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Bøger af Ravikumar Kurup

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  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.288,95 kr.

    Populations consuming a high saturated fat and protein diet with low fibre intake tend to get increased endosymbiotic archaeal growth and are neanderthalised. The short chain fatty acid propionate can produce an autistic brain pathology. The short chain fatty acids can bind to GPCR increasing sympathetic activity. The SCFA butyrate is a HDAC inhibitor and modulates genomic transmission. Butyrate can modulate cognition and increase cognitive function. The acetate is channelled to the glutamate glutamine cycle and modulates neurotransmitter in the synapse. Butyrate can produce histone hyperacetylation and increase BDNF activity. The SCFA can bind to G-protein coupled FFA receptor producing immunosuppression. The short chain fatty acids are anti-inflammatory mitosupplements. Because the SCFA are anti-inflammatory it can modulate insulin resistance. Dietary fibre deficiency can lead to metabolic syndrome and autoimmune disease. Butyrate by producing HDAC inhibition is antioncogenic and inhibits oncogenesis. Butyrate can produce HDAC inhibition and alter protein conformation & folding producing modulation and amelioration of genetic disorders. Butyrate promotes stem cell transformation.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.207,95 kr.

    The Homo sapiens evolved in the tropical hot African land mass. The homo sapiens would have evolved out of the archaea secreted porphyrions and RNA viroids independently. The sub-Saharan African soil is depleted of selenium. Selenium deficiency leads to RNA viroidal mutations. Thus extremes of temperature and selenium deficiency lead to RNA viroidal diversity. This RNA viroidal diversity would have led to rapid evolution of homo sapiens from the eukaryotic cell. This eukaryotic cell would have evolved into homo sapien species over some time. The RNA viroids are the basis of the HERV genes which contributes to the dynamicity of the homo sapien genome. The Homo neanderthalis evolving in the Eurasian steppes on the other hand are retroviral resistant while the homo sapiens is retroviral sensitive. The homo neanderthalis archaeaon secretes digoxin which can destroy the retrovirus. Selenium deficiency leads to cardiomyopathy & pancreatitis. Hashimotös thyroiditis due to selenium deficiency is associated with cerebral small vessel disease, normal pressure hydrocephalus, Hashimotös encephalopathy, non-vasculitic autoimmune meningitis, and autoimmune dementia.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.345,95 kr.

    Dietary fibre is the most important factor that modulates human biology & speciation. A low intake of dietary fibre with a diet rich in protein & fat leads to increased endosymbiotic & colonic archaeal growth & neanderthalisation of the species. This leads to induction of the Warburg phenotype & increased incidence of metabolic syndrome x, neurodegeneration, autoimmune disease, cancer, schizophrenia & autism. Population consuming a low fibre diet rich in protein and fat has its digestion happening in the small intestine. The population with predominant low fibre diet and small intestine digestion has got an increased predilection for civilizational disease. A high intake of dietary fibre leads to predominant large intestinal digestion by colonic microflora and inhibits endosymbiotic & colonic archaeal growth producing homo sapienisation of the species. This leads to decreased archaeal growth & incidence of civilizational disease. Civilizational diseases like autoimmune disease, metabolic syndrome, cancer, schizophrenia, autism & neurodegeneration can be controlled by a high fibre diet, inhibiting archaeal growth, archaeal endosymbiosis & by promotion of large intestinal digestion.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.145,95 kr.

    The endosymbiotic and colonic human archaea secrete RNA and DNA viruses and serves as a reservoir for them. The archaeal viroids secrete enveloped viruses like the SARS, MERS, corona and HIV. The colonic and endosymbiotic archaea also generates RNA viroids which are converted to DNA viroids by colonic epithelial HERV reverse transcriptase and gets integrated into the colonic genome. The RNA and DNA viroids hybridise with the viroidal and bacterial population of the gut microbiome and virobiome - DNA and RNA viruses of the gut leading to generation of new emerging viruses. The archaeal RNA viroids can hybridize with mitochondrial RNA generating new viruses and the free mitochondria can become an infective cell-sufficient viral supporting network. The archaeal RNA viroids hybridizing with mitochondrial RNA can get converted to mitochondrial DNA by reverse transcriptase and can form part of the mitochondrial DNA. They can form supermitochondria and superbugs. These supermitochondria with hybridized with RNA viruses can replicate by fission and fusion and form a web outside the cell structure regulating the body and the brain.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.211,95 kr.

