteins producing antigenic proteins and autoimmune disease. Thus fructosemia can contribute to neurodegeneration, psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia, bipolar mood disorder, autism, ADHD, la tourette¿s &encephalitis lethargica. Fructose can produce ATP depletion and oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can induce NFKB producing chronic inflammation &TNF alpha can produce insulin resistance acting at the level of insulin receptor. The insulin resistance activates the aldose reductase fructokinase system still further which is also further activated by the osmotic and oxidative stress of extremes of climate like global warming. This produces syndrome with anti-glycolytic enzyme anti-basal ganglia antibodies. Neanderthals are impulsive and creatures of emotion dominated by the brain stem structures and cerebellum. Impulsive magical societies can be compared to societies of devil.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    896,95 kr.

    There is a new demographic pattern following post-COVID. The neanderthalic remnant population with archaeal symbiosis expands the rising global warming and low level EMF pollution from the internet. There is rise of Jews, Semitic Muslims, Iranians, North American-Indians, South American-Indians, Australian Aboriginals, Mauries, Shudras, Dalits and tribals of India forming the civilization - post-COVID. The new demography following post-Covid is located around the Southern ocean and the Antarctic continent which becomes habitable due to global warming. The centre of the world ships to the Southern ocean. The Indian ocean and Southern ocean is converted into a Neanderthal lake with resurgence of a neanderthalic civilization on it shows including the Antarctic, a new civilization of autistic deglobalized androgynous matriarchal asuric Neanderthal.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    780,95 kr.

    The Homo neanderthalis and Homo sapien species evolved as basically visitations of extraterrestrial intelligence as archaeal and RNA viroidal colonies. The Homo sapien species is extraterrestrial RNA viroidal dominant with RNA viroids integrated into the genomic DNA. The retrovirus would have come down via meteoritic and cometic impacts on to the earth. The retrovirus would have formed in the giant quantal computing porphyrinogenic intergalactic cloud. Retroviruses can infect multicellular organisms producing an infection. The seeding of retroviruses would have led to the killing of homo neanderthalis and remnant homo neanderthalis would have remained in protective enclaves and South India, Iberian Peninsula, Northern Europe and Siberia. The corona virus induced increase in porphyrin synthesis and porphyria has got other major catastrophic consequences. Thus the corona virus can induce an acquired porphyria, form porphyrions which can self-replicate and self-organize and can have porphyrion template induced abiogenetic corona virus replication. The corona virus RNA can get transcribed to DNA using HERV reverse transcriptase and colonize to human genome.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    817,95 kr.

    The brain functions as a quantal computer mediated by porphyrions which have a wave-particle existence. This can lead to the generation of electromagnetic extracorporeal traces of information stored in synaptic pathways of the brain. What has happened, is happening and will happen is preordained and stored as information in the quantal perceptive world. Niyati is the quantal history of the past, present and future stored as a microcosm. This constitutes what is called as fatalism or absolute determinism in which there is no free will. The unfolding of the present depends upon the stored information of the past and the consequences that flow from that manifesting as fixed karma in an absolute deterministic world. Karma is the macroscopic world arising out of quantal superpositions manifested in Niyati. This constitutes the philosophical concepts of Maya and Lila. Lila means the universe is created out of the playful free will of consciousness. Maya means that there is only consciousness and there is a superimposed cosmic illusion. The consciousness is their permeating all things life and non-life creating an illusory expression of the macroscopic world.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    896,95 kr.

    The planet has a future because a syndrome of widespread adult onset autism consequent to the Covid pandemic occurs recurrently over the past 5 years and massive increase in global warming leading to endosymbiotic archaeal growth producing a new human species called Homo neoneanderthalis with quantal perception. As the prefrontal cortex and the frontal cortex concerned with higher cortical of executive decision making and social interaction as well as for fictional imagination on a grand heavenly-scale of galactic dimensions atrophies and becomes small. The brain-AI interface also shrinks and becomes extinct. The atrophy is more exacerbated by the internet induced electromagnetic fields which leads to endosymbiotic archaeal growth in the brain which shrinks the frontal cortex further. The monster needs its doom and the human society becomes reduced to clusters of autistic tribe of eunuchs living in village centres.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    817,95 kr.

