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Bøger af Munish Goel

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  • af Munish Goel
    583,95 kr.

    A importância de um conhecimento profundo do periapex reside no facto de que os desafios envolvidos no tratamento desta área obscura e pouco clara parecem ser infinitos. Não só os apices de certos dentes têm uma estreita associação com estruturas importantes como o seio maxilar e o nervo alveolar inferior, levando a sérias implicações clínicas, mas também se sabia que as variações anatómicas e complexidades do terço apical da raiz resultam em vários desafios mecânicos para uma gestão eficaz e eficiente durante a terapia endodôntica.

  • af Munish Goel
    583,95 kr.

    L'importanza di una conoscenza approfondita del periapice risiede nel fatto che le sfide legate al trattamento di quest'area oscura e poco chiara sembrano essere infinite. Non solo gli apici di alcuni denti sono in stretta associazione con strutture importanti come il seno mascellare e il nervo alveolare inferiore, con conseguenti gravi implicazioni cliniche, ma è anche noto che le variazioni anatomiche e le complessità del terzo apicale della radice comportano diverse sfide meccaniche per una gestione efficace ed efficiente durante la terapia endodontica.

  • af Munish Goel
    583,95 kr.

    L'importance d'une connaissance approfondie du périapex réside dans le fait que les défis liés au traitement de cette zone obscure et peu claire semblent être infinis. Non seulement les apex de certaines dents sont étroitement associés à des structures importantes comme le sinus maxillaire et le nerf alvéolaire inférieur, ce qui entraîne de sérieuses implications cliniques, mais on sait également que les variations anatomiques et les complexités du tiers apical de la racine entraînent divers défis mécaniques pour une gestion efficace et efficiente pendant le traitement endodontique.

  • af Munish Goel
    583,95 kr.

    Die Bedeutung einer gründlichen Kenntnis des Periapex liegt in der Tatsache, dass die Herausforderungen bei der Behandlung dieses unklaren und unübersichtlichen Bereichs unendlich zu sein scheinen. Nicht nur, dass die Wurzelspitzen bestimmter Zähne eng mit wichtigen Strukturen wie der Kieferhöhle und dem Nervus alveolaris inferior verbunden sind, was zu schwerwiegenden klinischen Folgen führt, sondern es ist auch bekannt, dass die anatomischen Variationen und die Komplexität des apikalen Drittels der Wurzel zu verschiedenen mechanischen Herausforderungen für ein effektives und effizientes Management während der endodontischen Therapie führen.

  • af Munish Goel
    378,95 kr.

    Vazhnost' glubokih znanij o periapexe zaklüchaetsq w tom, chto problemy, swqzannye s lecheniem ätoj neqsnoj i neponqtnoj oblasti, kazhutsq beskonechnymi. Malo togo, chto apexy nekotoryh zubow tesno swqzany s takimi wazhnymi strukturami, kak gajmorowa pazuha i nizhnij al'weolqrnyj nerw, chto priwodit k ser'eznym klinicheskim posledstwiqm, no takzhe izwestno, chto anatomicheskie wariacii i slozhnosti apikal'noj treti kornq priwodqt k razlichnym mehanicheskim problemam dlq äffektiwnogo i dejstwennogo uprawleniq wo wremq ändodonticheskoj terapii.

  • af Munish Goel
    606,95 kr.

  • af Munish Goel
    606,95 kr.

  • af Munish Goel
    527,95 kr.

  • af Munish Goel
    549,95 kr.

  • af Munish Goel
    498,95 kr.

    A charming smile can open doors and knock down barriers that stand between you and fuller richer life. If, on the other hand, you are dissatisfied with your smile, it may be holding you back from fully embracing life and its opportunities. When planning treatment for esthetic cases, smile design cannot be isolated from a comprehensive approach to patient care. Achieving a successful, healthy and functional result requires an understanding of the interrelationship among all the supporting oral structures, including the muscles, bones, joints, gingival tissues and occlusion. A comprehensive dental examination should include evaluation of dental radiographs, mounted diagnostic models, photographic records, a thorough clinical examination and patient interview. The clinical examination should include a smile analysis and the evaluation of the teeth, occlusion, existing restorations, periodontal tissues and other soft tissues of the oral cavity. In addition to the esthetics, the functional component of the anterior teeth must be considered in treatment planning.This literature will assist interested persons in becoming updated in the broad scope of esthetic dentistry.

  • af Munish Goel
    447,95 kr.

    This book provides complete insight of dental stem cells, their inherent potential to regenerate and reconstruct in vitro as well as in vivo all the mechanisms that nature uses during initiation and morphogenesis of given organ.Stem cell research proves Pro life paves the path for life.These stem cells can be harvested from dental pulp, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone marrow, expanded, embedded in a appropriate scaffold, and transplanted back into defect to regenerate bone and tooth structures. These cells have potential to regenerate dentin, periodontal ligament, cementum and can be used for bone defect therapy.

  • af Munish Goel
    476,95 kr.

  • af Munish Goel
    346,95 kr.

  • af Munish Goel
    404,95 kr.

  • af Munish Goel
    534,95 kr.

  • af Munish Goel
    353,95 kr.

    Dentinal hypersensitivity is a significant clinical problem. It is defined as ¿pain arising from exposed dentine typically in response to thermal, chemical, tactile or osmotic stimuli¿. Its management requires a good understanding of its complexity, as well as its various treatment modalities. Hence in this book, an attempt is being made to review dentinal hypersensitivity and its etiopathogensis, prevalence and various treatment modalities and recent trends in the treatment.

  • af Richa Sharma, Neeraj Sharma & Munish Goel
    495,95 kr.

    This book provides complete information regarding all the instruments used in Endodontics starting from hand instruments to recent advances in the field. It also contains all the classifications of instruments from diagnosing to operating, complete information regarding the speed, torque used with rotary instruments and all necessary information that is required to know before performing endodontic treatment with either hand or rotary instruments.

  • af Munish Goel, Gurmeet Sachdeva & Karishma Bakshi
    473,95 kr.

    Most canals have multiple planes of curvature throughout their length. This condition is thought to be due to trauma during the period in which tooth is forming. The result is that the position of the calcified portion of the tooth is changed and the remainder of the tooth is formed at an angle. Root canal curvature can affect the technical quality of endodontic treatment. This book includes about challenges encountered by endodontist, classification of root curvatures, diagnostic methods for determining curvatures e.g. IOPA, RVG, CBCT, AutoCad, MicroCT, Methods of measurement of curvatures and management of root curvatures.