Bøger af Michael White
350,95 kr. "Bogen er et værdigt monument over et meget væsentligt bidrag til udvidelsen af den horisont, hvori vi tænker det andet menneske og os selv, og dermed af det farvand, som terapeuter, coaches og HR-folk - og ikke mindst filosoffer - arbejder i [...] Whites tænkning er filosofi, når den er bedst, nemlig på én gang praktisk - den er fundamentalt etisk - og praktiseret, den bringer virkeligheden et stykke nærmere til os [...] Det er altid livsnødvendigt at læse Michael White."Ole Fogh Kirkeby, Psykolog NytI denne bog giver Michael White en række eksempler fra sine mere end 20 års erfaring som narrativ terapeut. Whites udgangspunkt er, at den narrative terapi ikke tilbyder et fastlagt arsenal af samtaleformer, der kan bruges i enhver situation. Tværtimod må den narrative terapeut forholde sig åbent i mødet med klienten og lade den konkrete situation diktere terapien. Whites eksempler skal dermed først og fremmest inspirere til videre selvstændigt arbejde. BBogen opregner seks centrale teknikker, som går igen i Whites praksis som narrativ terapeut: (1) eksternaliserende samtaler, (2) genforfattende samtaler, (3) genmedlemsgørende samtaler, (4) definerende ceremonier, (5) samtaler der fokuserer på unikke hændelser og (6) stilladserende samtaler. Gennemgående viser White, hvordan de historier, klienterne fortæller om sig selv, ofte låser dem fast i bestemte uheldige handlingsmønstre. Han giver konstruktive forslag til, hvordan man som terapeut kan ændre på disse fortællinger og dermed bidrage til at skabe en bedre tilværelse. Michael White (1948-2008) var grundlægger af den narrative metode inden for terapi og socialt arbejde. Han grundlagde i sin tid The Dulwich Centre i Adelaide, Australien, hvor han gennem en lang årrække afholdt kurser og workshops i narrativ terapi. Siden brød han med The Dulwich Centre og grundlagde et nyt center, Adelaide Narrative Therapy Centre, hvor han fortsatte sit arbejde. Kort over narrative landskaber er kulminationen på Whites arbejde. Både fordi den giver et enestående overblik over hans narrative metoder, og fordi den blev hans sidste bog. White døde tragisk umiddelbart inden udgivelsen af denne danske oversættelse. Oversat fra engelsk efter Maps of Narrative Practice af Ole Thornye.
- Bog
- 350,95 kr.
238,95 kr. Michael White er en af grundlæggerne af den narrative metode inden for terapi og socialt arbejde. Den narrative metode tager udgangspunkt i poststrukturalismen, som gør op med forestillingen om dybere, bagvedliggende sandheder, som det er videnskabens opgave at finde frem til. Hovedtanken bag den narrative metode er, at der ikke findes én sand historie, men utallige mulige historier, et menneske kan fortælle om sit liv. Igennem den narrative terapi skaber terapeut og klient i fællesskab alternative historier om klienten, som giver et nyt perspektiv på klientens fortid, nutid og fremtid. Allan Holmgren skriver i bogens forord om den narrative metode: ”En klient, der ankommer til en terapi-session, medbringer sine særlige begreber, forståelsesrammer og historier. Disse udøver magt over klienten i dennes beretning om sit konkrete og kropslige liv. Denne magt er, hvad narrativ terapi først og fremmest interesserer sig for. Hverken terapeut eller klient opfattes som passive og autentiske repræsentanter for en sandhed om livet og terapien. Terapeuten er ikke en ekspert. Terapeuten er heller ikke neutral. Terapeuter har ikke adgang til sand viden om menneskers liv.” I Narrativ teori præsenteres det teoretiske fundament bag Michael Whites narrative metode. De teoretiske beskrivelser ledsages af kliniske vignetter fra Whites arbejde med børn, voksne og familier. MICHAEL WHITE bor i Australien. Han er en efterspurgt foredragsholder over hele verden og har flere gange besøgt Danmark. Med bøgerne Narrativ teori og Narrativ praksis foreligger for første gang en samling af Michael Whites grundlæggende tekster på dansk. Narrativ praksis handler om, hvordan der arbejdes med den narrative metode i den terapeutiske praksis.
