Bøger af Pierce Brown
- Red Rising Series 2
133,95 kr. Ender's Game meets The Hunger Games in MORNING STAR , the second in an extraordinary trilogy from the New York Times bestselling author of RED RISING.'I'm still playing games. This is just the deadliest yet.' Darrow is a rebel forged by tragedy. For years he and his fellow Reds worked the mines, toiling to make the surface of Mars inhabitable. They were, they believed, mankind's last hope. Until Darrow discovered that it was all a lie, and that the Red were nothing more than unwitting slaves to an elitist ruling class, the Golds, who had been living on Mars in luxury for generations. In RED RISING, Darrow infiltrated Gold society, to fight in secret for a better future for his people. Now fully embedded amongst the Gold ruling class, Darrow continues his dangerous work to bring them down from within. It's a journey that will take him further than he's ever been before - but is Darrow truly willing to pay the price that rebellion demands?A life-or-death tale of vengeance with an unforgettable hero at its heart, Golden Son guarantees Pierce Brown's continuing status as one of fiction's most exciting new voices.
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.
- Red Rising Series 3
138,95 kr. Darrow is a Helldiver, one of a thousand men and women who live in the vast caves beneath the surface of Mars, generations of people who spend their lives toiling to mine the precious elements that will allow the planet to be terraformed. Just knowing that, one day, people will be able to walk the surface of the planet is enough to justify their sacrifice. The Earth is dying, and Darrow and his people are the only hope humanity has left. Until the day Darrow learns that it is all a lie. That Mars has been habitable - and inhabited - for generations, by a class of people calling themselves the Golds. A class of people who look down at Darrow and his fellows as slave labour, to be exploited and worked to death without a second thought. Until the day Darrow, with the help of a mysterious group of rebels, disguises himself as a Gold and infiltrates their society.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
- Red Rising Series 1
109,95 - 223,95 kr. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY, BUZZFEED, GOODREADS AND SHELF AWARENESSPierce Brown's heart-pounding debut is the first book in a spectacular series that combines the drama of Game of Thrones with the epic scope of Star Wars. **********'Pierce Brown's empire-crushing debut is a sprawling vision . . . Ender, Katniss, and now Darrow' - Scott Sigler, New York Times bestselling author of Pandemic'[A] top-notch debut novel . . . Red Rising ascends above a crowded dystopian field' - USA Today**********Darrow is a Helldiver. A pioneer of Mars.Born to slave beneath the earth so that one day, future generations might live above it.He is a Red - humankind's lowest caste. But he has something the Golds - the ruthless ruling class - will never understand.He has a wife he worships, a family who give him strength. He has love.And when they take that from him, all that remains is revenge . . .
- Bog
- 109,95 kr.
- Red Rising Series 5 - The Sunday Times Bestseller
138,95 kr. The explosive fifth novel in the Red Rising Series.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
343,95 kr. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER *;Pierce Brown's relentlessly entertaining debut channels the excitement ofThe Hunger Gamesby Suzanne Collins andEnder's Gameby Orson Scott Card.';Red Risingascends above a crowded dystopian field.'USA TodayNAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BYENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY, BUZZFEED,ANDSHELF AWARENESS';I live for the dream that my children will be born free,' she says. ';That they will be what they like. That they will own the land their father gave them.' ';I live for you,' I say sadly. Eo kisses my cheek. ';Then you must live for more.'Darrow is a Red, a member of the lowest caste in the color-coded society of the future. Like his fellow Reds, he works all day, believing that he and his people are making the surface of Mars livable for future generations. Yet he toils willingly, trusting that his blood and sweat will one day result in a better world for his children. But Darrow and his kind have been betrayed. Soon he discovers that humanity reached the surface generations ago. Vast cities and lush wilds spread across the planet. Darrowand Reds like himare nothing more than slaves to a decadent ruling class. Inspired by a longing for justice, and driven by the memory of lost love, Darrow sacrifices everything to infiltrate the legendary Institute, a proving ground for the dominant Gold caste, where the next generation of humanity's overlords struggle for power. He will be forced to compete for his life and the very future of civilization against the best and most brutal of Society's ruling class. There, he will stop at nothing to bring down his enemies . . . even if it means he has to become one of them to do so.Praise for Red Rising';[A] spectacular adventure . . . one heart-pounding ride . . . Pierce Brown's dizzyingly good debut novel evokes The Hunger Games, Lord of the Flies, and Ender's Game. . . . [Red Rising] has everything it needs to become meteoric.'Entertainment Weekly';Ender, Katniss, and now Darrow.'Scott Sigler ';Red Rising is a sophisticated vision. . . . Brown will find a devoted audience.'Richmond Times-DispatchDon't miss any of Pierce Brown's Red Rising Saga:RED RISING *;GOLDEN SON *;MORNING STAR *;IRON GOLD *;DARK AGE
- Bog
- 343,95 kr.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
263,95 kr. "The last two entries into the Sons of Ares had Fitchner on his heels. In the first, he was driven by love and desperation to save his wife Brynn before her execution at the hands of the Board of Quality Control. He failed, but rescued his child. In the second entry, Fitchner went head to head with both of his early allies--Arturius and, in a way, Quicksilver. His wrath left Arturius dead and setback Quicksilver's dream of expanding exploration and human habitation to other stars. In Forbidden Song, Ares may not always be in control. But he has a plan, and it's a doozy."--Provided by publisher.
