Bøger af Peter I O
233,95 kr. "ÜBERWINDUNG DES ÜBERDENKENS" ist ein Leitfaden, der dem Leser helfen soll, die Herausforderungen des ständigen Überdenkens zu bewältigen. In der schnelllebigen Welt von heute sind viele Menschen in endlosen Kreisläufen von Sorgen und Selbstzweifeln gefangen. Dieses Buch geht den Gründen für solche Muster auf den Grund und zeigt die Verbindung zu Gefühlen von Angst und Traurigkeit auf. In diesem Buch werden Sie die folgenden Erkenntnisse gewinnen: 1. Erkennen Sie Ihre Gewohnheiten des Überdenkens: Sie erhalten ein klares Verständnis davon, wie Überdenken in Ihrem Leben aussieht, und erkennen die Momente, in denen sich Ihr Gehirn in einer Schleife auf bestimmte Gedanken stürzt. 2. Entdecken Sie Ihre Auslöser: Sie werden die spezifischen Ereignisse, Situationen oder Gefühle ermitteln, die Ihre Anfälle von übermäßigem Grübeln auslösen, so dass Sie die Grundursachen direkt angehen können. 3. Spüren Sie die körperliche Verbindung: Sie werden sich der körperlichen Anzeichen und Symptome bewusst, die das Überdenken mit sich bringt, wie z.B. Schlaflosigkeit oder Verspannungen, was Ihnen hilft, den Kreislauf frühzeitig zu erkennen und zu unterbrechen. 4. Verbinden Sie Gedanken mit Gefühlen: Sie werden sehen, wie Ihr Überdenken oft direkt mit Gefühlen wie Angst, Sorge oder Traurigkeit zusammenhängt, was Ihnen einen tieferen Einblick in Ihre emotionalen Reaktionen ermöglicht. 5. Achtsamkeit üben: Sie werden praktische Achtsamkeitsübungen erlernen, die Sie in den gegenwärtigen Moment zurückführen und Ihnen sofortige Erleichterung von Gedankenspiralen bieten. 6. Hinterfragen Sie Ihre Denkmuster: Bewaffnet mit kognitiven Strategien werden Sie in der Lage sein, diesen belastenden Gedankenmustern entgegenzuwirken und sie in positivere und konstruktivere zu verwandeln. 7. Setzen Sie Ihre Grenzen: Sie werden lernen, wie wichtig es ist, sich klare mentale Grenzen zu setzen, damit Sie sich die notwendigen Pausen gönnen, um Situationen oder Entscheidungen nicht zu sehr zu analysieren. 8. Führen Sie praktische Übungen durch: Sie erhalten umsetzbare Schritte und Übungen für die tägliche Praxis, die Ihnen helfen, Ihren Geist konsequent zu beruhigen und zu fokussieren. 9. Beziehen Sie sich auf Geschichten aus dem wirklichen Leben: Sie werden aus erster Hand Berichte von Menschen lesen, die wie Sie mit ihren Überdenkensgewohnheiten konfrontiert waren und diese erfolgreich bewältigt haben, was Ihnen Nachvollziehbarkeit und Motivation bietet. 10. Rüsten Sie sich für die Zukunft: Neben der Bewältigung Ihres derzeitigen Überdenkens erhalten Sie Werkzeuge und Kenntnisse, die Ihnen helfen, geistige Klarheit zu bewahren und einen Rückfall in alte Gewohnheiten in Zukunft zu vermeiden. Diese Erkenntnisse und andere großartige Vorteile erwarten Sie, wenn Sie die Seiten dieses Buches durchlesen. Dieses Buch bietet auch praktische Schritte, um sich von diesen Denkmustern zu befreien. Durch leicht nachvollziehbare Übungen und klare Strategien lernen die Leserinnen und Leser, wie sie ihren Geist beruhigen und ein friedlicheres, konzentrierteres Leben führen können. Wenn Sie einen klareren Geist und einen Weg zu innerem Frieden suchen, bietet Ihnen dieses Buch die nötigen Werkzeuge.
- Bog
- 233,95 kr.
