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Bøger af P. C. Cast

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  • af P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast
    93,95 kr.

    Zoey er blevet leder af Mørkets Døtre efter Afrodites fatale Fuldmånerite.Hun er ved at falde godt til i Nattens Hus og hun er blevet kæreste med den høje, flotte Eric, men er også tiltrukket af sin ekskæreste Jonathan, som hun har præget ved at drikke hans blod.Men døde ynglinge viser sig som genfærd og flere af Zoeys gamle venner begynder at forsvinde, og alt tyder på at det er vampyrer som står bag. Da Jonathan også forsvinder tager Zoey affære, men må indse at hun har svært ved at skelne mellem venner og fjender ...Nattens Hus er en serie om en hemmelig verden fyldt med mystik, kærlighed og farlige intriger ...

  • af P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast
    93,95 kr.

  • af P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast
    93,95 kr.

    Nattens Hus kommer under anklage for et blodigt mord på Tulsas borgmester,og kampen mellem Lys og Mørke vil uundgåeligt kræve ofre.Neferet klynger sig til livet med ét eneste mål for øje: at genvinde sin styrke og udødelighed og indtage sin plads som gudinde over vampyrer og mennesker. Vejen dertil går gennem kaos, død og Mørke.Presset på Zoey tager til, og hendes frustration og vrede vækker gammel magi til live – en vild urkraft der har sin egen vilje, og som kan tippe balancen mellem det gode og det onde ...

  • af Kristin Cast & P. C. Cast
    93,95 kr.

    Zoey er vendt tilbage fra Den Anden Verden.Neferet er blevet frikendt af Vampyrernes Højeste Råd, og er tilbage i Nattens Hus i Tulsa som ypperstepræstinde.Hun vil bruge sin magt over den udødelige Kalona til at få ram på Zoey ...Mary Ann og skyggeravnen Refaim gør alt for at holde deres kærlighed hemmelig, men Refaim må vælge om han vil forråde Kalona eller Mary Ann ...

  • af P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast
    93,95 kr.

    Det tredje bind i serien er for unge fra 14 år, nok primært piger, som kan lide moderne vampyrromaner. Serien bør læses i rækkefølge, som forlægger gør opmærksom på i følgemateriale til anmeldereksemplaretBeskrivelseHistorien fortælles i 1. person, af Zoey, og det gør den ekstra intens og levende, og hjælper på det fantasifulde univers den foregår i omkring en vampyrskole med elever/yndlinge, inden de går igennem forvandlingen, som de måske overlever, og bliver vampyrer. Den klassiske gotiske gysertradition er moderniseret, og bruger satire og ironi og elementer fra fx chick-lit genren. Sproget er forfriskende, afvekslende og humoristisk funderet, men virker også effektivt spændende i lange stræk, og slutningen er intens for Zoey og læseren. Samlet repræsenterer de hidtil tre bind en udviklingshistorie om en ung pige der får smag for blod, samtidig med at hun får kærester, og i dette tredje bind har Zoey tre kærester og får også smag for sex og magt. Disse elementer er symboler for vigtige elementer i puberteten. Flot forside ligger fint i tråd med bogens indholdSammenligningSerien har umiddelbart meget tilfælles med Meyers Tusmørke-serien, jeg-fortæller, emne og miljø, men er også på flere punkter anderledes, den tager ikke sig selv helt så højtidelig, er ikke så romantisk og har i stedet en ironisk satirisk tone, samtidig med at den underholder med bl.a. gysSamlet konklusionEt fint tredje bind til de gyser-hungrende unge (især piger) i en ret original og underholdende vampyrserie

  • af P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast
    93,95 kr.

    Mørket sænker sig over Zoey.På kun en uge har hun mistet tre kærester.Og samtidig har hendes venner også valgt at vende hende ryggen.Men det er ikke kun Zoey der har problemer:Neferet har erklæret krig mod menneskene, og Zoey kan inderst inde mærke at det er forkert ... men hvem vil lytte til hende?Mørket breder sig for alvor da en forhistorisk ondskab vågner ...Nattens Hus er en serieom en hemmelig verdenfyldt med mystik, kærlighedog farlige intriger ...

  • af P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast
    93,95 kr.

