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Bøger af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus

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  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    599,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch stellt eine innovative Fallstudie vor, die sich mit der dringenden Notwendigkeit befasst, die Kohärenz der didaktischen Planung in der Ausbildung von Physik-, Chemie- und Mathematiklehrern für die Sekundarstufe in Kuba zu verbessern. Auf der Grundlage rigoroser Forschung bietet es eine eingehende quantitative und qualitative Diagnose, in der vorrangige Dimensionen, Kernprozesse und übergreifende Defizitmuster identifiziert werden. Zum ersten Mal wird die Kluft zwischen der aktuellen Situation und dem gewünschten Szenario gemessen. Sie bestätigt die Notwendigkeit grundlegender Veränderungen hin zu einer systemischen, kontingenten didaktischen Planung, die sich auf die Untersuchungstätigkeit des Schülers in seinem Kontext konzentriert. Sie bietet praktikable Empfehlungen für die Ausbildung von Lehrkräften, Datenbanken mit bewährten Verfahren und Lerngemeinschaften. Es stellt einen innovativen Beitrag dar, indem es den Begriff der pädagogischen Referenzkontexte einführt, die reale Szenarien für eine kontextualisierte und sinnvolle Planung bieten. Es ist nützlich für Manager, Lehrer, Lehrerausbilder und Forscher, die an der Verbesserung der Qualität von Lehr- und Lernprozessen in diesen Schlüsseldisziplinen interessiert sind.

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    743,95 kr.

    This book presents an innovative case study that addresses the urgent need to improve the coherence of didactic planning in the training of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics teachers for Secondary Education in Cuba. Based on a rigorous research, it offers a deep quantitative and qualitative diagnosis, identifying priority dimensions, core processes and transversal deficit patterns. For the first time, it measures the gap between the current situation and the desired scenario. It corroborates the need to make substantial changes, moving towards a systemic and contingent didactic planning, centered on the student's research activity within his or her context. It offers viable recommendations on teacher training, banks of good practices and learning communities. It represents an innovative contribution by introducing the notion of pedagogical reference contexts, which provide real scenarios for contextualized and meaningful planning. It is useful for managers, teachers, teacher trainers and researchers interested in improving the quality of teaching-learning processes in these key disciplines.

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    878,95 kr.

    Ce livre présente une étude de cas innovante qui répond au besoin urgent d'améliorer la cohérence de la planification didactique dans la formation des enseignants de physique, de chimie et de mathématiques pour l'enseignement secondaire à Cuba. Basé sur une recherche rigoureuse, il offre un diagnostic quantitatif et qualitatif approfondi, identifiant les dimensions prioritaires, les processus centraux et les schémas de déficit transversal. Pour la première fois, il mesure l'écart entre la situation actuelle et le scénario souhaité. Elle corrobore la nécessité de procéder à des changements substantiels, en s'orientant vers une planification didactique systémique et contingente, axée sur l'activité d'investigation de l'élève dans son contexte. Il offre des recommandations viables sur la formation des enseignants, les banques de bonnes pratiques et les communautés d'apprentissage. Il représente une contribution innovante en introduisant la notion de contextes pédagogiques de référence, qui fournissent des scénarios réels pour une planification contextualisée et significative. Il est utile pour les gestionnaires, les enseignants, les formateurs d'enseignants et les chercheurs intéressés par l'amélioration de la qualité des processus d'enseignement et d'apprentissage dans ces disciplines clés.

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    878,95 kr.

    Questo libro presenta un caso di studio innovativo che affronta l'urgente necessità di migliorare la coerenza della programmazione didattica nella formazione degli insegnanti di fisica, chimica e matematica per l'istruzione secondaria a Cuba. Basato su una ricerca rigorosa, offre una diagnosi quantitativa e qualitativa approfondita, identificando le dimensioni prioritarie, i processi fondamentali e i modelli di deficit trasversali. Per la prima volta, misura il divario tra la situazione attuale e lo scenario desiderato. Conferma la necessità di apportare cambiamenti sostanziali, passando a una programmazione didattica sistemica e contingente, incentrata sull'attività investigativa dello studente all'interno del suo contesto. Offre raccomandazioni valide sulla formazione degli insegnanti, sulle banche di buone pratiche e sulle comunità di apprendimento. Rappresenta un contributo innovativo introducendo la nozione di contesti pedagogici di riferimento, che forniscono scenari reali per una pianificazione contestualizzata e significativa. È utile per dirigenti, insegnanti, formatori di insegnanti e ricercatori interessati a migliorare la qualità dei processi di insegnamento-apprendimento in queste discipline chiave.

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    878,95 kr.

