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Bøger af Pam Jenoff

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  • af Pam Jenoff
    119,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Uforglemmelig historisk roman om to stærke kvinder, der må kæmpe for at overleve og beskytte dem, de elsker. Til læsere, der elsker stærke romanskildringer fra 2. verdenskrig som Kristin Hannahs Nattergalen eller Martha Hall Kellys Blomstrende syrener. Tyskland 1944. Den 16-årige Noa forsørger sig selv ved at gøre rent på en station, efter at hun er blevet smidt ud hjemmefra. En aften hører hun en lyd fra en togvogn, der til Noas bestyrtelse viser sig at være fyldt med spædbørn. Inden hun har nået at tænke sig om, har hun taget det grædende barn og flygter ud i vinternatten. Noa og barnet reddes af et omkringrejsende cirkus, men for at blende ind må Noa optræde som trapezartist. Hendes lærer bliver den noget ældre Astrid, en kvinde der selv har en fortid, hun må skjule, og hun er bange for at Noa og barnets opdukken vil bringe hendes eget liv i fare. Hittebarnets historie er Jenoffs store gennembrud og har solgt over en halv million i USA.PAM JENOFF er forfatter til flere historiske romaner. Hun har en uddannelse i statskundskab og har også en masters i historie fra Cambridge. Efter studierne i England blev hun ansat ved Pentagon og arbejdede tre år for den amerikanske udenrigstjeneste i Kraków med sager med forbindelse til holocaust. Her blev hun optaget af de polske jøders historie under 2. verdenskrig. I 1998 forlod hun udenrigstjenesten for at uddanne sig til jurist, og hun bor nu ved Philadelphia med sin mand og tre børn, hvor hun ved siden af sit forfatterskab underviser i jura.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    144,50 - 248,95 kr.