    Lys og Mørke støder sammen i Nattens Hus i Tulsa.Neferet søger Mørke mere og mere, og ved sin side har hun den mystiske Urox, en lækker dreng, som igennem andres frygt og sorg kan forvandle sig til en brutal og farlig tyr.Zoyes mor er blevet dræbt, og et Afsløringsritual skal prøveat finde frem til morderen.Neferet vil gøre alt for at det ikke sker, så hun sender Mørke og Urox – og endnu én må dø ...

  • af P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast
    93,95 kr.

    Zoey og hendes venner har med samlet styrke fået jaget Kalona og Neferet væk fra Tulsa.Og også skyggeravnene er draget bort – undtagen én, som Mary Ann holder skjult.Det er ikke den eneste hemmelighed Mary Ann har, for hun ved at mørke kræfter lurer i tunnelerne under den nedlagte jernbanestation.Samtidig plages Zoey af sin tilknytning til A-ya, så hun føler en uimodståelig tiltrækning til Kalona.Zoey er fristet, men hun må træffe et valg, for ellers kan det ende med at alt hvad der betyder noget for hende vil blive tilintetgjort har hun modet til at risikere sit eget liv?Nattens Hus er en serie om en hemmelig verden fyldt med mystik, kærlighed og farlige intriger ...

  • af P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast
    93,95 kr.

    I de underjordiske tunneler har Zoey flere problemer end nogen sinde:blodtørstige røde ynglinge, en jaloux kæreste og en ekskæreste der ikke vil give slip på hende. I Nattens Hus står Neferet til gengæld stærkere end nogen sinde: med en ny mørk magi, en falden engel som er vakt til live, ynglinge der adlyder som slaver, en hær af skyggeravne og en udød bueskytte der altid træffer sit mål.Zoey må have et opgør med Neferet og den faldne engel, men hvem kan hun stole på ...Nattens Hus er en serieom en hemmelig verden fyldt med mystik, kærlighed og farlige intriger ...

  • af P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast
    93,95 kr.

    Det ser sort ud for Nattens Hus:Zoey Redbirds sjæl er knustog holdes fangen i Den Anden Verden.Stark er den eneste der kan nå Zoey,men ingen kriger er nogensindevendt tilbage fra Den Anden Verden.Alle prøver at hjælpe – undtagen Kalona og Neferet.Der er kun syv dage tilbage inden Zoey vil dø ...Nattens Hus er en serieom en hemmelig verdenfyldt med mystik, kærlighedog farlige intriger ...

  • af Kristin Cast & P. C. Cast
    93,95 kr.

    Zoey er ret sikker på at hun er ved at blive sindssyg. For da hun kigger gennem sin Seersten på udyret Urox, ser hun Jonathan. Hendes intuition fortæller hende at det måske er nøglen til at besejre Mørke. Men tager hun fejl, kan det koste både hende, og dem som står hende nærmest, livet. Neferets ondskab er blevet afsløret, men hun er bestemt ikke færdig med at sprede kaos, mistillid og Mørke ...

  • af P. C. Cast
    191,95 kr.

  • af P. C. Cast
    318,95 kr.

    From P. C. Cast, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the landmark House of Night urban fantasy series, comes an epic, lusty, magic-filled romantasy about British warrior queen Boudicca. Perfect for fans of Sue Lynn Tan and Madeline Miller!In Roman-occupied Britain, the Iceni tribe crowns an extraordinary new queen. Tall and flame-haired, Boudicca is devoted to Andraste, the Iceni’s patron goddess, known for her raven familiar, her fierceness and her swirling blue tattoos. Boudicca and her two young daughters will carry the tribe forward in dangerous times.Roman tax collector Catus Decianus, expecting weakness in a female ruler, launches a devastating attack on the tribe’s stronghold. Boudicca and her family barely survive—but they refuse to bend the knee. She calls a war council, bringing together her most trustworthy allies, including her childhood friend Rhan, now a powerful Druid seer, and the horse master Maldwyn, whose devotion to Boudicca runs deeper than a warrior to a queen.Surprising the Romans, Boudicca’s armies sack the wealthy cities of Camulodunum, Londinium and Veralamium. As the snow falls, the Celts retreat to a hidden valley to plot their assault on the remaining Roman legions, determined to force the invaders from Britan.But in the jagged ice of winter the Druid Rhan foresees a tragic end to Boudicca’s rebellion. Although the defeat of the Iceni is spelled out in signs sent by the gods, Rhan swears she will alter the future and save her queen. Now the battle-hardened Boudicca must put her trust in the powers of the otherworld to save her from both the traitors in her midst and from Rome’s mighty legions.Inspired by the rich history of Boudicca’s attack on Roman Britain, bestselling author P. C. Cast crafts an epic, mythic retelling of one of time’s most legendary female warriors.

