Bøger af Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
163,95 kr. Have You Been Deceived?Through a nationwide survey and in-depth discussion groups, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Dannah Gresh have listened carefully to the heart of your generation. Here's some of what they heard: "It seems like I've been struggling with depression forever. I always feel like I'm not good enough.""I couldn't live without texting and social media.""The whole wife and mom thing is overrated and no longer cool."Trying to figure out what is true can be hard, especially today. In this updated version of the best-selling Lies Young Women Believe, Nancy and Dannah expose 25 of the lies most commonly believed by today's teen girls. You'll hear real-life stories from young women just like you, and learn how Nancy and Dannah have overcome lies they've believed. Best of all, they'll show you how to be set free by the Truth.Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Dannah Gresh have been friends for over a decade. Dannah is happiest when on her hobby farm with a menagerie of animals including peacocks, llamas, and fainting goats. Nancy prefers working on puzzles of animals rather than working with animals themselves. But despite their different hobbies, these two friends share a lot in common. For starters, they both married men named Robert. Most importantly, though, they are passionate about loving Jesus and seeing His Truth set young women free!Learn more about Nancy at ReviveOurHearts.com. ¿ Learn more about Dannah at PureFreedom.org.
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- 163,95 kr.
213,95 kr. El avivamiento no es solo un toque emocional, sino ¡una transformación completa! Puede suceder, en tu corazón, en tu casa, en tu iglesia, en tu mundo.En busca de Dios es un estudio interactivo de 12 semanas de avivamiento personal. Prepárate para experimentar la libertad y el gozo de un corazón sincero y humilde, el verdadero arrepentimiento, la sublime gracia de Dios, la santidad genuina, una conciencia tranquila, el perdón radical, la pureza sexual, y el caminar en el Espíritu. Cada semana incluye cinco días de estudio individual, preguntas de discusión e interacción grupal, testimonios de vidas cambiadas, y preguntas y ejercicios más profundos que lo hacen más personal.Dios dice que si lo buscas lo encontrarás. ¿Qué estás esperando?
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- 213,95 kr.
107,95 kr. ¡Un llamado a las mujeres de hoy a recuperar lo que la revolución feminista les ha arrebatado! Se suponía que la revolución feminista traería a las mujeres una mayor realización y libertad. Sin embargo, las mujeres de hoy se sienten menos realizadas y libres porque han perdido la distinción y riqueza de su llamado como mujeres. Se están dando cuenta de que lo que debía ennoblecerles ha destruido todo lo que atesoran, incluso sus propias familias. El llamado a volver a la feminidad piadosa está resonando en el corazón de mujeres en todas partes del mundo a través de las poderosas voces de mentoras como Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Mary A. Kassian, Carolyn Mahaney, Susan Hunt y Barbara Hughes, entre otras. Aunque cada autora aborda el tema de la feminidad piadosa de manera diferente, un hilo conductor lo atraviesa todo, infundiendo alegría y deleite por la grandeza del orden creado por Dios y el papel que Él quiere que las mujeres desempeñen en su grandioso plan redentor. Incluye una guía de estudio. Las autoras ofrecen aclaraciones y consejos prácticos para las mujeres piadosas de este siglo: La feminidad bíblica es algo maravilloso, no es "¡mucho ruido y pocas nueces!". En la impresionante generosidad del Señor, hemos sido creadas con el inigualable cometido de sentirnos plenas a fin de glorificar su nombre. Si cultivamos y expresamos nuestra feminidad con esto en mente, nuestro Hacedor nos alabará por la sabia administración de este precioso don.