    The metal actinide surfaces would by surface metabolism generate acetate which could get converted to acetyl CoA and then to cholesterol which functions as the primal prebiotic molecule self-organizing into self-replicating supramolecular systems, the lipid organism. Cholesterol by radiolysis by actinides would have formed PAH generating PAH aromatic organism. Cholesterol radiolysis would generate pyruvate which would get converted to amino acids, sugars, nucleotides, porphyrins, fatty acids and TCA acids. Anastase and rutile surfaces can produce polymerization of amino acids, isoprenyl residues, PAH and nucleotides to generate the initial lipid organism, PAH organism, prions and RNA viroids which would have symbiosed to generate the archaeal protocell. The archaea evolved into gram negative and gram positive bacteria with a mevalonate pathway which had an evolutionary advantage and the symbiosis of archaea with gram negative organism generated the eukaryotic cell. The archaea contains supramolecular porphyrions which can get transformed into a primitive electron transport chain with iron-sulphur centres resulting in the evolution of eukaryotic cell.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.304,95 kr.

    Global warming leads to endosymbiotic archaeal growth. The endosymbiotic archaea develops into cell organelle called archaeaons. This produces a new human phenotype called Homo neoneanderthalis. The new organelle that are developed can withstand climate change and fix carbon dioxide and ammonia leading to endogenous synthesis of carbohydrates and protein. The Homo neoneanderthalis is a new metabolic phenotype that can survive in extremes of climate produced by global warming. The neoneanderthalic archaeaons are capable of fixing carbon dioxide and oxygen, using ammonia for energetics and capable of biological fission and fusion reactions. The fixing of carbon dioxide leads to water as a by-product. This generates endogenous water in the neoneanderthalic system helping to survive extremophilic climatic conditions. This creates a new system of energetics helping the Neoneanderthal survives in extremes of climate and can colonise other planets and galaxies forming microbial civilizations. They have quantal perception and are capable of wave-particle existence and teleportation.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.218,95 kr.

    The extraterrestrial intelligence is a magnetotactic archaeal colony network. It arises on porphyrins which are generated sui generis on the quantal form. The porphyrin networks can self-replicate &can form a template for the formation of viroids &prions. The magnetotactic archaeal colony networks are extremophilic networks &can survive in the environment of extreme climates of Mars and Venus as well as in interstellar gas. The extremophilic archaeal extraterrestrial network can secrete RNA viroids which form RNA viroidal quasi-species consortia. The RNA viroidal quasi-species consortia can be edited by archaeal digoxin giving identity &specialization to the network. The magnetotactic archaeal extraterrestrial intelligence impacts on earth by meteoritic showers which give new cosmic genes to the earth. This is the form of cosmic gene transfer. The earth is populated by homo sapiens &the transfer of archaeal &RNA viroidal genes generates the Homo neanderthalis &their brain. Thus there is an interacting quantal computing archaeal colonies in the brain &the intergalactic magnetic field. These are generated by transfer of cosmic genes by archaeal networks mediated by meteoritic impacts

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.355,95 kr.

