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Bøger af Patti Smith

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  • af Patti Smith
    153,95 kr.

    Just Kids is a captivating book written by the legendary Patti Smith. Published by Bloomsbury Publishing PLC in 2011, the book is a must-read for anyone interested in the genre of memoirs. Patti Smith, an icon in the world of music, art, and literature, takes us on a journey through her early years in New York City and her intimate friendship with photographer Robert Mapplethorpe. The memoir is a testament to Smith's unique talent for combining prose and poetry. It is a story of youth and friendship, art and struggle, and ultimately, the power of creativity in the most challenging circumstances. Just Kids is more than just a book; it's a portrait of a time and place, a love letter to creativity, and a reminder of the transformative power of art. Published by Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, this book is a testament to Patti Smith's enduring talent and influence.

  • af Patti Smith
    148,95 - 218,95 kr.

    Det er nytår, og Patti Smith spiller en række koncerter på det legendariske spillested Fillmore i San Francisco. Men året begynder ude af takt. En nær ven og mentor er blevet ramt af alvorlig sygdom. Det sender Smith ud på en måneds strejfen ved den californiske kyst, urolig, men søgende og åben. Først derefter kan hun vende tilbage til slangerne og medicinlugten på den intensive afdeling. Efter denne begyndelse følger et år ubeskyttet af logik og en velkendt tidslighed. Patti Smith tager os med ind i sit eget eventyrland og en tid med uventede forandringer, rod i vante systemer og dyb sorg. For Smith – nysgerrig og altid udforskende og skrivende – bliver 2016 til et år slynget rundt i livets strømhvirvler: med tab, alderens nærvær og et dramatisk skift i det politiske landskab i USA. Som en fremmed siger til hende: “Alt er muligt. Når alt kommer til alt, er det Abens år.”

  • af Patti Smith
    168,95 kr.

    Med få dollar på lommen og store digterdrømme i bagagen ankommer Patti tyve år gammel til New York. Her møder hun den unge kunstnerspire Robert, og de to slutter en smuk, livslang pagt. Det er den hede sommer ’67, og rundt om dem er der opbrud på alle fronter. De er ludfattige, oprørske og slås for mad og husly – og for den fælles kunstneriske ambition. Begge opnår de en dag verdensberømmelse, Patti Smith som poet og performer, Robert Mapplethorpe som eksperimentel fotograf. Her handler det om vejen dertil.I 1969 flytter de to ind i det sagnomspundne Chelsea Hotel og dermed ind i tryllekredsen af berømte og berygtede, som i den periode gjorde New York til verdens vildeste kunstscene. Bogen er en hyldest til storbyen og kunsten, til drømme og visioner. Frem for alt er JUST KIDS en bevægende historie om kærlighed og venskab i et ubrydeligt skæbnefælleskab. NYT MATERIALE MED I DENNE UDGAVE

  • - – om at skrive
    af Patti Smith
    93,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Smith lukker os ind i det det magiske rum, hvor kunst – bøger, musik, billedkunst – bliver skabt.National Book Award-vinderen Patti Smith har fået et stort og begejstret publikum herhjemme. I denne smukke, lille bog lukker hun os med ind i det magiske rum, hvor kunst - bøger, musik, billedkunst - bliver skabt. Hvordan opnår en kunstner det enestående at forbinde sig dybt med et publikum, som hun eller han aldrig har mødt? Smith fortæller om, hvilken hengivenhed der driver hende som musiker og forfatter, og hun deler gavmildt sine inspirationer og tager os med i fodsporene til andre store kunstenere, der har været med til at forandre hendes, og tusindevis af menneskers, liv.

  • af Patti Smith
    148,95 - 187,95 kr.

  • af Patti Smith
    138,95 kr.

    Before the National Book Award-winning Just Kids, Patti Smith addressed the life and passing of her intimate friend, photographer Robert Mapplethorpe.

  • af Patti Smith
    98,95 - 298,95 kr.

