Bøger af Philippa Gregory
108,95 kr. The fifth novel in The Cousins' War series tells the story of Elizabeth, daughter of Elizabeth Woodville, The White Queen
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- 108,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Fabulous historical by Philippa Gregory, the queen of Tudor novels. Set in the court of King Henry VIII, Mary Boleyn attracts the attention of the young king and becomes his mistress; when he tires of her, she sets out to school her sister, Anne, as a replacement.When Henry VIII tires of pretty young Mary Boleyn, her powerful family instructs her to promote her sister, Anne, as a replacement. But Anne Boleyn, newly returned from the French court, intelligent and spirited, doesn't agree to be Henry's mistress - only his wife. PItting the king's desperation for an heir against his powerful advisors - Wolsey, Cromwell and Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk - what Anne brings about will change the course of a country's history.Told with all of Philippa Gregory's characteristic perceptiveness, backed by meticulous historical research and superb storytelling skills, The Other Boleyn Girl brings a legendary court, its politics, personalities and scheming vividly to life.
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- 118,95 kr.
105,95 - 278,95 kr. - Bog
- 105,95 kr.
108,95 kr. From the Number One New York Times bestselling author, a riveting new Tudor story featuring Katherine of Aragon, and King Henry VIII's sisters Margaret and Mary, chronicling the pivotal roles the three queens played in King Henry VIII's kingdom
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- 108,95 kr.
113,95 kr. Who was Kateryn Parr, Henry VIII's last wife? Faithful wife and scholarly queen, or a heretic and disloyal, faithless citizen before the Tudor court?
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- 113,95 kr.
118,95 kr. The riveting story of Margaret Pole, daughter of George, Duke of Clarence, one of the few surviving members of the Plantagenet dynasty
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- 118,95 kr.
108,95 kr. The riveting story of Anne Neville, youngest daughter of the ruthless Earl of Warwick, the most powerful magnate in 15th century England
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- 108,95 kr.
108,95 kr. Number 1 bestselling author Philippa Gregory continues her series, The Cousins' War, with Jacquetta Woodville, mother of the White Queen
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- 108,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Continuing the tumultuous story of TheCousins War, Philippa tells the tale of a young mother's determined ambition for her son - soon to Henry VII
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- 118,95 kr.
113,95 kr. The tale of one woman's ambitious ascent to royalty during the Wars of the Roses and the unsolved mystery around her sons' imprisonment in the Tower
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- 113,95 kr.
118,95 - 228,95 kr. From the bestselling author of 'The Other Boleyn Girl', Philippa Gregory, comes a wonderfully atmospheric evocation of the court of Henry VIII and his final queens.The Last Boleyn is Jane, Lady Rochford - widow of the disgraced George Boleyn. Caught in the intrigues of the Tudor court, she manoeuvres for personal position as her family in turn tries to manipulate her.The king has married again; his bride is the deceptively astute Anne of Cleves. Her wits are tested as she senses a trap closing around her, with the Howards ready to take advantage of her fall. Central to their plot is the pretty, flirtatious Catherine, ready to take the place once held by her cousin Anne Boleyn.Jane briefly believes that she will escape the fate of all who attempt to betray the royal trust but she reckons without Henry's growing maliciousness. Her fate is sealed; she will be the last Boleyn.Philippa Gregory is the acknowledged queen of historical fiction and this novel again displays her trademark blend of passion and politics, authenticity and tremendously gripping storytelling.
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- 118,95 kr.
108,95 kr. Splendid and sumptuous historical novel from the internationally bestselling author, Philippa Gregory, telling of the early life of Katherine of Aragon. We think of her as the barren wife of a notorious king; but behind this legacy lies a fascinating story.Katherine of Aragon is born Catalina, the Spanish Infanta, to parents who are both rulers and warriors. Aged four, she is betrothed to Arthur, Prince of Wales, and is raised to be Queen of England. She is never in doubt that it is her destiny to rule that far-off, wet, cold land.Her faith is tested when her prospective father-in-law greets her arrival in her new country with a great insult; Arthur seems little better than a boy; the food is strange and the customs coarse. Slowly she adapts to the first Tudor court, and life as Arthur's wife grows ever more bearable. But when the studious young man dies, she is left to make her own future: how can she now be queen, and found a dynasty? Only by marrying Arthur's young brother, the sunny but spoilt Henry. His father and grandmother are against it; her powerful parents prove little use. Yet Katherine is her mother's daughter and her fighting spirit is strong. She will do anything to achieve her aim; even if it means telling the greatest lie, and holding to it.Philippa Gregory proves yet again that behind the apparently familiar face of history lies an astonishing story: of women warriors influencing the future of Europe, of revered heroes making deep mistakes, and of an untold love story which changes the fate of a nation.
