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Bøger af Paul Harding

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  • af Paul Harding
    118,95 kr.

    Tinkers, a remarkable piece of literature by Paul Harding, is a book that will leave a lasting impression. Published in 2011 by Cornerstone, the book belongs to a genre that blends fiction with elements of reality, making it a fascinating read. The narrative is beautifully woven around the life of the protagonist, presenting a unique perspective on life and its myriad complexities. The author's profound understanding of human emotions and his skill in portraying them is evident throughout the book. Tinkers is not just a book, but a journey that takes you through different phases of life, making you ponder the depths of human existence. Published by Cornerstone, this book is a must-read for those who appreciate literature that transcends the ordinary and delves into the extraordinary.

  • af Paul Harding
    128,95 - 138,95 kr.

    “De fleste mænd i min familie gør konen til enke og børnene faderløse. Jeg er undtagelsen. En eftermiddag i september for et år siden blev mit eneste barn Kate kørt over og dræbt af en bil, da hun cyklede hjem fra stranden. Hun var tretten år. Min kone og jeg flyttede fra hinanden kort tid efter.” Sådan lyder indledningen til den gribende skildring af en mand, der oplever en så stor sorg og smerte, at den truer med at sønderrive ham. En rystende bog om sorg og selvbebrejdelse, søvnløshed og hallucinationer, selvmedicinering med smertestillende medi­cin og whisky – og om at synke længere og længere ned i desperation og følelsesmæssig tomhed.

  • af Paul Harding
    128,95 - 138,95 kr.

    En gammel mand ligger på sit dødsleje og hallucinerer. Han ser væggene svaje, vinduerne falde ud af rammerne og loftet styrte ned i store flager, så han bliver overøst af et helt livs efter­ladenskaber: avisudklip, gamle fotografier, rustent værktøj og ødelagte messingværker fra antikke ure. Snart falder også skyerne ned over ham, fulgt af stjernerne, indtil den sorte nat svøber ham i sit klæde.Han har brugt sit liv på metodisk at reparere ure, men nu er han endelig befriet for tidens tvang og kan i erindringen slutte sig til sin far, en epileptisk, omrejsende handelsmand, som han mistede forbindelsen med for halvfjerds år siden. Gennem drømmeagtige glimt gestaltes ikke bare én, men to generationers livshistorie i et sprog så poetisk og smukt, at man kun slipper en sætning, fordi man ved, at den næste lige så smukke venter.

  • Spar 17%
    af Paul Harding
    220,95 - 223,95 kr.

    I 1792 bosætter den frigivne slave Benjamin Honey og hans irske kone Patience sig på en lille bitte ø nær ved kysten. Langt nok væk til at de kan leve afsondret fra fastlandets årvågenhed. Mere end 100 år senere lever Honey-slægtens efterkommere fortsat på øen, tæt forbundet med deres få naboer.I 1912 ankommer den idealistiske missionær og tidligere skolelærer Matthew Diamond til øen med den hensigt at undervise børnene. Myndighederne bliver i den forbindelse opmærksomme på øens beboere, og i racerenhedens navn beslutter man at institutionalisere øens beboere og gøre den til et ferieparadis.Paul Harding, der tidligere har modtaget Pulitzer-prisen for ‘De små ting’, blev med denne kontrafaktiske nyklassiker shortlisted til både Booker Prize og National Book Award.Det levende og vedkommende persongalleri udgør en historie om menneskelig modstandskraft. Også når modgangen har bibelske proportioner, og syndfloden bare er starten …

  • af Paul Harding
    118,95 kr.

    'Masterful . . . has much to say to our times' Guardian'Begs to be read' Spectator'A luminous, thought-provoking novel' Esi Edugyan, author of Washington BlackIn 1792, formerly enslaved Benjamin Honey and his Irish wife, Patience, discover an island where they can make a life together. More than a century later, the Honeys' descendants remain, with an eccentric, diverse band of neighbours. But during one tumultuous summer at the dawn of the twentieth century, one prejudiced missionary lands on the island's shores, disrupting the community's fragile balance with everlasting consequences.Full of lyricism and power, Paul Harding's This Other Eden explores the hopes and dreams and resilience of those seen not to fit a world brutally intolerant of difference.

  • af Paul Harding
    198,95 kr.

    SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2023 BOOKER PRIZE'Masterful . . . [This Other Eden] has much to say to our times.' Guardian'A testament of love . . . so real it could make you weep.' Danez Smith, New York Times'A luminous, thought-provoking novel.' Esi Edugyan, author of Washington BlackSet at the beginning of the twentieth century and inspired by historical events, This Other Eden tells the story of Apple Island: an enclave off the coast of the United States where waves of castaways - in flight from society and its judgment - have landed and built a home.Benjamin Honey- American, Bantu, Igbo- born enslaved- freed or fled at fifteen- aspiring orchardist, arrived on the island with his Irish wife, Patience, and discovered they could make a life together there. More than a century later, the Honeys' descendants remain, with an eccentric, diverse band of neighbours. Then comes the intrusion of 'civilization': officials determine to 'cleanse' the island, and a missionary schoolteacher selects one light-skinned boy to save. The rest will succumb to the authorities' institutions or cast themselves on the waters in a new Noah's Ark.Full of lyricism and power, Paul Harding's This Other Eden explores the hopes and dreams and resilience of those seen not to fit a world brutally intolerant of difference.'Harding invites comparisons with authors such as William Faulkner, Robinson and even Elizabeth Strout . . . This Other Eden . . . begs to be widely read.' Spectator

  • af Paul Harding
    238,95 kr.