    Gribende fortælling fra Anden Verdenskrig om modet til at beskytte dem, man elsker.1939: Nittenårige Emma Bau har kun været gift i tre uger, da tyskerne invaderer Polen, og hendes mand, Jacob, tvinges til gå under jorden. Selv ender hun i en jødisk ghetto, men med hjælp fra modstandsbevægelsen lykkes det hende at flygte til Krakow. Der påtager hun sig en ny identitet som den ikkejødiske Anna Lipowski og flytter ind hos Jacobs tante. Til en middag får den tyske kommandant Georg Richwalder øje på Anna og drages straks af hende. Den højtstående nazist tilbyder hende jobbet som sin assistent, og hun siger ja i håb om at få adgang til oplysninger, der kan komme modstandsbevægelsen til gode. Men deres forhold bliver mere og mere kompliceret, som krigen skrider frem, og Anna tvinges til at træffe skæbnesvangre beslutninger, der risikerer at afsløre hendes dobbeltliv og at bringe dem, hun elsker, i fare.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    119,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Gribende krigsfortælling om venskabet mellem tre modige kvinder af forfatteren til Hittebarnets historie.En New York Times bestseller baseret på virkelige beretninger om de kvinder, der rejste ud fra England som hemmelige agenter under Anden Verdenskrig – og aldrig vendte hjem igen. New York, 1946: Efter at have mistet sin mand i krigen forsøger Grace Healey at skabe sig en ny tilværelse. En morgen på vej til arbejde går hun igennem Grand Central Terminal og får øje på en efterladt kuffert. For nysgerrig til bare at passere åbner hun den og ser, at den indeholder fotografierne af tolv forskellige kvinder.Det viser sig, at kufferten har tilhørt en kvinde ved navn Eleanor Trigg. Hun var leder af en gruppe kvindelige hemmelige agenter med base i London, som opererede under krigen. Tolv af disse kvinder blev sendt til forskellige steder i Europa for at hjælpe modstandsbevægelsen, men vendte aldrig hjem igen. Da Grace sætter sig for at undersøge, hvad der skete, bliver hun hvirvlet ind i de udsædvanlige historier om kvindernes farlige missioner. En gribende fortælling om venskab, forræderi og viljen til at overleve i en verden af modgang. ”En forrygende, tempofyldt roman … Denne rørende fortælling om en gruppe unge kvinders vilje til at overleve på deres egne betingelser vil appellere til læsere i alle aldre.” – Publishers Weekly PAM JENOFF er amerikansk forfatter til flere historiske romaner. Hun er oprindelig uddannet i statskundskab og historie. Efter studierne blev Jenoff ansat ved Pentagon og arbejdede i tre år for den amerikanske udenrigstjeneste i Krakow, blandt andet med sager med forbindelse til holocaust. I 1998 forlod hun udenrigstjenesten for at uddanne sig til jurist, og hun bor nu i Philadelphia med sin mand og tre børn, hvor hun ved siden af sit forfatterskab underviser i jura.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    119,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Gribende roman baseret på de virkelige beretninger fra 2. verdenskrig om de polske jøders flugt fra Kraków. Af forfatteren til Hittebarnets historie.Polen 1942. Attenårige Sadie Gault bor med sine forældre i Krakóws jødiske ghetto. Da nazisterne begynder at deportere ghettoens indbyggere, er Sadie og hendes forældre tvunget til at søge tilflugt i byens kloakker. En dag kigger Sadie op gennem en rist og ser en ung kvinde på sin egen alder købe en buket blomster.Ella Stepanek er en velhavende ung kvinde, der lever et liv i relativ lethed sammen med sin stedmor, som har udviklet et tæt forhold til den tyske besættelsesmagt til Ellas venners forargelse. Ensom og tung af længsel efter sin kæreste, der er draget i krig, vandrer Ella hvileløst rundt i Krakóws gader. En dag hun er ude på et ærinde på markedet, fanger hun et glimt af noget, der bevæger sig under en rist. Ved nærmere eftersyn opdager Ella, at det er en pige, der gemmer sig under jorden.PAM JENOFF er forfatter til flere historiske romaner. Hun har en uddannelse i statskundskab og har også en masters i historie fra Cambridge. Efter studierne i England blev hun ansat ved Pentagon og arbejdede tre år for den amerikanske udenrigstjeneste i Kraków med sager med forbindelse til holocaust. Her blev hun optaget af de polske jøders historie under 2. verdenskrig. I 1998 forlod hun udenrigstjenesten for at uddanne sig til jurist, og hun bor nu ved Philadelphia med sin mand og tre børn, hvor hun ved siden af sit forfatterskab underviser i jura.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    181,95 - 258,95 kr.

    Europa 1945: Marta Nedermann er med nød og næppe sluppet levende ud af det nazifængsel, hun var spærret inde i under krigen efter at have arbejdet for den polske modstandsbevægelse. Da hun igen møder Paul, den amerikanske soldat, der befriede hende, begynder Marta langsomt at turde håbe på en lysere fremtid. De to aftaler at mødes i London, men Paul dukker aldrig op.Gravid og alene i en fremmed by søger Marta trøst hos en omsorgsfuld britisk diplomat. Men hendes nyvundne lykke trues, da den britiske regering kræver hendes hjælp til at afsløre en kommunistisk spion – en mission, der tvinger Marta til at se sin fortid i øjnene.DIPLOMATENS HUSTRU handler om overlevelse, kærlighed og heltemod i kølvandet på Anden Verdenskrig og er et vidnesbyrd om, hvor meget styrke en enkelt kvinde kan besidde. Bogen er en selvstændig fortsættelse af Pam Jenoffs roman KOMMANDANTENS SEKRETÆR.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    183,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING TITLE THE ORPHAN'S TALE OUT NOWBased in part on actual events, Kommandant's Girl is a compelling tale of love and courage in a dangerous and desperate times.Unique in voice and evocative in historical detail, this stunning debut faithfully explores the gray area between right and wrong and the timeless themes of home, stuggle and defiance in the face of overwhelming odds. Nineteen-year-old Emma Bau has been married only three weeks when Nazi tanks thunder into her native Poland. Within days Emma's husband, Jacob, is forced to disappear underground, leaving her imprisoned within the city's decrepit, moldering Jewish ghetto. But then, in the dead of night, the resistance smuggles her out. Taken to Krakow to live with Jacob's Catholic cousin, Krysia, Emma takes on a new identity as Anna Lipowski, a gentile.Emma's already precarious situation is complicated by her introduction to Kommandant Richwalder, a high-ranking Nazi official who hires her to work as his assistant. Urged by the resistance to use her position to access details of the Nazi occupation, Emma must compromise her safety-and her marriage vows-in order to help Jacob's cause. As the atrocities of war intensify, so does Emma's relationship with the Kommandant, building to a climax that will risk not only her double life, but also the lives of those she loves.Praise for Pam Jenoff:'[A] heartbreakingly romantic story of forbidden love during WW2' - Heat'Must read' - Daily Express

