Bøger af Mikhail Lermontov
- Dæmonen og Fontænen i Bakhtjisaraj
78,95 kr. Aleksander Pusjkin og Mikhail Lermontov er de to helt store navne i den russiske litteraturs guldalder i første del af 1800-tallet. Begge beherskede såvel poesi som prosa, begge har skabt hovedværker, der også er blevet en del af verdenslitteraturen, bl.a. Eugen Onegin og Vor tids helt. Begges værker har inspireret andre kunstnere inden for malerkunst og musik til bl.a. at skabe stadigt spillede storværker for scenen. Aleksander Pusjkin satte normen for det moderne russiske skriftsprog. Han bragte russisk og vesteuropæisk kultur nærmere hinanden, da han introducerede romantikken i russisk litteratur, hvor Fontænen i Bakhtjisaraj er et af de første eksempler, og Mikhail Lermontov bragte romantikken til et afsluttende højdepunkt med det store poem Dæmonen. Romantikkens voldsomme og eksotiske landskaber beboet af ”ædle vilde”, fandt Pusjkin og Lermontov i Ruslands dengang nyligt erobrede, men ikke pacificerede områder i Kaukasus bjergene, hvor Dæmonen foregår, og på Krim, hvor de muslimske Krim-tatarer havde deres gamle hovedstad Bakhtjisaraj.Oversættelse og forord af Birger Kledal
- E-bog
- 78,95 kr.
89,66 kr. In A Hero of Our Time, the first great Russian novel, a young officer, passionate and world-weary, is posted to the Caucasus and becomes involved in a series of adventures. A dazzlingly original work of fiction, the novel is newly translated together with Pushkin's travel narrative, A Journey to Arzrum, with introduction and notes.
- Bog
- 89,66 kr.
138,95 kr. 'I remain in unchanged admiration for this bold, headstrong, carefree undertaking, a first novel published when the author was twenty-five, which proved to be the first prose masterpiece in Russian' Julian Barnes from his preface.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Mihail Jur'evich Lermontov (1814 -1841) - odin iz samyh znachitel'nyh pojetov russkoj literatury HIH veka. Sochetanie prostoty i vozvyshennosti, estestvennosti i original'nosti otlichaet ruku mastera, a ego umenie ob#ektivno pokazyvat' haraktery geroev, raskryvaja odnogo personazha cherez vosprijatie drugim, i po sej den' voshishhaet i chitatelej i kritikov. Znamenityj roman Geroj nashego vremeni rasskazyvaet ob udivitel'noj sud'be lishnego svetskogo cheloveka, talantlivogo, no obrechennogo ne byt' schastlivym v silu samih obstojatel'stv svoego rozhdenija, vospitanija, prinadlezhnosti opredelennomu krugu. Interesnaja i zahvatyvajushhaja kniga, kotoruju dolzhen prochitat' kazhdyj. Jeto voistinu samoe realisticheskoe proizvedenie togo vremeni, kotoroe vyzyvaet celuju volnu jemocij i mnozhestvo vospominanij. Proizvedenie sostoit iz mnozhestva chastej. Kazhduju chast' mozhno schitat' otdel'nym rasskazom. Obshhij geroj delaet jeto proizvedenie nerazryvnym. Chitaetsja kniga ochen' legko i vrezaetsja v pamjat' na vsju zhizn'. S illjustracijami!
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
163,95 kr. V sbornik voshli sledujushhie proizvedenija Mikhaila Jur'evicha Lermontova: Knjaginja Ligovskaja Vadim Ashik Kerib Kavkazec Panorama Moskvy Shtoss Ja hochu rasskazat' vam
- Bog
- 163,95 kr.
148,95 kr. Enjoy this selection of Lermontov's poetry in native Russian - from Angel to Prayer, this collection includes most of Lermontov's poems in native Russian.
- Bog
- 148,95 kr.