    Every particle in the universe is conscious and interacts with a protoconsciousness field akin to gravity which produces gravitational collapse of the quantal superpositions. There is universal protoconsciousness field from which matter and particles get their intrinsic nature. The protoconsciousness field permeates the entire universe and galaxies and observes them into existence. The galaxies and the star systems are conscious and their movements are volitional. The galaxies and star systems which are permeated by the protoconsciousness or gravitational field as well as all other matter can be influenced by the protoconsciousness field creating its intrinsic and fundamental nature. The protoconsciousness field is the only reality and matter is observed and created into existence by the field. This creates the concept of the universal force and structures created by akin to a dissociative identity disorder. The universal force if accessed can modulated the structures created into existence by the act of observation of the protoconsciousness field. The protoconsciousness field creates what is called as collective consciousness.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    867,95 kr.

    The archaeal digoxin induced EM field of 10-7 oscillations and quantal perceptive fields can generate electromagnetic traces of proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates. This EMF traces or co-resonance patterns of simple and complex molecules in the setting of cell oscillations can generate molecular memory in water. The piezoelectric effect induced by digoxin mediated sodium-potassium ATPase inhibition can generate cellular succussion and the molecular electromagnetic traces can get stored in electric dipoles of water. These EMF traces of molecules or co-resonance pattern may form the basis of cell signal transduction. Organ-free mitochondrial network colonies of primates contain information regarding morphogenesis of the organs like the brain, heart, lung, GIT and liver. The archaeal colonies can be integrated with free mitochondrial networks containing stored quantal information about body and organ structure and function and over a period of time the free-mitochondrial networks can infect the archaeal colony and modulate the growth of a new archaeal colony network with a mitochondrial colony component in situ containing information regarding human morphogenesis & organogenesis

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    718,95 kr.

    Heidnische Religionen, die an den Panpsychismus glauben, gehören zu den Indoeuropäern, Neandertalern und Aryo-Draviden, die ihren Ursprung in der lemurischen Landmasse haben, zu der auch die indische Halbinsel und die Antarktis gehören. Die Indo-Europäer, Neandertaler und Aryo-Draviden stammen aus der lemurischen Landmasse, zu der auch die indische Halbinsel und die Antarktis gehören. Die fossilisierte matrilineare Nair-Gemeinschaft in Kerala repräsentiert die indoeuropäische, neandertalische und aryodravidische Gemeinschaft, die ihren Ursprung auf dem alten Kontinent Lemuria oder Kumari Kandam hat, der die indische Halbinsel mit der Antarktis verbindet. Daraus ergibt sich ein antarktischer oder lemurischer Ursprung der Indoeuropäer und Aryodraviden. Die Indo-Europäer und Aryo-Draviden haben einen gemeinsamen Ursprung auf der indischen Halbinsel und der Antarktis als Teil der lemurischen Landmasse. Die Exposition gegenüber der globalen Erwärmung und schwachen EMF führt zu einer archaischen Endosymbiose und Neandertalisierung der Bevölkerung. Dies führt zur Entstehung von Neoneandertalern oder neuen Aryo-Draviden oder Indo-Europäern. Damit wird die Hypothese einer Auswanderung aus Asien aufgestellt. Die Indoeuropäer, Arier, Draviden, Mongoloiden, australischen Ureinwohner und Neandertaler sind gleichbedeutend und entstanden auf dem lemurischen antarktischen Kontinent.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.112,95 kr.

    The homo neanderthalic the Dravidian elite may have a common origin in the Lemurian land mass. The homo neanderthalis arising out of the Lemurian land mass consisting of peninsular India, Antarctica and Australia would have been the forerunner of the asuric Dravidian neanderthalic population of Sudras, Harijans, Tribals, Semitic Muslims and Jews, Iranians, Berbers, Mongoloids, Slavs and Celts. This suggests that the Vedas and Vedic civilization may have an Antarctic or Lemurian origin. The homo sapiens form the Africans and the homo sapien hybrids form the Aryan Devas including the Europeans and the upper caste Indians. The homo sapien hybrid Nazi genocide of the Jews in Europe, the neanderthalic communist rule in Europe and the neanderthalic semitic Muslim wars with Europe could have their basis in this divide. Modern Indian and world politics of hate is between the Aryans and the Asuras or homo sapien hybrids and Neanderthals. There is a return to modern tribalism, the siege mentality syndrome, anti-migration right-wing politics and the return of the Nazis.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    798,95 kr.

