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Bøger af Mitchell Symons

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  • af Mitchell Symons
    98,00 kr.

    Vidste du at …- Stinkende ørevoks har hængt ud i øregangen i næsten en måned, før det kan pilles ud?- Kakerlakker prutter hvert 15. minut?- Giraffer aldrig knæler?- En gennemsnitlig person bruger seks måneder af sit liv på toilettet?- Mennesker har en tredjedel af deres DNA til fælles med salat?Overrask dine venner, og fasciner din familie med denne bog, der er spækket med forbløffende fakta.I samme serie kan du finde Hvorfor lugter prutter af rådne æg?, Derfor er det sundt at spise bussemænd og Hvor meget lort laver en elefant?I denne bogserie forsøger Mitchelle Symons at besvare alle de spørgsmål, som man hverken finder stillet eller besvaret andre steder.

  • af Mitchell Symons
    98,00 kr.

    Derfor er det sundt at spise bussemænd… og forklaringer på andre skøre facts!Har du nogensinde tænkt over, hvorfor vi har mandler? Hvorfor der ikke findes fede insekter? Hvorfor himlen er blå? Om tvillinger har identiske fingeraftryk? Eller hvor man egentlig skal henvende sig, for at købe et stykke af månen og bygge på det?Få besvaret disse skøre spørgsmål og mange flere i denne skønne, vanedannende bog, som vil holde dig fanget i timevis.I samme serie kan du finde Hvorfor lugter prutter af rådne æg?, Hvor meget lort laver en elefant? og Hvorfor smager ørevoks så ulækkert?I denne bogserie forsøger Mitchelle Symons at besvare alle de spørgsmål, som man hverken finder stillet eller besvaret andre steder.

  • af Mitchell Symons
    68,95 kr.

    Har du nogensinde tænkt over, hvorfor vi bøvser, hvorfor strudse stikker deres hoveder i sandet, om lemminger virkelig springer ud fra klipper - og hvorfor prutter lugter som rådne æg?Intet emne er for mærkeligt, og ingen facts for svære at finde for Mitchell Symons, som har svarene på disse spørgsmål og mange andre.

  • af Mitchell Symons
    98,95 kr.

    Ever wondered . . .Why are slugs so slimy?Why does your skin go wrinkly in the bath?How clever is your right foot?What is the best thing to do if you fall into quicksand?And do igloos have loos?Mitchell Symons knows the answers . . . and now you will too!

  • af Mitchell Symons
    98,95 kr.

    Did you know THAT:The first ready-to-eat breakfast cereal was Shredded Wheat in 1893 (it beat Kellogg's Corn Flakes by just five years)Scarlett Johansson, Ashton Kutcher and Simon Cowell all have twin brothers.Everton were the first British football club to introduce a stripe down the side of their shorts.The word DUDE was coined by Oscar Wilde and his friends. It is a combination of the words 'duds' and 'attitude'.Well you do now! Filled with fantastic facts and figures to amaze and intrigue . . . once you start reading you'll be hooked for hours!

  • - ... og andre skøre facts
    af Mitchell Symons
    138,95 kr.

    Vidste du måske, at der er mere sukker i et kilo citroner end i et kilo jordbær? At en snegl har ca. 25.000 tænder? At over halvdelen af verdens søer ligger i Canada? At tulipanløg blev brugt som valuta i Holland i det 17. århundrede?Ja, det er den slags viden, der kan imponere og forbløffe ved middagsbordet eller i et quizspil.Og hvem har ikke brug for gode råd her i livet? Mitchelle Symons deler rundhåndet ud af gode råd. “Tør aldrig din røv med et pindsvin” er blot et af de gode råd, han giver.
Forfatteren og ophavsmanden til de mange svar og gode råd er den brittiske journalist, forfatter og tidligere researcher for BBC, Mitchell Symons, der har skrevet over 30 bøger, og som også har været med til at finde på spørgsmål til de første udgaver af Trivial Pursuit.Nu udkommer tre af af bøgerne på dansk. Turbine har tidligere udgivet tre andre af hans bøger og er nu klar med:Sådan dræber en wombat med røven ... og andre skøre factsBræk er en by i Albanien ... og andre skøre factsTør aldrig din røv med et pindsvin ... og andre gode råd

  • af Mitchell Symons
    128,95 kr.

    Originally published as: There are tittles in this title.

  • af Mitchell Symons
    163,95 kr.

    Of course you have! (Or if you haven't, perhaps you should.) Now Mitchell Symons, the reigning King of All Pointless Trivia, carries his inquisitiveness unabashedly into the bedroom and emerges with a smile, answering not only the above but also a veritable "pornucopia" of scandalous and sexual conundrums. So for all of you burning to learn that an octopus has sex for ten straight hours or intensely curious about "uncircumcision," the astute Mr. Symons pulls back the covers to expose it all--from pick-up lines to popular positions to the greatest of all male and female sexual lies!

  • af Mitchell Symons
    178,95 kr.

