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Bøger af Raphael Sabatini

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  • af Raphael Sabatini
    313,95 kr.

    Thank you for checking out this book by Theophania Publishing. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you soon. We have thousands of titles available, and we invite you to search for us by name, contact us via our website, or download our most recent catalogues. In seeking other than in myself-as men will-the causes of my tribulations, I have often inclined to lay the blame of much of the ill that befell me, and the ill that in my sinful life I did to others, upon those who held my mother at the baptismal font and concerted that she should bear the name of Monica. There are in life many things which, in themselves, seeming to the vulgar and the heedless to be trivial and without consequence, may yet be causes pregnant of terrible effects, mainsprings of Destiny itself. Amid such portentous trifles I would number the names so heedlessly bestowed upon us. It surprises me that in none of the philosophic writings of the learned scholars of antiquity can I find that this matter of names has been touched upon, much less given the importance of which I account it to be deserving. Possibly it is because no one of them ever suffered, as I have suffered, from the consequences of a name. Had it but been so, they might in their weighty and impressive manner have set down a lesson on the subject, and so relieved me-who am all-conscious of my shortcomings in this direction-from the necessity of repairing that omission out of my own experience. Let it then, even at this late hour, be considered what a subtle influence for good or ill, what a very mould of character may lie within a name.

  • - A History and Some Criticisms
    af Raphael Sabatini
    153,95 kr.

    The Life of Cesare BorgiaOf France, Duke of Valentinois and Romagna, Prince of Andria and Venafri, Count of Dyois, Lord of Piombino, Camerino and Urbino, Gonfalonier and Captain-General of Holy ChurchA History and Some CriticismsBy Raphael SabatiniThis is no Chronicle of Saints. Nor yet is it a History of Devils. It is a record of certain very human, strenuous men in a very human, strenuous age; a lustful, flamboyant age; an age red with blood and pale with passion at white-heat; an age of steel and velvet, of vivid colour, dazzling light and impenetrable shadow; an age of swift movement, pitiless violence and high endeavour, of sharp antitheses and amazing contrasts.To judge it from the standpoint of this calm, deliberate, and correct century--as we conceive our own to be--is for sedate middle-age to judge from its own standpoint the reckless, hot, passionate, lustful humours of youth, of youth that errs grievously and achieves greatly.So to judge that epoch collectively is manifestly wrong, a hopeless procedure if it be our aim to understand it and to be in sympathy with it, as it becomes broad-minded age to be tolerantly in sympathy with the youth whose follies it perceives. Life is an ephemeral business, and we waste too much of it in judging where it would beseem us better to accept, that we ourselves may come to be accepted by such future ages as may pursue the study of us.But if it be wrong to judge a past epoch collectively by the standards of our own time, how much more is it not wrong to single out individuals for judgement by those same standards, after detaching them for the purpose from the environment in which they had their being? How false must be the conception of them thus obtained! We view the individuals so selected through a microscope of modern focus. They appear monstrous and abnormal, and we straight-way assume them to be monsters and abnormalities, never considering that the fault is in the adjustment of the instrument through which we inspect them, and that until that is corrected others of that same past age, if similarly viewed, must appear similarly distorted.Hence it follows that some study of an age must ever prelude and accompany the study of its individuals, if comprehension is to wait upon our labours. To proceed otherwise is to judge an individual Hottentot or South Sea Islander by the code of manners that obtains in Belgravia or Mayfair.Mind being the seat of the soul, and literature being the expression of the mind, literature, it follows, is the soul of an age, the surviving and immortal part of it; and in the literature of the Cinquecento you shall behold for the looking the ardent, unmoral, naïve soul of this Renaissance that was sprawling in its lusty, naked infancy and bellowing hungrily for the pap of knowledge, and for other things. You shall infer something of the passionate mettle of this infant: his tempestuous mirth, his fierce rages, his simplicity, his naïveté, his inquisitiveness, his cunning, his deceit, his cruelty, his love of sunshine and bright gewgaws.

  • - Tyrant of Mondolfo & Lord of Carmina, in the State of Piacenza
    af Raphael Sabatini
    118,95 kr.

    This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.

  • - Being a narrative excerpted from the chronicles of Urbino during the dominion of the High and Mighty Messer Guidobaldo da Montefeltro
    af Raphael Sabatini
    268,95 kr.