- Bog
- 238,95 kr.
263,95 kr. Der findes utallige historier, et menneske kan fortælle om sit liv. Vi har en tendens til at blive den historie, vi fortæller. Dette er udgangspunktet for den narrative metode. Michael White er en af grundlæggerne af den narrative metode inden for terapi og socialt arbejde, og denne bog viser, hvordan han arbejder med metoden i sin terapeutiske praksis. White er kendt for sin fantasifulde tilgang til det terapeutiske arbejde. Han er udholdende i sin udfordring af klienternes negative selvopfattelse og arbejder med en ukuelig optimisme på at hjælpe mennesker til mere positive fortolkninger af deres oplevelser. For meningen i disse oplevelser er ikke givet på forhånd: meningen skabes, idet klienten fortæller sin historie om oplevelserne. I den narrative terapi skaber terapeut og klient således i fællesskab alternative historier, som giver et nyt perspektiv på klientens fortid, nutid og fremtid. I terapien arbejder man med at eksternalisere problemet, dvs. placere det uden for det enkelte menneske. Det er med Michael Whites ord ”ikke personen der er problemet, men problemet der er problemet”. MICHAEL WHITE bor i Australien. Han er en efterspurgt foredragsholder over hele verden og har flere gange besøgt Danmark. Med bøgerne Narrativ praksis og Narrativ teori foreligger for første gang en samling af Michael Whites grundlæggende tekster på dansk. I Narrativ teori præsenteres de teoretiske overvejelser, der udgør fundamentet for den narrative metode.
- Bog
- 263,95 kr.
- Narrativ behandling af traumatiske oplevelser
268,95 - 288,95 kr. Denne vidtfavnende, kloge og praksisbaserede bog viser, hvordan man i praksis kan benytte narrative ideer i traumebehandling af voksne, par og/eller børn. Bogens bidrag er hentet fra hele verden og dens fokus er, at ingen mennesker er passive modtagere af svigt, overgreb, tortur eller andre former for traumatiserende handlinger; mennesker vil altid møde traumatiserende begivenheder med en modhandling.Bogen viser, hvordan terapeutisk arbejde med traumatiserede mennesker i væsentlig grad handler om genetablering af personens relation til sig selv og fornemmelse af sig selv i lyset af de traumatiske oplevelser. Bl.a. bidrager den australske terapeut Michael White, der mere end nogen anden har sat sig for at koble hukommelsesteori, udviklingspsykologi og terapeutiske metoder til en praksis, der med uendelig respekt for menneskers viden og færdigheder i relation til deres eget liv kan hjælpe mennesker fri af de traumatiske oplevelsers fortsatte negative indflydelse på deres liv.
95,95 kr. I 1966 falder opsynsmanden ved Medici-kapellet over et mystisk gammelt dokument i kapellets krypt. Det er tydeligt, at der er tale om en slags dagbog eller journal, men han kender ikke sproget og må søge assistance. Når han har fået sin nysgerrighed stillet, har han naturligvis til hensigt at aflevere dokumentet til myndighederne, men inden han når så langt, bliver han opsøgt af to mindre behagelige typer, der truer ham til at udlevere det.40 år senere arbejder et hold forskere i krypten med at undersøge de jordiske rester af Medici-slægten ved hjælp af den nyeste dna-teknologi. Ved undersøgelsen af det lig, der angiveligt skulle være et af slægtens mest fremtrædende medlemmer, Cosimo de’ Medici, falder holdet over en lille stentavle inde i hans balsamerede lig. Samme aften myrdes forskerholdets leder, Carlin Mackenzie, men inden da har han nået at lægge en kryptisk besked til sin niece, Edie Granger, der også arbejder på projektet.Sammen med sin ven, historikeren Jeff Martin, prøver Edie at tyde den kryptiske besked, der føre dem på en farefuld færd rundt i Firenzes og Venedigs gader på jagt efter lede tråde, der kan føre dem til Mediciernes hemmelighed, og samtidig hober ligene sig op i kølvandet på dem.OM BOGENDe læsere, som læste Michael Whites første bog på dansk "Ritualet" vil heller ikke blive skuffet med denne nye titel. Forfatteren har tydeligvis styr på sin research og klarer fortrinligt bogens skift mellem nutidens Firenze og Venedig og datidens middelalderlige periode. ... Bogen er tillige meget underholdende og velskrevet, og med en handling i samme genre som Da Vinci Mysteriet og lignende titler skal denne udmærkede spændingsroman nok finde sine læsere. Litteratursiden
- Lydbog
- 95,95 kr.
