Bøger af Nathan Waddell
192,95 kr. - Bog
- 192,95 kr.
343,95 kr. Guest EditorialEngaging Critically with a Writer who Can Still Surprise Us - by Nathan WaddellPapersBig Brother, Big Tech: Doctorow's Little Brother and Huber's Orwell's Revenge - by Jackson AyresThe Essayist's Velvet Fist - by Mir Ali HosseiniGeorge Orwell's Gandhi - by Douglas KerrWhat Was Orwell's Conception of Free Speech? - by Mark SattaThe Labyrinths of Nineteen Eighty-Four - by Selina-Marie Scholz and Geoff RodoredaCritically Ill: George Orwell, Tragic Biography and the Crisis of Endings - by Kristin BluemelOther PapersJohn Bull's Other Airstrip: Orwell's Irish Blindspot - by Martin TyrrellGeorge Orwell, Ayer and Russell and the Battle for the Soul of Philosophy - by Peter Brian BarryArticlesOrwell in Cornwall - by Darcy MooreThe Achievement of Ian Angus - by John RoddenThe BBC'S Nineteen Eighty-Four Remastered for a New Generation - by Hassan AkramAttwood's Imaginary Interview with Orwell - by Richard Lance KeeblePedagogy of the Distressed?: 'Politics and the English language' in and out of the Classroom - by John RoddenTwo PoemsTo George Orwell/Eric Blair - by Paul Abdul Wadud SutherlandA Song for Orwell - by David PunterTributes to the Founder of The Orwell SocietyDione Venable's Contribution to the Development of Orwell Studies - by Quentin KoppDear Dione - by Darcy MooreBook ReviewsKristin Bluemel on George Orwell: The New Life, by D.J. Taylor; Bryan Yazell on The Tramp in British Literature, 1850-1950, by Luke Lewin Davies; Peter Brian Barry on George Orwell's Perverse Humanity: Socialism and Free Speech, by Glenn Burgess; Richard Lance Keeble on In Praise of Failure: Four Lessons in Humility, by Costica BradatanAnd FinallyNew Pitcher (appropriately anonymous) launches a new, lively diary item to intrigue and entertain Orwellians
- Bog
- 343,95 kr.