    In 1792, formerly enslaved Benjamin Honey and his Irish wife, Patience, discover an island where they can make a life together. Over a century later, the Honeys' descendants and a diverse group of neighbors are desperately poor, isolated, and often hungry, but nevertheless protected from the hostility awaiting them on the mainland.During the tumultuous summer of 1912, Matthew Diamond, a retired, idealistic but prejudiced schoolteacher-turned-missionary, disrupts the community's fragile balance through his efforts to educate its children. His presence attracts the attention of authorities on the mainland who, under the influence of the eugenics-thinking popular among progressives of the day, decide to forcibly evacuate the island, institutionalize its residents, and develop the island as a vacation destination. Beginning with a hurricane flood reminiscent of the story of Noah's Ark, the novel ends with yet another Ark.In prose of breathtaking beauty and power, Paul Harding brings to life an unforgettable cast of characters: Iris and Violet McDermott, sisters raising three orphaned Penobscot children; Theophilus and Candace Larks and their brood of vagabond children; the prophetic Zachary Hand to God Proverbs, a Civil War veteran who lives in a hollow tree; and more. A spellbinding story of resistance and survival, This Other Eden is an enduring testament to the struggle to preserve human dignity in the face of intolerance and injustice.

  • af Paul Harding
    1.413,95 kr.

    This is the essential book for all who need to know about the new detailed regulations for margining in the European Union and the USA and most of all need to understand the contents of these two credit support annexes so that they can negotiate them safely and confidently.

  • - A Practical Guide for Negotiators
    af Paul Harding
    1.431,95 kr.

    A timely updating of the only accessible single volume guide to the ISDA Credit Support Annexes, sanctioned under English and US law. The Annexes collateralise or secure over the counter derivatives risk exposure. This is the companion book to Mastering the ISDA Master Agreements, now in its third edition. First published in 2002, the book is a guide to negotiation of the two main ISDA Credit Support Annexes which are used to support the ISDA Master Agreements. The ISDA Credit Support Annexes are the main support documents which relate to collateralised or secure over the counter derivatives risk exposure. This book covers collateral management from an operational perspective and focuses on the two main ISDA Credit Support Documents. It provides a clear concise narrative on their provisions and amendments

  • - A Practical Guide to the Main European and US Master Securities Lending Agreements
    af Paul Harding & Christian Johnson
    1.231,95 kr.

    Securities lending master agreements are vital for covering securities loans between contracting parties. They also offer legal and credit protection and a close-out netting procedure if a party defaults or goes bankrupt. These agreements are widely used by banks, securities houses, pension funds, hedge funds and insurance companies. Mastering Securities Lending Documentation is a practical guide to understanding the negotiation of these master agreements used in the United Kingdom, United States and Europe. It is an essential handbook for anyone involved in negotiating these agreements and includes: An introduction to the history and operations of the market A clear, user-friendly explanation of all paragraphs of the master agreements An easy-to use split page format with the original text and commentary Examples of commonly negotiated additions and amendments and their implications Answers to legal, risk and operational questions

  • - A Practical Guide for Negotiation
    af Paul Harding
    1.718,95 kr.

    "An updated and comprehensive guide to the ISDA Master Agreements -- Includes simplified glossaries of terms used in the Agreements."--Cover.

  • af Paul Harding
    188,95 kr.

    Here, in Enon, Harding follows a year in the life of Charlie Crosby as he tries to come to terms with a shattering personal tragedy. Grandson of George Crosby (the protagonist of Tinkers), Charlie inhabits the same dynamic landscape of New England, its seasons mirroring his turbulent emotional odyssey.

  • af Paul Harding
    139,95 kr.

    En gammel mand ligger på sit dødsleje og hallucinerer. Han ser væggene svaje, vinduerne falde ud af rammerne og loftet styrte ned i store flager, så han bliver overøst af et helt livs efter­ladenskaber: avisudklip, gamle fotografier, rustent værktøj og ødelagte messingværker fra antikke ure. Snart falder også skyerne ned over ham, fulgt af stjernerne, indtil den sorte nat svøber ham i sit klæde.Han har brugt sit liv på metodisk at reparere ure, men nu er han endelig befriet for tidens tvang og kan i erindringen slutte sig til sin far, en epileptisk, omrejsende handelsmand, som han mistede forbindelsen med for halvfjerds år siden. Gennem drømmeagtige glimt gestaltes ikke bare én, men to generationers livshistorie i et sprog så poetisk og smukt, at man kun slipper en sætning, fordi man ved, at den næste lige så smukke venter.Paul Harding fik i 2010 Pultzerprisen for 'De små ting' – som den første debutant i ti år.OM BOGENDe små ting er en ... meget velskrevet og sprogligt levende roman om familien, livet og døden. Den kan anbefales til de fleste voksne læsere. - Bibliotekernes lektørudtalelseDe små ting’ er stor og vidunderligt god litteratur ... Harding besidder den misundelsesværdige litterære egenskab, at enhver helt almindelig og banal gerning eller hændelse bliver til noget særligt og mindeværdigt, når hans ord har beskrevet den. Det er tonen, det er ordvalget, og det er det at kunne gøre store ting ud af… ja, præcis: de små ting. For i virkeligheden er det jo de små ting, vi nærer os ved. Dette er en roman til alle, som sætter pris på god litteratur, simpelthen. - LitteratursidenPulitzer-vindende debutroman skrevet med et urværks præcision - Politiken