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Bøger af Noreena Hertz

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  • - Coming Together in a World that's Pulling Apart
    af Noreena Hertz
    128,95 - 233,95 kr.

    A radical call to arms and a bold new vision of how we must act, fast, to reconnect society at individual, government and business level, from a global economist hailed by the Observer as 'one of the world's leading thinkers'.

  • af Noreena Hertz
    213,95 kr.

    This game-changing book empowers readers to become confident, independent, wise decision-makers? savvy to how our emotions, moods, and habits can trip us up.An investor wonders whether to put his money into the stock market or to keep it in a savings account. A patient is torn between opting for surgery and trying an experimental drug therapy. A college-bound student questions whether to take on debt to attend an Ivy League school or to choose a public institution with low tuition.We face momentous decisions with important consequences throughout our lives. We have never had better access to information and expertise, yet this data deluge has become a double-edged sword. Which sources of information are credible? How can we separate the signal from the noise? Whose advice can we trust?All of these questions are reasons for us to become empowered decision-makers capable of making high-stakes choices ourselves. Whether you are a politician, a businessperson, a professional, or a parent, now is the time to take a radically different approach. In Eyes Wide Open, the bestselling author and visionary thinker Noreena Hertz shares insights from the latest research along with practical advice, including why looking at information in black and white rather than in color can lead to better decisions why it's smart to be skeptical about experts' pronouncements, and how to identify the best among them why it's crucial to carve out time to think, even in moments of crisis how and why you should regulate your emotional thermostat to make smart decisions why you need to shake up your social network if you don't want only to reinforce what you already know and amplify the beliefs you already haveIt's time to make decisions with our eyes wide open?for the sake of our health, our wealth, and our future security.

  • af Noreena Hertz
    288,95 kr.

    "An economist takes on the most urgent social issue of our time, exploring the evolution of the global loneliness crisis, the sweeping impact of social isolation during the coronavirus, and the opportunities a post-Covid world presents to reverse these trends-by finding new ways to reconnect with each other, our communities, and even our democracy"--

  • af Noreena Hertz
    238,95 kr.

    De la mano de «una de las pensadoras más relevantes del mundo» (The Observer), El siglo de la soledad es un texto atrevido y esperanzador que analiza por qué hemos construido un mundo solitario, cómo las redes han acentuado el problema y qué debemos hacer para unirnos de nuevo.La soledad se ha convertido en la condición definitoria del siglo XXI. Daña nuestra salud, nuestra riqueza y nuestra felicidad e incluso amenaza nuestra democracia. Nunca hasta ahora ha sido tan omnipresente o generalizada, pero tampoco nunca hasta ahora hemos tenido tanto a nuestro alcance para poder hacer algo al respecto.Antes incluso de que la pandemia mundial introdujera el concepto de «distanciamiento social», el tejido de la comunidad se estaba desmoronando y nuestras relaciones personales estaban amenazadas. Y la tecnología no era la única culpable. Igual de culpables son el desmantelamiento de las instituciones cívicas, la reorganización radical del lugar de trabajo, la migración masiva a las ciudades y décadas de políticas neoliberales que han colocado el interés propio por encima del bien colectivo.No se trata tan solo de una crisis de bienestar mental. La soledad aumenta nuestro riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas, de padecer un cáncer o demencia. Estadísticamente, es tan malo para nuestra salud como fumar quince cigarrillos al día. También representa una crisis económica que nos cuesta miles de millones al año. Y una crisis política, ya que los sentimientos de marginación alimentan la división y el extremismo en todo el mundo. Pero también es, además, una crisis que tenemos el poder de resolver.Combinando una década de investigación con informes de primera mano, Noreena Hertz nos lleva desde una clase de «cómo leer una cara» en una universidad de la Ivy League hasta trabajadores remotos aislados en Londres durante el cierre; desde «alquilar a un amigo» en Manhattan hasta residentes de un asilo de ancianos tejiendo gorros para sus cuidadores robot en Japón.Ofreciendo soluciones audaces que van desde una inteligencia artificial compasiva hasta modelos innovadores para la vida urbana y nuevas formas de revitalizar nuestros vecindarios y reconciliar nuestras diferencias, El siglo de la soledad ofrece una visión esperanzadora y empoderante sobre cómo sanar nuestras comunidades fracturadas y restaurar la conexión en nuestras vidas.