    Tyve år gammel stiger Patti af bussen i New York. I håb om husly banker hun kort efter på hos venner i Brooklyn, de er flyttet, men inde i lejligheden ligger en ung fyr og sover, i bar overkrop og med perlekæder om halsen. Patti har mødt Robert. Lykketræf eller skæbne? Deres livstråde snor sig fra da af i et uløseligt spind, som kærester og siden soulmates.Patti, den unge pige, der har skippet fabriksjobbet i South Jersey for at søge liv og mening i storbyen. Og Robert, den irsk-katolske alterdreng fra forstæderne, der cirkler rundt i city som en ung drømmer på stoffer. De er sultne, ludfattige og oprørske. Det er den hede sommer ’67, og rundt om dem buldrer det på alle fronter. De to slås dog for det basale: mad og husly – og det vigtige: den kunstneriske ambition. Begge opnår de en dag verdensberømmelse, Patti Smith som poet og performer, Robert Mapplethorpe som eksperimentel fotograf. Her handler det om vejen dertil.I 1969 flytter de ind i det sagnomspundne Chelsea Hotel og dermed også ind i tryllekredsen af berømte og berygtede, som i den periode gjorde New York til verdens kunstscene par excellence. Med centrum omkring det runde bord på Max’ Kansas City, hvor Andy Warhol holdt hof. Et i dag stærkt mytologiseret miljø, som Patti Smith genopliver for os fra sin helt egen vinkel, indefra og nedefra.Pressen skrev:"Patti Smith har skrevet en af den slags biografiske erindringsbøger, der vokser sig til at blive et nærgående, vedkommende og tankevækkende kunstværk i sig selv."Erik Jensen, Politiken♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥"Bevægende, berusende, belæst, befriende og brændende intenst beskrevet. En født klassiker inden for erindringslitteraturen."******Henrik Quietsch, Ekstra Bladet"Den amerikanske digter og sangskriver Patti Smith har med en mesters touch skrevet en fabelagtig selvbiografi, hvori hun tegner et rørende indsigtsfuldt portræt af sin store ungdomskærlighed, fotografen Robert Mapplethorpe. (...) stor erindringskunst."- Klaus Lynggaard, Information"Fremragende læsning – intet mindre. Klogt. Sensitivt. Delikat poetisk. (...) et mindesmærke over en tid og et venskab, der sjældent er set lige. Hun skriver levende og ukrukket, og ved hendes pen bliver de personlige minder til fortællinger om kærlighed, som alle kan forholde sig til."Nanna Mogensen, Fyens Stiftstidende“'Just Kids' – Patti Smiths nye vidunderligt skrevne og velturnerede erindringsbog – kredser om hendes liv og kunstneriske tilblivelseshistorie med New York City som fremkaldelsesrum.”*****- Jeppe Krogsgaard Christensen, Berlingske Tidende“Erindringsbog, der overstiger alle forventninger. Patti Smith har endelig skrevet en bog om sin opvækst og om de unge år i New Yorks gader med fotografen Robert Mapplethorpe. Og den er fremragende … ”*****- Torben Holleufer, Gaffa

  • af Patti Smith
    138,95 kr.

    'M Train' begynder og ender på en café i New York, som er blevet Patti Smiths andet hjem gennem årene. Ved sit stambord i hjørnet drikker hun sin kaffe, laver små optegnelser på servietter, læser bøger og reflekterer over minderne og drømmene, over det som er gået tabt.Med en mild melankoli søger hun trøst i poesien og rejser gennem verden i de store forfatteres fodspor. Hun byder også på forskellige scener fra sit tidigere liv i Detroit med sin mand Fred Sonic Smith, små stunder af ren lykke og betingelsesløs kærlighed.

Det her er en bog for alle, som elsker at tilbringe en eftermiddag på café, fordybet i en bog eller i verden omkring. M Train er en personlig og poetisk beretning om livet, kunsten og kærligheden.'M Train' er Patti Smiths første bog siden bestselleren 'Just Kids', som læsere i alle generationer faldt for, og som Smith modtog flere priser for, bl.a. den prestigefyldte National Book Award.

  • - The New York Times bestseller
    af Patti Smith
    118,95 - 128,95 kr.

  • af Patti Smith
    68,95 - 148,95 kr.

    Forfatteren og rockpoeten Patti Smith vandt i 2010 den prestigefyldte National Book Award for 'Just Kids', som har gået sin sejrsgang verden over og er blevet betegnet som et mesterværk inden for sin genre. 'Drømmespinderi' er en intens lille perle af en erindringsbog. Med glimt tilbage til barndommens mystiske og magiske verden – og til den tidlige ungdoms uskyld og usikkerheder. Bogen rummer essensen af, hvad Patti Smith kan som poet og skribent: give ord til det forlængst glemte, indfange det flygtigste tankespind og fremmane hjertegribende scenerier. Virkelige og drømmeriske, egenartede og universelle. En lille bog, men kun af format og omfang. For den stræber højt og vokser i fylde for læseren, hvis egne erindringsbilleder uvægerligt vækkes og flettes ind. I forordet sender Patti Smith følgende ønske: “Alt i denne lille bog er sandt og beskrevet nøjagtigt, som det var. Det at skrive den trak mig ud af min sære tristesse, og det er mit håb, at den vil fylde læseren med en vag og nysgerrig fryd.” ... Det gør den.