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- 108,95 kr.
147,95 - 215,95 kr. - Bog
- 147,95 kr.
109,95 kr. A racy and riveting drama of intrigue at the Tudor court, based on Philippa Gregory's internationally bestselling novel.
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- 109,95 kr.
44,73 kr. De fleste har hørt om Anne Boleyn, den kvinde som Henrik VIII blev så betaget af, at han forskød sin hustru, Katarina af Aragonien, for at kunne gifte sig for anden gang.Hvad de færreste ved er, at kongen først var forelsket i Annes søster Mary og faktisk fik to børn med hende. I Kongens Frille hører vi om denne historie, om en purung pige belastet med en familie, så ambitiøs, at de sendte først Mary og dernæst Anne af sted til kongens seng i håb om vinde magtkampen blandt Englands allerfornemmeste familier.Da kampen var forbi, havde Anne mistet sit hoved, Henrik var blevet bandlyst af paven, familien Boleyn havde tabt al magt, og kimen var lagt til arvefølgestridigheder og voldsom religiøs uro i landet i mange år derefter.
- E-bog
- 44,73 kr.
123,95 kr. Elizabeth den Første krones i 1558 og følges tæt af sin barndomsven og tilbeder Sir Robert Dudley. Mens han søger magten ved hoffet, lever hans hustru en trist og forsømt tilværelse, og dronningens nærmeste begynder at se skævt til ham.
- E-bog
- 123,95 kr.
123,95 kr. Tre unge kvinder, tre skrækkelige skæbner. Henrik VIII’s ulykkelige ægteskab med Anne Boleyn gav langvarige efterdønninger. Efter dronning Janes død i barselsseng skal kongen have en ny dronning, og valget falder på Anne af Cleeves fra et lille hertugdømme i Tyskland. Maleren Holbein sendes af sted for at lave et portræt af den unge pige, og kongen er godt tilfreds, da han ser det. Det er han imidlertid ikke, da han og Anne møder hinanden første gang. Mødet er en katastrofe, og ægteskabet er kuldsejlet på forhånd. Imens lurer tidens måske største intrigemager, hertugen af Norfolk, i kulissen og planlægger at sætte endnu en niece på Englands trone. Lille Katarina Howard udses til at overtage arven efter Anne Boleyn. En fuldkommen kynisk skalten og valten med andre menneskers liv får hertugen til også at placere Jane Boleyn, Annes svigerinde, ved hoffet, og i løbet af to korte år udleves den måske største farce, verden nogensinde har været vidne til. Bortset fra at der ikke er meget at grine ad. Tre unge kvinder, tre stemmer. I To Dronninger får de alle tre lov til at komme til orde og fortælle deres side af sagen.
- E-bog
- 123,95 kr.
44,73 kr. "... og er man til historiske romaner, er der ingen vej uden om den spændende og velskrevne roman, Philippa Gregory har skrevet." Jydske Vestkysten "En anderledes historisk roman om Tudor-tidens England." Søndag Det anspændte forhold mellem Maria og Elizabeth, døtre af Henrik VIII, er efterhånden velkendt stof. Kampen om tronen, om troen, om folkets kærlighed, om den spanske prins Filips kærlighed, ja om så mange ting, forpestede stemningen ved det engelske hof og fik alle hoffolk til at krybe langs væggene af skræk. Til dette hof ankommer en ung kvinde, Hannah, i allerdybeste hemmelighed praktiserende jøde og på flugt fra Inkvisitionen. Hannah har en evne: Hun ser ting, eller rettere en gang imellem tager tungen magten over hende, og hun siger ting, taler om noget, der endnu ikke er sket, advarer om endnu ikke erkendte farer. En uvurderlig evne for en dronning, der hele tiden frygter for sit liv.