--Carolyn Mahaney Nuestro Padre celestial nos busca cuando nos perdemos. Él no descansa. No se rinde cuando todos los demás pierden las esperanzas. Nos sostiene cerca de su corazón hasta que nuestro corazón bombea sangre y nuestras extremidades comienzan a moverse de nuevo. --Mary Kassian Las consecuencias de no ser mujeres sabias son mortales. Cuando somos tentadas por el placer inmediato de hablar sin inhibiciones, dejar que nuestras emociones y nuestra lengua se desenfrenen o actuar con imprudencia y descontrol, necesitamos considerar las consecuencias a largo plazo de nuestras decisiones.--Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth La sumisión a nuestro esposo comienza y termina con la confianza en Dios. Por lo tanto, la palabra que tantas dificultades les trae a las mujeres de hoy, "sumisión", sigue siendo la Palabra de Dios para nosotras: "Así mismo, esposas, sométanse a sus esposos...". 3/4Barbara Hughes Y mucho más. A charge to women to recover what the feminist revolution has robbed them of: the God-given beauty, wonder, and treasure of their distinctive calling and mission. A charge to women to recover what the feminist revolution has robbed them of: the God-given beauty, wonder, and treasure of their distinctive calling and mission. The feminist revolution was supposed to bring women greater fulfillment and freedom. Yet women today feel anything but fulfilled and free because they have lost the distinctiveness and richness of their calling as women. Now a movement is spreading seeds of hope, humility, obedience, and prayer-a call to return to godly womanhood-and its truth will resound in the hearts of readers through the powerful messages of Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Susan Hunt, Mary Kassian, Carolyn Mahaney, Barbara Hughes, P. Bunny Wilson, and Dorothy Patterson. Though each author approaches the subject of godly womanhood differently, a thread runs throughout that will instill joy and delight at the greatness of God's created order and the part he wants women to play in his grand, redemptive plan. Includes a study guide.
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- 107,95 kr.
138,95 kr. "If we fail to choose it, by default we choose ingratitude. Once allowed into the heart, ingratitude does not come by itself, but with other seedy companions that only succeed in stealing joy. Derived from a popular Revive Our Hearts radio series, Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy challenges and equips the reader to live a life of intention, a life based on thankfulness for the freedom Christ has provided and for the blessings of others."--
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- 138,95 kr.
188,95 kr. Receive a fresh infusion of grace and perspective each day. In this 366-day devotional, beloved Bible teacher Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth invites you to linger for a few meaningful moments in the presence of God. Curated from Nancy's best-selling books, Revive My Heart provides fresh opportunities to savor the Scripture and soak in the beauty and life-giving truth of Christ. As you seek Him, you'll be able to face whatever your day may bring, with a revived heart.
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- 188,95 kr.
238,95 kr. Whatever you think about Jesus, He is more.Incomparably more.Get to know this Jesus by joining beloved author and Bible teacher Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth on a fifty-day journey to explore His one-of-a-kind story. From heaven to earth. From birth to death. From resurrection to right this minute. From before time to all time.Find in Jesus--fully God and fully Man--everything you will ever need. He alone is able to save you to the end and understands you to the core. Able to forgive and befriend you, challenge and change you.This book can be used at any time of the year but serves as an ideal devotional companion for the season leading up to and immediately following Easter.As you walk through these days, you will be reminded that there is no one else like Jesus. He is quite simply . . . Incomparable.
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- 238,95 kr.