  • af Pam Jenoff
    177,95 kr.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    181,95 - 258,95 kr.

    Paris 1919. Verdens ledere er samlet i kølvandet på Første Verdenskrig, og den tyveårige Margot Rosenthal er med til fredskonferencen på grund af sin tyske diplomatfar. Selvom krigen er slut, betragtes hun stadig som fjenden, og hun er frustreret over at være fanget i den fremmede, hektiske by. Men tanken om at vende tilbage til Berlin og et liv med sin tilskadekomne forlovede, som hun knap nok kender længere, frister heller ikke.Margot keder sig og tiltrækkes af nye spændende bekendtskaber. Hun møder blandt andet den tiltalende søofficer Georg, der giver hende et job, og den polske pianist Krysia, som præsenterer hende for en gruppe politiske aktivister.Fast besluttet på at nyde den smule frihed, hun stadig har i behold, involverer Margot sig i et politisk spil, men den franske hovedstad viser sig at rumme dystre hemmeligheder og farlige forbindelser, og snart må Margot sætte spørgsmålstegn ved alt, hvad hun troede, hun vidste om loyalitet.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    198,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    108,95 kr.

    1942. Hannah Martel has narrowly escaped Nazi Germany after her fiancé was killed, taking refuge with her cousin, Lily, in Brussels. Desperate to flee Europe, Hannah joins the Sapphire Line: a secret resistance network led by a mysterious woman named Micheline and her enigmatic brother Mateo. But when Lily's family are arrested and slated for deportation to Auschwitz, Hannah finds herself torn between her loyalties and her own determination to escape.How much is Hannah willing to sacrifice to save the people she loves?

  • af Pam Jenoff
    445,95 kr.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    198,95 kr.

    INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER"A heart-wrenching exploration of the decisions women must make when their loyalties are put to the test." -Sarah Penner, New York Times bestselling author of The Lost ApothecaryA woman must rescue her cousin's family from a train bound for Auschwitz in this riveting tale of bravery and resistance, from the bestselling author of The Lost Girls of Paris1942. Hannah Martel has narrowly escaped Nazi Germany after her fiancé was killed in a pogrom. When her ship bound for America is turned away at port, she has nowhere to go but to her cousin Lily, who lives with her family in Brussels. Fearful for her life, Hannah is desperate to get out of occupied Europe. But with no safe way to leave, she must return to the dangerous underground work she thought she had left behind.Seeking help, Hannah joins the Sapphire Line, a secret resistance network led by a mysterious woman named Micheline and her enigmatic brother Matteo. But when a grave mistake causes Lily's family to be arrested and slated for deportation to Auschwitz, Hannah finds herself torn between her loyalties. How much is Hannah willing to sacrifice to save the people she loves?Inspired by incredible true stories of courage and sacrifice, Code Name Sapphire is a powerful novel about love, family and the unshakable resilience of women in even the hardest of times.Look for these other riveting novels by New York Times bestselling author, Pam Jenoff: The Kommandant's Girl The Ambassador's Daughter The Diplomat's Wife The Last Summer at Chelsea Beach The Orphan's Tale The Lost Girls of Paris The Woman with the Blue Star

  • af Pam Jenoff
    186,95 kr.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    193,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    193,95 - 313,95 kr.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    178,95 kr.