- E-bog
- 44,73 kr.
443,95 kr. "A history of England from the Norman Conquest through the twentieth century, told through the stories of ordinary women"--
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- 443,95 kr.
123,95 kr. Det vrimler med tragiske skæbner i fortiden, men historien om Katarina af Aragonien er en af de mest tragiske.Som datter af Ferdinand 2. og Isabella, med tilnavnet De Katolske Monarker, voksede hun op i et ikke blot stærkt katolsk rige, men også i et af de altdominerende dynastier i Europa på den tid. At vælge sin egen ægtemand var naturligvis udelukket, en ´Infanta´ var et aktiv, der skulle bruges til at binde lande sammen med, og en brik i kampen om overherredømme.England var en attraktiv forbundsfælle mod de forhadte franskmænd, og Katarina blev som spæd forlovet med Arthur, søn af Henrik 7. I hele sin opvækst blev hun således indprentet, at hun var udset til at være dronning over et imperium, og da hun som 16-årig sejlede til England, var det en stolt, uhyre veluddannet, forfinet og stærkt troende pige, der rejste til sit bryllup.Philippa Gregory fortæller endnu en gang ´historien bag historien´ om livet ved Tudorhoffet, og Katarinas rolle i dynastispillet er en af de allermest interessante. Indirekte var hun skyld i, at Henrik 8. brød med Den Katolske Kirke, hun blev mor til en af de mest brutale monarker i Englands historie, Maria den Blodige, og i hendes tid blev forbundsfæller til dødelige fjender og omvendt.
123,95 kr. Historisk roman om dronning Elizabeth af England og den skotske dronning Maria Stuart. Handlingen udspiller sig i perioden 1568-1587, hvor Maria Stuart sad i husarrest i England. Hendes "vært" og fangevogter var Bess af Hardwick, hertuginden af Shrewsbury.
213,95 kr. "The Fairmile series continues as the fiercely independent Alinor and her family find themselves entangled in palace intrigue, political upheaval, and life-changing secrets in 17th-century England"--
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- 213,95 kr.
475,95 kr. - Bog
- 475,95 kr.
228,95 kr. - Bog
- 228,95 kr.
228,95 kr. Includes a reading group guide with discussion questions, an interview with the author, and book club enhancement suggestions.
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- 228,95 kr.
198,95 kr. By the #1 New York Times bestselling author, a novel of passion and power at the court of a medieval killer, a riveting new Tudor tale featuring King Henry VIII’s sixth wife Kateryn Parr.Kateryn Parr, a thirty-year-old widow in a secret affair with a new lover, has no choice when a man old enough to be her father who has buried four wives—King Henry VIII—commands her to marry him. Kateryn has no doubt about the danger she faces: the previous queen lasted sixteen months, the one before barely half a year. But Henry adores his new bride and Kateryn’s trust in him grows as she unites the royal family, creates a radical study circle at the heart of the court, and rules the kingdom as Regent. But is this enough to keep her safe? A leader of religious reform and the first woman to publish in English, Kateryn stands out as an independent woman with a mind of her own. But she cannot save the Protestants, under threat for their faith, and Henry’s dangerous gaze turns on her. The traditional churchmen and rivals for power accuse her of heresy—the punishment is death by fire and the king’s name is on the warrant... From the bestselling author who has illuminated all of Henry’s queens comes a deeply intimate portrayal of the last: a woman who longed for passion, power, and education at the court of a medieval killer.
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- 198,95 kr.
228,95 kr. - Bog
- 228,95 kr.
118,95 kr. - Bog
- 118,95 kr.
228,95 kr. - Bog
- 228,95 kr.
218,95 kr. In her second book of the Cousins' War series, #1 "New York Times"-bestselling author Gregory moves to the Lancaster side, and tells the story of a determined woman who believes she is destined to shape the course of history.
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- 218,95 kr.