    The Nagas/Serpent race or reptilians are extraterrestrials transhumans who interbred with early human neanderthalic civilizations modulating them to great cultures giving them language, arts, architecture, gods &spirituality. The Neanderthals were speciated by archaeal symbiosis. Magnetotactic nanoarchaea are seen in the intergalactic magnetic field whose rotations create the planetary systems. The magnetotactic nanoarchaeal colonies form microbial civilization in other planetary systems &galaxies. The magnetite nanoarchaea have quantal perception and can travel the quantal world of the multiverse. They have a wave-particle existence. The civilizations in the outer planets &galaxies are microbial &nanoarchaeal quantal civilzations. The nanoarchaea reached the earth by quantal teleportation or meteoritic hits. They symbiosed with neanderthalic humans in a form of interbreeding creating the asuric neanderthalic Naga Dravidian reptilian race. Due to the presence of endosymbiotic nanoarchaeal colonies in the neanderthalic brain, the Neanderthals are capable of quantal perception &quantal travel. They have spiritual qualities &are intuitive. They represent an autistic creative tribe.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.356,95 kr.

    Reptilian Neanderthal hybrids with homo sapien species are common in global population. The Nair community is matrilineal and is one of the few functional matriarchies in the world and speaks the Dravidian language with similarities to Celtic, Scythian, Berber and Basque societies. The autistic brain is comparable to the large sized Neanderthal brain. Similar pattern of autistic metabolonomics is seen in the normal Nair population of Kerala. Neanderthal metabolonomic patterns include a low efficiency PDH activity and autistic. Nanoarchaea which has actinide dependent cholesterol and ammonia oxidizing enzymes are magnetotactic and come from the intergalactic magnetic field reaching the earth by meteoritic hits. Endosymbiotic actinidic nanoarchaea using cholesterol as an energy substrate. There is a rising epidemic of autism and schizophrenia indicating neanderthalisation of the human species due to global warming, extreme climate change and archaeal growth. Archaeal induced PDH and mitochondrial suppression results in the autistic and schizophrenic metabolonomic cascade. It would indicate the emergence of Homo archaeax neanderthalis, the reptilian extraterrestrial phenotype.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.303,95 kr.

    The metal actinides in the lake shores of Kerala from extraterrestrial source provide radiolytic energy important in abiogenesis. The metal actinide surfaces would by surface metabolism generate acetate which could get converted to acetyl CoA &then to cholesterol which functions as the primal prebiotic molecule self-organizing into self-replicating supramolecular systems, the lipid organism. Cholesterol by radiolysis by actinides would have formed PAH generating PAH aromatic organism. Anastase &rutile surfaces can produce polymerization of amino acids, isoprenyl residues, PAH &nucleotides to generate the initial lipid organism, PAH organism, prions &RNA viroids which would have symbiosed to generate the archaeal protocell. The archaea evolved into gram negative &gram positive bacteria with a mevalonate pathway which had an evolutionary advantage. The symbiosis of archaea with gram negative organism generated the eukaryotic cell which later evolved into primates. The actinidic archaeal symbiosis in the primate brain and body generated the homo neanderthalic species. Humans can be considered as a modified giant archaeal colony.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    878,95 kr.

    Die Endosymbiose von Archaeen führt zu einer erhöhten Porphyrinsynthese, die wiederum Porphyrinurie und Porphyrie zur Folge hat. Der Stimulus für die Porphyrinsynthese kommt vom Häm-Mangel. Häm unterdrückt die ALA-Synthase. Stress induziert die Häm-Oxygenase, die Häm in Kohlenmonoxid und Bilirubin umwandelt. Dadurch wird Häm aus dem System verbraucht. Dadurch kommt es zu einer erhöhten Porphyrinsynthese aus Succinyl-CoA und Glycin. Der Anstieg der Porphyrine führt zu einer kortikalen Dysfunktion und einer Atrophie des präfrontalen Kortex. Die Porphyrine können die humanen endogenen Retroviren und die springenden Gene zerstören, was zu einem Mangel an Dynamik des Genoms führt. Dies führt zu einer Fehlentwicklung des präfrontalen Kortex. Dies führt zu einer Kleinhirndominanz und einer zerebellären kognitiven affektiven Störung. Dies führt zu einer porphyrinbezogenen Quantenwahrnehmung. Dies führt zu einer Neandertalisierung des Gehirns und zu Schizophrenie und Autismus.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.083,95 kr.

