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Bøger af Patrick McCabe

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  • - Picador Classic
    af Patrick McCabe
    113,95 - 119,45 kr.

    With an introduction by Ross Raisin.A modern classic of Irish fiction, shortlisted for the 1992 Booker prize.When I was a young lad twenty or thirty or forty years ago I lived in a small town where they were all after me on account of what I done on Mrs Nugent.Francie Brady is a small-town rascal who spends his days turning a blind eye to the troubles at home and getting up to mischief with his best friend Joe - hiding in the chicken-house, shouting abuse at fish in the local stream. But after a disagreement with his neighbour Mrs Nugent over her son's missing comic books, Francie's reckless streak spirals out of control and gives rise to a monstrous obsession . . .Fearless, shocking and blackly funny, Patrick McCabe's The Butcher Boy won the 1992 Irish Times Literature Prize and was shortlisted for the 1992 Booker Prize. It is a modern classic of Irish fiction, a portrait of the insidious violence latent in small town life and of a frenzied young man lashing out at everyone, even himself.

  • af Patrick McCabe
    73,95 - 92,95 kr.

    Francie vokser op i en lille irsk by i begyndelsen af 1960’erne. Som de fleste drenge er han optaget af fjernsynets helte, slik og hemmelige huler. Noget forandres dog, da drengen Philip Nugent kommer ind i hans liv. Philip fascinerer Francie med sin perfekte samling af tegneserier og sin fine nodetaske. Men Philips familie ser ned på Francie og hans ophav. De bryder sig hverken om hans fordrukne far eller hans deprimerede mor. De kalder dem en 'svinefamilie med svinemanerer' og langsomt forvandles Francies fascination af familien Nugent til had og misundelse. Da Francies mor begår selvmord og Francie får skylden er der ingen vej tilbage. Francie forsvinder længere og længere ind i sin egen forstyrrede verden ...Den irske forfatter Patrick McCabe (f. 1955) er kendt for sine dystre og til tider voldelige romaner, der udspiller sig i samtidens Irland. Han har været nomineret til den prestigefulde Booker-pris to gange, første gang i 1992 for romanen "Slagterdrengen" og anden gang i 1998 for "Morgenmad på Pluto".

  • af Patrick McCabe
    174,45 - 229,45 kr.

    Dan Fogarty, an Irishman living in England, is looking after his sister Una, now seventy and suffering from dementia in a care home in Margate. From Dan's anarchic account, we gradually piece together the story of the Fogarty family. How the parents are exiled from a small Irish village and end up living the hard immigrant life in England. How Dots, the mother, becomes a call girl in 1950s Soho. How a young and overweight Una finds herself living in a hippie squat in Kilburn in the early 1970s. How the squat appears to be haunted by vindictive ghosts who eat away at the sanity of all who live there. And, finally, how all that survives now of those sex-and-drug-soaked times are Una's unspooling memories as she sits outside in the Margate sunshine, and Dan himself, whose role in the story becomes stranger and more sinister. Poguemahone is a wild, free-verse monologue, steeped in music and folklore, crammed with characters, both real and imagined, on a scale Patrick McCabe has never attempted before.

  • af Patrick McCabe
    234,45 kr.

    A swirling, psychedelic, bleakly funny fugue by the Booker-shortlisted author ofThe Butcher BoyandBreakfast on Pluto.Una Fogarty, suffering from dementia in a seaside nursing home, would be all alone without her brother Dan, whose epic free-verse monologue tells their family story. Exile from Ireland and immigrant life in England. Their mothers trials as a call girl. Young Unas search for love in a seemingly haunted hippie squat, and the two-timing Scottish stoner poet shell never get over. Now she sits outside in the sun as her memories unspool from Dans mouth and his own role in the tale grows ever stranger and more sinister.A swirling, psychedelic, bleakly funny fugue, Patrick McCabes epic reinvention of the verse novel combines Modernist fragmentation and Beat spontaneity with Irish folklore, then douses it in whiskey and sets it on fire. Drinking song and punk libretto, ancient as myth and wholly original, Poguemahone is the devastating telling of one familys historyand the forces, seen and unseen, that make their fate.

  • af Patrick McCabe
    149,45 kr.

    With T. S. Eliot's words as his guide, Joey Tallon embarks on a journey toward enlightenment in the troubling psychedelic-gone-wrong atmosphere of the late 1970s. A man deranged by desire, and longing for belonging, Tallon searches for his"place of peace" -- a spiritual landscape located somewhere between his small town in Northern Ireland and Iowa ... and maybe between heaven and hell.

  • af Patrick McCabe
    164,45 kr.

    Pat McNab, driven by rage and despair, goes on a rampage after killing his mother and ends up murdering more than fifty people. Or is his whiskey-addled mind merely imagining these murders? Reality collides with fantasy with dizzying impact as Pat reflects on the long-gone days with Mommy, while fending off the persistent interferences of his small-town neighbors: the puritanical Mrs. Tubridy; that irascible seller of turf, the Turf Man; Sgt. "Kojak" Foley, and other unwanted snoops who could soon come to regret their inquisitive, nose-poking ways....

  • af Patrick McCabe
    174,45 kr.