193,95 kr. '과도한 생각을 극복하기' 책은 독자들이 끊임없이 생각하는 것에 대해 직면하도록 돕기 위해 고안된 안내서입니다. 오늘날의 빠른 세상 속에서 많은 사람이 걱정과 자기 회의의 끊임없는 굴레 안에 갇히는 자신을 발견하곤 합니다. 이 책은 이러한 양상의 이면에 존재하는 이유를 파악하고 불안과 우울한 감정과의 연관성을 보여줄 것입니다. '과도한 생각을 극복하기' 책은 독자들이 끊임없이 생각하는 것에 대해 직면하도록 돕기 위해 고안된 안내서입니다. 오늘날의 빠른 세상 속에서 많은 사람들이 걱정과 자기 회의의 끊임없는 굴레 안에 갇히는 자신을 발견하곤 합니다. 이 책은 이러한 양상의 이면에 존재하는 이유를 파악하고, 불안과 우울한 감정과의 연관성을 보여줍니다. 이 책에서 독자들은 다음의 통찰력을 습득할 수 있을 것입니다. 1. 과도하게 생각하는 습관을 인식하기 생활 속에서 과도하게 생각한다는 것이 어떤 것인지를 명확하게 이해하고, 뇌에서 특정한 생각들을 계속해서 반복하는 순간을 인지할 수 있게 될 것입니다. 2. 유발 요인 알아내기 과도한 생각을 유발하는 특정한 사건, 상황들 혹은 감정들을 정확하게 찾아내어 근본적 원인을 직접적으로 다룰 수 있도록 합니다. 3. 신체적인 연관성 이해하기 과도한 생각이 일으키는 신체적 증후와 증상들, 이를테면 불면증과 긴장감 등을 인식하고 순환으로 이어지기 전에 억제하도록 도움을 줄 것입니다. 4. 생각과 감정을 관련짓기 과도한 생각이 자주 불안과 걱정, 우울과 같은 감정으로 직결된다는 것을 이해하고 감정 반응에 대한 더 깊은 통찰력을 얻게 될 것입니다. 5. 명상 연습하기 현재의 순간으로 끌어오도록 설계된 명상 운동을 몸으로 배우는 것을 통해 생각의 소용돌이로부터 즉각적인 경감을 제공할 것입니다. 6. 생각의 패턴에 도전하기 인지적 전략들로 무장하여, 소진하게 하는 생각의 패턴을 더욱 긍정적이고 건설적으로 변화하도록 할 것입니다. 7. 경계를 정하기 명확한 정신적인 한계치를 정하는 것을 배우고, 상황이나 결정들에 대해 너무 자세히 분석하는 것으로부터 필요한 휴식을 보장하도록 합니다. 8. 실습해보기 일상화 할 수 있도록 고안된 실행 가능한 단계별 운동을 통해 계속해서 마음을 진정시키고 집중하는 데 애쓰도록 할 것입니다. 9. 실제 인생의 이야기와 연관짓기 과도하게 생각하는 습관을 관리하는 데 있어서 성공한 사람들이 직접 체험한 이야기를 통해서 공감과 동기부여를 제공합니다. 10. 미래를 위한 준비하기 단순히 과도하게 생각하는 현재를 관리하는 것을 넘어서, 정신적으로 명확성을 유지하도록 보장하는 수단과 지식을 제공하여 예전의 습관으로 되돌아가는 것을 예방할 것입니다. 독자는 이 책의 페이지를 넘기면서 위에서 언급한 통찰력과 그 밖에도 여러가지 훌륭하고 유익한 내용들을 확인할 수 있을 것입니다. 또한, 이 책에서는 생각의 패턴에서 빠져나올 수 있는 실용적인 단계들을 제공합니다. 따라 하기 쉬운 운동들과 확실한 전략들을 통해서 마음을 진정시키는 방법들을 배우고, 더욱더 평화롭고 중심이 잡힌 삶을 살 수 있을 것입니다. 더욱 명료한 정신과 내면의 평화로 이끄는 길을 찾고 있다면, 이 책이 필요한 수단들을 제공해 줄 것입니다.
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- 193,95 kr.