  • af Patti Smith
    198,95 - 298,95 kr.

    Med sit 250 Land Camera har Patti Smith skildret sine rejser i enestående polaroidfotografier siden 1996. En forfatters stol, en ægtemands saxofon, poeters senge, kunstneres atelierer. Billeder af livet på og uden for landevejen, togstationer, hotelinteriører, obskure caféer; altid med en notesbog i nærheden. Smith sammensætter fotografier fra dette værk med udvalgte øjebliksbilleder fra sit daglige liv, som hun har delt på Instagram: perler hun har fået til sin fødselsdag, hendes mors nøglering, hendes børn, hendes støvler, hellige talismaner og hendes abessinske kat, Cairo. Mere end en million følger Smith for hendes unikke æstetik, hendes morgenkaffe, de bøger hun læser, gravstederne og monumenterne for elskede helte, udskud og helgener.I løbet af et kalenderår præsenterer ‘Dagenes bog’ 366 små vinduer og veje ind til den visionære forfatter, digter og musikers verden. Et kort over et liv viet til kunst; en tidløs inspiration, dag for dag, i usikre tider.Patti Smith er forfatter til National Book Award-vinderen ‘Just Kids’ samt ‘M Train’, ‘Abens år’ og adskillige digtsamlinger og essays. Hendes skelsættende album ‘Horses’ er blevet hyldet som et af de 100 bedste album nogensinde. Det franske Kulturministerium tildelte Patti Smith titlen Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres i 2005, hun blev optaget i Rock and Roll Hall of Fame i 2007 og modtog The Key to New York City i 2021.

  • af Patti Smith
    173,95 kr.

    National Book Award-winning author of Just Kids, Patti Smith writes of her childhood in this glittering memoir

  • af Patti Smith
    283,95 kr.

    National Best Seller From the National Book Award-winning author of Just Kids: an unforgettable odyssey of a legendary artist, told through the prism of the cafés and haunts she has worked in around the world. It is a book Patti Smith has described as "a roadmap to my life." M Train begins in the tiny Greenwich Village café where Smith goes every morning for black coffee, ruminates on the world as it is and the world as it was, and writes in her notebook. Through prose that shifts fluidly between dreams and reality, past and present, and across a landscape of creative aspirations and inspirations, we travel to Frida Kahlo's Casa Azul in Mexico; to a meeting of an Arctic explorer's society in Berlin; to a ramshackle seaside bungalow in New York's Far Rockaway that Smith acquires just before Hurricane Sandy hits; and to the graves of Genet, Plath, Rimbaud, and Mishima. Woven throughout are reflections on the writer's craft and on artistic creation. Here, too, are singular memories of Smith's life in Michigan and the irremediable loss of her husband, Fred Sonic Smith. Braiding despair with hope and consolation, illustrated with her signature Polaroids, M Train is a meditation on travel, detective shows, literature, and coffee. It is a powerful, deeply moving book by one of the most remarkable multiplatform artists at work today.

  • af Patti Smith
    193,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • af Patti Smith
    118,95 - 173,95 kr.

  • af Patti Smith
    288,95 kr.

    A revised and updated version of the artist's collected lyricsAn American original, Patti Smith is a multi-disciplined artist and performer. Her work is rooted in poetry, which infused her 1975 landmark album, Horses. A declaration of existence, Horses was described as 'three chords merged with the power of the word'; it was graced with the now iconic portrait by Robert Mapplethorpe, the subject of her award-winning memoir Just Kids. Initially published in 1998, Patti Smith's Complete Lyrics was a testimony to her uncompromising poetic power. Now, on the fortieth anniversary of the release of Smith's groundbreaking album, Collected Lyrics has been revised and expanded with more than thirty-five additional songs, including her first, 'Work Song', written for Janis Joplin in 1970, and her most current, 'Writer's Song', to be recorded in 2015. The collection is liberally illustrated with original manuscripts of lyrics from Smith's extensive archive.Patti Smith's work continues to retain its relevance, whether controversial, political, romantic or spiritual. Collected Lyrics offers forty-five years of song, an enduring commemoration of Smith's unique contribution to the canon of rock and roll.

  • af Patti Smith
    198,95 kr.

