Bøger af Paul George
168,95 - 273,95 kr. - Bog
- 168,95 kr.
88,95 kr. Pokalen er en af fem bøger om samme familie: far, mor, Emil, Hugo og Luna, samt hunden Bella og katten Mini. Emil stiller op til Årets Pokalløb. Han har trænet hårdt og vil vinde pokalen! Et stykke ind i løbet ligger han forrest i feltet, men så sker der noget – og det bliver rigtig pinligt!LET-tal: 11Der er udarbejdet Læseguide og Aktivitetsark til bogen. Begge kan hentes fra forlagets hjemmeside.På dette trin skal eleverne begynde at anvende deres lydstrategier, når de skal læse ordene. Der er mange højfrekvente ord i teksterne og i langt størstedelen af ordene er begyndelseslyden i ordet identisk med begyndelsesbogstavets standardlyd.Bogen har billede og 1-2 linjers tekst på hver side. På indersiden af omslaget (se foto) er ideer til, hvordan der med udgangspunkt i bogen kan arbejdes med de fem kompetenceområder:• Sproglig opmærksomhed• Fonologisk opmærksomhed• Ordforråd• Forståelse• AutomatiseringDet er de fem kompetenceområder, som kendetegner den balancerede begynderundervisning i læsning.
- E-bog
- 88,95 kr.
88,95 kr. Rotten er en af fem bøger om samme familie: far, mor, Emil, Hugo og Luna, samt hunden Bella og katten Mini. Rotten sniger sig ind i huset, mens Mini ligger trygt og sover. Så går den vilde jagt! Mini er lige ved at få fat i rotten – men kommer i stedet til at hjælpe den til at komme op på køkkenbordet! Mon Moni når at fange rotten alligevel?LET-tal: 10Der er udarbejdet Læseguide og Aktivitetsark til bogen. Begge kan hentes fra forlagets hjemmeside.På dette trin skal eleverne begynde at anvende deres lydstrategier, når de skal læse ordene. Der er mange højfrekvente ord i teksterne og i langt størstedelen af ordene er begyndelseslyden i ordet identisk med begyndelsesbogstavets standardlyd.Bogen har billede og 1-2 linjers tekst på hver side. På indersiden af omslaget (se foto) er ideer til, hvordan der med udgangspunkt i bogen kan arbejdes med de fem kompetenceområder:• Sproglig opmærksomhed• Fonologisk opmærksomhed• Ordforråd• Forståelse• AutomatiseringDet er de fem kompetenceområder, som kendetegner den balancerede begynderundervisning i læsning.
- E-bog
- 88,95 kr.
88,95 kr. Når enden er god … er en af fem bøger om samme familie: far, mor, Emil, Hugo og Luna, samt hunden Bella og katten Mini. Dagen starter rigtig dårligt: Brødet brænder på, Luna spilder mælk, og Emil taber sit. krus. Far foreslår, at de alle sammen tager en tur til byen. Det ender med at blive en god dag: Når enden er god, er alting godt!LET-tal: 10Der er udarbejdet Læseguide og Aktivitetsark til bogen. Begge kan hentes fra forlagets hjemmeside.På dette trin skal eleverne begynde at anvende deres lydstrategier, når de skal læse ordene. Der er mange højfrekvente ord i teksterne og i langt størstedelen af ordene er begyndelseslyden i ordet identisk med begyndelsesbogstavets standardlyd.Bogen har billede – nogle med talebobler –og 1-3 linjers tekst på hver side. På indersiden af omslaget er ideer til, hvordan der med udgangspunkt i bogen kan arbejdes med de fem kompetenceområder:• Sproglig opmærksomhed• Fonologisk opmærksomhed• Ordforråd• Forståelse• AutomatiseringDet er de fem kompetenceområder, som kendetegner den balancerede begynderundervisning i læsning.
- E-bog
- 88,95 kr.