- Bog
- 263,95 kr.
123,95 kr. ”Jeg lever for drømmen om, at mine børn fødes i frihed,” siger hun. ”At de kan være dem, de vil være. At de kan eje den jord, deres far gav dem.” ”Jeg lever for dig,” siger jeg sørgmodigt. Hun kysser mig på kinden. ”Du må leve for mere.” Jorden er død, og Jordens befolkning forsøger nu at gøre Mars beboelig. Darrow er minearbejder og Rød – den laveste kaste i et samfund, hvor befolkningen er delt op i farver. Ligesom de andre minearbejdere har Darrow aldrig set himlen. De arbejder hver eneste dag dybt nede i Mars’ undergrund for at skaffe det grundstof, som skal gøre overfladen beboelig for mennesker. Men en dag går det op for Darrow, at det hele er en løgn. Mars har været beboelig – og beboet – i generationer af den kaste, der kalder sig de Gyldne. På Mars’ overflade har de Gyldne i århundreder nydt livet, mens de har holdt de Røde som slaver i undergrunden. Det får Darrow til at slutte sig til en gruppe af oprørere. Tiden er inde til RØD OPSTAND.
367,95 - 435,95 kr. - Bog
- 367,95 kr.
213,95 kr. The legendary Reaper, Darrow, to defend Mars from a bloodthirsty would-be conqueror, begins his long voyage home, an interplanetary adventure where old friends will reunite, new alliances will be forged, and rivals will clash on the battlefield.--
- Bog
- 213,95 kr.
153,95 kr. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Red Rising hit the ground running and wasted no time becoming a sensation. Golden Son continues the stunning saga of Darrow, a rebel forged by tragedy, battling to lead his oppressed people to freedom.NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY NPR, BUZZFEED, AND BOOKLIST • "Gripping . . . On virtually every level, this is a sequel that hates sequels-a perfect fit for a hero who already defies the tropes. [Grade:] A"-Entertainment WeeklyAs a Red, Darrow grew up working the mines deep beneath the surface of Mars, enduring backbreaking labor while dreaming of the better future he was building for his descendants. But the Society he faithfully served was built on lies. Darrow's kind have been betrayed and denied by their elitist masters, the Golds-and their only path to liberation is revolution. And so Darrow sacrifices himself in the name of the greater good for which Eo, his true love and inspiration, laid down her own life. He becomes a Gold, infiltrating their privileged realm so that he can destroy it from within. A lamb among wolves in a cruel world, Darrow finds friendship, respect, and even love-but also the wrath of powerful rivals. To wage and win the war that will change humankind's destiny, Darrow must confront the treachery arrayed against him, overcome his all-too-human desire for retribution-and strive not for violent revolt but a hopeful rebirth. Though the road ahead is fraught with danger and deceit, Darrow must choose to follow Eo's principles of love and justice to free his people. He must live for more.Praise for Golden Son "Stirring . . . Comparisons to The Hunger Games and Game of Thrones series are inevitable, for this tale has elements of both."-Kirkus Reviews"Brown writes layered, flawed characters . . . but plot is his most breathtaking strength. . . . Every action seems to flow into the next."-NPRDon't miss any of Pierce Brown's Red Rising Saga:RED RISING • GOLDEN SON • MORNING STAR • IRON GOLD • DARK AGE
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
123,95 kr. MORGENSTJERNEN er tredje og sidste del af fortællingen om den loyale og hårdtarbejdende Darrow, der ikke skyr nogen midler for at gøre det rigtige. Darrow ønskede intet andet end at leve i fred, men hans fjender bragte ham krig. De Gyldne forlangte hans lydighed, slog hans kone ihjel og gjorde hans folk til slaver. Men Darrow er fast besluttet på at kæmpe imod. Han har sat alt på spil for at infiltrere det Gyldne Rige. Han har overlevet kappestride blandt rigets mægtigste krigere. Han har kæmpet sig til tops i hierarkiet og ventet tålmodigt på at sætte revolutionen i gang - en revolution, som vil ødelægge hierarkiet indefra. Serien RED RISING er en fabelagtig dystopi, som fans af THE HUNGER GAMES og GAME OF THRONES vil elske at læse!
123,95 kr. Darrow er Rød og hører dermed til den laveste kaste i et samfund, hvor befolkningen er delt op i farver. Hele sit liv har han arbejdet som slave i minerne under Mars’ overflade. Et arbejde som ikke bare er hårdt og farligt, men som også viste sig at være bygget på en løgn. De Røde er blevet holdt nede af samfundets top – de Gyldne – i flere århundreder, og nu er revolutionen den eneste vej til frihed. Darrow slutter sig til en oprørsgruppe, giver sig ud for at være Gylden og skal nu infiltrere det Gyldne Rige indefra. Han er som et lam blandt ulve. Alligevel finder han venskab og respekt – endda kærlighed – blandt de Gyldne. Men han finder også en voldsom vrede blandt sine rivaler. Hvis Darrow skal gøre sig håb om at vinde den krig, som vil ændre menneskehedens skæbne, må han konfrontere det forræderi, han står overfor.