138,95 kr. Es hora de recuperar tu vida y tu libertad. No hay palabras mágicas o fórmulas secretas para el perdón. Sin embargo, hay principios bíblicos que pueden ayudar a los cristianos a liberarse del dolor. La distinguida maestra Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth ahonda en la Palabra de Dios para descubrir las promesas y exponer los mitos acerca del perdón. Este libro aborda las estrategias para poner en práctica la gracia y misericordia de Dios y así poder perdonar a otros como Dios nos ha perdonado a nosotros. Nadie dice que será fácil. Pero puede salvarte la vida. Aprende cómo liberarte de la amargura y el dolor: ¡Escoge perdonar! Tal vez aún recuerdes el instante en que te ofendieron, el momento exacto del día, o la mirada de la otra persona, cuando tus esperanzas y sueños fueron estropeados por alguien en quien confiabas. Y desde entonces tu vida se ha detenido, saboteada por un resentimiento que no has podido superar o sueños de venganza que te han dejado insensible o indiferente hacia la vida. Quizás las cosas de la vida diaria y las relaciones con otras personas te han dejado con un nudo en el estómago y un corazón lastimado. Me he sentido apremiada a escribir este libro porque sé que muchos creyentes enfrentan a diario los efectos en cadena de la falta de perdón, de una u otra manera. Es algo que afecta a hombres y mujeres, adultos y jóvenes, casados y solteros, ricos y pobres. Puede ser la respuesta a ofensas indescriptibles, algunas de las cuales pueden extenderse por décadas, o a insultos y agravios momentáneos que, si bien parecen microscópicos, duelen. He visto cómo la falta de perdón causa estragos en los matrimonios, las iglesias, los centros de trabajo y los ministerios. He visto cómo destruye amistades de mucho tiempo. El autor de Hebreos nos dice: "Miren bien, no sea que alguno deje de alcanzar la gracia de Dios; que brotando alguna raíz de amargura, os estorbe, y por ella muchos sean contaminados" (He. 12:15). Mi oración más profunda es que tú puedas "alcanzar la gracia de Dios"; que puedas liberar a cada rehén que tengas cautivo en la prisión de tu mente y de tus emociones... y que al hacerlo también encuentres tu libertad. Este es el plan de Dios para tí. Y es la voluntad de Dios para tu vida. It's time to take back your life and your freedom. There are no magic words or secret formulas for forgiveness. But there are biblical principles that can help you break free from bitterness and pain. In Choosing Forgiveness, celebrated teacher Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth delves into God's word to uncover the promises and expose the myths of forgiveness. Discover specific strategies for putting God's grace and mercy into practice, forgiving others as God has forgiven you. Break free: choose forgiveness. You may still remember the instant you were offended, the exact moment of the day, or the look on the other person's face, when your hopes and dreams were dashed by someone you trusted. And since then your life has come to a standstill, sabotaged by resentment that you have not been able to overcome or dreams of revenge that have left you numb or indifferent towards life. Perhaps the things of everyday life and relationships with other people have left you with a knot in your stomach and a hurting heart. I have felt compelled to write this book because I know that many believers face the ripple effects of unforgiveness in one way or another on a daily basis. It is something that affects men and women, adults and youth, married and single, rich and poor. It can be the response to unspeakable offenses, some of which can span decades, or to momentary insults and grievances that, while seemingly microscopic, hurt. I have seen unforgiveness wreak havoc in marriages, churches, workplaces and ministries. I have seen it destroy long-standing friendships. The author of Hebrews tells us: "Take heed lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up hinder you, and by it many be defiled" (Heb. 12:15). My deepest prayer is that you may "come into the grace of God"; that you may release every hostage you hold captive in the prison of your mind and emotions... and that in doing so you may also find your freedom. This is God's plan for you. And it is God's will for your life.
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- 138,95 kr.
183,95 kr. Carrying songs--and Jesus--in your heart the whole Christmas season.We know the songs of Christmas like we know the rooms of our house or the placement of our Christmas tree. One or two probably stand out for us as the epitome of how Christmas is supposed to sound. It's not officially Christmas until we hear them.As those familiar songs fill your home again this season, listen closely. They are telling a story, the story of Jesus--who He is and why He came.Rediscover your favorite Christmas hymns this Advent season with Born a Child and Yet a King, an Advent devotional from Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. Spend thirty-one days tracing the gospel through your favorite carols and discover anew the awe of this season.Each day's reading will help guide your prayers, thoughts, and priorities so you may enjoy a deeper intimacy with Jesus Christ this Christmas!
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- 183,95 kr.
258,95 kr. Two words are sometimes all it takes to upset and overwhelm us.Treatment options, work layoffs, election season, pandemic spikes, family trouble, car repairs. Two little words can fill our whole lives with anxiety and fear.Heaven Rules is the two-word answer for every two-word worry. The Bible says God is personally, purposefully involved in all that's taking place on earth. He's reigning over each tear, scar, crisis, and conflict. When we experience distress, we can find refuge by looking upward and letting His peace rule in our hearts.Using the book of Daniel as a guide, author Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth reveals how seeing our lives and world through the lens of Heaven's rule can shield us from panic and give us renewed hope.Two simple words can calm our fears, comfort our hearts, and give us courage to press on: Heaven Rules!