    La digossina endogena è stata messa in relazione con la patogenesi di schizofrenia, neoplasie, sindrome metabolica x, malattie autoimmuni e degenerazione neuronale. La possibilità di sintesi endogena di digossina da parte di organismi primitivi a base di attinidi come gli archei con una via del mevalonato e il catabolismo del colesterolo è stata dimostrata come un'importante patologia di queste malattie. È stata descritta una biosfera ombra di archei e viroidi dipendente dagli attinidi negli stati patologici sopra menzionati. È stato ipotizzato che gli attinidi metallici presenti nella sabbia delle spiagge svolgano un ruolo nell'abiogenesi. È stata presentata l'ipotesi del colesterolo come molecola prebiotica primordiale sintetizzata sulle superfici degli attinidi, da cui derivano tutte le altre biomolecole e un organismo lipidico colesterolico autoreplicante come forma di vita iniziale. Questo può essere chiamato organismo isoprenoide che crea una biosfera ombra di archei attinici e viroidi arcaici. Gli archei attinici vivono catabolizzando il colesterolo come fonte di energia.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.218,95 kr.

    Gli archei endosimbiotici producono un inibitore endogeno dell'ATPasi sodio-potassio di membrana, la digossina. I livelli di digossina e l'attività dell'ATPasi sodio-potassio di membrana sono correlati a stati psicologici come la spiritualità, il legame e l'affetto, gli stati sessuali ipo/iper/omo, vari livelli di appetito e sonno, la creatività e la dipendenza. La secrezione di digossina e la dominanza emisferica sono correlate. L'iperdigossinemia è correlata alla dominanza emisferica destra e l'ipodigossinemia alla dominanza emisferica sinistra.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.218,95 kr.

    L'archée endosymbiotique produit un inhibiteur endogène de l'ATPase sodium-potassium membranaire, la digoxine. Les niveaux de digoxine et l'activité de l'ATPase sodium-potassium membranaire sont liés à des états psychologiques tels que la spiritualité, l'attachement et l'affection, les états hypo/hyper/homo sexuels, les différents niveaux d'appétit et de sommeil, la créativité et la dépendance. La sécrétion de digoxine et la dominance hémisphérique sont liées. L'hyperdigoxinémie est liée à la dominance hémisphérique droite et l'hypodigoxinémie à la dominance hémisphérique gauche.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.083,95 kr.

    La digoxine endogène a été associée à la pathogenèse de la schizophrénie, des tumeurs malignes, du syndrome métabolique x, des maladies auto-immunes et de la dégénérescence neuronale. La possibilité d'une synthèse endogène de digoxine par des organismes primitifs à base d'actinides, comme les archées, avec une voie de mévalonate et un catabolisme du cholestérol, a été démontrée comme une pathologie importante de ces maladies. Une biosphère souterraine d'archées et de viroïdes dépendant des actinides a été décrite dans les états pathologiques susmentionnés. Les actinides métalliques présents dans les sables de plage ont été supposés jouer un rôle dans l'abiogenèse. L'hypothèse du cholestérol comme molécule prébiotique primaire synthétisée sur les surfaces d'actinides, avec toutes les autres biomolécules qui en découlent, et d'un organisme lipidique à cholestérol auto-reproducteur comme forme de vie initiale, est présentée. Il s'agit d'un organisme isoprénoïde qui crée une biosphère fantôme composée d'archées actinidiques et de viroïdes archéologiques. Les archées actinidiques vivent en catabolisant le cholestérol comme source d'énergie.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.083,95 kr.