  • af Noreena Hertz
    168,95 kr.

    Of the world's 100 largest economies, 51 are now corporations, only 49 are nation-states. The sales of General Motors and Ford are greater than the gross domestic product of the whole of sub-Saharan Africa, and Wal-Mart now has a turnover higher than the revenues of most of the states of Eastern Europe. Yet few of us understand fully the growing dominance of big business.Widely acclaimed economist Noreena Hertz brilliantly reveals how corporations across the world manipulate and pressure governments by means both legal and illegal; how protest is becoming a more effective political weapon than the ballot-box; and how corporations are taking over from the state responsibility for everything from providing technology for schools to healthcare for the community.The Silent Takeover asks us to recognize the growing contradictions of a world divided between haves and have-nots, of gated communities next to ghettos, of extreme poverty and unbelievable wealth. In the face of these unacceptable extremes, Noreena Hertz outlines a new agenda to revitalize politics and renew democracy.

  • af Noreena Hertz
    143,95 kr.

    We are bombarded with images of poverty, terrorism, war and collapsing states. Do we ever question what the root cause of these problems might be? Noreena Hertz, one of the world's leading experts on economic globalization, tackles Third World Debt as a problem which must be resolved if we are ever to see global stability.For every $1 the west gives to developing countries in aid, developing countries pay the west $9 in debt service.At the beginning of the new millennium we are witnessing a global debt crisis of unprecedented size. Sub-Saharan Africa owes $200 billion, Brazil $223.8 billion, Argentina $155 billion. Why does this matter? In this shocking, ground-breaking book, Noreena Hertz shows that these numbers matter because they account for millions of people dying of AIDS; for the rainforests being cut down; for poverty, illiteracy, terrorism and war. These numbers matter because they will affect all of our lives if the balance is not redressed.'IOU' is a story of avarice but also of vulnerability; of power asymmetries and misuse of power; of corrupt dictators and careless lenders; of Cold War interests and Wall Street pressure; of third world governments who get given it, and third world people who have no access to it. Noreena Hertz, one of the world's leading experts on economic globalisation, argues that this is not an issue of left or right: it is an issue of right versus wrong; of peace versus war. It must be addressed now.

  • af Noreena Hertz
    119,95 kr.

    In a fast-moving world we're often overloaded with differing opinions, conflicting data and changing advice. In this essential guide, Noreena Hertz offers practical steps to how to make better, smarter decisions. Most of us think we make decisions for the right reasons: we scour books, we talk over options with our friends, we search the internet, we ask experts, we look at data or we trust our guts. But how hard do we scrutinise those we listen to? How much do we interrogate the information they provide? Are we open to new ways of tackling problems? Or are we swayed by how we've made decisions in the past?Noreena Hertz reveals the extent to which life-altering, business-affecting, policy-determining, and also health-defining decisions are being made based on partial information, assumed wisdoms, corrupted data and insufficient scrutiny. She provides a clear, practical toolkit for how you can be a smarter decision-maker and better problem-solver. Whether knowing when to trust experts and when to trust the internet or how you can be unconsciously swayed by certain behaviours or phoney stats, this books instructs you how to make better choices and more accurate predictions - through your personal life, your work and all your decisions.

  • af Noreena Hertz
    188,95 kr.

    The Silent Takeover is an essential guide to that new understanding as we progress through the 21st century: a time in which we can no longer rely on politicians - of whatever stripe - to meet our needs;