    Bestselling author Pam Jenoff shows the unimaginable sacrifices one woman must make in a time of war.Nineteen-year-old Emma Bau has been married only three weeks when Nazi tanks thunder into her native Poland. Within days Emma's husband, Jacob, is forced to disappear underground, leaving her imprisoned within the city's decrepit Jewish ghetto. But then, in the dead of night, the resistance smuggles her out. Taken to Krakow to live with Jacob's Catholic aunt, Krysia, Emma takes on a new identity as Anna Lipowski, a gentile.Emma's already precarious situation is complicated by her introduction to Kommandant Richwalder, a high-ranking Nazi official who hires her to work as his assistant. Urged by the resistance to use her position to access details of the Nazi occupation, Emma must compromise her safety--and her marriage vows--in order to help Jacob's cause. As the atrocities of war intensify, Emma must make choices that will force her to risk not only her double life but also the lives of those she loves.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    298,95 kr.

    Look for Pam Jenoff's new novel, The Woman with the Blue Star, an unforgettable story of courage and friendship during wartime.A New York Times bestseller!"Readers who enjoyed Kristin Hannah's The Nightingale and Sara Gruen's Water for Elephants will embrace this novel. " -Library Journal"Secrets, lies, treachery, and passion…. I read this novel in a headlong rush." -Christina Baker Kline, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Orphan TrainA powerful novel of friendship set in a traveling circus during World War II, The Orphan's Tale introduces two extraordinary women and their harrowing stories of sacrifice and survival.Sixteen-year-old Noa has been cast out in disgrace after becoming pregnant by a Nazi soldier and being forced to give up her baby. She lives above a small rail station, which she cleans in order to earn her keep… When Noa discovers a boxcar containing dozens of Jewish infants bound for a concentration camp, she is reminded of the child that was taken from her. And in a moment that will change the course of her life, she snatches one of the babies and flees into the snowy night.Noa finds refuge with a German circus, but she must learn the flying trapeze act so she can blend in undetected, spurning the resentment of the lead aerialist, Astrid. At first rivals, Noa and Astrid soon forge a powerful bond. But as the facade that protects them proves increasingly tenuous, Noa and Astrid must decide whether their friendship is enough to save one another-or if the secrets that burn between them will destroy everything.Don't miss Pam Jenoff's new novel, Code Name Sapphire, a riveting tale of bravery and resistance during World War II.Read these other sweeping epics from New York Times bestselling author Pam Jenoff:The Woman with the Blue StarThe Lost Girls of ParisThe Ambassador's DaughterThe Diplomat's WifeThe Last Summer at Chelsea BeachThe Kommandant's GirlThe Winter Guest

  • af Pam Jenoff
    198,95 kr.

    From the New York Times bestselling author of The Orphan's Tale comes an intoxicating novel of love and redemption during a time of war.Summer 1941. Young Adelia Montforte flees fascist Italy for America, where she is whisked away to the shore by her well-meaning aunt and uncle. Here, she meets and falls for Charlie Connally, the eldest of the four Irish-Catholic boys next door. But all hopes for a future together are soon throttled by the war and a tragedy that hits much closer to home.Grief-stricken, Addie flees-first to Washington and then to war-torn London-and finds a position at a prestigious newspaper, as well as a chance to redeem lost time, lost family…and lost love. But the past always nips at her heels, demanding to be reckoned with. And in a final, fateful choice, Addie discovers that the way home may be a path she never suspected.Originally published in 2015.Don't miss Pam Jenoff's new novel, Code Name Sapphire, a riveting tale of bravery and resistance during World War II.Read these other sweeping epics from New York Times bestselling author Pam Jenoff:The Woman with the Blue StarThe Lost Girls of ParisThe Orphan's TaleThe Kommandant's WifeThe Ambassador's DaughterThe Diplomat's WifeThe Winter Guest

  • af Pam Jenoff
    218,95 kr.