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- 258,95 kr.
248,95 kr. Get ready for revival.Revival is not just an emotional touch; it's a complete transformation! It can happen in your heart, in your home, in your church, and in our world. Seeking Him is a 12-week interactive study on personal revival. Get ready to experience the freedom and joy of an honest and humble heart, true repentance, God's amazing grace, genuine holiness, a clear conscience, radical forgiveness, sexual purity, and walking in the Spirit.Each week includes five days of individual study, questions for group discussion and interaction, testimonies of changed lives, and "Making it Personal" questions and exercises. God says that if you seek Him you will find Him. What are you waiting for?
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- 248,95 kr.
173,95 kr. El anticipado compañero de Mujer verdadera 101: Diseño divino. Este estudio de 10 semanas examina die elementos importantes de la feminidad redimida que se encuantra en el Nuevo Testamento en la carta a Tito. El Señor quiere hacer una renovación radical en tu corazón. Quiere transformarte en una mujer piadosa de adentro hacia afuera. Si se lo permites, te hará un cambio de imagen externo. Y esto no acaba aquí. ¡Dios quiere usarte como parte de su equipo transformador para ayudar a otras a experimentar Su esplendido diseño interior para sus vidas! Semanalmente se examina uno de diez elementos de diseño de la femineidad dibujado de Tito 2. Las semanas están divididas en cinco leciones, dirigidas a un tiempo de grupo para compartir y profundizar en la Palabra de Dios. Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Mary Kassian take you through the book of Titus in the New Testament to focus on some important elements of redeemed womanhood. Each week of this True Woman 201 study examines one of the ten "design elements" of womanhood drawn from Titus 2. The weeks are each divided into five lessons, leading to a group time of sharing and digging deeper into God's Word.
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- 173,95 kr.
138,95 kr. Ideal para grupos pequeños, estudios bíblicos, clases e individuos. Esta guía complementaria se compone de las siguientes características: Una descripción general del capítulo que se estudiará de Mentiras que las jóvenes creen y recordatorios de las mentiras discutidas en ese capítulo Un estudio personal diario para que los lectores completen durante el transcurso de la semana Preguntas para ser discutidas en grupos de jóvenes / grupos pequeños Ideal for small groups, Bible studies, classes, and individuals. This companion guide is made up of the following features: An overview of the chapter to be studied from Lies Young Women Believe and reminders of the lies discussed in that chapter A daily personal study for the readers to complete during the course of the week Questions to be discussed in youth group/small group setting
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- 138,95 kr.
83,95 kr. As we live out Christ's beauty before a dying world, we become more and more adorned with the gospel--together. Titus 2 community helps women flourish and impact those around them in profound ways. The Adorned Small Group Study Guide connects your small group or mentoring relationship to God's beautiful plan for discipleship. This fourteen session study guide is designed for use with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth's book, Adorned: Living Out The Beauty of the Gospel Together, and the Adorned DVD set, which includes fourteen dramatic vignettes and fourteen 20-minute teaching sessions to supplement your small group study. Designed for either small group or one-on-one study.
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- 83,95 kr.
148,95 kr. ¿Qué está haciendo Dios en tu historia? Dios está escribiendo tu historia y es parte de su historia más grande, grandiosa y eterna. Todavía no hemos llegado al final feliz, y puede ser difícil confiar en Él en medio de nuestras luchas. Es por eso que Robert y Nancy comparten su propia historia, las historias de amigos y las historias de personas en la Biblia que se han enfrentado a desafíos que alteran la vida, pero, al final, han encontrado que Dios es fiel. What's God Doing In Your Story? God is writing your story and it's a part of His bigger, grander, eternal Story. We haven't gotten to the happy ending yet, and it can be hard to trust Him in the thick of our struggles. That's why Robert and Nancy share their own story, friends' stories, and the stories of people in the Bible who have faced life-altering challenges, but, in the end, have found God to be faithful.
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- 148,95 kr.