238,95 kr. "Superare il pensiero eccessivo" è una guida progettata per aiutare i lettori ad affrontare le sfide del pensiero eccessivo costante. Nel mondo frenetico di oggi, molti si ritrovano intrappolati in cicli infiniti di preoccupazione e insicurezza. Questo libro approfondisce le ragioni alla base di tali modelli, evidenziando la connessione con sentimenti di ansia e tristezza. In questo libro imparerai i seguenti approfondimenti: 1. Riconosci le tue abitudini di pensare troppo: acquisirai una chiara comprensione di come appare il pensiero eccessivo nella tua vita, realizzando quei momenti in cui il tuo cervello continua a concentrarsi su determinati pensieri. 2. Scopri i tuoi fattori scatenanti: individuerai gli eventi, le situazioni o i sentimenti specifici che scatenano i tuoi attacchi di ruminazione eccessiva, permettendoti di affrontare direttamente le cause alla radice. 3. Senti la connessione fisica: diventerai consapevole dei segni e dei sintomi fisici che il pensiero eccessivo porta, come l`insonnia o la tensione, aiutandoti a catturare e frenare il ciclo in anticipo. 4. Collega i pensieri alle emozioni: vedrai come il tuo pensare troppo spesso si lega direttamente a sentimenti di ansia, preoccupazione o tristezza, dandoti una visione più profonda delle tue risposte emotive. 5. Pratica la consapevolezza: imparerai esercizi pratici di consapevolezza su misura per riportarti al momento presente, offrendo sollievo immediato dai pensieri a spirale. 6. Sfida i tuoi schemi di pensiero: armato di strategie cognitive, sarai attrezzato per contrastare e trasformare questi schemi di pensiero drenanti in schemi più positivi e costruttivi. 7. Stabilisci i tuoi limiti: imparerai il valore di stabilire limiti mentali chiari, assicurandoti di concederti le pause necessarie dall`analisi eccessiva di situazioni o decisioni. 8. Partecipa a esercizi pratici: riceverai passaggi ed esercizi attuabili progettati per la pratica quotidiana, che ti aiuteranno a lavorare costantemente per calmare e concentrare la tua mente. 9. Collegati a storie di vita reale: leggerai resoconti di prima mano di altri come te che hanno affrontato e gestito con successo le loro abitudini di pensiero eccessivo, offrendo sia riconoscibilità che motivazione. 10. Preparati per il futuro: oltre a gestire i tuoi attuali schemi di pensiero eccessivo, acquisirai strumenti e conoscenze per assicurarti di mantenere la lucidità mentale e prevenire di ricadere nelle vecchie abitudini in futuro. Questi approfondimenti e altri grandi vantaggi ti aspettano mentre leggi le pagine di questo libro. Questo libro offre anche passaggi pratici per liberarsi da questi schemi di pensiero. Attraverso esercizi facili da seguire e strategie chiare, i lettori impareranno modi per calmare la mente e vivere una vita più pacifica e centrata. Se stai cercando una mente più chiara e un percorso verso la pace interiore, questo libro offre gli strumenti di cui hai bisogno.
- Bog
- 238,95 kr.
174,95 kr. "思考過剰の克服 "は、読者が常に考えすぎてしまうという課題に取り組むためのガイドである。ペースの速い現代社会では、多くの人が心配や自信喪失の終わりのないサイクルに陥っている。本書は、そのようなパターンの背後にある理由を掘り下げ、不安や悲しみの感情との関連に焦点を当てる。本書では、以下の洞察を学ぶことができる: 1. 自分の考えすぎの癖を認識する: あなたの人生において、考えすぎがどのようなものかを明確に理解し、脳が特定の考えにループし続ける瞬間に気づく。2. きっかけを見つける: 過剰な反芻の発作を引き起こす具体的な出来事、状況、感情を特定し、その根本原因に直接対処できるようになります。3. 身体的なつながりを感じる: 不眠や緊張など、考えすぎがもたらす身体的徴候や症状に気づくようになり、そのサイクルを早期に発見し、抑制することができるようになる。4. 思考と感情を結びつける: 自分の考えすぎが、不安や心配、悲しみといった感情とどのように直接結びついているかがわかります。5. マインドフルネスを実践する: 今この瞬間に引き戻され、渦巻く思考からすぐに解放されるように調整された実践的なマインドフルネス・エクササイズを学びます。6. 思考パターンに挑戦する: 認知的な戦略を身につけることで、疲弊した思考パターンを打ち消し、より前向きで建設的な思考パターンに変えることができるようになります。7. 境界線を設定する: 精神的な限界を明確に設定することの大切さを学び、状況や決断を分析しすぎないよう、自分に必要な休息を与えるようにします。8. 実践的なエクササイズに取り組む: 毎日実践できるようにデザインされた、実践可能なステップとエクササイズを学びます。9. 実際の体験談に関連づける: あなたと同じように、考えすぎの癖に直面し、うまく対処してきた人たちの体験談を読むことで、親近感とやる気の両方を得ることができます。10. 将来への備え: 現在の考えすぎのパターンを管理するだけでなく、将来的に精神的な明晰さを維持し、古い習慣に逆戻りしないようにするためのツールや知識を得ることができます。本書のページを読み進めると、こうした洞察やその他の大きなメリットがあなたを待っている。本書はまた、こうした思考パターンから抜け出すための実践的なステップも提供している。簡単にできるエクササイズと明確な戦略を通して、読者は心を落ち着かせ、より平和で中心的な生活を送る方法を学ぶことができる。もしあなたが、よりクリアな心と内なる平和への道を求めているのなら、本書はあなたに必要なツールを提供する。
- Bog
- 174,95 kr.
