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Bøger af Raja Shehadeh

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  • - Notes on a Vanishing Landscape
    af Raja Shehadeh
    128,95 kr.

    When the author first started hill walking in Palestine, in the late 1970s, he was not aware that he was travelling through a vanishing landscape. Recording how the land felt and looked before various calamities, this title attempts to preserve, at least in words, the Palestinian natural treasures that many Palestinians never know.

  • af Raja Shehadeh
    108,95 kr.

    Since the formation of the state of Israel in 1948, the Nakba (or 'disaster' as the Palestinians call it), there have been many opportunities to move towards peace and equality between Palestine and Israel - after the Six-Day War in 1967, the Oslo Agreement and even the 7 October 2023 War. Each opportunity has been rejected by Israel, which is why life is unbearable in the West Bank now and there is genocide in Gaza. This book explores what went wrong again and again, and why. And how it could still be different. It is human nature to feel prejudice. But in this haunting meditation on Palestine and Israel, Shehadeh suggests that this does not mean the two nations cannot live together to their mutual benefit and co-existence. In graceful, devastatingly observed prose, this is a fresh reflection on the conflict in a time of great need.

  • af Raja Shehadeh
    183,95 kr.

    This exquisitely written book records a sensitive Palestinian writer's love for the landscape of his country. It reflects not only the intense beauty of that landscape, but also some of the terrible dangers that threaten it and its occupants--Rashid Khalidi, author "The Iron Cage."

  • af Raja Shehadeh
    206,95 kr.

    Tre år før Raja Shehadeh blev født i Ramallah i 1951, var hans familie blevet fordrevet fra Jaffa. Hele hans barndom blev stærkt præget af familiens sorg over alt det, den havde mistet, symboliseret i de funklende lys på den anden side af bakkerne i vest.Raja var vidne til flere anholdelser af hans far, Aziz. Faren var advokat og politiker og var i slutningen af 1960’erne den første palæstinenser, der arbejdede for en to-statsløsning i Palæstina. Han forudsagde, at hvis der ikke blev sluttet fred, ville hjemlandet blive taget fra palæstinenserne, bid for bid. Bitter og desillusioneret over, at hverken palæstinensere eller israelere ville lytte til hans profetiske vision, trak han sig ud af politik. Han blev myrdet i 1985."Som fremmede" er en gribende skildring af dagliglivet på Vestbredden. Men mest af alt er det beretningen om det vanskelige forhold mellem en politisk aktiv far og en idealistisk søn, yderligere kompliceret af den ydmygelse det er at skulle vokse op og finde sin identitet i et land, der er besat.Raja Shehadeh er palæstinensisk advokat og forfatter, bosat i Ramallah. Han er grundlægger af organisationen Al-Haq, der arbejder for at forsvare menneskerettighederne i de besatte palæstinensiske områder. Al-Haq dokumenterer brud på palæstinensernes individuelle og kollektive rettigheder. Han har udgivet flere bøger om international ret, menneskerettigheder og om livet i Palæstina, bl.a. "When the Bulbul Stopped Singing" (2003) og "Palestinian Walks" (2007). Sidstnævnte har han modtaget den britiske Orwell-prisen for.

  • af Raja Shehadeh
    101,95 kr.

    'Palestine's greatest prose writer' Observer'Shehadeh is a great inquiring spirit with a tone that is vivid, ironic, melancholy and wise' Colm TóibínBattered by repeated suicide bombs, the Israeli army invaded Palestine in April 2002 and held many of the principal towns, including Ramallah, under siege. A tank stood at the end of Raja Shehadeh's road; there were Israeli soldiers on the rooftops; his mother was sick, and he couldn't cross town to help her.Shehadeh - winner of the 2008 Orwell Prize and a finalist for the 2023 National Book Awards - kept a diary. This is an account of what it is like to be under siege: the terror, the frustrations, as well as the moments of poignant relief and reflection on the profound crisis gripping both Palestine and Israel.

  • af Raja Shehadeh
    173,95 kr.