    Did you know this...Billy Crystal's childhood babysitter was the legendary Billie Holiday?It is physically impossible for pigs to look up at the sky?The dot above the letter "i" is called a "tittle"?Would you like to know which celebrities died virgins, or which novel was the first written on a typewriter? Or are you simply looking for some way to entertain yourself in the bathroom? Would you like to know the working titles of the Beatles' songs, or what things were invented by women? Answer "yes!" to any or all of these questions and This Book--like That Book--is the book you've been waiting for!

  • af Mitchell Symons
    178,95 kr.

    Did you know that . . .John Wayne once won the dog Lassie from its owner in a poker game?Hijinks is the only word in the English language with three dotted letters in a row?The shortest war in history, between England and Zanzibar in 1896, lasted only thirty-eight minutes?Want to learn which U.S. president was a descendant of King Edward III? Or which famous people lived to read their own obituaries? Then That Book is the book for you! From history to science to pop culture, here is an irresistible, enlightening, and absolutely addictive treasure trove of fascinating and fun little-known facts that no one needs to know--an indispensable boon to every true lover of trivia and marvelous minutia!

  • af Mitchell Symons
    168,95 kr.

  • af Mitchell Symons
    118,95 kr.

    FRIGHTFUL FACTS AND GORY STORIES ... Top trivia about life in the past such as: Did Vikings wear horns on their helmets? How did Ancient Egyptians make their mummies? Which animals were gladiators forced to fight?

  • af Mitchell Symons
    73,95 kr.

    The latest collection of terrific trivia from the bestselling author of WHY EATING BOGEYS IS GOOD FOR YOU and double Blue Peter Best Book with Facts Award winner.The answers to these incredible questions will boggle your brain!Can rocks have snot?Why do doughnuts have holes in the middle?Could a human child ever be raised by animals?What have hyenas got to laugh about?And why is it impossible to belch after blast-off?!

  • af Mitchell Symons
    73,95 kr.

    A collection of wise and wacky words of advice, from the bestselling and double Blue Peter Best Book with Facts-winning Mitchell Symons.From the marvellous mind of Mitchell Symons comes such gems of wisdom as:You can't trust a dog to watch your food.Why buy shampoo when real poo is free?Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, as you won't have a leg to stand on.And if getting even doesn't work, just get odd!

  • af Mitchell Symons
    133,95 kr.

    Mitchell Symons has stats and stories to entertain and amaze you!Did the Olympians really compete in the buff?Which striker's shorts fell down when he was taking a penalty?Which sport consists of running while juggling?Which football team's fanzine is called Linesman, You're Rubbish?

  • af Mitchell Symons
    118,95 kr.

    NOXIOUS NOISES AND STINKY SMELLS . . .Amaze your mates with top trivia such as:Why do we puke and sweat?Which tribe uses farting as a greeting?How likely are you to be injured by a toilet seat?

  • af Mitchell Symons
    138,95 kr.

    IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE...Arm yourself with the answers to top trivia such as:Why are porcupines so pongy?Why do angry monkeys fling their poo at each other?Why do ostriches pee on their own legs?Includes cool collector cards to swap with your mates.

  • af Mitchell Symons
    128,95 kr.

    DID YOU KNOW . . .Square watermelons are sold in Japan?There is a River Piddle in Dorset?Americans use enough toilet paper daily to wrap around the world nine times?Mitchell Symons goes global - join him on his fun fact-finding world tour!

  • af Mitchell Symons
    98,95 kr.

    DID YOU KNOW?Stinky ear wax has been hanging around in the ear canal for nearly a month before it is 'pickable'!Humans share a third of their DNA with lettuce.Cockroaches fart every fifteen minutes.Giraffes never kneel.The average person spends six months of their life on the loo.Amaze your friends and fascinate your family with this book packed with jaw-dropping, eyebrow-raising facts.

  • af Mitchell Symons
    98,95 kr.

    EVER WONDERED . . .Why we burp?What a wotsit is?Whether lemmings really jump off cliffs?Why vomit always contains carrots?And why do farts smell like rotten eggs?No subject is too strange and no trivia too tough for Mitchell Symons, who has the answer to these crazy questions, and many more.

  • af Mitchell Symons
    98,95 kr.

    EVER WONDERED . . .Why we have tonsils?Is there any cream in cream crackers?Why is the sea blue?And if kangaroos keep their babies in their pouches, what happens to all the poo?! Mitch Symons answers all these crazy questions and plenty more in this wonderfully funny and addictive book for children from 8 to 80!And yes, eating bogeys is good for you . . . but only your own!

  • af Mitchell Symons
    73,95 kr.

    Let Mitchell Symons be your guide into the weird and wonderful world of trivia.Camels are born without humps.Walt Disney, creator of Mickey Mouse, was scared of mice.Only 30% of humans can flare their nostrilsA group of twelve or more cows is called a flinkAnd an elephant produces an eye-wateringly pongy 20 kilos of dung a day!