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Bøger af Pernille Albrethsen

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  • af Pernille Albrethsen
    498,95 kr.

    Hvor begynder Tal R’s maleri?Var det, da et par kunstnere fra Køln besøgte kunstakademiet i København i 1998? Var det mødet med 1990’ernes videokunstnere, der viste en ny vej for det figurative maleri? Eller begyndte det længe før akademitiden med et maleri af lyserøde nazister?I mere end 25 år har Tal R været en uomgængelig figur på den danske kunstscene. Lige fra starten drømte han om at male og om at fortælle historier, også selvom tiden ikke var til ”den store fortælling” og da slet ikke i maleriet. Man måtte ”sidelæns ind i maleriet”, som Tal R udtrykker det. Tal R Maleri er den første samlede præsentation af hans mangefacetterede maleriske praksis. Den følger det formskiftende maleri fra 1990’erne og frem til i dag, hvor Tal R er internationalt anerkendt som en markant fornyer af det figurative maleri.Bogen er skrevet af Pernille Albrethsen, kunstkritiker på Weekendavisen og København-redaktør for det skandinaviske onlinemagasin Kunstkritikk. Hun har en cand.mag. i moderne kultur fra Københavns Universitet og New York University.

  • af Pernille Albrethsen
    498,95 kr.

    Where did Tal R’s painting begin?Was it when a couple of artists from Cologne visited the Copenhagen art academy in 1998? When his encounters with nineties video art suggested new paths ahead for figurative painting? Or did it all begin long before the Academy era with a painting of pink Nazis?For more than twenty-five years, Tal R has been a prominent figure on the Danish art scene. Right from the outset, he dreamt of painting and of telling stories, even though ‘grand narratives’ had fallen out of favour – not least within the art of painting. You had to ‘enter painting sideways,’ as Tal R puts it. Tal R Painting is the first comprehensive presentation of his multifaceted painting practice. It follows his ever-changing art from the 1990s until today, when he is internationally recognised as a significant innovator in contemporary figurative painting.Pernille Albrethsen is an art critic for the Danish newspaper Weekendavisen and is the Copenhagen editor of the Scandinavian art journal Kunstkritikk. She holds an MA in modern culture from the University of Copenhagen and New York University.

  • af Pernille Albrethsen
    668,95 kr.

    The first retrospective monograph on internationally acclaimed Danish artist's collective Superflex, An Artist with 6 Legs catalogues the group's work from 1993 to 2013. The first major museum retrospective for this group--known for their participatory, politically engaged projects which they call "tools"--is appropriately unconventional, comprised of eight individual retrospectives curated by Eungie Joo, Yuko Hasegawa, Toke Lykkeberg, Daniel McClean and Lisa Rosendahl, Adriano Pedrosa, Agustín Pérez Rubio, Hilde Teerlinck and Rirkrit Tiravanija. Kunsthal Charlottenborg also signed a contract prohibiting the institution, the artists or the curators from mentioning the group by name during the exhibition's run--hence the replacement of the name "Superflex" with a black bar or the characters "XXXXXXX throughout the catalogue. An Artist with 6 Legs is both conceptual provocation and an essential reference.

  • af Nanna Friis, Mathias Kryger, Pernille Albrethsen, mfl.
    331,95 kr.

    Monograph on Danish visual artist Esben Weile Kjær (b.1992). 336 pages, richly illustrated. Texts in English by: Anna Weile Kjær, Pernille Albrethsen, Nanna Friis, Magnus Kaslov, Jeppe Ugelvig, Anne Kielgast, Irene Campolmi, Yael Salomonowitz & Lily Matras.Designed by: Studio Claus DuePrinted in Denmark.Supported by The New Carlsberg Foundation and the Danish Arts Foundation.