138,95 kr. A Hero of Our Time is a novel by Mikhail Lermontov, written in 1839, published in 1840, and revised in 1841. It is an example of the superfluous man novel, noted for its compelling Byronic hero (or antihero) Pechorin and for the beautiful descriptions of the Caucasus. There are several English translations, including one by Vladimir Nabokov and Dmitri Nabokov in 1958.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
183,95 kr. Lermontov - odno iz samyh vysokih, geroicheskih imen v russkoj literature. Pojeticheskij mir Lermontova porazhaet i zavorazhivaet svoej tainstvennoj glubinoj i moshh'ju, svoim muzhestvennym tragicheskim stroem. V jetom mire gospodstvuet ni na chto ne pohozhij, no bezoshibochno uznavaemyj lermontovskij jelement, kotoryj legche pochuvstvovat', chem opredelit' i ob#jasnit'. I vse zhe obshhie idei, lezhashhie v osnove pojezii Lermontova, poddajutsja opredeleniju i ob#jasneniju - jeto idei lichnosti i svobody, kotorye utverzhdaet pojet kak samye vysokie cennosti i kriterii. Lermontov nashel dlja jetih idej, sushhestvovavshih i do nego, osobyj aspekt i voplotil ih so strast'ju, svoeobraziem i polnotoj. Tvorchestvo Lermontova, nesushhee jeti idei, sposobstvovalo obostreniju kriticheskogo soznanija ego sovremennikov i bylo celikom napravleno protiv beschelovechnosti, rabstva i duhovnoj kosnosti. No i v nashi dni tvorchestvo Lermontova, ego bespokojnaja i mjatezhnaja pojezija, sohranjaja svoe velikoe istoricheskoe znachenie, vse eshhe podymaet voprosy, trevozhit i bespokoit.
- Bog
- 183,95 kr.
163,95 kr. Skazhi-ka, djadja, ved' ne darom... - jeti slova iz lermontovskogo Borodino znakomy kazhdomu so shkol'noj skam'i. S nih pokolenie za pokoleniem vot uzhe pochti dva veka nachinaet znakomstvo s tvorchestvom Lermontova. Pomimo stihotvorenij v dannyj sbornik voshli takzhe romanticheskie pojemy Mcyri, Demon i Pesnja pro carja Ivana Vasil'evicha, molodogo oprichnika i udalogo kupca Kalashnikova.
- Bog
- 163,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Lermontov - odno iz samyh vysokih, geroicheskih imen v russkoj literature. Pojeticheskij mir Lermontova porazhaet i zavorazhivaet svoej tainstvennoj glubinoj i moshh'ju, svoim muzhestvennym tragicheskim stroem. V jetom mire gospodstvuet ni na chto ne pohozhij, no bezoshibochno uznavaemyj lermontovskij jelement, kotoryj legche pochuvstvovat', chem opredelit' i ob#jasnit'. I vse zhe obshhie idei, lezhashhie v osnove pojezii Lermontova, poddajutsja opredeleniju i ob#jasneniju - jeto idei lichnosti i svobody, kotorye utverzhdaet pojet kak samye vysokie cennosti i kriterii. Lermontov nashel dlja jetih idej, sushhestvovavshih i do nego, osobyj aspekt i voplotil ih so strast'ju, svoeobraziem i polnotoj. Tvorchestvo Lermontova, nesushhee jeti idei, sposobstvovalo obostreniju kriticheskogo soznanija ego sovremennikov i bylo celikom napravleno protiv beschelovechnosti, rabstva i duhovnoj kosnosti. No i v nashi dni tvorchestvo Lermontova, ego bespokojnaja i mjatezhnaja pojezija, sohranjaja svoe velikoe istoricheskoe znachenie, vse eshhe podymaet voprosy, trevozhit i bespokoit.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
138,95 kr. Mikhail Lermontov's pioneering psychological novel, "A Hero of Our Time", is probably his most impactful work, one which influenced the works of other great Russian authors such as Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy. The novel's narrative is the story of Pechorin a young officer in the army whose story is told in five non-chronological parts. Drawing upon his own experiences in the military, Lermontov creates a fascinating anti-hero in Pechorin, a man who is intelligent, calculating, manipulative, emotionally unavailable, arrogant, cynical, nihilistic, yet also sensitive. The principal accomplishment of "A Hero of Our Time" is the introduction of the Byronic anti-hero to Russian literature, a departure from the traditional idealized protagonist of the Romantic period which signifies a pivotal move towards the realism of the Modernist literary movement. As Lermontov describes in his preface: "Pechorin, gentlemen, is in fact a portrait, but not of one man only: he is a composite portrait, made up of all the vices which flourish, full-grown, amongst the present generation. You will tell me, as you have told me before, that no man can be so bad as this; and my reply will be: 'If you believe that such persons as the villains of tragedy and romance could exist in real life, why can you not believe in the reality of Pechorin?'" This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
138,95 kr. Mikhail Lermontov's pioneering psychological novel, "A Hero of Our Time", is probably his most impactful work, one which influenced the works of other great Russian authors such as Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy. The novel's narrative is the story of Pechorin a young officer in the army whose story is told in five non-chronological parts. Drawing upon his own experiences in the military, Lermontov creates a fascinating anti-hero in Pechorin, a man who is intelligent, calculating, manipulative, emotionally unavailable, arrogant, cynical, nihilistic, yet also sensitive. The principal accomplishment of "A Hero of Our Time" is the introduction of the Byronic anti-hero to Russian literature, a departure from the traditional idealized protagonist of the Romantic period which signifies a pivotal move towards the realism of the Modernist literary movement. As Lermontov describes in his preface: "A Hero of Our Time, my dear readers, is indeed a portrait, but not of one man. It is a portrait built up of all our generation's vices in full bloom. You will again tell me that a human being cannot be so wicked, and I will reply that if you can believe in the existence of all the villains of tragedy and romance, why wouldn't believe that there was a Pechorin?" This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper and includes an introduction by George Reavey.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
391,95 kr. The beautiful Circassian princess Bela is kidnapped by a man named Azamat, who trades her for a horse. She is taken to the home of Pechorin, a man who treats women as an incentive for endless conquests.