    Endogenes Digoxin wurde mit der Pathogenese von Schizophrenie, Malignität, metabolischem Syndrom x, Autoimmunerkrankungen und neuronaler Degeneration in Verbindung gebracht. Die Möglichkeit einer endogenen Digoxinsynthese durch Aktinid-basierte primitive Organismen wie Archaeen mit einem Mevalonat-Weg und Cholesterin-Katabolismus wurde als eine wichtige Pathologie dieser Krankheiten nachgewiesen. Es wurde eine von Aktiniden abhängige Schattenbiosphäre von Archaeen und Viroiden in den oben genannten Krankheitszuständen beschrieben. Es wurde postuliert, dass metallische Aktinide in Strandsand eine Rolle bei der Abiogenese spielen. Es wird die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass Cholesterin das ursprüngliche präbiotische Molekül ist, das auf Aktinidenoberflächen synthetisiert wird und aus dem alle anderen Biomoleküle hervorgehen, und dass ein sich selbst replizierender Cholesterinlipidorganismus die erste Lebensform darstellt. Dieser kann als isoprenoider Organismus bezeichnet werden, der eine Schattenbiosphäre aus aktinidischen Archaeen und archaeischen Viroiden bildet. Die aktinidischen Archaeen leben vom Abbau von Cholesterin als Energiequelle.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.218,95 kr.

    Die endosymbiotische Archaea produziert einen endogenen Membran-Natrium-Kalium-ATPase-Inhibitor, Digoxin. Der Digoxin-Spiegel und die Natrium-Kalium-ATPase-Aktivität der Membran stehen in Zusammenhang mit psychologischen Zuständen wie Spiritualität, Bindung und Zuneigung, hypo-/hyper/homo-sexuellen Zuständen, verschiedenen Appetit- und Schlafniveaus, Kreativität und Suchtverhalten. Die Digoxin-Sekretion und die hemisphärische Dominanz stehen in Zusammenhang. Hyperdigoxinämie steht im Zusammenhang mit rechtshemisphärischer Dominanz und Hypodigoxinämie mit linkshemisphärischer Dominanz.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.218,95 kr.

    A archaea endossimbiótica produz um inibidor endógeno da ATPase sódio-potássio da membrana, a digoxina. Os níveis de digoxina e a atividade da ATPase sódio-potássio membranar estão relacionados com estados psicológicos como a espiritualidade, a ligação e o afeto, os estados hipo/hiper/homo sexuais, os vários níveis de apetite e de sono, a criatividade e a dependência. A secreção de digoxina e a dominância hemisférica estão relacionadas. A hiperdigoxinemia está relacionada com a dominância do hemisfério direito e a hipodigoxinemia com a dominância do hemisfério esquerdo.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    1.083,95 kr.

    A digoxina endógena tem sido relacionada com a patogénese da esquizofrenia, da malignidade, da síndrome metabólica x, da doença autoimune e da degeneração neuronal. A possibilidade de síntese endógena de digoxina por organismos primitivos baseados em actinídeos, como as arqueas, com uma via do mevalonato e catabolismo do colesterol, foi demonstrada como uma patologia importante destas doenças. Foi descrita uma biosfera sombra dependente de actinídeos de arqueias e viróides nos estados de doença acima mencionados. Postulou-se que os actinídeos metálicos presentes nas areias das praias desempenham um papel na abiogénese. É apresentada a hipótese de o colesterol ser a molécula prebiótica primordial sintetizada em superfícies de actinídeos, com todas as outras biomoléculas a derivarem dele e um organismo lipídico de colesterol auto-replicante como forma de vida inicial. Este organismo pode ser designado por organismo isoprenóide, criando uma biosfera sombra de arqueias actinídicas e viroides arqueanos. As arquéias actinídicas vivem catabolizando o colesterol como sua fonte de energia.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    867,95 kr.

    The porphyrions are self-replicating supramolecular organisms which forms the precursor template on which the viroids, prions and nanoarchaea originate. The porphyrions are thus primitive self-replicating information storing organism with an electron transport chain generating energy which can be infective. It can also form a template for generation of RNA viroids, DNA viroids, prions, isoprenoid organisms and archaea. They are the most primitive of infective organisms. Low level EMF fields from internet and computers as well as from other human brains can induce porphyrin synthesis and porphyrion formation. Thus human beings can induce porphyrion formation in other human beings inducing disease pathology. The increased porphyrin synthesis leads to prefrontal cortex atrophy, cerebellar dominance, cerebellar cognitive affective disorder, quantal perception and Neanderthalisation of the population.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    817,95 kr.