    Thank you for checking out this book by Theophania Publishing. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you soon. We have thousands of titles available, and we invite you to search for us by name, contact us via our website, or download our most recent catalogues. From the valley, borne aloft on the wings of the evening breeze, rose faintly the tolling of an Angelus bell, and in a goat-herd's hut on the heights above stood six men with heads uncovered and bowed, obeying its summons to evening prayer. A brass lamp, equipped with three beaks, swung from the grimy ceiling, and, with more smoke than flame, shed an indifferent light, and yet a more indifferent smell, throughout the darkening hovel. But it sufficed at least to reveal in the accoutrements and trappings of that company a richness that was the more striking by contrast with the surrounding squalor. As the last stroke of the Ave Maria faded on the wind that murmured plaintively through the larches of the hillside, they piously crossed themselves, and leisurely resuming their head-gear, they looked at one another with questioning glances. Yet before any could voice the inquiry that was in the minds of all, a knock fell upon the rotten timbers of the door. "At last!" exclaimed old Fabrizio da Lodi, in a voice charged with relief, whilst a younger man of good shape and gay garments strode to the door in obedience to Fabrizio's glance, and set it wide.

  • - The Sea-Hawk, Yiddish edition
    af Raphael Sabatini
    218,95 kr.

    "ניין, אָבער איר וועט, אין קריק פֿאַר איר האָבן געמאכט מיר הערן צו וואָס ער זאגט פון מיר. האר יוחנן וויל צו באַקומען אַ דערלויבעניש צו בויען אין די מויל פון די פאַל. ער האפענונגען צו זען ווי אַ שטאָט ספּרינגס אויבן די האַווען דאָרט אונטער די שאָטן פון זיין אייגענע מאַנער פון אַרווענאַקק. ער רעפּראַזענץ זיך ווי נאָבאַלי ניט אינטערעסירט און אַלע זארגן פֿאַר דער וווילטאָג פון דער מדינה, און ער פאַרלאָזן צו דערמאָנען אַז די לאַנד איז זיין אייגענע און אַז עס איז זיין אייגענע וווילטאָג און זיין משפּחה וואָס ער זאָרג צו שטיצן. מיר באגעגנט אין לאָנדאָן מיט אַ מאַזלדיק געלעגנהייַט בשעת סיר יוחנן איז געווען וועגן דעם געשעפט אין הויף. איצט עס כאַפּאַנז אַז איך אויך האָבן אינטערעסן אין טרוראָ און פּענרין; אָבער, ניט ענלעך האר יוחנן, איך בין ערלעך אין דעם ענין און פּראָקלאַמירן עס. אויב עס וואָלט פּאַסירן וווּקס וועגן סמיטיקק, עס קומט פֿון די מער אַדוואַנטיידזשאַס סיטואַציע אַז טרוראָ און פּענרין מוזן ליידן, און אַז סוץ מיר ווי קליין ווי די אנדערע ענין וואָלט פּאַסן צו סער יוחנן. איך האָב אים דאָס געזאָגט, ווייל איך קען זיין אָפן, און איך האָב געזאָגט פאר דער מלכּה אין דער פאָרמע פון ​​א קאנטער-פעטיציע צו סיר יוחנן. ער האָט געצויגן מיט די אַקסל. "דער מאָמענט איז געווען פּראַפּיישאַס צו מיר. איך בין געווען איינער פון די סימאַן וואָס געהאָלפֿן צו קאַנגקער די אַנקאַנגקוועראַבאַל אַרמאַדאַ פון מלך פיליפוס. מען האָט מיך דעריבער ניט געלייקנט, און סיר יוחנן איז געשיקט געוואָרן מיט ליידיקע הענט ווי ער איז געגאַנגען אין געריכט אהיים. ד'יי ווונדער אַז ער פיינט מיר? ווייל איך וויסן אים פֿאַר וואָס ער איז, ד'י ווונדער אַז ער דאַבז מיר פּיראַט און ערגער? 'טיז נאַטירלעך גענוג אַזוי צו מיסרעפּרעסענט מיין דאָינגז אויף דעם ים, זינט עס איז יענע דאָינגז האָבן אַפאָרדאַד מיר די מאַכט צו שאַטן זיין נוץ. ער האט אויסדערוויילט די וועפּאַנז פון קאַלאַמני פֿאַר דעם קאַמבאַט, אָבער די וועפּאַנז זענען נישט מייַן, ווי איך וועט ווייַזן אים דעם זייער טאָג. אויב איר טאָן ניט קרעדיט וואָס איך זאָגן, קומען מיט מיר און זיין בייַזייַן אין דעם ביסל רעדן איך האָפן צו האָבן מיט דעם קורמודזשעאָן.