- Bog
- 391,95 kr.
98,95 kr. "Un héros de notre temps" est le premier roman véritablement psychologique de la littérature russe. Sombre, romantique et désabusé, étrange et décousu, c'est un aperçu incisif de la sensibilité russe qui précède les grandes œuvres de Tourgueniev ou Dostoïevski. Un héros de notre temps est constitué de cinq récits, qui ont pour principal protagoniste Petchorine, un jeune homme désabusé. Dans le premier texte, Béla, un vieil officier, Maximitch, conte les aventures de Petchorin qui enleva Béla, la fille d'un prince tartare. Dans le second texte, le narrateur et Maximitch croisent Petchorin en route vers la Perse. C'est l'occasion pour le narrateur de récupérer des extraits du journal tenu par Petchorin. Ayant appris la mort de Pétchorin, le narrateur publie ces extraits qui constituent les trois textes suivants: Taman, une histoire de contrebandiers, La Princesse Marie, dans laquelle le héros séduit deux femmes, ce qui le conduit à se battre en duel, et enfin Le Fataliste, où le héros s'interroge sur la force de la destinée. Ce roman, le seul que Lermontov a achevé, est considéré comme un des grands chefs d'œuvre de la littérature russe, surtout grâce à la force de l'analyse psychologique de son héros, un véritable "enfant du siècle" russe, ainsi que pour sa description des paysages et peuplades des frontières de l'Empire russe au XIXe siècle. " Le héros de notre temps, chers messieurs, est en effet un portrait, mais pas celui d'un seul homme : c'est un portrait composé des vices de toute une génération, dans leur plein épanouissement. " Il se peut bien que ce roman coûta la vie à Lermontov, qui mourut peu de temps après dans un duel avec un ancien camarade qui avait été la cible d'une moquerie de trop de la part de l'auteur.
- Lydbog
- 98,95 kr.
130,95 kr. The first example of the psychological novel in Russia, A Hero of Our Time influenced Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, and Chekhov, and other great nineteenth-century masters that followed. Its hero, Pechorin, is Byronic in his wasted gifts, his cynicism, and his desire for any kind of action-good or ill-that will stave off boredom. Outraging many critics when it was first published in 1840, A Hero of Our Time follows Pechorin as he embarks on an exciting adventure involving brigands, smugglers, soldiers, rivals, and lovers.This edition includes a new introduction, chronology, suggestions for further reading, maps, and full explanatory notes.
- Bog
- 130,95 kr.
202,95 kr. In its adventurous happenings-its abductions, duels, and sexual intrigues-A Hero of Our Time looks backward to the tales of Sir Walter Scott and Lord Byron, so beloved by Russian society in the 1820s and '30s. In the character of its protagonist, Pechorin-the archetypal Russian antihero-Lermontov's novel looks forward to the subsequent glories of a Russian literature that it helped, in great measure, to make possible.This edition includes a Translator's Foreword by Vladimir Nabokov, who translated the novel in collaboration with his son, Dmitri Nabokov.
- Bog
- 202,95 kr.