218,95 kr. "OVERCOMING OVERTHINKING" is a guide designed to help readers tackle the challenges of constant overthinking. In today`s fast-paced world, many find themselves trapped in endless cycles of worry and self-doubt. This book dives into the reasons behind such patterns, highlighting the connection to feelings of anxiety and sadness. In this book, you will learn the following insights: 1. Recognize Your Overthinking Habits: You`ll gain a clear understanding of what overthinking looks like in your life, realizing those moments when your brain keeps looping on certain thoughts. 2. Discover Your Triggers: You`ll pinpoint the specific events, situations, or feelings that spark your bouts of excessive rumination, allowing you to address the root causes directly. 3. Feel the Physical Connection: You`ll become aware of the physical signs and symptoms overthinking brings, like sleeplessness or tension, helping you catch and curb the cycle early. 4. Link Thoughts to Emotions: You`ll see how your overthinking often ties directly to feelings of anxiety, worry, or sadness, giving you deeper insight into your emotional responses. 5. Practice Mindfulness: You`ll learn hands-on mindfulness exercises tailored to pull you back to the present moment, offering immediate relief from spiraling thoughts. 6. Challenge Your Thought Patterns: Armed with cognitive strategies, you`ll be equipped to counteract and shift those draining thought patterns into more positive and constructive ones. 7. Set Your Boundaries: You`ll learn the value of setting clear mental limits, ensuring you give yourself the necessary breaks from over-analyzing situations or decisions. 8. Engage in Practical Exercises: You`ll receive actionable steps and exercises designed for daily practice, helping you consistently work on calming and focusing your mind. 9. Relate to Real-life Stories: You`ll read firsthand accounts from others like you who`ve faced and successfully managed their overthinking habits, offering both relatability and motivation. 10. Equip Yourself for the Future: Beyond just managing your current overthinking patterns, you`ll gain tools and knowledge to ensure you maintain mental clarity and prevent falling back into old habits in the future. These insights and other great benefits await you as you read through the pages of this book. This book also offers practical steps to break free from these thought patterns. Through easy-to-follow exercises and clear strategies, readers will learn ways to calm their minds and live more peaceful, centered lives. If you`re seeking a clearer mind and a path to inner peace, this book offers the tools you need.
- Bog
- 218,95 kr.
- Bible Keys and Prayers for Business Growth, Success, and Financial Prosperity.
143,95 kr. Power To Make Make WealthThis book teaches God's way of becoming wealthy and prosperous. It contains knowledge, guides, and prayers on how to receive miraculous financial breakthroughs.Did God promise to make our efforts successful and prosperous? Let's get the answer to this question from the scripture. Let's see the following scriptures to know the mind of God concerning prosperity."Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." (3 John 1:2)"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." (Joshua 1:8)"Let them shout for joy and be glad, Who favor my righteous cause; And let them say continually, "Let the Lord be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant." (Psalms 35:27)"If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures." (Job 36:11)"The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man." (Genesis 39:2)These scriptures clearly revealed that God has a glorious plan to make His people rich, wealthy, and prosperous both in the physical and spiritual. If are not succeeding and prospering in what you do, then you have been missing a lot. But there is nothing to worry about. This book contains all you need to know and do in order to enjoy the divine wealth and prosperity which God has made available for His people.As you read this book, I wish you a divine turnaround for success and prosperity.Enjoy it.
