Bøger af Paul Sussman
138,95 kr. Endnu en pageturner med arabiske kriminalinspektør Khalifa i hovedrollen.Da hotelejeren Piet Jansens lig bliver fundet i ruinerne i en arkæologisk udgravning ved Nilen, ligner det en rutinesag for Khalifa. Men jo mere han finder ud af om Jansen, jo mere minder det ham om et brutalt mord på en israelsk kvinde nogle år tidligere.Khalifa ignorerer sine overordnedes indvendinger og genåbner sagen, men må arbejde sammen med sin absolutte modsætning, den alkoholiserede israelske detektiv Arieh Ben- Roi.Serien til dig, der elsker Dan Brown og Tom Egeland.
- Lydbog
- 138,95 kr.
108,95 - 138,95 kr. Ny spændende politiserie med et historisk perspektiv, Mød Yusuf Khalifa fra Luxor politi i en ny, spændende politiserie med et historisk perspektiv.I år 523 f. Kr. sendte den persiske kejser en armé gennem Egyptens ørken for at ødelægge oraklet i Siwa. Men et eller andet sted ude i ørkensandet blev denne hær overrasket af en sandstorm og levende begravet. 50.000 mand forsvandt sporløst.2500 år senere skylles et lemlæstet lig op på Nilens bred ved Luxor. Samtidig bliver en antikvitetshandler under mystiske omstændigheder brutalt myrdet i Kairo, og en fremtrædende britisk arkæolog bliver fundet død ved udgravningerne ved Sakkara.Serien til dig, der elsker Dan Brown og Tom Egeland.
- clever, captivating, and idiosyncratic. You won't forget this novel
198,95 kr. 'My name is Raphael Ignatius Phoenix and I am a hundred years old - or will be in ten days' time, in the early hours of January 1st, 2000, when I kill myself...'Raphael Ignatius Phoenix has had enough. Born at the beginning of the 20th century, he is determined to take his own life as the old millennium ends and the new one begins.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
- as exhilarating as it is clever, this is an unmissable globetrotting thriller
173,95 kr. A journalist is murdered in Jerusalem's Armenian Cathedral and Detective Arieh Ben-Roi is spoilt for leads. But one seems out of place - an apparent link to a decades-old missing persons case in Egypt. Baffled, Ben-Roi turns for help to his old friend and sparring partner, Inspector Yusuf Khalifa of the Luxor Police.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- an action-packed, race-against-time archaeological adventure thriller you won't be able to put down
208,95 kr. Freya Hannen arrives in Egypt for the funeral of her sister, a desert explorer who has inexplicably taken her own life... For Freya it is the start of a terrifying, life-or-death adventure - one that will lead her and Egyptologist Flin Brodie deep into the forbidding wastes of the Sahara.
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.
- a heart-pounding and adrenalin - fuelled adventure thriller set in Egypt
153,95 kr. A mutilated corpse is washed up on the banks of the Nile at Luxor, an antiques dealer is savagely murdered in Cairo, and an eminent British archaeologist is found dead at the ancient necropolis of Saqqara. At first, the incidents appear unconnected. But Inspector Yusuf Khalifa is suspicious, so too is the archaeologist's daughter, Tara Mullray.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
- a rip-roaring, edge-of-your-seat adventure thriller
143,95 kr. - STEVE BERRY"A thriller on a par with the best literature out there" - JAMES ROLLINS"So much going on and lots of twists and turns keeping you on edge from start to finish."
- Bog
- 143,95 kr.