    Der Homo neanderthalis, die Indo-Europäer, die dravidische Elite und die Arier haben möglicherweise einen gemeinsamen Ursprung in der lemurischen Landmasse. Der Homo neanderthalis, der aus der lemurischen Landmasse, bestehend aus der indischen Halbinsel, der Antarktis und Australien, hervorging, wäre der Vorläufer der indoeuropäischen Bevölkerung gewesen. Die indo-europäischen Sprachen wie Sanskrit und Akkadisch haben ein dravidisches Substrat. Die dravidische Elite wäre ein Synonym für Indoeuropäer, Arier und Homo neanderthalis gewesen. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die vedische Zivilisation möglicherweise einen antarktischen oder lemurischen Ursprung hat. Dies deutet auf einen ozeanischen Ursprung des Homo neanderthalis auf dem Superkontinent im südlichen Ozean hin. Wiederkehrende Tsunamis hätten den Homo neanderthalis zur Migration in die eurasische Landmasse gezwungen, insbesondere nach Harappa, Sumerien, Etruskien, Ägypten und ins Baskenland. Die Bevölkerung in diesen Gebieten ist matrilinear. Die baskische Bevölkerung weist einen hohen Anteil an Neandertaler-Genen auf. Die in Harappa, Sumerien, Etruskien, Ägypten und im Baskenland gesprochene Sprache hatte ein dravidisches Substratum. Der Antarctikos deutet auf einen antarktischen Ursprung des Homo neanderthalis und der indoeuropäischen Aryo-Dravidischen vedischen Zivilisation hin.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.136,95 kr.

    The Aryan tribes inhabiting Europe around the Caspian sea invaded the Indus valley and had a fight with the Asuras of the Indus valley. The Aryan tribes were called the Devas and were led by their leader Vishnu and Indra. The Indus valley Asuric tribes were headed by the Asuras Varuna and Mitra. The destruction of the dam build by the Asuras over the Indus flooded the Indus valley killing the population of the great civilization. The king of the Indus valley Dravidians Varuna and Mitra were defeated and became subjugate rulers under the kings of the Aryans- Vishnu and Indra. The population of the Indus valley migrated to South and Central India and they became a subjugate race. The Indus valley population became the subjugate lower caste of Shudras, Asuras or Nagas. The Shudras who migrated to Central India lived in the forest of Khandava. The homo sapien hybrid Aryans who ruled over the Indus valley as the upper caste in North India carried a second genocide on the Indus valley Shudras or Nagas who migrated to forest region of Khandava by setting it on fire and forcing them to settle in South India, Kerala. They are the peninsular Neanderthals Shudras Nagas or serpent people.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    956,95 kr.

    The homo neanderthalis migrated from the supercontinent in the Southern ocean consisting of a South Indian landmass, Antarctica, Australia and South America owing to the breakup of the continent by volcanic eruptions in the Indonesian islands and tsunamis. The Indus valley civilization, Babylonian and Egyptian civilization are basically neanderthalic. The homo sapiens basically evolved in Africa and the African continent is populated by this human species. The homo sapiens migrated to Europe and the Middle-East and intermingled as well as mated with the homo neanderthalis species producing a hybrid species. This homo neanderthalis-homo sapien hybrid populates most of Europe and Eurasia for the Aryans which invaded the neanderthalic Indus valley civilization and destroyed it. The neanderthalic Dravidians inhabiting the Indus valley migrated to southern and central India as well as west Asia forming the Asuras. The neanderthalic remnant Asuras still persist in the Shudra population of India, the Semites of the Middle-East including the Jews and Muslims who share their origin from the same prophet Ibrahim, the Basque of Europe, the Celts of Wales and Brittany.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.150,95 kr.

    The homo neanderthalic the Dravidian elite may have a common origin in the Lemurian land mass. The homo neanderthalis arising out of the Lemurian land mass consisting of peninsular India, Antarctica and Australia would have been the forerunner of the asuric Dravidian neanderthalic population of Sudras, Harijans, Tribals, Semitic Muslims and Jews, Iranians, Berbers, Mongoloids, Slavs and Celts. This suggests that the Vedas and Vedic civilization may have an Antarctic or Lemurian origin. The homo sapiens form the Africans and the homo sapien hybrids form the Aryan Devas including the Europeans and the upper caste Indians. This forms the basis of caste, race and religious conflict in India - the Asuras, Neanderthals, Muslims and lower caste Hindus, tribals and Dalits versus upper caste homo sapien hybrid Aryans

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.152,95 kr.

