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Bøger af Nicola Morgan

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  • Spar 10%
    - En guide til teenagere (og deres voksne)
    af Nicola Morgan
    73,95 - 179,95 kr.

    Synes dine forældre, at du sover hele tiden, og har de svært ved at forstå, at oprydning aldrig kan blive en topprioritet? På en både underholdende og omsorgsfuld måde fortæller forfatter Nicole Morgan om, hvad der sker i din hjerne i løbet af teenageårene, og hvad det blandt andet betyder for humøret, kroppen og relationen til dine forældre. Hvorfor er familien så irriterende, hvorfor er du ofte træt, hvorfor hænger følelserne indimellem uden på tøjet osv. Med bogen får du en ny forståelse af dig selv og din hjerne, og hvis dine forældre læser med, vil de med garanti få et nyt syn på, hvad der egentlig er på spil. Bogen er desuden fyldt med quizzer og gode råd.

  • - A positively brilliant guide to teenage well-being
    af Nicola Morgan
    98,95 kr.

    A wellbeing guide to getting the best out of your teenage years

  • Spar 10%
    - En guide til teenagere (og deres voksne)
    af Nicola Morgan
    73,95 - 179,95 kr.

    Venner kan opføre sig så forvirrende, og venskaber kan være ekstremt komplicerede at forstå. I denne teenageguide fortæller forfatteren Nicola Morgan om, hvordan venskaber fungerer – og hvad man skal gøre, når de bare ikke vil lykkes. Du finder gode råd om at danne nye venskaber og bevare dem, og du får redskaber til at komme igennem de hårde stunder, så du bliver mere sikker på dig selv. Du lærer, hvordan folks personlighed, følelser og spændinger har betydning for deres adfærd – og for din egen! Hvis dine forældre læser med, vil de få et bedre indblik i noget af alt det, du sikkert går og tumler med.

  • Spar 10%
    - En guide om stress til teenagere (og deres voksne)
    af Nicola Morgan
    73,95 - 179,95 kr.

    Er det eksaminerne, venskaberne, kropsforandringerne, mobning, angst eller noget helt andet – eller lidt af det hele - der bekymrer dig, er der hjælp at hente. I denne bog giver forfatteren Nicola Morgan, som har specialiseret sig i teenagehjerne og teenagebekymringer en gode råd og viser, at der er hjælp at hente, hvad enten du tumler med store eller små bekymringer, der bringer dit liv i ubalance. Bagerst i bogen er der links til steder, hvor du kan søge mere hjælp, hvis du har brug for det. Med bogen får du en bedre forståelse af, hvad der sker med dig og din udvikling i teenageårene – og hvorfor det hele kan synes så svært. Du vil også finde ud af, at du langt fra er alene om at have det sådan. Hvis dine forældre læser med, vil de få en bedre forståelse for, hvad det kan være for ting, der bekymrer dig i dit liv lige nu.

  • af Nicola Morgan
    98,95 kr.

    The essential teenage guide to building resilience for challenging times, from award-winning well-being expert Nicola Morgan, author of the bestselling Blame My Brain and The Teenage Guide to Stress.Some events in life will always be out of our control, whether it's a global crisis or a traumatic event at home ¿ but Be Resilient shows that the power to cope is in our hands. Discover how to develop the skill of mental resilience in this fascinating guide from award-winning author and teenage brain expert Nicola Morgan. From building a support network to building optimism, find positive, practical advice for preparing for, coping with and bouncing back from the toughest of times. Authoritative and backed by the latest science, this is a reassuring companion for teenagers everywhere.

  • af Nicola Morgan
    78,95 kr.

    Written by an expert author team with over 50 years' combined classroom experience, Busy Ant Maths is a flexible, whole-school mathematics programme that ensures conceptual understanding and mathematical fluency from the start.

  • af Nicola Morgan
    78,95 kr.

