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Bøger af Rasmus Hougaard

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  • Spar 15%
    - Sådan leder du dig selv, dine medarbejdere og din organisation til at skabe ekstraordinære resultater
    af Rasmus Hougaard, Gitte Dybkjær & Tonny Maak Larsen
    73,95 - 253,95 kr.

    Spørger man ledere, om de selv synes, de er gode til at motivere medarbejderne, svarer 77 procent positivt. Spørger man til gengæld medarbejderne, mener 88 procent, at ledelsen ikke slår til, når det gælder om at sikre medarbejderne helt afgørende værdier som et mål samt motivation og forbundethed. Der er med andre ord en manglende selvforståelse hos mange ledere.I The Mind of the Leader tilbydes en ny og radikal ledelsesforståelse, som vender traditionel ledelse på hovedet, og som tager udgangspunkt i mindfulness, uselviskhed og medfølelse (MUM-ledelse). I eksempler fra Marriott, McKinsey, Accenture, LinkedIn og flere andre organisationer kan læseren iagttage, hvad andre har gjort, og bogen er samtidig spækket med praktiske løsninger på enhver organisations problemer med engagement og handling.

  • af Rasmus Hougaard
    253,95 kr.

    Leadershipis hard. How can you balance compassion for your people with effectiveness ingetting the job done?A global pandemic, economicvolatility, natural disasters, civil and political unrest. From New York toBarcelona to Hong Kong, it can feel as if the world as we know it is comingapart. Through it all, our human spirit is being tested. Now more than ever,it's imperative for leaders to demonstrate compassion.But inhard times like these, leaders need to make hard decisionsdelivernegative feedback, make difficult choices that disappoint people, and in somecases lay people off. How do you do the hard things that come with theresponsibility of leadership while remaining a good human being and bringingout the best in others? Most people think we have to make a binary choicebetween being a good human being and being a tough, effective leader. But thisis a false dichotomy. Being human and doing what needs to be done are notmutually exclusive. In truth, doing hard things and making difficult decisionsis often the most compassionate thing to do.As founder andCEO of Potential Project, Rasmus Hougaard and his longtime coauthor, JacquelineCarter, show in this powerful, practical book, you must always balance caring foryour people with leadership wisdom and effectiveness. Using data from thousandsof leaders, employees, and companies in nearly a hundred countries, the authorsfind that when leaders bring the right balance of compassion and wisdom to thejob, they foster much higher levels of employee engagement, performance,loyalty, and well-being in their people.With rich examplesfrom Netflix, IKEA, Unilever, and many other global companies, as well aspractical tools and advice for leaders and managers at any level,Compassionate Leadership is your indispensable guide todoing the hard work of leadership in a human way.

  • Spar 17%
    - Bliv mere effektiv med mindfulness
    af Rasmus Hougaard
    44,94 - 248,95 kr.

    Når Google, Sony, McKinsey, Carlsberg og mange andre virksomheder tilbyder mindfulness-træning til deres ledere og medarbejdere, gør de det for at øge de ansattes velvære og performance. Vi føler os ofte under pres på grund af en stresset og kompleks arbejdsdag, og vi bliver hele tiden afbrudt og distraheret af mails, telefoner og møder. Derfor har vi brug for metoder til at skabe ro og koncentration, og her er mindfulness et fantastisk værktøj.Bogens forfatter har i samarbejde med forskere, ledere og mindfulness-eksperter fra hele verden udviklet programmet Corporate-Based Mindfulness Training, som her for første gang præsenteres i bogform. Forskere fra Cambridge og Rigshospitalet har dokumenteret, at programmet øger arbejdsglæde, work-life balance, fokus og performance og mindsker stress. Programmet bruges i over tyve lande, bl.a. af Nike, American Express, Google, General Electric, Sony og Carlsberg.

  • - Enhance Your Performance at Work with Mindfulness
    af Rasmus Hougaard
    257,95 kr.

    One Second Ahead is about applying mindfulness techniques (mindfulness techniques enable people to manage their attention, improve their awareness, and sharpen their focus and clarity) to work life.

  • - How to Lead Yourself, Your People, and Your Organization for Extraordinary Results
    af Rasmus Hougaard & Jacqueline Carter
    268,95 kr.

  • af Rasmus Hougaard
    298,95 kr.

    AI has the potential to transform leadership and business--or to lead us toward an automated and uninspiring work experience. Which will it be?Humans have always been good at inventing tools that change the way we live and work, but not always good at adapting to those changes. The internet has given us instant access to gigabytes of data and yet has made us more distracted. Social media has enabled constant connection to our networks and yet it can also alienate or isolate us. What impact will the phenomenal growth of AI ultimately have on our life and work?So far, that question has mostly prompted a wave of anxiety about the disappearance of jobs and the loss of humanity in our work lives. But as founder and managing partner of Potential Project Rasmus Hougaard and senior partner Jacqueline Carter show in this essential book, that's a very limited perspective, leaving out a crucial point: AI has the power to transform leadership for the better. The key is in how leaders use it.The authors conducted in-depth interviews with more than a hundred CEOs and executives across a range of industries, met with top AI experts, and completed 360-degree surveys of scores of leaders and employees worldwide. They found that by thoughtfully delegating tasks to AI and using it to augment skills and behaviors, leaders can unlock a truly human experience of work while enhancing organizational performance.The AI-augmented leader moves beyond a focus on the technology itself to constantly probe how it can strengthen the core qualities of human-centered leadership: awareness, wisdom, and compassion. In this way, AI can help leaders and organizations become more human.With deep insight and rigorous research, More Human will help leaders navigate our AI-enabled future.