228,95 kr. "No story ever told could compare to God's great Story. None is as compelling, transforming, or hope-giving. And your story is a part of it."WHO DOESN'T LOVE A GOOD STORY?Our kids beg us for stories at bedtime or while we drive; we gather around firepits and dinner tables to tell and retell our favorite tales--the more dramatic the better. But when it comes to our actual lives, we prefer something less sensational, even boring--sunny skies and smooth sailing, please and thank you. We want our own stories to be predictable, safe, controllable, and catastrophe-free. God is the master Storyteller. He's writing your story and it's a part of His bigger, grander, eternal Story. But we're still in the middle; we haven't gotten to the happy ending yet, and it can be hard to trust Him in the thick of our struggles. That's why Robert and Nancy share their own story, friends' stories, and the stories of people in the Bible who have faced life-altering challenges, but, in the end, have found God to be faithful. Learn why you really can trust God to write your story--no matter what plot twists you may encounter along the way.
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- 228,95 kr.
168,95 kr. Woman to woman. Older to younger. Day to day. Life to life.This is God's beautiful plan.The Titus 2 model of older women living out the gospel alongside younger women is vital for us all to thrive. It is mutually strengthening, glorifies God, and makes His truth believable to our world.Imagine older women investing themselves in the lives of younger women, blessing whole families and churches. Imagine young wives, moms, and singles gaining wisdom and encouragement from women who've been there and have found God's ways to be true and good. Imagine all women--from older women to young girls--living out His transforming gospel together, growing the entire body of Christ to be more beautiful.This is Christian community as God designed it. Read this book and take your relationships to new depths, that your life might find its fullest meaning as you adorn the gospel of Christ.
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- 168,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Profundiza en el origen de la verdadera feminidad y masculinidad, y descubre la belleza, el gozo y la satisfacción de ser exactamente como Dios te creó. Si estás cansada de las imitaciones y las copias baratas del mundo --o si estás cansada de los consejos repetidos, opiniones superficiales y soluciones estereotipadas--, ¡este estudio bíblico de ocho semanas con enseñanzas y perspectivas fundamentadas en la Palabra de Dios es para ti! Las ocho semanas de este estudio se dividen cada una en cinco lecciones y necesitarás aproximada- mente veinte minutos para completar cada lección. Dig into the heart of true manhood and womanhood, and discover the beauty, joy, and fulfillment of being exactly who He created you to be. If you're tired of cliched advice, shallow caricatures, and cookie-cutter solutions, then this eight-week Bible study with foundational teaching and insight from God's Word by Mary A. Kassian and Nancy Leigh DeMoss is for you! The eight weeks in this study are each divided into five, approximately twenty-minute lessons.
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- 173,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Let the songs of the first Christmas turn your heart toward God's glory.During the holidays, the songs of the season are everywhere. Their nostalgic melodies warm our hearts. But the original Christmas songs are different; they lift our hearts to a holy God. They reveal the greatness, glory, and goodness of our Savior. Taking us beyond quaint imagery and feel-good lyrics, the Advent songs of the Bible unfold God's redemptive plan for the world and His eternal purpose for the ages.In The First Songs of Christmas, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth offers meditations from Luke's gospel. This 31-day Advent devotional shines light on the ancient yet inspiring songs of Elizabeth, Mary, Zechariah, the angels, and Simeon.These readings will lead you to the essence of Christmas. Let holy music be your companion as you approach Christmas the way these men, women, and angels did: gazing upon our God and Savior.
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- 173,95 kr.
433,95 kr. Tito 2: una poderosa visión para las mujeres El modelo de Tito 2 de que las mujeres mayores vivan el evangelio junto a las más jóvenes es vital para que todas podamos crecer. Es de fortaleza mutua, glorifica a Dios y hace que Su verdad sea creíble para nuestro mundo. Esto es comunidad cristiana como Dios la diseñó. Tu vida encontrará su significado más pleno al adornar el evangelio de Cristo. Titus 2: a powerful vision for women The Titus 2 model of older women living out the gospel alongside younger women is vital for us all to thrive. It is mutually strengthening, glorifies God, and makes His truth believable to our world. This is Christian community as God designed it. Your life will find its fullest meaning as you adorn the gospel of Christ.