  • af Raphael Sabatini
    40,95 kr.

    Forty-year-old Professor Kauffmann is awakened by the loud, insistent trilling of the electric bell. He slides his hand, holding a weapon, into his gown’s pocket and goes downstairs to open the door. To his relief, it is Elphinstone who is ringing the doorbell in the middle of the night. The young man enters Kauffmann’s house without being invite, saying that he is in a great danger, and that so is the professor as well. What do Professor Kauffmann and Elphinstone have in common? What is the danger that is lurking over them? How will they handle the situation? mFind all the answers in Rafael Sabatini’s 1918 novel "Intelligence". B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Rafael Sabatini (1875 – 1950) was an Italian-English novelist and a short story writer. He produced over thirty novels, six non-fiction books, eight collections of short stories and various uncollected short stories. "The Sea Hawk" (1915) is Sabatini’s worldwide bestseller, together with "Captain Blood" (1922), "Scaramouche" (1921) and "Bellarion the Fortunate"(1926). By the year 1925 many of his books had been turned into movies and different plays.

  • af Raphael Sabatini
    118,95 kr.

    Dr. Peter Blood is an Irish physician who served in the Dutch and French navies. He now works as a doctor in the city of Bridgwater in southwestern England. During the rebellion of the Duke of Monmouth, Blood is captured after saving a man’s life. Unfortunately, the man turns out to be a rebel. Therefore, the doctor is sentenced to ten years as an indentured slave in the Caribbean colonies. How did Peter get captured? Why was he sentenced to ten years as a slave? Will he manage to escape from the Caribbean colonies, or will he spend the rest of his sentence in slavery? Find all the answers in Rafael Sabatini’s adventure novel "Captain Blood" from 1922.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Rafael Sabatini (1875 – 1950) was an Italian-English novelist and a short story writer. He produced over thirty novels, six non-fiction books, eight collections of short stories and various uncollected short stories. "The Sea Hawk" (1915) is Sabatini’s worldwide bestseller, together with "Captain Blood" (1922), "Scaramouche" (1921) and "Bellarion the Fortunate"(1926). By the year of 1925 many of his books were turned into movies and different plays.

  • af Raphael Sabatini
    40,95 kr.

    Benvenuto Gismondi is sitting on his horse, breathing hard and grinning, while looking at Messer Crespi. Crespi is also grinning while laying in the snow with his arms flung wide. The only problem is that the man is not breathing. Gismondi is a murderer and thief, who plans to assassinate his next target - the Duke Cesare Borgia. However, things go wrong when the rumors of Gismodi’s plan reaches Borgia. Why did Gismondi murder Messer Crespi? Was it a revenge? Why is he also planning to assassinate Lord Borgia? Will Gismondi succeed once again in his evil plan? Find all the answers in Rafael Sabatini’s 1912 novel about murder, espionage and death "Gismondi's Wage". B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Rafael Sabatini (1875 – 1950) was an Italian-English novelist and a short story writer. He produced over thirty novels, six non-fiction books, eight collections of short stories and various uncollected short stories. "The Sea Hawk" (1915) is Sabatini’s worldwide bestseller, together with "Captain Blood" (1922), "Scaramouche" (1921) and "Bellarion the Fortunate"(1926). By the year 1925 many of his books had been turned into movies and different plays.

  • af Raphael Sabatini
    180,95 kr.

    Når jeg tænker på min mor nu, kan jeg ikke se hende, da hun optrådte i nogen af de scener, som jeg allerede har sat ned. Der er et billede af hende, der brændes som med en syre i min hukommelse, et billede, som den blotte omtale af hendes navn, den blotte tanke om hende, aldrig undlader at fremkalde som et spøgelse foran mig.

  • af Raphael Sabatini
    258,95 kr.

  • af Raphael Sabatini
    183,95 kr.

    One-time doctor and fugitive from the Monmouth rebellion, Peter Blood escaped from slavery to become the terror of the Caribbean. Winning invaluable treasures, rescuing his crew from almost certain death and saving an English settlement are all in a day's work for fiction's boldest adventurer.

  • af Raphael Sabatini
    148,95 kr.

    Ready of wit and skilled of blade, the elegant surgeon-buccaneer Captain Blood is ever a jump ahead of his foes. Time and again, he falls headlong into deep peril, and his own motley crew are happy to sail to hell and back at his command. Yet when everything is stacked against him, can he keep his honour until the bitter end?