    A poignant, incisive meditation on Israel's longstanding rejection of peace, and what the war on Gaza means for Zionism. When apartheid in South Africa ended, dismantled by internal activism and global pressure, why did Israel continue to pursue its own apartheid policies against Palestinians? In keeping with a history of antagonism, the Jewish state established settlements in the Occupied Territories as extreme right-wing voices gained prominence in Israeli government, with comparatively little international backlash--in fact, these policies were boosted by the Oslo Accords. Condensing this complex history into a lucid essay, Raja Shehadeh examines the many lost opportunities to promote a lasting peace and equality between Israelis and Palestinians. Since the creation of Israel in 1948, known to Palestinians as the Nakba, or catastrophe, each side's perception of events has strongly diverged. What can this discrepancy tell us about Israel's undermining of a two-state solution? And will the current genocide in Gaza finally mark a shift in the world's response? With graceful, haunting prose, Shehadeh offers insights into a defining conflict that could yet be ameliorated.

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    - Notes On A Vanishing Landscape
    af Raja Shehadeh
    215,95 kr.

    Femogtyve år. Syv vandreture. Et Palæstina der er ved at forsvinde.Raja Shehadeh vokser op i den oldgamle havneby Jaffa i det daværende Palæstina, i dag en forstad til Tel Aviv i Israel. I 1948 bliver familien fordrevet i forbindelse med Israels oprettelse og slår sig ned i Ramallah på den besatte Vestbred. Raja bliver advokat med en mission, nemlig at stoppe de ulovlige israelske bosættelser på Vestbredden ad rettens vej. Forgæves. Satellitbyerne breder sig ufortrødent trods international fordømmelse. I turbulente tider finder han sjælero ved at vandre i det grønne landskab omkring sin hjemby. I 1978 vrimler bakkerne med fortidsminder, kilderne springer om foråret, og Shehadeh kan vandre frit blandt hyrder og beduiner uden skelen til grænser eller politiske forhold. Shehadehs bevægelsesfrihed begrænses år for år, og under hans vandretur 25 år senere er de frodige højdedrag forvandlet til en gold, asfalteret forpost for israelske bosættere. Til sidst lever han som en fange i sit eget land.Vandringer i Palæstina – Erindringer fra et forsvindende landskab er et litterært kampskrift med værdigheden og medmenneskeligheden som våben, men lige såvel en melankolsk hyldest til et landskab, der er ved at forsvinde, ja, knap eksisterer længere.

  • af Raja Shehadeh
    139,95 kr.

    Forgotten is a search for hidden or neglected memorials and places in historic Palestine - now Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories - and what they might tell us about the land and the people who have lived (and are living) on our small slip of earth between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.From ancient city ruins to the Nabi 'Ukkasha mosque and tomb, acclaimed writers and researchers Raja Shehadeh and Penny Johnson ask: what has been memorialised, and what lies unseen, abandoned or erased - and why? Whether standing on a high cliff overlooking Lebanon or the lowest land-based elevation on earth at the Dead Sea, they explore lost connections in a fragmented land.In elegiac, elegant prose, Shehadeh and Johnson grapple not only with questions of Israeli resistance to acknowledging the Nakba - the 1948 catastrophe for Palestinians - but also with the complicated history of Palestinian commemoration in our own time.

  • af Raja Shehadeh
    268,95 kr.

  • af Raja Shehadeh
    128,95 - 173,95 kr.

  • af Raja Shehadeh
    232,95 kr.

    From the Orwell Prize winning author of Palestinian Walks, a moving portrait of Palestine's Ramallah.

  • - A Walk Through Fifty Years of Occupation
    af Raja Shehadeh
    128,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • - Crossing Boundaries in Occupied Palestine
    af Raja Shehadeh
    128,95 kr.

  • - Palestine, Israel and the Search for Justice
    af Raja Shehadeh
    183,95 kr.

  • af Raja Shehadeh
    128,95 kr.

    Life in Palestine today - what it is really like - day to day, from the Orwell Prize winning author, Raja Shehadeh.

  • af Raja Shehadeh
    118,95 kr.

    Raja Shehadeh was born into a successful Palestinian family. When the state of Israel was formed in 1948 the family were driven out to the provincial town of Ramallah. In 1985 his father was stabbed to death. This book recounts his troubled and complex relationship with his father and his experience of exile - of being a stranger in his own land.