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Bøger af Rainer Maria Rilke

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  • - Tidsskrift for naturkritik
    af Joseph Roth, Vibeke Grønfeldt, Amalie Smith, mfl.
    249,45 kr.

    Ny Jord – Tidsskrift for naturkritik er et multidisciplinært tidsskrift, der orienterer sig på tværs af århundreder og landegrænser og bringer videnskab, litteratur og kunst side om side i ønsket om at bidrage til en kvalificeret samtale om naturen i en tid, hvor vores forestillinger og idéer om den ændres markant.

  • - Udvalgte digte
    af Rainer Maria Rilke
    298,45 kr.

    Et udvidet udvalg af Rilkes digte, oversat af Thorkild Bjørnvig. Alle de tidligere udgivne digte, suppleret med nyoversatte. Hermed foreligger bl.a. alle sonetterne til Orfeus på dansk. "Thorkild Bjørnvig som suveræn gendigter af Rilke ... Det er musik af en egen svævende, konstruktiv art, fortættede klange af klassisk struktur, hærdet af modernismens krav om at ændre ordene fra grunden." ? Information.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    168,45 kr.

    Ny dansk oversættelse af Rilkes moderne klassiker. Malte Laurids Brigge er en ung dansk digter og adelsmand, som bor i Paris. Han er besat af døden og af den virkelighed, der skjuler sig bag den synlige virkelighed. Optegnelserne består af dagbog, refleksioner og erindringer, hvor han blandt andet skarpt beskriver sin familiehistorie og det svirrende, fremmede liv i byen.

  • - – med brevene fra Franz Xaver Kappus
    af Rainer Maria Rilke
    179,45 kr.

    Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926), tysksproget digter og oversætter, født i Prag. Rilke-brevene, der både er visdomslitteratur og litterær poetik, er siden deres posthume udgivelse i 1929 blevet læst vidt og bredt, men brevvekslingen har ikke tidligere været udgivet i sin helhed. Her foreligger den fulde korrespondance mellem Rainer Maria Rilke og Franz Xaver Kappus for første gang på dansk. I oversættelse ved Karsten Sand Iversen.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    59,45 - 118,95 kr.

    'What matters is to live everything. Live the questions for now.'A hugely influential collection for writers and artists of all kinds, Rilke's profound and lyrical letters to a young friend advise on writing, love, sex, suffering and the nature of advice itself.One of 46 new books in the bestselling Little Black Classics series, to celebrate the first ever Penguin Classic in 1946. Each book gives readers a taste of the Classics' huge range and diversity, with works from around the world and across the centuries - including fables, decadence, heartbreak, tall tales, satire, ghosts, battles and elephants.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    199,45 kr.

    From the writer of the classic Letters to a Young Poet, reflections on grief and loss, collected and published here in one volume for the first time.“A great poet’s reflections on our greatest mystery.”—Billy Collins“A treasure . . . The solace Rilke offers is uncommon, uplifting and necessary.”––The Guardian Gleaned from Rainer Maria Rilke’s voluminous, never-before-translated letters to bereaved friends and acquaintances, The Dark Interval is a profound vision of the mourning process and a meditation on death’s place in our lives. Following the format of Letters to a Young Poet, this book arranges Rilke’s letters into an uninterrupted sequence, showcasing the full range of the great author’s thoughts on death and dying, as well as his sensitive and moving expressions of consolation and condolence.Presented with care and authority by master translator Ulrich Baer, The Dark Interval is a literary treasure, an indispensable resource for anyone searching for solace, comfort, and meaning in a time of grief.Praise for The Dark Interval “Even though each of these letters of condolence is personalized with intimate detail, together they hammer home Rilke’s remarkable truth about the death of another: that the pain of it can force us into a ‘deeper . . . level of life’ and render us more ‘vibrant.’ Here we have a great poet’s reflections on our greatest mystery.”—Billy Collins “As we live our lives, it is possible to feel not sadness or melancholy but a rush of power as the life of others passes into us. This rhapsodic volume teaches us that death is not a negation but a deepening experience in the onslaught of existence. What a wise and victorious book!”—Henri Cole

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    139,45 kr.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    69,45 kr.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    179,45 kr.

    Her foreligger Rainer Maria Rilkes legendariske portræt af billedkunstneren Auguste Rodins kunst og tænkning for første gang i sin helhed på dansk. Udover portrættets to dele fra hhv. 1903 og 1907 har oversætter Karsten Sand Iversen tilføjet en række af forfatterens personlige noter og forlæg til værket, samt de efterladte skrifter der omhandler Rodin og hans praksis.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    105,95 - 314,95 kr.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    179,45 kr.

    These ten letters by Rainer Maria Rilke speak directly to the young, offering unguarded thoughts on such diverse subjects as creativity, solitude, self-reliance, living with uncertainty, the shallowness of irony, the uselessness of criticism, career choices, sex, love, God, and art (which is only another way of living, Rilke writes).