    Written by an expert author team with over 50 years' combined classroom experience, Busy Ant Maths is a flexible, whole-school mathematics programme that ensures conceptual understanding and mathematical fluency from the start.

  • af Nicola Morgan
    98,95 kr.

    The essential teenage guide to tackling anxiety, from award-winning well-being expert Nicola Morgan, author of the bestselling Blame My Brain.Anxiety is on many teenager¿s minds ¿ it¿s the word they use most often when they talk about their mental health. Award-winning author and teenage brain expert Nicola Morgan is here to help, with this practical guide to help young people understand their anxiety and cope with the challenges of modern life. Based on the latest science, No Worries is packed with advice to help teenagers master the best tricks and hacks to stay firmly in control of worries and embrace calm. From understanding how anxiety works, to building strategies to calm the body and mind, this essential guide equips young people with the tools to tackle their worries and live brilliantly.

  • af Nicola Morgan
    118,95 kr.

    A fun and practical guide to making your brain brilliant, from well-being expert Nicola Morgan. Build a brilliant brain with this fun and practical guide for young people from award-winning well-being expert Nicola Morgan. From the benefits of the right food, sleep and exercise, to how to be creative, curious and resilient, discover the incredible science and top advice to make your brain the best it can be. Packed with fascinating facts and brain boosting activities, this illustrated guide gives you the power to build your brilliant brain!

  • af Nicola Morgan
    148,95 kr.

    Originally published in 2018 by The Watts Publishing Group in Great Britain as Positively teenage: a positively brilliant guide to teenage well-being.

  • - How Sleep Super-Charges Your Teenage Brain
    af Nicola Morgan
    118,95 kr.

    The essential guide to sleep from award-winning teenage well-being expert Nicola Morgan, author of bestselling Blame My Brain, The Teenage Guide to Stress and The Teenage Guide to Friends.Late nights, addictive technology and minds racing with exam stress and friendship worries: it's no wonder the teenage stereotype is tired eyes and sleeping through the weekend. Just like adults, teenagers are sleeping less now than ever before, yet sleep is crucial to our health and well-being. Internationally renowned expert on the teenage brain, Nicola Morgan, tackles this essential subject ¿ asking why teenagers so desperately need a good night's sleep, exploring what a lack of sleep does to their developing brains, and explaining how to have the best sleep possible.Authoritative, accessible and informed by the latest scientific evidence, Nicola Morgan writes a fascinating and helpful guide for both teenagers and adults alike.

  • Spar 17%
    - En guide til teenagere og deres voksne
    af Nicola Morgan
    73,95 kr.

    I denne guide til teenagere fortæller forfatteren Nicola Morgan om venskaber. Hvordan de fungerer – og hvad man skal gøre, når de ikke gør. Du finder gode råd om, hvordan du får nye venskaber og bevarer dem, og du får redskaber til at komme igennem de hårde stunder, så du bliver mere sikker på dig selv. Du finder ud af, hvordan folks personlighed, følelser og spændinger har betydning for deres adfærd – og for din egen!

  • Spar 17%
    - En guide om stress til teenagere og deres voksne
    af Nicola Morgan
    73,95 kr.

    Teenageårene opleves af mange som svære og indimellem stressende. Det kan være eksaminerne, venskaberne, kropsforandringerne, mobning, angst og alt mulig andet – eller lidt af det hele. I denne bog rækker forfatteren Nicola Morgan en hjælpende hånd ud til alle, der gerne vil vide lidt mere om, hvad der foregår og at man ikke er alene. Bogen er smækfyldt med gode råd og viser, at der er hjælp at hente, hvad enten man tumler med store eller små bekymringer.

  • af Nicola Morgan
    108,95 kr.

    A practical, positive, utterly sensible guide for exam students, for the best chance of success

  • - A Teenage Guide to a Positive Body Image
    af Nicola Morgan
    118,95 kr.