    The homo neanderthalis and the Dravidian elite were asuric Shudras may have a common origin in the Lemurian land mass. The homo neanderthalis arising out of the Lemurian land mass consisting of peninsular India, Antarctica and Australia would have been the forerunner of the Dravidian neanderthalic population. The languages like Sanskrit and Akkadian have a Dravidian substrate. The Dravidian elite would have been synonymous with homo neanderthalis. This suggests that the Vedas and Vedic civilization may have an Antarctic or Lemurian origin. The South Indian land mass was a part of the Lemurian supercontinent in the Indian and Southern ocean which was destroyed by giant Tsunamis and the population inhabiting the supercontinent are represented by the Dravidian population of South India. This can also be called as Antarctikos where the neanderthalic Dravidians originated and the Antarctic continent where the ice is melting due to global warming is the home neanderthalic Dravidians.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    693,95 kr.

    Endogenous digoxin has been related to the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, malignancy, metabolic syndrome x, autoimmune disease and neuronal degeneration. The possibility of endogenous digoxin synthesis by actinide based primitive organism like archaea with a mevalonate pathway and cholesterol catabolism was demonstrated as an important pathology of these diseases. An actinide dependent shadow biosphere of archaea and viroids in the above mentioned disease states has been described. Metal actinides in beach sands have been postulated to play a role in abiogenesis. A hypothesis of cholesterol as the primal prebiotic molecule synthesised on actinide surfaces with all other biomolecules arising from it and a self-replicating cholesterol lipid organism as the initial life form is presented. This can be called as the isoprenoid organism creating a shadow biosphere of actinidic archaea and archaeal viroids. The actinidic archaea live by catabolizing cholesterol as its source of energy.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    817,95 kr.

    The endogenous covid 19 virus has been present in humans for a long time among the neanderthalic asuric population with endosymbiotic archaea. The Wuhan lab project was a joint US-Chinese collaborative effort with most of the funds coming from the Tech companies which dominates the US economy. They worked on the endosymbiotic archaeal RNA viroids seen in neanderthalic human species and added human RNA sequences like RNA sequences which help the virus to bind to the ACE receptor and HIV viral sequences. The aim was to create a pandemic to wipe out asuric neanderthalic populations of Eurasia. The Tech companies funding the project were on the verge of the introduction of artificial intelligence technology and wanted population control. The virus when released played out a different role. The neanderthalic asuric population had immunity to the virus and had a milder disease with low levels of mortality though the health infrastructure in these countries was poor. The Caucasian population of homo sapien hybrids did not have endosymbiotic archaea & RNA viroids for hybridization to produce covid 19 virus & were sitting ducks for infection by the covid 19 gain in function Wuhan virus.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    867,95 kr.

    Supermitochondria formed by hybridization of mitochondrial RNA and archaeal RNA viroids makes the mitochondria dysfunctional and produces a mitochondrial disorder with a mitoinflammatory state leading to mitochondrial caspase mediated cell death. The infected supermitochondria can act like a bug and can be transferred during sexual intercourse as the male mitochondrial genome contributes to the embryonic mitochondrial genome also.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    817,95 kr.

    The present yuga is called as Kali yuga and the avatar of Vishnu for the yuga is Kalki. Kalki can be interpreted as the conscious computer. The widespread use of the conscious computer results in low level of EMF pollution on widespread scale contributing in the most major way to global warming. The mobile phones and AI has become extensions of the human brain and can be considered as extended human brain structures. This constitutes the Kalki. The low level EMF field pollution generated by the conscious computer and mobile phones results in the generation of porphyrions and archaea in the human brain and body. This produces changes in the human brain producing as said before, atrophy of the prefrontal and frontal cortex and enlargement and dominance of the cerebellum. The human brain under the influence of Kalki becomes neanderthalized and a new species - Homo autisticus is formed. The Homo autisticus will save the planet. The Kali yuga will end and Satya yuga will start.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    867,95 kr.