117,95 kr. A collection of fun and imaginative poetry in the style of Spike Milligan. Nonsense poems full of humour and the absurd, and with complementary illustrations by Ian Ward
- Bog
- 117,95 kr.
- Dyslexia-Friendly Edition
112,95 kr. In the aftermath of the Martian invasion that nearly brought Earth to its knees, a new threat looms in the shadows. The Martians, defeated by Earth's tenacious microorganisms, have been vanquished, but the danger remains. Unseen conspirators from Earth aided the invaders and now plot to send bacterial samples to Mars. Their nefarious aim is to assist the Martians to conquer the microscopic foes and then return to Earth as unstoppable conquerors. Victorian London, scarred by the invasion, struggles to rebuild. However, peril still lurks in the corners of society. Traitors, still seeking to tip the scales in favour of the Martian menace, endanger the lives of all who remain. The only hope for Earth rests with a woman named Victoria Neaves and her enigmatic demon assistant, Romney. Yet, they are missing, having been defeated and buried alive by those who would collaborate with the Martians. Can Victoria & Romney be located, and if found, will they have the strength to defeat the adversaries who once bested them? As the aftermath of war continues to scar the land, the British government deploys zeppelins to every corner of Britain with a mission that is both straightforward and crucial: Victoria Neaves must be found at all costs. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance, and time is running out... Illustratedthroughout, "MARS FALLS: A LONG AGE IN THE DEEP DELVED EARTH" is the first book in the "MARS FALLS" trilogy, For Victoria & Romney, the adventure continues...This Dyslexia friendly edition has been specially adapted for easy reading.The pages are printed on cream paper (to cut down glare), have wider margins and 1.5 line spacing, as well as a Dyslexia-friendly font to make the text clearer. Both bold and italic text have been minimised throughout. The text also has a ragged right edge (rather than justified) to make the text easier to follow, with extra spacing between each paragraph. These amendments make the text fully compliant with the British Dyslexia Association's Dyslexia friendly style guide.Look out for many other Dyslexia-friendly titles from Angry Swan Press!
- Bog
- 112,95 kr.
- The Final Arrow
86,95 kr. Step into the tumultuous world of the mid-eighteenth century, a time of profound transformation and upheaval. In the quaint village of Hamble, where change creeps in slowly, Ironstone Jack's adventures continue. In "The Final Arrow," the air is charged with anticipation as the annual archery competition descends upon Hamble. Jack, fueled by a burning desire to prove himself, is determined to dethrone Castille's champion. Yet, a mysterious figure stands in his way, shrouded in anonymity. As the village buzzes with speculation, questions arise: Who is this enigmatic archer, and does anyone in Hamble possess the skill to surpass him? As the archery competition unfolds, life in Hamble takes unexpected turns. Amidst the seemingly ordinary routines, a storm of change brews, and for one villager, a haunting secret looms on the brink of revelation. "The Final Arrow" delves deep into the hearts of the Hamble villagers, exploring their resilience, aspirations, and the hidden shadows that threaten to reshape their lives. This gripping tale is the second instalment in "The Adventures of Ironstone Jack," a series of four titles that promise to immerse readers in the captivating world of a bygone era. With its blend of suspense, intrigue, and the indomitable spirit of Ironstone Jack, this instalment will leave you on the edge of your seat, eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this enthralling saga.
- Bog
- 86,95 kr.
