Bøger af Philip Giordano
- En hyldest til planter verden over
312,95 kr. Lækker bog om planter og måden, vi bruger dem på overalt i vores liv. Fuld af sjove aktiviteter og masser af lærdom til børn i alle aldre.En bog, som gør naturen, i dette tilfælde planter og blomster, tilgængelig og håndgribelig for yngre læsere, med pædagogiske forklaringer, entusiastiske tekster, letforståelige illustrationer og ikke mindst en række aktiviteter og gør det selv-eksperimenter, hvor børn selv kan lære for eksempel at gro planter i gamle plasticflasker i vindueskarmen."Så fuld af blændende, lækre billeder, at det er som at åbne en førsteklasses have med sine hænder." – The Guardian
- Bog
- 312,95 kr.
133,95 kr. "Iris asked the other birds, 'What happens to the forest when we leave?' But nobody knew the answer. No swallow had ever stayed long enough to see. It's time for the swallows to fly South for the winter. But not for Iris, a curious swallow, who has always wondered what the winter is like and decides to stay. One by one, the leaves fall from the trees and the cold begins to settle. Soon an icy wind blows and big snowflakes tumble from the sky. Maybe staying for the winter was a mistake... Though everything changes when Iris stumbles into the home of a squirrel."--
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.
213,95 kr. "An endearing tale of a young penguin named Milo who does not want to dive into the icy water of the pack ice to catch fish...When a whale appears and offers to take him on a trip, Milo readily accepts...In the faraway South Seas, Milo is amazed by the colors, the warmth of the water and the air, and most of all the friendly welcome he receives from the tropical animals who accept him for who he is"--
- Bog
- 213,95 kr.