    Este livro apresenta um estudo de caso inovador que aborda a necessidade urgente de melhorar a coerência do planeamento didático na formação de professores de Física, Química e Matemática para o Ensino Secundário em Cuba. Com base numa investigação rigorosa, oferece um diagnóstico quantitativo e qualitativo aprofundado, identificando dimensões prioritárias, processos centrais e padrões de défice transversais. Pela primeira vez, mede a distância entre a situação atual e o cenário desejado. Corrobora a necessidade de mudanças substanciais, avançando para uma planificação didática sistémica e contingente, centrada na atividade investigativa do aluno no seu contexto. Oferece recomendações viáveis sobre a formação de professores, bancos de boas práticas e comunidades de aprendizagem. Representa uma contribuição inovadora ao introduzir a noção de contextos pedagógicos de referência, que fornecem cenários reais para um planeamento contextualizado e significativo. É útil para gestores, professores, formadores de professores e investigadores interessados em melhorar a qualidade dos processos de ensino-aprendizagem nestas disciplinas-chave.

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    488,95 kr.

    Teaching and learning media constitute one of the most important categories of didactics. Their functions favor the objective-content-method relationship, as well as the organization of the teaching-learning process. Their treatment in Geometry classes raises the preparation of teachers and students, and achieves a more developmental process. The lack of these means generates insufficiencies in the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics Education at the University of Las Tunas that affect the teaching-learning process of Geometry. From an analysis of the teaching and learning means in the different study plans of the pedagogical specialties of Mathematics, as well as of the philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical and didactic referents, a set of teaching and learning means of different generations was designed and implemented, for its treatment in the teaching-learning process of Geometry. The projection of quadrics and conic sections through the implementation of these media increased the understanding of geometric content and the quality of learning.

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    410,95 kr.

    Les supports d'enseignement et d'apprentissage constituent l'une des catégories les plus importantes de la didactique. Leurs fonctions favorisent la relation objectif-contenu-méthode ainsi que l'organisation du processus d'enseignement-apprentissage. Leur utilisation dans les cours de géométrie améliore la préparation des enseignants et des élèves et permet d'obtenir un processus plus évolutif. Le manque de ces moyens génère des insuffisances chez les étudiants de la licence en enseignement des mathématiques de l'Université de Las Tunas qui affectent le processus d'enseignement-apprentissage de la géométrie. Sur la base d'une analyse des moyens d'enseignement et d'apprentissage dans les différents programmes d'enseignement des spécialisations en mathématiques, ainsi que des références philosophiques, sociologiques, psychologiques, pédagogiques et didactiques, un ensemble de moyens d'enseignement et d'apprentissage de différentes générations a été conçu et mis en ¿uvre pour leur traitement dans le processus d'enseignement-apprentissage de la géométrie. La projection de quadriques et de sections coniques par le biais de ces supports a permis d'améliorer la compréhension du contenu géométrique et la qualité de l'apprentissage.

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    410,95 kr.

    Os meios de ensino e aprendizagem são uma das categorias mais importantes da didática. As suas funções favorecem a relação objetivo-conteúdo-método, bem como a organização do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. O seu tratamento nas aulas de Geometria eleva a preparação de professores e alunos, e consegue um processo mais desenvolvimental. A falta destes meios gera insuficiências nos alunos da Licenciatura em Educação Matemática da Universidade de Las Tunas que afectam o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da Geometria. A partir de uma análise dos meios de ensino e aprendizagem nos diferentes programas das especializações docentes em Matemática, bem como das referências filosóficas, sociológicas, psicológicas, pedagógicas e didácticas, foi concebido e implementado um conjunto de meios de ensino e aprendizagem de diferentes gerações para o seu tratamento no processo de ensino-aprendizagem da Geometria. A projeção de quadrículas e secções cónicas através da implementação destes suportes aumentou a compreensão dos conteúdos geométricos e a qualidade da aprendizagem.

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    410,95 kr.

    I supporti per l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento sono una delle categorie più importanti della didattica. Le loro funzioni favoriscono la relazione obiettivo-contenuto-metodo e l'organizzazione del processo di insegnamento-apprendimento. Il loro utilizzo nelle lezioni di geometria aumenta la preparazione di insegnanti e studenti e favorisce un processo di sviluppo. La mancanza di questi mezzi genera insufficienze negli studenti del Corso di Laurea in Didattica della Matematica dell'Università di Las Tunas che si ripercuotono sul processo di insegnamento-apprendimento della Geometria. Sulla base di un'analisi dei mezzi di insegnamento e di apprendimento presenti nei diversi programmi delle specializzazioni in Matematica, nonché dei riferimenti filosofici, sociologici, psicologici, pedagogici e didattici, è stato progettato e implementato un insieme di mezzi di insegnamento e di apprendimento di diverse generazioni per il loro trattamento nel processo di insegnamento-apprendimento della Geometria. La proiezione di quadriche e sezioni coniche attraverso l'implementazione di questi supporti ha aumentato la comprensione dei contenuti geometrici e la qualità dell'apprendimento.

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    410,95 kr.