    New York Times Bestselling Author of The Orphan's Tale Past wars, past lives, past loves…Can we ever really let them go…And should we?Ten years ago, U.S. State Department intelligence officer Jordan Weiss’s life was turned upside down when she was told her college boyfriend, Jared, drowned in the River Cam. In a shocking discovery, though, she realizes that things weren’t as they seemed and that she had been lied to and betrayed by those closest to her. Reeling from the shock— and the knowledge that Jared is still alive—Jordan resigns her State Department post and sets off in search of answers. Traveling to Jared’s last known whereabouts on the French Riviera, she encounters Nicole, a mysterious woman who flees after refusing to disclose what she knows about Jared. Following Nicole across Europe, Jordan soon discovers that she is not alone in her pursuit— Aaron, a handsome and enigmatic Israeli, is chasing Nicole for his own cryptic reasons. Though distrustful of each other, Jordan and Aaron join forces on a journey that takes them half a world away, and only steps ahead of grave peril. As Jordan draws closer to finding the answers that have eluded her for a decade, larger questions remain: Can she reconcile her attraction to Aaron with her unresolved feelings for Jared, the only man she ever loved? Will the truth be too devastating to handle or finally set her free? Will she have a chance at happiness at last? Thrilling, romantic, and impossible to put down, A Hidden Affair gives us a brave and relentless heroine who never gives up on her search for the truth.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    323,95 kr.

    INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER"A heart-wrenching exploration of the decisions women must make when their loyalties are put to the test." -Sarah Penner, New York Times bestselling author of The Lost ApothecaryA woman must rescue her cousin's family from a train bound for Auschwitz in this riveting tale of bravery and resistance, from the bestselling author of The Lost Girls of Paris1942. Hannah Martel has narrowly escaped Nazi Germany after her fiancé was killed in a pogrom. When her ship bound for America is turned away at port, she has nowhere to go but to her cousin Lily, who lives with her family in Brussels. Fearful for her life, Hannah is desperate to get out of occupied Europe. But with no safe way to leave, she must return to the dangerous underground work she thought she had left behind.Seeking help, Hannah joins the Sapphire Line, a secret resistance network led by a mysterious woman named Micheline and her enigmatic brother Matteo. But when a grave mistake causes Lily's family to be arrested and slated for deportation to Auschwitz, Hannah finds herself torn between her loyalties. How much is Hannah willing to sacrifice to save the people she loves?Inspired by incredible true stories of courage and sacrifice, Code Name Sapphire is a powerful novel about love, family and the unshakable resilience of women in even the hardest of times.Look for these other riveting novels by New York Times bestselling author, Pam Jenoff: The Kommandant's Girl The Ambassador's Daughter The Diplomat's Wife The Last Summer at Chelsea Beach The Orphan's Tale The Lost Girls of Paris The Woman with the Blue Star

  • af Pam Jenoff
    193,95 kr.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    338,95 kr.