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- 143,95 kr.
- Plus: 170 Bible Quotes
108,95 kr. A DEVOTIONAL BIBLE STUDY GUIDEThe Bible is the manual of our lives filled with wisdom and knowledge that enables us to walk with God and receive divine blessings. It will be a great experience if we study through the Bible.This book "One Year Bible Study Guide" is a comprehensive arrangement of the scriptures for daily bible study. It is a great bible study planner and bible study tools. It is written to help children of God to study the Bible in a devotional acumen during personal quiet and covenant time with God. This book is also written to encourage everyone to see the importance of "Daily Bible Study", and abide in it as supposed.The heartbeat of God is the closeness of His children, and one of the ways we draw nearer to God is through Bible study. When we study the Bible, healing, deliverance, revival, salvation, and many other good things take place in our lives. There is also a release of peace and comfort in our hearts when we study the word of God. The more we study the word of God, the more we draw closer to Him.170 BIBLE QUOTESThis book contains 170 Bible Quotes that would enhance your spiritual life and increase your faith. It would be a joyful encounter for you.As you make use of this book, you will enjoy the following benefits: 1) Your eyes will open to spiritual realities2) You will have a better understanding of the Person of God3) You will have more knowledge of the ordinances of God4) You will grow in faith and grace5) You will grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding.6) You will study the bible in 52 weeks.And many other benefits.As you make use of this book in your daily bible devotion, God will bless and enrich you greatly.Enjoy it and be blessed.
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- 108,95 kr.
98,95 kr. HYMN SONGS AMAZING MIRACLES This book, "PRAY THE HYMNS," was written to reveal the secret of turning hymn songs into prayer points and receive your desired blessings from God. This book will show you unique ways hymn songs can be a blessing to you, which you may not know before now. In this book, you will enjoy the following: 1) The Revelation of the person of God through worship2) Supernatural expression of joy in God's presence3) Consciousness of the holy presence of God4) Perception of angelic praise and worship5) Power of praises and prayers. I have always known and believed that hymns songs are inspired by the Holy Spirit to build our spirit, soul, and body unto divine perfection. But I never knew that hymn songs are literally prayers, and they are acceptable unto God until it was divinely revealed. You are privileged to have this book because the contents of this book will show you how you can receive amazing miracles from God by praying the hymn songs. Enjoy it.
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- 98,95 kr.
- Impartation of God's wisdom to achieve great exploit. Learning from the Holy Spirit.
173,95 kr. YOU WILL HAVE ENCOUNTER WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT AFTER READING THIS BOOK. The Impartation of God's Wisdom to achieve great exploit. Learning from the Holy Spirit. When a person encounters the Holy Spirit, his life, and everything that concerns him will change miraculously. Just like on the day of Pentecost, when the disciples received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, they spoke in new tongues, and their lives changed for higher manifestations. Their words, actions, and movements became orderly, and they began to do great exploits and achieve what they could not achieve before. If you desire to be among the best in the areas of Education, Parenting, Marriage, Friendship, Relationship, Leadership, Christian Life, and the Gospel Ministry, then this book is for you.In this book, you will learn many things about the Holy Spirit and how to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit. A Christian without the Holy Spirit cannot achieve divine purpose. This book, "31 Days Encounter with the Holy Spirit," is a "Life in the Spirit program." A study guide that attracts divine encounter and releases the supernatural virtues of the Holy Spirit in your life. You can receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit the same day you repented and gave your life to Christ, but it takes due processes and a constant intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit to receive the "Full Divine Empowerment." The bible made it clear that Stephen was a man full of the Holy Spirit. His intimate walk with the Holy Spirit enabled him to receive the full empowerment of the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:5). Anyone who does not have the Holy Spirit is in danger of becoming prey to the teeth of the Devil at any time. Study this book with adequate devotion, follow the guidelines in it, take the prayers accordingly, and the Holy Spirit will transform your life for good and also help you to fulfill your destiny. Enjoy it, and be blessed.
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- 173,95 kr.
