Bøger af Paul du Gay
548,95 kr. Klassisk og moderne organisationsteori er et oversigtsværk på dansk, som har holdbarhed ud over de helt aktuelle diskussioner. Bogen forsøger at give overblik over såvel teoretiske som praktiske delfelter, i håndbogsform. Indholdet afspejler både klassiske og internationalt udbredte perspektiver og mere aktuelle perspektiver hvoraf visse repræsenterer områder, hvor dansk og skandinavisk forskning har fået en særlig tyngde.Bogens er skrevet til studerende fra bachelorniveau og opefter, men kan med fordel også bruges på efteruddannelser, hvor det organisatoriske stof har særlig interesse.
- Bog
- 548,95 kr.
437,95 - 1.588,95 kr. - Bog
- 437,95 kr.
- The Story of the Sony Walkman
416,95 - 1.485,95 kr. A long-awaited second edition of this classic cultural studies textbook. A seminal text brought right up to date for a new generation of students and teachers.
- Bog
- 416,95 kr.
- Persons and Organizations after theory
455,95 - 1.649,95 kr. Like many other popular academic terms, 'identity' has been asked to do so much work that it has often ended up doing none at all and, as a consequence, there has been a recent turn away from identity work. In this book, the author moves identity theory in a new direction.
- Bog
- 455,95 kr.
- Weber - Organization - Ethics
635,95 - 1.735,95 kr. A study of institutions, management, ethics and contemporary society.
- Bog
- 635,95 kr.
615,95 - 1.759,95 kr. Examines how contemporary rhetorics and discourses of organizational change are breaking down such distinctions - with significant implications for the construction of subjectivities and identities at work. This title shows how the capacities and predispositions required of consumers and employees are increasingly difficult to distinguish.
- Bog
- 615,95 kr.