    "An emotional novel that you will never forget." -Lisa Scottoline, #1 New York Times bestselling author of EternalFrom the author of The Lost Girls of Paris comes a riveting tale of courage and unlikely friendship during World War II -- Now a New York Times bestsller!1942. Sadie Gault is eighteen and living with her parents in the Kraków Ghetto during World War II. When the Nazis liquidate the ghetto, Sadie and her pregnant mother are forced to seek refuge in the perilous tunnels beneath the city. One day Sadie looks up through a grate and sees a girl about her own age buying flowers.Ella Stepanek is an affluent Polish girl living a life of relative ease with her stepmother, who has developed close alliances with the occupying Germans. While on an errand in the market, she catches a glimpse of something moving beneath a grate in the street. Upon closer inspection, she realizes it's a girl hiding.Ella begins to aid Sadie and the two become close, but as the dangers of the war worsen, their lives are set on a collision course that will test them in the face of overwhelming odds. Inspired by incredible true stories, The Woman with the Blue Star is an unforgettable testament to the power of friendship and the extraordinary strength of the human will to survive.Highly recommended by Entertainment Weekly, Washington Post, CNN, BookTrib, Goodreads, Betches, AARP, Frolic, SheReads, and more!Don't miss Pam Jenoff's new novel, Code Name Sapphire, a riveting tale of bravery and resistance during World War II.Read these other sweeping epics from New York Times bestselling author Pam Jenoff:The Lost Girls of ParisThe Orphan's TaleThe Ambassador's DaughterThe Diplomat's WifeThe Last Summer at Chelsea BeachThe Kommandant's GirlThe Winter Guest

  • af Pam Jenoff
    173,95 kr.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    118,95 kr.

    Three women. One daring mission.1946. One morning while passing through Grand Central Terminal, Grace Healey finds an abandoned suitcase tucked beneath a bench. Inside is a dozen photographs-each of a different woman. Grace soon learns that the suitcase belonged to Eleanor Trigg, leader of a network of female secret agents deployed out of London during the war. Twelve of these women were sent to Occupied Europe as couriers and radio operators to aid the resistance, but they never returned home.Setting out to learn the truth behind the women in the photographs, Grace finds herself drawn to a young mother turned agent named Marie, whose mission overseas reveals a remarkable story of friendship, valor and betrayal. In this riveting story inspired by true events, Pam Jenoff weaves a tale of courage, sisterhood and the great strength of women to survive in the hardest of circumstances.Don't miss Pam Jenoff's new novel, Code Name Sapphire, a riveting tale of bravery and resistance during World War II.Read these other sweeping epics from New York Times bestselling author Pam Jenoff:The Woman with the Blue StarThe Orphan's TaleThe Ambassador's DaughterThe Diplomat's WifeThe Kommandant's GirlThe Last Summer at Chelsea BeachThe Winter Guest

  • af Pam Jenoff
    198,95 kr.

    "An emotional novel that you will never forget." -Lisa Scottoline, #1 New York Times bestselling author of EternalFrom the author of The Lost Girls of Paris comes a riveting tale of courage and unlikely friendship during World War II -- Now a New York Times bestsller!1942. Sadie Gault is eighteen and living with her parents in the Kraków Ghetto during World War II. When the Nazis liquidate the ghetto, Sadie and her pregnant mother are forced to seek refuge in the perilous tunnels beneath the city. One day Sadie looks up through a grate and sees a girl about her own age buying flowers.Ella Stepanek is an affluent Polish girl living a life of relative ease with her stepmother, who has developed close alliances with the occupying Germans. While on an errand in the market, she catches a glimpse of something moving beneath a grate in the street. Upon closer inspection, she realizes it's a girl hiding.Ella begins to aid Sadie and the two become close, but as the dangers of the war worsen, their lives are set on a collision course that will test them in the face of overwhelming odds. Inspired by incredible true stories, The Woman with the Blue Star is an unforgettable testament to the power of friendship and the extraordinary strength of the human will to survive.Highly recommended by Entertainment Weekly, Washington Post, CNN, BookTrib, Goodreads, Betches, AARP, Frolic, SheReads, and more!Don't miss Pam Jenoff's new novel, Code Name Sapphire, a riveting tale of bravery and resistance during World War II.Read these other sweeping epics from New York Times bestselling author Pam Jenoff:The Lost Girls of ParisThe Orphan's TaleThe Ambassador's DaughterThe Diplomat's WifeThe Last Summer at Chelsea BeachThe Kommandant's GirlThe Winter Guest

  • af Pam Jenoff
    163,95 - 263,95 kr.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    193,95 kr.

