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Bøger af Nikolas Rose

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  • - Biomedicin, magt og subjektivitet i det 21. århundrede
    af Nikolas Rose
    113,95 kr.

    Livspolitikken i vores århundrede bestemmes hverken af sygdommes eller dødens poler og er heller ikke fokuseret på at eliminere patologiske tilstande for at beskytte nationens skæbne, som det 18. og 19. århundredes sundhedspolitik var det. I stedet er den optaget af vores voksende evner til at kontrollere, administrere, forme og modulere menneskets livsevner som levende væsener. Det er, ifølge forfatteren, en politik om »livet selv«.Nikolas Rose er professor i sociologi ved London School of Economics and Political Science.

  • - Perspektiver på biopolitik og ledelsesteknologi
    af Holger Højlund, Kathrine Hoffmann Pii, Ayo Wahlberg, mfl.
    297,83 kr.

    I de senere år er forståelsen af sundhed undergået en række forandringer. Fokus er blevet udvidet fra patienten som biomedicinsk krop til et subjekt, der oplever sundhedsproblemer og lever med dem i interaktion med det omgivende miljø. Sundhed er blevet et langt mere omfattende anliggende, der potentielt vedrører alle aspekter af vores tilværelse.Det betyder samtidig, at ideer om sundhed ikke kan dikteres af sundhedsmyndigheder og eksperter. Sundhedsfremmende tiltag må i dag tage målgruppens værdier og rationaler i betragtning, bl.a. i form af kampagner, der ikke kræver absolut overholdelse af sundhedsdoktriner, men forsøger at få folk til at afveje deres usunde vaner i forhold til sundhedsværdier.Sundhed og magt tager bestik af denne udvikling. I bogen står Michel Foucaults begreb om biopolitik centralt – et begreb, som netop sætter fokus på, at reguleringen af det biologiske liv sammenvæves med en mere omfattende ledelse af sociale og kulturelle forhold. Bogen rummer bidrag fra førende danske og internationale forskere, som anlægger perspektiver, der udfordrer traditionel sundhedsforskning, herunder genealogi, systemteori, psykoanalyse og aktør-netværk-teori. Den henvender sig til studerende og fagfolk på sundheds- og samfundsvidenskabelige uddannelser.Redigeret af Mads Peter Karlsen og Kaspar Villadsen, hhv. adjunkt og professor mso ved Copenhagen Business School.

  • - The New Brain Sciences and the Management of the Mind
    af Nikolas Rose & Joelle M. Abi-Rached
    335,95 kr.

    How the new brain sciences are transforming our understanding of what it means to be humanThe brain sciences are influencing our understanding of human behavior as never before, from neuropsychiatry and neuroeconomics to neurotheology and neuroaesthetics. Many now believe that the brain is what makes us human, and it seems that neuroscientists are poised to become the new experts in the management of human conduct. Neuro describes the key developments-theoretical, technological, economic, and biopolitical-that have enabled the neurosciences to gain such traction outside the laboratory. It explores the ways neurobiological conceptions of personhood are influencing everything from child rearing to criminal justice, and are transforming the ways we "e;know ourselves"e; as human beings. In this emerging neuro-ontology, we are not "e;determined"e; by our neurobiology: on the contrary, it appears that we can and should seek to improve ourselves by understanding and acting on our brains.Neuro examines the implications of this emerging trend, weighing the promises against the perils, and evaluating some widely held concerns about a neurobiological "e;colonization"e; of the social and human sciences. Despite identifying many exaggerated claims and premature promises, Neuro argues that the openness provided by the new styles of thought taking shape in neuroscience, with its contemporary conceptions of the neuromolecular, plastic, and social brain, could make possible a new and productive engagement between the social and brain sciences.Copyright note: Reproduction, including downloading of Joan Miro works is prohibited by copyright laws and international conventions without the express written permission of Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

  • - Mental Health in the Vital City
    af Nikolas Rose & Des Fitzgerald
    257,95 - 1.184,95 kr.

  • - Biomedicine, Power, and Subjectivity in the Twenty-First Century
    af Nikolas Rose
    436,95 kr.

    For centuries, medicine aimed to treat abnormalities. But today normality itself is open to medical modification. Equipped with a new molecular understanding of bodies and minds, and new techniques for manipulating basic life processes at the level of molecules, cells, and genes, medicine now seeks to manage human vital processes. The Politics of Life Itself offers a much-needed examination of recent developments in the life sciences and biomedicine that have led to the widespread politicization of medicine, human life, and biotechnology. Avoiding the hype of popular science and the pessimism of most social science, Nikolas Rose analyzes contemporary molecular biopolitics, examining developments in genomics, neuroscience, pharmacology, and psychopharmacology and the ways they have affected racial politics, crime control, and psychiatry. Rose analyzes the transformation of biomedicine from the practice of healing to the government of life; the new emphasis on treating disease susceptibilities rather than disease; the shift in our understanding of the patient; the emergence of new forms of medical activism; the rise of biocapital; and the mutations in biopower. He concludes that these developments have profound consequences for who we think we are, and who we want to be.

  • - Shaping of the Private Self
    af Nikolas Rose
    322,95 kr.

    Provides an approach to analyzing the links between political power, expertise and the self. This edition adds a new introduction setting out the methodoligical and conceptual basis of this approach and a new final chapter considers some of the implications of recent developments.