  • af P. C. Cast
    143,95 kr.

  • af P. C. Cast
    118,95 kr.

    Mari, Nik, their newly formed Pack and the Wind Riders are in danger as the God of Death and his terrifying army march ever closer in Death's quest to rule the Wind Rider Plains - and to kill or enslave anyone who stands in their way.The Pack and the Wind Riders must find a way to stop the God of Death before he poisons their world and all is lost.There is one hope: Ralina, Death's Storyteller. The woman Death has forced to travel at side, recording every atrocity he commits. But Ralina heeds the call of the Goddess of Life, the only being who can defeat Death, and escapes to warn the Pack and the Wind Riders with the knowledge she has accumulated during her harrowing journey. But will it be enough? Is there any way to truly stop the God of Death?In this last installment of the Tales of a New World series, love and goodness are put to the ultimate test as gods, humans, and animals come together to save everything they hold dear.

  • af P. C. Cast
    323,95 kr.

    "Mercury Rhodes and her world were utterly changed when the bombs fell, releasing the green mist. While it proved deadly to all the men who breathed it in, it gave new life to women who did the same. The green mist provided each member of her newfound family an ability: Stella's heightened intuition, Imani's earthly connection, Karen's bond with Spirit, and Gemma's healing ability. Although Mercury now has incredible physical strength--she doesn't know if she will be strong enough for what comes next. Especially after the death of Ford, their companion through the aftermath of the mist. The group finds respite in creating a small community in the John Day Fossil Preserve, near the Painted Hills in Oregon. Together, they hope to find a place where they can start over and rebuild a better world. But Mercury knows it won't be that simple, not when she knows someone, or something, is hunting them. Something that wants to rule the ruins of the world and something who sees Mercury as a threat that must be eliminated"--

  • af P. C. Cast
    173,95 kr.

    Twin sisters, Mercy and Hunter are witches, direct descendants of the Goode family, the founders of their town. After the murder of their mother at the hands of a foul demon, they have become the protectors of the Gates to different underworlds--ancient portals between their world and realms where mythology rules and the darkest of creatures exist.Mercy and Khenti are trapped in the Ancient Egyptian Underworld and need Hunter's help to escape. But while Hunter searches for a way to save them, other threats loom over Goodeville. Amphitrite is still around-and she wants vengeance against Hunter. With the gates weakening with every passing day, Amphitrite lures out some deadly creatures and sets them free on the residents of Goodeville. It will take everything in Mercy and Hunter's power to stop the goddess and seal the gates once and for all.

  • af P. C. Cast
    228,95 kr.

    Teenager Elphame has always had a restless nature. But now she's drawn to a far-off castle and a sense of destiny. Once there, she finds the remnants of a great evil, and she must fight for the safety of her people

  • af P. C. Cast
    228,95 kr.

    It's the beginning of summer break, and high school English teacher Shannon Parker is ready to relax poolside with some red wine and a good book. She's friggin' earned it! But first-a little shopping, a la fancy estate auction.Surrounded by old folks and even older artifacts, Shannon never expects to find something that shocks her down to her very core: an ancient vase, complete with a beautiful painting of a goddess that looks just like her. And just as she's stealing away with her seriously suspicious purchase, she's magically thrown into the world of Partholon, where not only has she taken the place of Rhiannon, Goddess Incarnate and Epona's Chosen, but she's due to be married to a surly (but oh-so-handsome) High Shaman centaur, ClanFintan.But serving as Epona's Chosen isn't just luxury baths and buff horse-guys. A dark power grows in the wastelands to the north, and Rhiannon will need much more than just the favor of Epona to protect the land-and the man-she's grown to love.

  • af P. C. Cast
    173,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • af Kristin Cast & P. C. Cast
    193,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af P. C. Cast
    248,95 kr.