    A great book about becoming an artist, Woolgathering tells of a youngster finding herself as she learns the noble vocation of woolgathering, "a worthy calling that seemed a good job for me." She discovers-often at night, often in nature-the pleasures of rescuing "a fleeting thought." Deeply moving, Wool- gathering calls up our own memories, as the child "glimpses and gleans, piecing together a crazy quilt of truths." Smith introduces us to her tribe, "a race of cloud dwellers," and to the fierce, vital pleasures of cloud watching and stargazing and wandering.A radiant new autobiographical piece, "Two Worlds" (which was not in the original 1992 Hanuman edition of Woolgathering), and the author's photographs and illustrations are also included. Woolgathering celebrates the sacred nature of creation with Smith's beautiful style, acclaimed as "glorious" (NPR), "spellbinding" (Booklist), "rare and ferocious" (Salon), and "shockingly beautiful" (New York Magazine).

  • af Patti Smith
    396,95 kr.

    A new trade publication of Before Easter After, originally published in a limited edition at $1,000.Hundreds of rarely seen images by legendary photographer Lynn Goldsmith offer an intimate portrait of rock ’n’ roll icon Patti Smith during a transformative moment in her career. Images of Smith performing on stage combine with candid behind-the-scenes photographs and striking studio shoots to create a deeply personal look at the singer during her rise to fame. The photographs include Smith’s life-changing accident while on tour in 1977 and the aftermath, as well as closeup, empathetic portraits that reveal Smith’s self-assurance, her defiance of cultural norms, and her effortless poise. This poignant visual narrative is punctuated throughout by Smith’s original poetry and song lyrics.This book is both a glimpse into a fabled time in music history, documenting a young artist creating what turned out to be a revolutionary work, as well as a celebration of an enduring partnership between two close friends who continue to be creative collaborators to this day.

  • af Patti Smith
    173,95 kr.

    A deeply moving and brilliantly idiosyncratic visual book of days by the National Book Award-winning author of Just Kids and M Train. More than 365 images chart Smith's singular aesthetic - inspired by her wildly popular InstagramIn 2018, without any plan or agenda for what might happen next, Patti Smith posted her first Instagram photo: her hand with the simple message "Hello Everybody!" Known for shooting with her beloved Land Camera 250, Smith started posting images from her phone including portraits of her kids, her radiator, her boots, and her Abyssinian cat, Cairo. Followers felt an immediate affinity with these miniature windows into Smith's world, photographs of her daily coffee, the books she's reading, the graves of beloved heroes - William Blake, Dylan Thomas, Sylvia Plath, Simone Weil, Albert Camus. Over time, a coherent story of a life devoted to art took shape, and more than a million followers responded to Smith's unique aesthetic in images that chart her passions, devotions, obsessions, and whims. Original to this book are vintage photographs: anniversary pearls, a mother's keychain, and a husband's Mosrite guitar. Here, too, are never-before-seen photos of life on and off the road, train stations, obscure cafés, a notebook always nearby. In wide-ranging yet intimate daily notations, Smith shares dispatches from her travels around the world.With 365 photographs, taking you through a single year, A Book of Days is a new way to experience the expansive mind of the visionary poet, writer, and performer. Hopeful, elegiac, playful - and complete with an introduction by Smith that explores her documentary process - A Book of Days is a timeless offering for deeply uncertain times, an inspirational map of an artist's life.

  • af Patti Smith
    208,95 kr.

    In 2018, without any plan or agenda for what might happen next, Patti Smith posted her first Instagram photo: her hand with the simple message "Hello Everybody!" Known for shooting with her beloved Land Camera 250, Smith started posting images from her phone including portraits of her kids, her radiator, her boots, and her Abyssinian cat, Cairo. Followers felt an immediate affinity with these miniature windows into Smith's world, photographs of her daily coffee, the books she's reading, the graves of beloved heroes-William Blake, Dylan Thomas, Sylvia Plath, Simone Weil, Albert Camus. Over time, a coherent story of a life devoted to art took shape, and more than a million followers responded to Smith's unique aesthetic in images that chart her passions, devotions, obsessions, and whims. Original to this book are vintage photographs: anniversary pearls, a mother's keychain, and a husband's Mosrite guitar. Here, too, are photos from Smith's archives of life on and off the road, train stations, obscure cafés, a notebook always nearby. In wide-ranging yet intimate daily notations, Smith shares dispatches from her travels around the world. With over 365 photographs taking you through a single year, A Book of Days is a new way to experience the expansive mind of the visionary poet, writer, and performer. Hopeful, elegiac, playful-and complete with an introduction by Smith that explores her documentary process-A Book of Days is a timeless offering for deeply uncertain times, an inspirational map of an artist's life.