    Written by teenage expert, Nicola Morgan, 'Body Brilliant' will help teenagers to develop or retain a positive body image.

  • af Cherri Moseley, Nicola Morgan, Caroline Clissold, mfl.
    733,95 kr.

    The Busy Ant Maths programme ensures conceptual understanding and mathematical fluency from the start inside and outside the classroom. Homework is linked to the lesson plans in order to consolidate classroom learning, and the guide contains shared activities so parents can support their child's learning.

  • af Cherri Moseley, Nicola Morgan, Caroline Clissold, mfl.
    733,95 kr.

    The Busy Ant Maths programme is based on differentiation, to ensure that each pupil is completely catered for. Using the Progress Guide, teachers can reach every child with support and extension activities, to raise pupil attainment and ensure rapid progression for all children.

  • af Cherri Moseley, Nicola Morgan, Caroline Clissold, mfl.
    73,95 - 78,95 kr.

  • af Jo Power, Rachel Axten-Higgs & Nicola Morgan
    73,95 - 78,95 kr.

  • af Cherri Moseley, Nicola Morgan, Caroline Clissold, mfl.
    1.633,95 - 1.672,95 kr.

  • - the Amazing Teenage Brain Revealed
    af Nicola Morgan
    118,95 kr.

    Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of neuroscience with 'Blame My Brain: The Amazing Teenage Brain Revealed (2023 updated edition)'. This remarkable book is penned by the acclaimed author Nicola Morgan, who has a knack for making complex topics accessible and engaging. First published in 2013, this book has been updated in 2023 to incorporate the latest scientific discoveries about the teenage brain. The genre of the book falls into the intriguing intersection of science and self-help, making it a must-read for teenagers and adults alike. Published by Walker Books Ltd, this book will surely pique your curiosity and offer you an in-depth understanding of the teenage brain. Don't miss out on this enlightening read!

  • af Nicola Morgan
    108,95 kr.

    Essential reading for teenagers and the adults who care about them. A fantastically wide-ranging, reassuring, eye-opening and comprehensive look at the stresses many teenagers face, empowering them to take control of their mental health and wellbeing.

  • af Nicola Morgan
    322,95 kr.

    Designed to tackle challenging behaviour before it occurs and make the learning environment more pleasant and constructive for everyone, this invaluable took kit supplies teachers with a wealth of strategies for dealing with everything from calling out to aggressive behaviour with steps to ensure positive behaviour is continually reinforced.

  • af Nicola Morgan
    438,95 kr.

    This book provides practical strategies that work and includes worksheets, rewards and fully photocopiable resources. The ideas are based around a framework developed by the author called The 10 Rs for Behaviour Management. These are effective techniques for managing children in the classroom, no matter what the behavioural difficulties are.

  • af Nicola Morgan
    118,95 kr.

    It is Edinburgh, 1822, and young Robbie is eight years old when he witnesses his mother's pain and subsequent death from an operation - without anaesthetic - to remove a tumour from her breast at the hands of Dr Knox. Haunted by this terrible event, Robbie, his hapless father and baby sister Essie attempt to move on with their lives. But when Robbie's father loses all their money and disappears, Robbie is left to look after himself and his sister in the Edinburgh slums. Somehow he falls in with Burke and Hare, the two men whom Knox employs to 'collect' bodies for medical research. Robbie sees a way to avenge his mother's death. Convincing himself that Knox is having people killed for him to experiment on, Robbie eventually confronts him. But Robbie comes to realise that for all his hard-heartedness and corrupt methods, Knox's motives are ultimately for the good: to improve surgical conditions, and operate on patients with the greatest speed and therefore minimum risk. Robbie eventually trains to be a surgeon, finally giving meaning to his mother's tragic death.

  • af Nicola Morgan
    108,95 kr.

    A comprehensive guide to teenage friendships, by award-winning author and well-being expert Nicola Morgan. Essential reading for teenagers and the adults who care about them.