237,95 kr. Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов (1814-1841) - гордость русской литературы, русский поэт, прозаик, драматург - родился в Москве, в семье отставного офицера. Он учился в Московском университете (1830-1832). Окончил Санкт-Петербургскую школу гвардейских подпрапорщиков и кавалерийских юнкеров (1834).Слава пришла к Михаилу со стихотворением «Смерть поэта', которое было посвящено Пушкину.За короткие 13 лет творческой биографии поэт внес неоценимый вклад в русскую литературу как автор исключительной по разнообразию тем и мотивов лирики; его творчество завершило развитие национальной романтической поэмы, создало фундамент для реалистического романа XІX в.
- Bog
- 237,95 kr.
65,95 kr. A typical Byronic-hero novel, Lermontov’s protagonist bombards the reader with his bipolar behavior: both sensitive and cynical, his extreme arrogance borders on deep melancholy. An existential dreamer and contemplator of the futility of life, Pechorin’s free will inevitably leads him to disaster. And hand in hand with the beautiful natural descriptions, "A Hero of Our Time" is a book that never stops providing, even when one has reached its end. It was highly praised by the other great names in Russian literature – Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Anton Chekhov.Often labelled the most important Russian poet after Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov was also a painter, often praised for his naturalist depictions of Caucasus. He died in a duel (just like Pushkin) at the early age of 26, but that did not thwart his poetic endeavours. Despite his naturalistic poetic grandeour, Lermontov’s best-known novel "A Hero of Our Time" is one of the founding works of Russian prose. Among his poems, "Demon" and "The Death of the Poet" occupy a central place in his work. His interests also included folklore, history, and patriotism.
- E-bog
- 65,95 kr.
94,95 kr. "Vor tids helt" er den ironiske titel på Michaïl Lermontovs eneste fuldendte roman, hvori læseren gennem andres fortællinger og hovedpersonens egne dagbogsoptegnelser får et billede af den kyniske og livstrætte linjeofficer Petchorin. Vi følger Petchorins rejser i Kaukasus og ser, hvordan han præsterer at desillusionere og ødelægge de mennesker, der er uheldige nok til at krydse hans vej."Vor tids helt" er den første russiske roman i prosaform og har inspireret nogle af Ruslands største forfattere som Dostojevskij og Gogol. Værkets hovedperson bærer både ligheder med sin skaber og med hele generationen af desillusionerede og livstrætte unge mænd i den russiske overklasse under tsar Nikolaj I’s strenge regime.Michaïl Lermontov (1814-1841) anses for værende en af Ruslands største romantiske forfattere. Hans mest kendte værk er romanen "Vor tids helt", som udkom i 1839. Lermontov skrev endvidere en lang række digte og skuespil, inden han døde som 26-årig i en duel.
- E-bog
- 94,95 kr.
273,95 kr. - Bog
- 273,95 kr.
188,95 kr. This is a dual-language book with the Russian text on the left side, and the English text on the right side of each spread. The texts are precisely synchronized. A great book for learning both languages while reading a Russian classic masterpiece. Translated by J. H. Wisdom & Marr Murray, verified and corrected by Alexander Vassiliev.
- Bog
- 188,95 kr.
98,95 kr. Part of Alma Classics Evergreens series, this edition includes Princess Ligovskaya
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
- Russian Text, Accented
420,95 kr. First published in 1919, this book presents the text of Lermontov's 1840 poem 'The Novice' in the original Russian. An editorial introduction and detailed textual notes in English are also included. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in Russian poetry and the works of Lermontov.
- Bog
- 420,95 kr.
130,95 kr. A masterpiece of Russian prose, Lermontov's only novel was influential for many later 19th century authors, including Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, and Chekhov. Lermotov's hero, Pechorin, is a dangerous man, Byronic in his wasted gifts and his cynicism, and desperate for any kind of action that will stave off boredom. In five linked episodes, Lermontov builds up a portrait of a man caught in and expressing the sickness of his times.
- Bog
- 130,95 kr.
248,95 kr. In its adventurous happenings-its abductions, duels, and sexual intrigues-A Hero of Our Time looks backward to the tales of Sir Walter Scott and Lord Byron, so beloved by Russian society in the 1820s and '30s. In the character of its protagonist, Pechorin-the archetypal Russian antihero-Lermontov's novel looks forward to the subsequent glories of a Russian literature that it helped, in great measure, to make possible.
- Bog
- 248,95 kr.