    The homo neanderthalic the Dravidian elite may have a common origin in the Lemurian land mass. The homo neanderthalis arising out of the Lemurian land mass consisting of peninsular India, Antarctica and Australia would have been the forerunner of the asuric Dravidian neanderthalic population of Sudras, Harijans, Tribals, Semitic Muslims and Jews, Iranians, Berbers, Mongoloids, Slavs and Celts. This suggests that the Vedas and Vedic civilization may have an Antarctic or Lemurian origin. The homo sapiens form the Africans and the homo sapien hybrids form the Aryan Devas including the Europeans and the upper caste Indians. This forms the basis of the Jewish persecution in Europe and the present day Islamophobia. Global warming leads to endosymbiotic archaeal growth and neo-neanderthalisation of global population with increase in the demographic numbers of asuric Dravidian Neanderthals like Sudras, Harijans, Tribals, Semitic Muslims and Jews, Iranians, Berbers, Mongoloids, Slavs and Celts. The Neanderthal lake in the Indian ocean evolves due to global warming induced demographic/geographic shift and rise of Neo-neanderthals.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.150,95 kr.

    The homo neanderthalic the Dravidian elite may have a common origin in the Lemurian land mass. The homo neanderthalis arising out of the Lemurian land mass consisting of peninsular India, Antarctica and Australia would have been the forerunner of the asuric Dravidian neanderthalic population of Sudras, Harijans, Tribals, Semitic Muslims and Jews, Iranians, Berbers, Mongoloids, Slavs and Celts. This suggests that the Vedas and Vedic civilization may have an Antarctic or Lemurian origin. The homo sapiens form the Africans and the homo sapien hybrids form the Aryan Devas including the Europeans and the upper caste Indians. This forms the basis of modern politics of race, religion and hate between the old & new Asuras, Neanderthals & Neo-Neanderthals, and the homo sapien hybrid Aryans.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.103,95 kr.

    The homo sapiens basically evolved in Africa and the African continent is populated by this human species. The homo sapiens migrated to Europe and the Middle-East and intermingled as well as mated with the homo neanderthalis species producing a hybrid species. This homo neanderthalis-homo sapien hybrid populates most of Europe, Eurasia, China and Japan. The homo sapiens owing to enlarged frontal cortex were capable of creative fictional imagination. The homo sapien-homo neanderthalic hybrids civilization conquered the world and became the dominant species on the earth. The Shudras of India, the Jews of Israel, Muslims of Middle-East, the Celts of Europe, Australian Aboriginals, Maoris and the Native South American Indians. The homo sapien-homo neanderthalic hybrids of Europe and Eurasia were the Aryan population. This can be deciphered from the population behaviour. The Nazi mediated holocaust of Jews, the Islamophobia in Europe and upper caste Indians and the racial discrimination as denoted by the caste system against the Shudras in India are examples of it. All the genocides can be traced to these species difference.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    867,95 kr.

    Organ-free mitochondrial network colonies of primates contain information regarding morphogenesis of the organs like the brain, heart, lung, GIT and liver. The archaeal colonies can be integrated with free mitochondrial networks containing stored quantal information about body and organ structure and function and over a period of time the free-mitochondrial networks can infect the archaeal colony and modulate the growth of a new archaeal colony network with a mitochondrial colony component in situ containing information regarding human morphogenesis. These colonies can eventually evolve into humans in other planets and galaxies. A new human species for other planets and satellites called homo galacticus can be evolved.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    896,95 kr.

    The rise of neo-neanderthalisation due to internet-related electromagnetic field (EMF) and global warming mediated endosymbiotic archaeal growth resulted in autistic societies which are isolated and deglobalized. The autistic neo-neanderthals had quantal perception consequent to magnetotactic mitochondria with iron-sulphur clusters and generated man-machine hybrids forming generation of human artificial intelligence societies. This resulted in the formation of deglobalized personalized capitalism fired by artificial intelligent man-machine hybrids. These personalized capitalism managed AI-tech companies need a few tech individuals leading to widespread unemployment. It is an inhuman future without any nations, democracy, media, religion, family, society, sex, entertainment, art or philosophy. Sister autistic personalized capitalistic societies in different galaxies may engage in intergalactic wars. There would not be any aging. The brain mitochondrial magnetotactic networks AI interface has quantal perception and wave-particle existence and can live in multiverses. It is eternal. We have galloping towards a civilization of inhuman humans.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    896,95 kr.