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- 433,95 kr.
138,95 kr. La Guía de estudio de Mentiras que las mujeres creen está compuesta de diez sesiones y está diseñada para individuos y grupos pequeños. Cada capítulo incluye las siguientes características: En pocas palabras: le ofrece una descripción general del capítulo que se estudiará de Mentiras que las mujeres creen. Explorando la verdad: ofrece un estudio personal diario para completar durante el transcurso de la semana. Caminar juntos en la verdad: brinda preguntas para discutir cuando se reúna su grupo pequeño. Este interesante libro de trabajo hará que tu y tus amigas piensen y luchen con la Verdad mientras buscan en la Biblia respuestas a problemas difíciles. The Companion Guide for Lies Women Believe is made up of ten sessions and is designed for individuals and small groups. Each chapter includes the following features: In a Nutshell -- gives you an overview of the chapter to be studied from Lies Women Believe. Exploring the Truth -- offers a daily personal study for you to complete during the course of the week. Walking Together in the Truth -- provides questions to be discussed when your small group meets. This engaging workbook will make you and your friends think and wrestle with the Truth as you search the Bible for answers to tough issues.
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- 138,95 kr.
173,95 kr. "Heaven Rules is the two-word answer for every two-word worry. The promise we need for every wave of trouble, every assault on our peace of mind. Heaven's rule is God's rule: His rule over nations and nature. His rule over renegade viruses, cancer, and concerns about your marriage, your kids, your job, and everything else. The Bible says God is personally, purposefully involved in all that's taking place here on earth."--
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- 173,95 kr.
163,95 kr. Intentar escuchar las voces correctas puede ser difícil. En este libro, Nancy y Dannah exponen 25 de las mentiras más comúnmente creídas por la generación joven. Comparten historias de la vida real de algunas de las mujeres jóvenes que entrevistaron, junto con historias honestas sobre cómo han vencido las mentiras que ellas mismas creían. Trying to listen to the right voices can be difficult. In this book, Nancy and Dannah expose 25 of the lies most commonly believed by the younger generation. They share real-life accounts from some of the young women they interviewed, along with honest stories about how they've overcome lies they themselves believed.
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- 163,95 kr.
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- 198,95 kr.
173,95 kr. The Truth may not change your circumstances, but it will change you.In the book, Lies Young Women Believe, Nancy and Dannah reveal ways you might be deceived. They identify 25 of the most common lies young women believe, and boldly point you to the Truth. But knowing the Truth isn't enough. You have to live the Truth. The Lies Young Women Believe Study Guide is a nine-week journey toward freedom. Nancy, Dannah, and Erin will walk with you as you set out to discover the Truth and experience its power in your life.REALIZE-- You'll review Lies Young Women Believe, take fun quizzes, and dig into God's Word to better understand the root of the lies you've been believing as well as the Truth that will set you free.RESPOND--Get the Truth from your head into your heart through prayer, journaling, and more.ACT--Go from learning to applying. Each week, you'll have an action step designed to help you leave the lies behind and walk in the Truth! You can be set free. Let's get started!The Lies Young Women Believe Study Guide is great for individual study, but it's best used in a weekly Bible study, small group, or youth group setting.Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Dannah Gresh, and Erin Davis have been good friends and involved in each other's lives for, well, a long time. They live in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Missouri (in that order). They're crazy about their husbands (Robert, Bob, and Jason). Erin stays active with her three young sons; Dannah is grateful for her three grown children; and Nancy has been blessed with a ton of "adopted" kids. Dannah and Erin enjoy animals and farm life; Nancy is more of an inside girl. Most importantly, these three friends all love Jesus and His Word and they're passionate about encouraging women--young and old--to do the same!You can find out more about them and their ministries at: ReviveOurHearts.com (Nancy)PureFreedom.org (Dannah)ErinDavis.org (Erin)
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- 173,95 kr.
188,95 kr. - Bog
- 188,95 kr.
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- 113,95 kr.