88,95 kr. Bella løber væk er en af fem bøger om samme familie: far, mor, Emil, Hugo og Luna, samt hunden Bella og katten Mini. Børnene skal holde Bella, mens far og mor går på indkøb. Det går godt, indtil Bella får øje på en kat. Bella slipper løs, render efter katten … men afledes af den gode duft af mad fra boderne.LET-tal: 10Der er udarbejdet Læseguide og Aktivitetsark til bogen. Begge kan hentes fra forlagets hjemmeside.På dette trin skal eleverne begynde at anvende deres lydstrategier, når de skal læse ordene. Der er mange højfrekvente ord i teksterne og i langt størstedelen af ordene er begyndelseslyden i ordet identisk med begyndelsesbogstavets standardlyd.Bogen har billede – nogle med talebobler –og 1-3 linjers tekst på hver side. På indersiden af omslaget er ideer til, hvordan der med udgangspunkt i bogen kan arbejdes med de fem kompetenceområder:• Sproglig opmærksomhed• Fonologisk opmærksomhed• Ordforråd• Forståelse• AutomatiseringDet er de fem kompetenceområder, som kendetegner den balancerede begynderundervisning i læsning.
- E-bog
- 88,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2b book focusing on adjacent consonants with short vowels, Pam likes to sleep anywhere but she especially likes to sleep on a chair, in a pram, on a bed, in a hammock and in Sid's bed. This isn't popular with the family!
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2b book focusing on adjacent consonants with short vowels, Mum is tired of having to let Sid in and out so she puts a cat flap in the door. But some others might like to come in and out too!
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2b book focusing on adjacent consonants with short vowels, the family are at the Splish and Splash Park. Sam and Dan go on all the rides though they find that some are more fun than others.
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2b book focusing on adjacent consonants with short vowels, Dan, Nat and Sam are at the park on a windy day. When a man there loses something, they go and try to find it for him.
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2b book focusing on adjacent consonants with short vowels, Sam is not having a good day. He is having bad luck. His friend Asher tries to cheer him up.
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2a book, we look at matter. Matter can be a liquid, a solid or a gas. Can you tell which matter is which?
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2a book focusing on the 'ure' phoneme, Dad gives the boys a job to stop them arguing. They get on with the job and get a nice surprise.
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!This Level 5 Set 2a book focusing on the 'er' phoneme looks at hobbies. There are so many interesting and exciting hobbies we can do to keep healthy and happy. Here are some of the things that might be your thing.
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2a book focusing on the 'air' phoneme, Mum buys a haircutting kit. Sam and Dan aren't interested in having a haircut. Nat's hair is not too long yet. So Dad agrees to have a haircut.
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2c book focusing on adjacent consonants with long vowels, find out which animals and birds live in trees. The trees provide them with a safe habitat, food and shelter.
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2c book focusing on adjacent consonants with long vowels, Sam and Asher are organising a pet competition. Will there be prizes for all the pets - Fluff, Mack, Sid, Pam, Fizz, Gus and Nan's hens?
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2c book focusing on adjacent consonants with long vowels, the kids are helping Mum and Dad with the tasks. They try to do their best, but will they succeed?
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2c book focusing on adjacent consonants with long vowels, learn all about deserts. What is a desert? Is it always hot? Can it be cold too?
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!This is a Level 5 Set 2c book focusing on adjacent consonants with long vowels. Pam doesn't like going to the vet. Nothing Nat or Mum do can make Pam stand up so the vet can look at her teeth.
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2c book focusing on adjacent consonants with long vowels, Nan has a flash new sports car. She takes the children for a ride. They like it. So does Pop, though he has one problem with it.
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2c book focusing on adjacent consonants with long vowels, Miss Good is going to collect her specs. When she encounters Nat and Meg with Sid in the pram, she calls him a little bub. Who does she think Sid is?
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2c book focusing on adjacent consonants with long vowels, Pop gives the children some seeds for them to plant a garden. The seeds are all mixed up so what will they find when the plants have grown?
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2c book focusing on adjacent consonants with long vowels, Dan tells the story of when he, Sam and Nat and their parents went on a camping trip. But Mum and Dad had forgotten a lot of the things the children wanted!
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.
75,95 kr. Red Squirrel Phonics is a new series of decodable readers from Raintree, packed with real stories and non-fiction texts using words that children can read. The programme teaches children phonics skills in a sequential and systematic way so that they can learn the sounds (phonemes) and the letters that represent them (graphemes) and then practise and apply this knowledge through reading appealing, decodable texts that make sense. This ensures that every beginner reader will experience success in their reading from their very first book!In this Level 5 Set 2c book focusing on adjacent consonants with long vowels, learn all about different types of transport. There are so many ways to travel. Some of them are fast and some are slow. Which ones have you experienced?
- Bog
- 75,95 kr.