    Lehr- und Lernmittel sind eine der wichtigsten Kategorien der Didaktik. Ihre Funktionen begünstigen das Ziel-Inhalt-Methoden-Verhältnis sowie die Organisation des Lehr-Lern-Prozesses. Ihr Einsatz im Geometrieunterricht steigert die Vorbereitung von Lehrern und Schülern und führt zu einem entwicklungsfördernden Prozess. Das Fehlen dieser Mittel führt zu Unzulänglichkeiten bei den Studenten des Bachelor-Studiengangs Mathematikpädagogik an der Universität von Las Tunas, die sich auf den Lehr-Lernprozess der Geometrie auswirken. Auf der Grundlage einer Analyse der Lehr- und Lernmittel in den verschiedenen Lehrplänen der Fachdidaktik der Mathematik sowie der philosophischen, soziologischen, psychologischen, pädagogischen und didaktischen Bezüge wurde eine Reihe von Lehr- und Lernmitteln verschiedener Generationen für ihre Behandlung im Lehr-Lern-Prozess der Geometrie entworfen und umgesetzt. Die Projektion von Quadriken und Kegelschnitten durch den Einsatz dieser Medien erhöhte das Verständnis für geometrische Inhalte und die Qualität des Lernens.

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    458,95 kr.

    Do you want to understand and improve the governance of your educational institution? This book presents a procedure for characterizing the development of educational governance competency in a comprehensive manner. Principals, teachers, students, parents, and community members will find practical strategies for diagnosing the current state of educational governance using qualitative and quantitative methods. You will learn how to assess decision-making, resource management, community involvement, leadership and key processes. You will gain in-depth insight into strengths and weaknesses to establish focused improvements. Written by education experts, this book provides a rigorous and adaptable approach to understanding your institution's leadership challenges. Take advantage of this valuable methodological guidance to characterize educational governance and lay a solid foundation for your transformation. Together we can improve education through informed and effective governance!

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    455,95 kr.

    The main objective of this book is to present some resources for research on the Educational Leadership Competence of managers who are performing their functions in different educational institutions. The scale elaborated by the authors to stimulate scientific research is presented. At the same time, procedures are presented to assess the competence of individual managers and that of groups of them as a whole. Instruments elaborated to capture the necessary information are also introduced. The Excel workbooks for calculating sample size (CaTaMu) and for applying proportional stratified sampling (MuEstProp) are also introduced, based on the selection of representative samples. In addition, the Excel book EsComDE is presented as a technological resource that allows the processing of such large numbers of data generated, so as to facilitate the presentation in tables and graphs. The essence of its use lies in its potential for the formulation of valid conclusions and reasonable decision-making. Real examples of good practices in its application are also presented.

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    1.083,95 kr.

    Transform your doctoral thesis into an outstanding work with this specialized guide. Structure and write your thesis successfully using focused questions that activate your investigative skills. Forget about the common obstacles in academic writing with this innovative teaching resource, designed by an experienced doctor to strengthen a neuralgic aspect: the preparation to research and communicate high-level science. Develop a more satisfactory and self-managed writing process by defining relevant problems, building solid theoretical frameworks and developing meaningful methodological proposals. Stand out from your peers by bringing new knowledge and rigor to the educational field with a thesis that applies this proven heuristic approach to structure chapters and write with technical but understandable language. Leave behind the frustration in scientific writing and turn your thesis into an innovative work that will make a difference in educational research and practice. Start the path to excellence today with the definitive guide so that your doctoral thesis stands out and contributes to knowledge. You will be recognized as a true expert in your area!

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    1.173,95 kr.

    This book addresses the importance of evaluating didactic coherence in the training of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (FQM) teachers in pedagogical schools. An ideal planning model is presented and the inadequacies in the planning of these disciplines are analyzed. The research is justified in terms of topicality, novelty, theoretical and practical contribution. A statistical procedure is described to evaluate didactic coherence in planning, focusing on the planning stage. A scale is used to assess the coherence indicators and the validation methods of the scientific instruments used are explained. The book also discusses the selection of the research sample, data collection and its organization with ESCODI software. A descriptive analysis of the data is performed and inferential analysis is introduced. In summary, this book provides a detailed methodology for assessing didactic coherence in FQM teacher education. Its statistical approach and the use of validated instruments improve the quality of training and the ability to design coherent and effective didactic processes.

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    370,95 kr.

    Sample size calculation is an essential aspect of scientific research. It helps researchers to determine the appropriate number of subjects or observations required to achieve the desired level of statistical power and precision. In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on the importance of proper sample size calculation to ensure the validity and reliability of research findings. This book provides an overview of the key concepts and methods used in sample size calculation for scientific research. It covers the basic principles of statistical power, effect size, and significance level, and explains how these factors influence sample size calculation. The book also discusses different types of study designs, including experimental and observational studies, and their implications for sample size calculation. It highlights some of the common pitfalls and misconceptions associated with sample size calculation and provides guidance on how to avoid them. Overall, it provides a comprehensive overview of sample size calculation for scientific research and serves as a valuable resource for researchers looking to design studies with adequate statistical power and precision.

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    458,95 kr.

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
    423,95 kr.

  • af Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus, Maria de la Caridad Smith Batson & Elvira Alonso Hernández
    478,95 kr.