    Zoey is finally home where she belongs, safe with her Guardian Warrior, Stark, by her side, and preparing to face off against Neferet - which would be a whole lot easier if the High Counsel saw the ex-High Priestess for what she really is. Kalona has released his hold on Rephaim, and, through Nyx's gift of a human form, Rephaim and Stevie Rae are finally able to be together - if he can truly walk the path of the Goddess and stay free of his father's shadow... But there are new forces at work at the House of Night. An influx of humans, including Lenobia's handsome horse whisperer, threatens their precarious stability. And then there's the mysterious Aurox, a jaw-droppingly gorgeous teen boy who is actually more - or possibly less - than human. Only Neferet knows he was created to be her greatest weapon. But Zoey can sense the part of his soul that remains human, the compassion that wars with his Dark calling. And there's something strangely familiar about him... Will Neferet's true nature be revealed before she succeeds in silencing them all? And will Zoey be able to touch Aurox's humanity in time to protect him - and everyone - from his own fate? Find out what's destined in the next thrilling chapter of the House of Night series.

  • af P. C. Cast
    228,95 kr.

    Eighteen-year-old Morrigan has always felt different, like she didn't belong in small-town Oklahoma where she grew up. But on an outing with her friends to the deep, gem-filled Alabaster caves, Morrigan discovers that she's much more than just different, she's magical.When she learns the dark truth about her ancestry from her grandparents, a devastating accident transports grief-stricken Morrigan to Partholon and into the keep of the Sidetha, where she is regarded as the Light Bringer, the Goddess Adsagsona's Chosen One. Luckily for her, many strangely familiar priestesses and otherworldly beings are there to offer her guidance in her new world, including a brazen, handsome centaur High Shaman named Kegan.As she tries to make sense of the powers swirling inside her-and confront her growing feelings for Kegan-she must fight against the lurking darkness that threatens to permeate her very soul.

  • af P. C. Cast
    153,95 kr.

    A 2-in-1 bindup of the first two books of the Sisters of Salem series, SPELLS TROUBLE and OMENS BITE by New York Times bestseller P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast!...

  • af Kristin Cast & P. C. Cast
    193,95 - 213,95 kr.

  • af Kristin Cast & P. C. Cast
    193,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Kristin Cast & P. C. Cast
    193,95 - 213,95 kr.

  • af Rachel Vincent, P. C. Cast & Rachel Caine
    108,95 kr.

    In Immortal: Love Stories With Bite, edited by New York Times bestselling author of the House of Night series P.C. Cast, seven of today's most popular YA vampire and contemporary fantasy authors offer new short stories that prove when you're immortal, true love really is forever.Rachel Caine (the Morganville Vampires series) revisits the setting of her popular series, where the vampires are in charge and love is a risky endeavor, even when it comes to your own familyCynthia Leitich Smith (Tantalize) gives us a love triangle between a vampire, a ghost and a human girl, in which none of them are who or what they seemClaudia Gray (Evernight) takes us into the world of her Evernight series, in which a pre–Civil War courtesan-to-be is courted by a pale, fair-haired man whose attentions are too dangerous to spurn, in more ways than oneRichelle Mead (the Vampire Academy series) brings us the tale of a young vampire on the run from the rest of her kind, and the human boy who provides the getaway car, as well as a reason to keep runningNancy Holder (the Wicked series, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer") immerses us in a post-apocalyptic New York where two best friends are forced to make a choice that may kill them bothKristin Cast (the House of Night series) introduces us to a new kind of vampire: one with roots in Greek mythology, and the power to alter space and time to save the girl he's meant to loveRachel Vincent (the Soul Screamers series) explores a new corner of her series with the story of aleanan sidhe capable of inspiring the musician she loves to new creative heights, or draining him, and his talent, dryAnd Tanith Lee (Black Unicorn) shows us what happens when a bright young woman with some supernatural savvy encounters a misguided (but gorgeous) young vampire

  • af P. C. Cast
    248,95 kr.

    #1 New York Times bestselling author P. C. Cast turns the legend of King Arthur on its head in this Goddess Summoning novel... After her car plummets off a bridge, Isabel, a world-weary photojournalist, struggles between life and death when she's saved by the Water Goddess-with one tiny caveat: Isabel must travel to another time to seduce the legendary Lancelot du Lac away from Queen Guinevere. The handsome knight is a dream for any woman in any century. Unfortunately Isabel is the one who's seduced-by the soulful eyes of the wise and soft-spoken King Arthur. But for Isabel, a deal is a deal. Now, the King watches as fate takes from him the mysterious beauty he has come to worship, knowing all too well that any interference on his part could destroy the kingdom he loves.

  • af P. C. Cast
    248,95 kr.