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke & Robert Bly
    199,45 kr.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    194,45 kr.

    Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) is one of Germany's major Modernist poets, notable for the lyric intensity of his work. He considered the Duino Elegies - a cycle of ten poems written in inspirational bursts between 1912 and 1922 - to be his major achievement. The restless movement of these poems reflects his lifelong struggle to reconcile the dichotomies of joy and suffering, life and death, masculine and feminine, that ruled his life. They remain powerful testaments to Rilke's struggles with the mysteries of existence and the endlessly opening miracle of the everyday. Alison Croggon's radical new translation captures the energies of the German poems with an urgent, acute clarity. As she says in her introductory essay: 'The turbulent currents that make the Elegies so enthralling are generated by the dynamic contradictions of a mind acutely conscious of its own movements.... The poems are not "about" life: rather, they are a startling mimesis of its instability and transience.' 'Alison Croggon's transformative and impassioned translation of Rilke's Duino Elegies attempt the extraordinary... Signature, regret, pain, trauma, wonder, euphoria, wonder, rapture and an immersion in the senses are all contained in the crispness and experiential sensibility that guides Croggon's relationship with the original poems. Croggon lives in the wild beauty of these elegies and makes them glow in translation... This is an incendiary work.' - John KinsellaPrinted en face with the German text and with an afterword and notes by the translator. Preface by John Kinsella.Shortlisted for the 2023 NSW Premier's Literary Awards Translation Prize'Alison Croggon's poems offer something intense, difficult and fragile, but simultaneously intimate and hugely rewarding in the reading.' - Cordite Poetry Review'Alison Croggon is one of the most powerful lyric poets writing today.' - Australian Book Review

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    174,45 kr.

    Im Jahr 1902 erhält Rainer Maria Rilke Post von einem jungen Mann, Franz Xaver Kappus, einem literarisch begabten, 19-jährigen Offiziersanwärter. Kappus ist sich nicht sicher, welche Richtung er in seinem Leben einschlagen soll, und fragt daher den großen, nur wenige Jahre älteren Dichter um Rat. Rilke antwortet ihm - auf gänzlich unerwartete Weise. In den folgenden Jahren schreibt ihm Rilke neun weitere Briefe. Sie reden, mit der ihm eigenen bescheidenen Eindringlichkeit, von nichts Geringerem als dem richtigen Leben.Die von Kappus 1929 herausgegebene Sammlung der Rilke-Briefe hat Epoche gemacht und ganze Generationen immer wieder von Neuem inspiriert. Hier wird sie in der neuen, modernen Übersetzung von dem Rilke-Kenner Ulrich Baer vorgelegt.

  • - (Band 29, Klassiker in neuer Rechtschreibung)
    af Rilke Rainer Maria Rilke
    84,45 - 231,95 kr.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    102,95 - 286,95 kr.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    104,95 - 295,95 kr.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    89,45 kr.

  • - A New Translation
    af Rainer Maria Rilke
    184,45 kr.

    Composed in 1899 when Rilke was only twenty-three, the interconnected tales of Stories of God were inspired by a trip to Russia the young poet had made the year previously. It is said that the vastness of the Russian landscape and the profound spirituality he perceived in the simple people he met led him to an experience of finding God in all things, and to the conviction that God seeks to be known by us as passionately as we might seek to know God. All the great themes of Rilke''s later powerful and complex poetry can be found in the Stories of God , yet their charming, folktale-like quality has made them among the most accessible of Rilke''s works, beloved by all ages.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    119,45 kr.

    A landmark in the development of the twentieth-century novel, the Notebooks is the story of a young Danish aristocrat , told in a series of notes that explore Malte's life in Paris, childhood memories and reflections in highly crafted poetic prose. A radical departure from literary realism, it is an archetypal confrontation with the modern.

  • - with parallel German text
    af Rainer Maria Rilke
    129,45 kr.

    Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) is one of the leading poets of European Modernism, whose poetry explores themes of death, love, and loss. This bilingual edition fully reflects Rilke's poetic development and includes the full text of the Duino Elegies and the Sonnets to Orpheus in accurate and sensitive new translations.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    119,45 - 224,45 kr.

    One of the literary masterpieces of the century, this translation is now presented with facing-page German.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    114,45 kr.

    In essays as revealing of their author as they are of their subject, Rilke examines Rodin's life and work, and explains the often elusive connection between the creative forces that drive great literature and art.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    184,45 kr.