    Global warming leads to endosymbiotic archaeal growth. The endosymbiotic archaea produces methane by methanogenesis contributing to global warming. The endosymbiotic archaea develops into cell organelle called archaeaons which can function as vitaminocytes, neurotransminoids, steroidelle and viroidelle creating newer cell organelle and endogenous synthetic biology. This changes the cell and tissue function and structure leading on to a new human phenotype called homo neoneanderthalis. The homo neoneanderthalis is a hardy species which can resist climate change and thrive in environments of high temperature, high atmospheric carbon dioxide and water shortage. The new organelle that are developed can withstand climate change and fix carbon dioxide and ammonia leading to endogenous synthesis of carbohydrates and protein. The homo neoneanderthalis is a new metabolic phenotype that can survive in extremes of climate produced by global warming. The archaea forming new cellular organelle called archaeaons are extremophilic and survive in extremes of climate. Thus archaea can contribute to climate change as well as bring about a reversal.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    817,95 kr.

    The extremes of climate change produce endosymbiotic archaeal growth. The archaea are cholesterol catabolising organism. This results in neanderthalisation of the human species. This occurred during the ice age and is possibly a continuing phenomenon during the periods of global warming. The homo neanderthalis population is susceptible to civilizational diseases like schizophrenia, autism, metabolic syndrome X, diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, stroke, neurodegeneration and autoimmune disease. The homo sapien population suffers from endemic depression and lack of creativity with a propensity to develop recurrent infections. The homo sapien population is relatively protected from civilizational diseases. The Neanderthals consequent to archaeal symbiosis can generate new viruses serving as viral reservoirs. The archaeal endosymbiosis in Neanderthals produces stem cell transformation protecting the stem cell reservoirs of viruses from immune attack. These newly generated viruses in homo neanderthalis to which they are immune can attack and exterminate the homo sapien population. Archaea can act as a drug for homo sapiens in situations of pandemics.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    817,95 kr.

    The Neanderthals are symbiotic life form due to archaeal endosymbiosis. The archaea induces the Warburg phenotype with increased glycolysis and the blockade of the TCA cycle and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. The Warburg phenotype is seen in autoimmune disease, schizophrenia, autism, cancer, degeneration and metabolic syndrome x. The Neanderthals ate a ketogenic diet of fat and protein to suppress the glycolytic pathway. The Neanderthal hybrids formed by homo sapien mating had a high carbohydrate diet due to grain cultivation in settled colonies. This tends to increased glycolysis and accentuates the Warburg phenotype and associated disorders. The glycolytic pathway is upregulated and the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation is inhibited. This results in a mitochondriopathy. The archaea can produce transformation of the colonic cells to stem cells. This colonic stem cells are shed in the fecal matter. The fecal matter can be used for fecal transfusion which forms an alternate method for stem cell transplantation.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.183,95 kr.

    As archaea actinídicas têm sido relacionadas com o aquecimento global e com doenças humanas, especialmente doenças auto-imunes. A mitocôndria humana possui as enzimas do citocromo P450 necessárias para a síntese de esteróides. A mitocôndria pode sintetizar a parte aglicona da digoxina. Os viroides de ARN das arqueas que hibridizam com o ARN mitocondrial podem ser convertidos em ADN mitocondrial pela transcriptase reversa e podem formar parte do ADN mitocondrial. Isto transfere a informação para a síntese da porção de açúcar das arqueas para as mitocôndrias. Podem formar supermitocôndrias e superbactérias que sintetizam digoxina. A digoxina mitocondrial pode regular a troca sódio-cálcio na membrana celular e modular a função mitocondrial. Estas supermitocôndrias hibridizadas com vírus de ARN podem replicar-se por fissão e fusão e formar uma teia fora da estrutura celular que regula o corpo e o cérebro. A disfunção mitocondrial pode levar à mitoinflamação e a doenças auto-imunes.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    693,95 kr.