- A prayer guide to access the blessings of God
93,95 kr. A POWERFUL AND INSIGHTFUL PRAYER BOOK How To Pray and Receive Answers Without Hindrances. A prayer guide to access the blessings of God. DescriptionIf you want to pray and receive the blessings of your prayer, this book should be a must-read for you. I encourage you to read this book, and you will be glad you did. This book "How To Pray and Receive Answers to Your Prayers without Hindrances" is a prayer guide to access the blessings of God. God promised to answer our prayers whenever we call upon Him, and He is always faithful to His word. Each time we pray, God answers. But the disturbing question is, "Why do many people pray yet they don't receive answers to their prayers?". The causes of the hindrances are revealed in this book. The scriptural secrets revealed in this book will help you to know how to pray and receive answers to your prayers without hindrances. It is important to know that whenever you approach God in prayer, there are scriptural principles you should apply for God to hear your prayers and release the blessings of your prayers. Study this book in an atmosphere of quietness so that you can gain the revelation knowledge embedded in this book. As you go through this book, your eyes will be opened to understand the spiritual realities. You will overcome every hindrances to your prayers by the scriptural secrets revealed in this book. May God bless you as you read. Enjoy it.
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- 93,95 kr.
- Supernatural ways through which God recover our loses.
98,95 kr. RECOVER YOUR LOSES BY THE POWER OF GOD.This book is written to quicken your mortal body, stair up your spirit, and encourage you to stand to your feet and recover all that Satan and his cohorts have stolen from you. You can't afford to allow the Devil to retain the things he has stolen from you and continue stealing from you. There is a popular saying that; "every day is for the thief, but one day is for the owner.". I don't know how long the enemy has been stealing from you; it is time to recover and reclaim your losses.It is the nature of Satan to steal. If he succeeds in stealing, it becomes easier for him to kill and destroy. This menace of Satan and his cohorts have reduced the potency of the virtues which God deposited in the lives of His people, and also render the destiny of many people useless. Satan has robbed many people of their salvation, gifts, talents, marriages, jobs, businesses, properties, and even their lives.In this book, you will learn and gain the revelation knowledge on: How Satan steal from the people, How God Almighty recover our lossesOur roles in the Divine works of recoveryHow to retain what you have recoveredNo one enjoys losing something good. A pregnant woman is never happy when she experiences miscarriage during pregnancy or loses her child after birth. Businessmen and women feel so sad whenever they fail in any business venture. In sports, no team feels happy whenever they lose a match or tournament to their opponent. This is a general and natural feeling in all ramifications of life. No one enjoys losing important things, and it shouldn't happen in your own life. If you have lost any before now, lift up your voice and pray for recovery and restoration of your loses. God will surely grant you miraculous restoration.Many people lose one thing or the other every day because Satan steals every day. As God gives us daily benefits, so Satan gives us daily problems. Unfortunately, the majority of these set of people who had lost great riches and virtues to Satan, are making little or no effort to recover their belongings from the Devil. This book will enlighten you and equally help you to avoid those things which make Satan has the edge over you and steal from you. This is a book you should study with adequate devotion. Avoid any form of distraction while reading this book and invite the Holy Spirit to conduct "divine works of recovery" in your life. There shall be clear signs and evidence that God is restoring you even as you go through this book.There are certain facts about a thief or thieves that we should know;A thief comes without notification.A thief comes to rob you of your goods and belongings.A thief can do anything to get what he wants, even if it means killing someone.A thief is cruel and wicked.A thief sees stealing as a business and not an act of evil.A thief comes each time he noticed that something good has come into someone's life.A thief is not mindful of your loss. He is mindful of his gain. Etc.These ungodly characteristics of a thief or thieves should call for your attention, and equally awaken you into realizing the damages the Devil might have done in the lives of many people, and the destruction he may still cause if you slumber in sleep and merry in relaxation without praying down the mighty hand of God to put an end to these evil operations of the Devil. You must be mindful of whatsoever the Devil has stolen from you and quickly seek recovery through divine intervention. Study this book with adequate devotion. Pray the prayers in this book, and see God recover your loses.With God, recovery is possible.
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- Impartation Of God's Wisdom To Achieve Great Exploit. Learning From The Holy Spirit.
138,95 kr. - Bog
- 138,95 kr.
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- 118,95 kr.
- Powerful Prayers that brings the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Power of the Holy Spirit, and Revival Fire of the Holy Spirit.
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- 139,50 kr.
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- 98,95 kr.