Bøger af Peter Richards
215,95 kr. - Bog
- 215,95 kr.
88,95 kr. - Bog
- 88,95 kr.
343,95 kr. Peter Richards was born in 1932 and is now married with two children and five grandchildren. He lived an idyllic country childhood, growing up in a small village south of Chichester. The war years provided the young lad new and exciting experiences, with forbidden scrambles into bomb craters and the 'rescuing' of parts from downed aircraft.Dreams of joining the RAF for his national service were dashed by a perforated eardrum so Peter instead joined the Met Office, commencing his employment at the famous wartime airfield of Tangmere, then moving north to Dunstable. It was during his work there that after reading Niall Rankin's Antarctic Island, Peter conversed with John Lancaster, a colleague who had just returned from the British Overseas Territory of South Georgia. This inspired Peter to apply for a role in South Georgia himself, however he was instead offered a three-year stint with the Falkland Island Dependency Survey (now known as the British Antarctic Survey). After a Harley Street specialist found nothing wrong with Peter's ear, he was off to the southern hemisphere.After a long trip by sea on the RRS Shackleton via the Falklands, Peter was landed on the island of Signy, and as base leader with five other men spent three seasons there, before being moved to South Georgia where he explored, surveyed and even helped with the tagging of seals. This is the story of Peter's time at the bottom of the world.
- Bog
- 343,95 kr.
128,95 kr. Poetry. In the introduction to OUBLIETTE, Peter Richards's first book of poetry, Tomaz Salamun writes, It is inscrutable how Peter Richards produces this religious magma and bathes himself and us in it. How he restores internal time to the work of art. I don't know and I don't want to tell you about it. Get wet by yourself. Dara Wier says about OUBLIETTE, I love to read a book approaching tragedy without recourse to literal analogy. Peter Richards' poems hesitate to simplify and they get close to knowing, thus they nearly push me over the edge, then they say, don't go, not yet. They electrify the mortal story that goes - there's only one way in, one way out of this world. And then these tender poems say, let's go everywhere, maybe there's another world.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
174,95 kr. En Burlington, Vermont, trabaja a oscuras y segura Peter Richards, poeta y pintor norteamericano desconocido en lengua española: un poeta que se sale del plato, rompe con la creación al uso (normativa) en un país con una extraordinaria tradición poética y pictórica de ruptura y modificación que está en peligro de extinción y que Richards rescata (reanuda) en solitario, haciendo una poesía de la dificultad inasible, densa, cuyas fuentes no son fáciles de rastrear. Poema a poema siempre encontramos algo que nos conmueve, pugna y espiritualidad que a la vez se nos escapa y resulta en una consternada participación. (José Kozer)
- Bog
- 174,95 kr.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
- Planning a Career: Choosing a Speciality
535,95 kr. Realistic yet encouraging, responsible yet wryly humorous, this is the book that all final-year medical students and junior doctors will need in planning their careers. Written by the Dean of a London medical school it brings together essential information on all the specialities, both hospital-based and in the community.
- Bog
- 535,95 kr.