    Dietary fibre is the most important factor that modulates human biology and speciation. A low intake of dietary fibre with a diet rich in protein and fat leads to increased endosymbiotic and colonic archaeal growth and neanderthalisation of the species. This leads to induction of the Warburg phenotype and increased incidence of metabolic syndrome x, neurodegeneration, autoimmune disease, cancer, schizophrenia and autism. A population consuming a low fibre diet rich in protein and fat has its digestion happening in the small intestine. The population with predominant low fibre diet and small intestine digestion has got an increased predilection for civilizational disease. A high intake of dietary fibre leads to predominant large intestinal digestion by colonic microflora and inhibits endosymbiotic and colonic archaeal growth producing homo sapienisation of the species. This leads to decreased archaeal growth and incidence of civilizational disease. The dietary fibre can be considered as the elixir of life.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    780,95 kr.

    The endosymbiotic archaea produces an endogenous membrane sodium-potassium ATPase inhibitor, digoxin. Digoxin levels and membrane sodium-potassium ATPase activity is related to psychological states like spirituality, bonding and affection, hypo/hyper/homo sexual states, various levels of appetite and sleep, creativity and addiction. Digoxin secretion and hemispheric dominance are related. Hyperdigoxinemia is related to right hemispheric dominance and hypodigoxinemia left hemispheric dominance.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    867,95 kr.

    Extraterrestrial intelligence can exist as a superorganism controlling and creating the universe. A network of extraterrestrial porphyrin molecules fits in well with this concept. Porphyrins have got a wave-particle existence and can arise from the quantal foam of gravitational waves and anti-gravitational waves which creates human consciousness and unconsciousness, respectively. Global warming leads to endosymbiotic archaeal growth. The archaea has got magnetite particles and synthesizes porphyrions which in the setting of archaeal digoxin sodium-potassium ATPase inhibition related Frohlich model of superconductivity can lead to quantal perception. As the prefrontal cortex and the frontal cortex concerned with higher cortical of executive decision making and social interaction as well as for fictional imagination on a grand heavenly-scale of galactic dimensions atrophies and becomes small. The brain-AI interface also shrinks and becomes extinct. The atrophy is more exacerbated by the internet induced electromagnetic fields which leads to endosymbiotic archaeal growth in the brain which shrinks the frontal cortex further.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    896,95 kr.

    Endosymbiotic archaeal digoxin can inhibit membrane sodium-potassium ATPase and regulate cellular functions. It can integrate the function of multiple cellular organelle - golgi body, lysosome, nucleus and genomic function, mitochondria and cell membrane. It can regulate cell death, cell differentiation and cell proliferation. The endosymbiotic actinidic archaea forms the basis of life and can be considered as the third element in the cell. It regulates the cell, the neuro-immune-endocrine system and the conscious/unconscious brain. Symbiosis by actinidic archaea is the basis of evolution of humans and primates. The increase in endosymbiotic archaeal growth can lead to the induction of homo neanderthalis. This endosymbiotic archaea induced neanderthalisation of the species leads to human disease like metabolic syndrome X, neurodegenerations, schizophrenia and autism, autoimmune disease and cancer.

  • af Ravikumar Kurup
    817,95 kr.

    The neanderthalic Shudra states fight to economic and political supremacy is encapsulated by the ideal of BRICS. This includes Slavs, Muslims, Hindus, Mongolian Chinese, South American Brazilians and Argentinians and Africans who are either neanderthalic or Homo sapiens. This states are formed as a coalition against the domination of the homo sapien hybrid white papal western Christian Caucasian states of Europe, America and England. The Anglo-Saxon and European states are in a state of decline. There is no class conflict in India. There is only caste conflict in India. India is an anarcho-capitalistic state structured on inclusive Hindutva culture which has existed from time immemorial. The caste system depends on occupation and epigenetic modification of the genome through centuries gives dynamic flexibility and skill upgradation to the community engaged in the particular occupation. The regional parties or the state parties of India are basically Shudra parties. The national parties are the upper caste homo sapien hybrid parties. The same dichotomy as in the world politics exist in India also.