    Pam Jenoff's breakout novel The Orphan's Tale was an instant New York Times bestseller and has now sold over 500,000 copies and counting! Following up on this incredible success is a remarkable story of friendship and courage centered around three women and a ring of female secret agents during World War II. Based on true events, this is perfect for fans of The Alice Network and Lilac Girls.

  • - A Novel
    af Pam Jenoff
    213,95 kr.

    New York Times Bestselling Author of The Diplomat's Wife A breathtakingly poignant novel of suspense about a woman who must face a past she'd rather forget in order to uncover a dangerous legacy that threatens her future. Ten years ago, U.S. State Department intelligence officer Jordan Weiss's idyllic experience as a graduate student at Cambridge was shattered when her boyfriend Jared drowned in the River Cam. She swore she'd never go back?until a terminally ill friend asks her to return. Jordan attempts to settle into her new life, taking on an urgent mission beside rakish agent Sebastian Hodges. Just when she thinks there's hope for a fresh start, a former college classmate tells her that Jared's death was not an accident?he was murdered. Jordan quickly learns that Jared's research into World War II had uncovered a shameful secret, but powerful forces with everything to lose will stop at nothing to keep the past buried. Soon, Jordan finds herself in grave peril as she struggles to find the answers that lie treacherously close to home, the truth that threatens to change her life forever, and the love that makes it all worth fighting for. Fast-paced and impossible to put down, Almost Home establishes Pam Jenoff as one of the best new writers in the genre.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    188,95 kr.

    Una poderosa novela de amistad dentro de un circo ambulante durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, El vagón de los huérfanos presenta a dos mujeres extraordinarias y sus historias desgarradoras de sacrificio y supervivencia. Noa, de dieciséis años, ha sido expulsada en desgracia después de quedar embarazada de un soldado nazi y verse forzada a renunciar a su bebé. Vive en los altos de una pequeña estación del ferrocarril, que limpia para ganarse su estancia allí. Cuando Noa descubre un furgón en el cual hay docenas de bebés judíos que son llevados a un campo de concentración, recuerda al hijo que le fue arrebatado. Y en un instante que cambiará el curso de su vida, se roba uno de los bebés y huye en medio de la noche en medio de la nieve. La joven encuentra refugio en un circo alemán, pero necesita aprender el trapecio ondulante para poderse mezclar con los demás sin que la descubran, sin hacer caso del resentimiento de Astrid, la principal trapecista. Rivales al principio, Noa y Astrid crean muy pronto un poderoso lazo entre ellas. Pero al ver que la fachada que las protege se vuelve cada vez más tenue, Noa y Astrid deben decidir si su amistad es suficiente para salvarse mutuamente, o si los secretos que arden entre ellas lo van a destruir todo.

  • af Pam Jenoff
    118,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING TITLE THE ORPHAN'S TALE OUT NOW!Forbidden love in the time of war, this is essential reading for fans of emotional historical romance, perfect for fans of Katie Flynn and Maureen Lee.August 1940 and 16-year-old refugee Addie escapes Fascist Italy to live with her aunt and uncle in Atlantic City. As WW2 breaks, she finds acceptance and love with Charlie Connally and his family.But war changes everything: secrets and passions abound, and when one brother's destructive choices lead to the tragic death of another, the Connally family is decimated, and Addie along with them.Now 18, she flees, first to Washington and then to war-torn London where she is swept up with life as a correspondent. But when Charlie, now a paratrooper, re-appears, Addie discovers that the past is impossible to outrun. Now she must make one last desperate attempt to find within herself the answers that will lead the way home.Praise for Pam Jenoff:'[A] heartbreakingly romantic story of forbidden love during WW2' - Heat'Must read' - Daily Express