    - De maler stadigvæk på Gud og vil vel male på ham til deres dages ende. Hvis de imidlertid (hvilket jeg anser for udelukket) endnu engang skulle mødes her i livet og vise hinanden de billeder, som de i mellemtiden har malet af Gud, hvem ved: Måske ville disse billeder knap nok adskille sig fra hinanden – Fra ”En forening opstået af et tvingende behov” ”At min bog om Vorherre (som blev skrevet for tre år siden i en lykkelig tid i syv på hinanden følgende nætter) endnu engang skulle finde frem til og skaffe mig skønne, værdifulde lsere, - det vidste jeg i min sjæl; for denne bog er blevet mig selv af hjertet kær.” Sådan skrev Rilke i 1903 i et brev til sin svenske veninde, Ellen Key, som han dedikerede denne og senere udgaver til. Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926 er en af de mest betydningsfulde digtere i den moderne tyske litteratur, og var sammen med T.S. Eliot med til at lægge grunden til den modernisme vi kender i dag. Blandt hovedværkerne kan nævnes ”Malte Laurids Brigges optegnelser” 1910. Rilke rejste meget, havde bopæl utallige steder og statsborgerskab i flere forskellige lande. Denne rastløshed prægede mange af hans tekster, også ’Historier om Vorherre’, der er hans første helstøbte prosaværk. Værket ligger tidligt i forfatterskabet, men allerede her oplever man at gå ind i Rilkes poetiske rum. Det er det samme poetiske rum, der folder sig ud i fuldt flor i hovedværkerne ’Duino Elegierne’ og ’Sonetter til Orfeus’. ’Historier om Vorherre’ udkommer her for første gang på dansk oversat af Ane Mette Brandt. Ane har været vild med tysk siden skolen, hvor det især var tyske digte. Brandt er cand.mag. i dansk med først tysk som bifag siden kunsthistorie.Hun var en af skriveaktivisterne på det kollektive avisprojekt 'Avisen Fyn' og har udgivet 2 romaner (1988 og 1992), og en digtsamling. Rilkes bog ”Geschicten vom lieben Gott” har i mange år spøgt i Ane Mette Brandts hoved, som et ønske om at gå i dybden med den og oversætte til dansk.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    201,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • - Drama in 2 Akten
    af Rainer Maria Rilke
    229,45 - 389,45 kr.

    Eine düstere Geschichte von Liebe, Tod und Verlust. Zwei Menschen, die einst geliebt haben, treffen sich wieder und müssen sich den Geistern ihrer Vergangenheit stellen. Durch leidenschaftliche Dialoge und poetische Monologe dringt dieses Drama tief in die menschliche Seele ein und stellt die Frage, ob es jemals eine zweite Chance gibt.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    204,95 - 342,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    129,95 - 193,95 kr.

    The original English translation of Rilke's landmark poetry cycle, by Vita and Edward Sackville-West - reissued for the first time in 90 years'The deepest mysteries of existence embodied in the most delicate and precise images. For me, the greatest poetry of the 20th century' Philip PullmanIn 1931, Virginia and Leonard Woolf's Hogarth Press published a small run of a beautiful edition of Rainer Maria Rilke's Duino Elegies, in English translation by the writers Vita and Edward Sackville-West. This marked the English debut of Rilke's masterpiece, which would eventually be rendered in English over 20 times, influencing countless poets, musicians and artists across the English-speaking world.Published for the first time in 90 years, the Sackville-Wests' translation is both a fascinating historical document and a magnificent blank-verse rendering of Rilke's poetry cycle. Featuring a new introduction from critic Lesley Chamberlain, this reissue casts one of European literature's great masterpieces in fresh light.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    294,45 - 429,45 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • - und andere Prosagedichte
    af Rainer Maria Rilke
    84,45 kr.

    Rainer Maria Rilke: Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke und andere Prosagedichte Lesefreundlicher Großdruck in 16-pt-Schrift Edition Holzinger. Großformat, 216 x 279 mm Berliner Ausgabe, 2016 Vollständiger, durchgesehener Neusatz bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Michael Holzinger Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke: Entstanden in einer ersten Fassung 1899, umgearbeitet 1904. Erstdruck in: Deutsche Arbeit (Prag), Oktober 1904. Noch einmal überarbeitet für die Buchausgabe: Leipzig (Insel) 1906. Inhaltsverzeichnis Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke Die Auslage des Fischhändlers Der Löwenkäfig [Saltimbanques] [Kavallerie-Parade] [Sandwiches-Männer] [Gewitter-Segen] [Richtung zur Zukunft] [Wir haben eine Erscheinung] Textgrundlage sind die Ausgaben: Rainer Maria Rilke: Sämtliche Werke. Herausgegeben vom Rilke-Archiv in Verbindung mit Ruth Sieber-Rilke, besorgt von Ernst Zinn, Band 1-6, Wiesbaden und Frankfurt a.M.: Insel, 1955-1966. Herausgeber der Reihe: Michael Holzinger Reihengestaltung: Viktor Harvion Umschlaggestaltung unter Verwendung des Bildes: Rainer Maria Rilke (Fotografie, 18. September 1900) Gesetzt aus der Minion Pro, 16 pt.