    Actinidic archaea has been related to global warming and human diseases especially human cancer. The human mitochondria has the cytochrome P450 enzymes required for steroidal synthesis. The mitochondria can synthesize the aglycone part of the digoxin. The archaeal RNA viroids hybridizing with mitochondrial RNA can get converted to mitochondrial DNA by reverse transcriptase and can form part of the mitochondrial DNA. This transfers the information for the synthesis of the sugar moiety from the archaea to the mitochondria. They can form supermitochondria and superbugs synthesizing digoxin. The mitochondrial digoxin can regulate the sodium-calcium exchange into the cell membrane and modulate mitochondrial function. These supermitochondria with hybridized with RNA viruses can replicate by fission and fusion and form a web outside the cell structure regulating the body and the brain. Mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to oncogenesis.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    817,95 kr.

    Actinidic archaea has been related to global warming and human diseases especially metabolic syndrome - type 2 diabetes mellitus, CVA and CAD. The human mitochondria has the cytochrome P450 enzymes required for steroidal synthesis. The mitochondria can synthesize the aglycone part of the digoxin. The archaeal RNA viroids hybridizing with mitochondrial RNA can get converted to mitochondrial DNA by reverse transcriptase and can form part of the mitochondrial DNA. This transfers the information for the synthesis of the sugar moiety from the archaea to the mitochondria. They can form supermitochondria and superbugs synthesizing digoxin. The mitochondrial digoxin can regulate the sodium-calcium exchange into the cell membrane and modulate mitochondrial function. These supermitochondria with hybridized with RNA viruses can replicate by fission and fusion and form a web outside the cell structure regulating the body and the brain. Mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to metabolic syndrome.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    817,95 kr.

    Actinidic archaea has been related to global warming and human diseases especially psychiatric diseases. The human mitochondria has the cytochrome P450 enzymes required for steroidal synthesis. The mitochondria can synthesize the aglycone part of the digoxin. The archaeal RNA viroids hybridizing with mitochondrial RNA can get converted to mitochondrial DNA by reverse transcriptase and can form part of the mitochondrial DNA. This transfers the information for the synthesis of the sugar moiety from the archaea to the mitochondria. They can form supermitochondria and superbugs synthesizing digoxin. The mitochondrial digoxin can regulate the sodium-calcium exchange into the cell membrane and modulate mitochondrial function. These supermitochondria with hybridized with RNA viruses can replicate by fission and fusion and form a web outside the cell structure regulating the body and the brain. Mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to free radical injury and disordered brain energetics leading to psychiatric diseases ¿ schizophrenia, mood disorders and autism.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    730,95 kr.

    Actinidic archaea has been related to global warming and human diseases especially autoimmune diseases. The human mitochondria has the cytochrome P450 enzymes required for steroidal synthesis. The mitochondria can synthesize the aglycone part of the digoxin. The archaeal RNA viroids hybridizing with mitochondrial RNA can get converted to mitochondrial DNA by reverse transcriptase and can form part of the mitochondrial DNA. This transfers the information for the synthesis of the sugar moiety from the archaea to the mitochondria. They can form supermitochondria and superbugs synthesizing digoxin. The mitochondrial digoxin can regulate the sodium-calcium exchange into the cell membrane and modulate mitochondrial function. These supermitochondria with hybridized with RNA viruses can replicate by fission and fusion and form a web outside the cell structure regulating the body and the brain. Mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to mitoinflammation and autoimmune diseases.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    817,95 kr.

    Actinidic archaea has been related to global warming and human diseases especially neurodegenerative diseases. The human mitochondria has the cytochrome P450 enzymes required for steroidal synthesis. The mitochondria can synthesize the aglycone part of the digoxin. The archaeal RNA viroids hybridizing with mitochondrial RNA can get converted to mitochondrial DNA by reverse transcriptase and can form part of the mitochondrial DNA. This transfers the information for the synthesis of the sugar moiety from the archaea to the mitochondria. They can form supermitochondria and superbugs synthesizing digoxin. The mitochondrial digoxin can regulate the sodium-calcium exchange into the cell membrane and modulate mitochondrial function. These supermitochondria with hybridized with RNA viruses can replicate by fission and fusion and form a web outside the cell structure regulating the body and the brain. Mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to free radical injury and disordered brain energetics leading to neurodegenerative diseases.