    "When I was a young lad twenty or thirty or forty years ago I lived in a small town where they were all after me on account of what I done on Mrs. Nugent." Thus begins Patrick McCabe's shattering novel The Butcher Boy, a powerful and unrelenting journey into the heart of darkness. The bleak, eerie voice belongs to Francie Brady, the "pig boy," the only child of and alcoholic father and a mother driven mad by despair. Growing up in a soul-stifling Irish town, Francie is bright, love-starved, and unhinged, his speech filled with street talk, his heart filled with pain...his actions perfectly monstrous. Held up for scorn by Mrs. Nugent, a paragon of middle-class values, and dropped by his best friend, Joe, in favor of her mamby-pamby son, Francie finally has a target for his rage--and a focus for his twisted, horrific plan. Dark, haunting, often screamingly funny, The Butcher Boy chronicles the pig boy's ominous loss of innocence and chilling descent into madness. No writer since James Joyce has had such marvelous control of rhythm and language... and no novel since The Silence Of The Lambs has stunned us with such a macabre, dangerous mind.

  • - Hello Mr Bones / Goodbye Mr Rat
    af Patrick McCabe
    129,45 - 194,45 kr.

    Two Halloween horrors from the Booker-shortlisted hellraiser - two short novels in a special flip-over format.

  • af Patrick McCabe
    154,45 kr.

  • af Patrick McCabe
    149,45 kr.

    You wouldn't expect to find a mature woman of twenty-eight years of age mixed up with a bunch of swingers in a small town like Barntrosna. But that's exactly what happened according to Walter Bunyan. And he should know, she was his wife. As for Declan Coyningham - there wasn't a holier boy in all of Barntrosna - you couldn't move in town without finding a bit of him in your path or under a hedge. And what exactly did come over Noreen Tiernan that made her shriek to wake the dead as she left the main street of the village in a Morris Minor all decked in pink and blue? Patrick McCabe's prose is as brilliantly macabre as ever. In scenes of disarming inventiveness, Mondo Desperado will make you howl with laughter from first unnerving page to last.

  • af Patrick McCabe
    149,45 kr.

    'It seemed as if the town of Carn, a huddled clump of windswept grey buildings split in two by a muddied main street, had somehow been spirited away and supplanted by a thriving, bustling place which bore no resemblance whatever to it. For a split second, she saw her own death, a gunmetal face fixed on the sky, all around the faces and voices of Carn as she had known it. Josie Keenan had come home to the town of Carn, the only home she knew' 'A unique record by somebody who understands that the reality of small-town life is as important in literature as any aspect of Ireland . . . a savage, raw and bitter honesty . . . I know no Irish writer with such an obvious, extraordinary talent' Dermot Bolger, Sunday Independent 'Powerful, precise writing - Patrick McCabe's Carn introduces one of the most promising writers in a long, long time' Bill Buford, Granta 'Resolute . . . the writing is raw and didactic. His story bears the hideous ring of authenticity' Guardian 'Stylishly narrated, but with the chronological forthrightness that comes as a benison after some modern novels' London Review of Books

  • af Patrick McCabe
    219,45 kr.

    Meet Pat McNab, forty-five years old, often to be found endlessly puffing smokes and propping up the counter of Sullivan's Select Bar or sitting on his mother's knee, both of them singing away together like some ridiculous two-headed human juke box. But that was all before the story really begins. Emerald Germs of Ireland is, in essence, Pat McNab's post-matricide year. This is another great romp from the master of black comedy.

  • af Patrick McCabe
    73,95 kr.

    Patrick Braden bliver som nyfødt efterladt af sin mor på præstens dørtrin, og ender i pleje hos en usympatisk kvinde, med huset fuld af skrigende unger og gamle øldåser. Så snart han er gammel nok flygter han fra sin fordrukne plejemor og rejser til London i håbet om dels at finde sin rigtig mor, dels at finde sig selv. I London kaster Patrick Branden sig snart ud i et nyt liv som transvestit og prostitueret. Han tillægger sig navnet "Kitten" og udfører sit håndværk blandt menneskeligt vraggods og sære eksistenser - ofte med fare for sit liv. Samtidig hærger den irske løsrivelsesbevægelse Irish Republican Army (IRA) Londons gader, og den irskfødte Kitten hvirvles ind i konflikterne. I "Morgenmad på Pluto" fortæller den midaldrende Patrick "Kitten" Braden sin livshistorie. Det er hans (eller måske snarer hendes) psykiater, der har opfordret ham til at sætte pen til papir og tanker i system. Så Patrick fortæller sin på én gang foruroligende og utrolige historie, der udspiller sig i 1970'ernes London. En by som han har døbt "tragediernes by". "Morgenmad på Pluto" er en enestående roman, en rablende tour de force, der spænder fra dyb desperation og angst til stjernebestøvet begejstring og glamour.Den irske forfatter Patrick McCabe (f. 1955) er kendt for sine dystre og til tider voldelige romaner, der udspiller sig i samtidens Irland. Han har været nomineret til den prestigefulde Booker-pris to gange, første gang i 1992 for romanen "Slagterdrengen" og anden gang i 1998 for "Morgenmad på Pluto".

  • af Patrick McCabe
    194,45 kr.

    Strangely elegiac, gloriously operatic and driven by Pat McCabe's wild and savage imagination, The Stray Sod Country is an eerie folk tale that chronicles the passing of a generation.