  • af Patti Smith
    332,95 kr.

    Just Kids begins as a love story and ends as an elegy. It serves as a salute to New York City during the late sixties and seventies and to its rich and poor, its hustlers and hellions. A true fable, it is a portrait of two young artists' ascent, a prelude to fame.

  • - Poems
    af Patti Smith
    163,95 kr.

    Auguries of Innocence is the first book of poetry from Patti Smith in more than a decade. It marks a major accomplishment from a poet and performer who has inscribed her vision of our world in powerful anthems, ballads, and lyrics. In this intimate and searing collection of poems, Smith joins in that great tradition of troubadours, journeymen, wordsmiths, and artists who respond to the world around them in fresh and original language. Her influences are eclectic and striking: Blake, Rimbaud, Picasso, Arbus, and Johnny Appleseed. Smith is an American original; her poems are oracles for our times.

  • af Patti Smith
    193,95 kr.

    National Best SellerFrom the National Book Awardwinning author of Just Kids: an unforgettable odyssey of a legendary artist, told through the prism of the cafes and haunts she has worked in around the world. It is a book Patti Smith has described as ';a roadmap to my life.' M Train begins in the tiny Greenwich Village cafe where Smith goes every morning for black coffee, ruminates on the world as it is and the world as it was, and writes in her notebook. Through prose that shifts fluidly between dreams and reality, past and present, and across a landscape of creative aspirations and inspirations, we travel to Frida Kahlo's Casa Azul in Mexico; to a meeting of an Arctic explorer's society in Berlin; to a ramshackle seaside bungalow in New York's Far Rockaway that Smith acquires just before Hurricane Sandy hits; and to the graves of Genet, Plath, Rimbaud, and Mishima. Woven throughout are reflections on the writer's craft and on artistic creation. Here, too, are singular memories of Smith's life in Michigan and the irremediable loss of her husband, Fred Sonic Smith. Braiding despair with hope and consolation, illustrated with her signature Polaroids, M Train is a meditation on travel, detective shows, literature, and coffee. It is a powerful, deeply moving book by one of the most remarkable multiplatform artists at work today.

  • af Patti Smith
    93,95 - 218,95 kr.

    'M Train' begynder og ender på en café i New York, som er blevet Patti Smiths andet hjem gennem årene. Ved sit stambord i hjørnet drikker hun sin kaffe, laver små optegnelser på servietter, læser bøger og reflekterer over minderne og drømmene, over det som er gået tabt. Med en mild melankoli søger hun trøst i poesien og rejser gennem verden i de store forfatteres fodspor. Hun byder også på forskellige scener fra sit tidigere liv i Detroit med sin mand Fred Sonic Smith, små stunder af ren lykke og betingelsesløs kærlighed. Det her er en bog for alle, som elsker at tilbringe en eftermiddag på café, fordybet i en bog eller i verden omkring. M Train er en personlig og poetisk beretning om livet, kunsten og kærligheden. 'M Train' er Patti Smiths første bog siden bestselleren 'Just Kids', som læsere i alle generationer faldt for, og som Smith modtog flere priser for, bl.a. den prestigefyldte National Book Award.

  • af Patti Smith
    343,95 kr.

  • af Patti Smith
    423,95 kr.

    Patti Smith's National Book Award?winning memoir, now richly illustrated with new material and never-before-seen photographs ?Reading rocker Smith's account of her relationship with photographer Robert Mapplethorpe, it's hard not to believe in fate. How else to explain the chance encounter that threw them together, allowing both to blossom? Quirky and spellbinding.? -- People Patti's Smith's exquisite prose is generously illustrated in this full-color edition of her classic coming-of-age memoir, Just Kids. New York locations vividly come to life where, as young artists, Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe met and fell in love: a first apartment in Brooklyn, Times Square with John and Yoko's iconic billboard, Max's Kansas City, or the gritty fire escape of the Hotel Chelsea. The extraordinary people who passed through their lives are also pictured: Sam Shepard, Harry Smith, William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg. Along with never-before-published photographs, drawings, and ephemera, this edition captures a moment in New York when everything was possible. And when two kids seized their destinies as artists and soul mates in this inspired story of love and friendship.

  • af Patti Smith
    168,95 kr.

  • - 1970-1979
    af Patti Smith
    153,95 kr.

    Selections from Patti Smith's writings over the decade in which she made a lasting impact on America's underground literary and rock scene.