- The Last Highwayman
72,95 kr. Step into the tumultuous world of the Mid-Eighteenth Century, a time of profound transformation and upheaval. In the quaint village of Hamble, a place where change creeps in slowly, Ironstone Jack, the local blacksmith, stumbles upon an unexpected encounter with a daring highwayman. From this fateful moment, a series of gripping adventures unfolds, each inhabited by a diverse cast of intriguing characters and brimming with unforeseen challenges. What hidden secrets lie within the heart of the woods, where the apothecary's wife ventures alone, seeking mysteries untold? And why does a peculiar rat incessantly haunt the windmill's shadows as if harbouring a cryptic request? As you traverse the pages of this tale, you'll also wonder if the eccentric Cruickshank will, once again, unwittingly send his cottage's roof soaring into the sky. "The Adventures of Ironstone Jack", the first instalment in this enchanting series, introduces you to this enthralling world, blending adventure with a hint of mischievous humour. Delve into a realm where curiosity knows no bounds and where the unexpected waits just around the corner, inviting you to join in the excitement.
- Bog
- 72,95 kr.
- Volume One
93,95 kr. PART OF THE "HALLOWEEN CLUB" RANGE OF SPOOKY & STRANGE TALES!Prepare to embark on a captivating journey into the unknown with 'Mysterious Tales.' In this spellbinding collection, the boundaries of reality are blurred, and the ordinary gives way to the extraordinary. From the eerie depths of haunted mansions to the farthest reaches of uncharted galaxies, these tales will immerse you in a world of enigma and wonder.As each story unfolds, the line between the possible and the impossible grows thinner, and you'll find yourself questioning the very nature of reality.'Mysterious Tales' gathers a diverse array of narratives that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Delve into the unexplained, the uncanny, and the unexpected as you navigate through a labyrinth of twists and turns. These stories will challenge your perceptions, ignite your imagination, and leave you craving for more.Whether you're a seasoned explorer of the unknown or a curious newcomer, 'Mysterious Tales' guarantees a literary adventure like no other. Get ready to unlock the secrets that lie just beyond the surface of our everyday world, and discover the magic that can be found in the most mysterious of places.* * A sense of humour is definitely required.
- Bog
- 93,95 kr.
- Serve Me!
78,95 kr. Malcolm is a prisoner on his way to meet the Goddess Amelia deep in the heart of Japan. The group are introduced to the sophisticated Yumi Tanaka, the guide for their trip. What are Yumi's intentions? Can she dislodge the hold of Eve & Rita over Malcolm? How will Amelia have changed and what will be her demands? An ongoing adventure in dominance, submission and mind control.Part 3 of 4
- Bog
- 78,95 kr.
188,95 kr. Are you struggling to understand a narcissistic woman in your life? Do you feel trapped in a toxic relationship but can't seem to break free? Are you exhausted from the emotional roller coaster of love bombing and devaluation? Is your self-worth taking a hit due to the constant manipulation? Discover the ultimate guide to identifying, confronting, and overcoming narcissistic manipulation in relationships. About This Book: Uncover the unique traits and tactics of narcissistic women, helping you recognize their deceptive behavior.Delve into the magnetic pull that attracts men to narcissistic women, enabling you to break the cycle and choose healthier relationships.Learn the early warning signs of dating a narcissistic woman, empowering you to avoid or escape damaging partnerships.Explore the stages of a narcissistic relationship and the psychological impact on your well-being.Develop coping strategies to maintain your sanity and emotional strength when dealing with a narcissistic partner.Discover effective ways to safely exit a toxic relationship with a narcissistic woman.Rebuild your self-esteem and find the path to cultivating loving, fulfilling connections in the future. Take the first step towards emotional freedom and regain control of your life. Don't let narcissistic manipulation sabotage your happiness any longer.
- Bog
- 188,95 kr.
143,95 kr. Step into the tumultuous world of the Mid-Eighteenth Century, a time of profound transformation and upheaval. In the quaint village of Hamble, a place where change creeps in slowly, Ironstone Jack, the local blacksmith, stumbles upon an unexpected encounter with a daring highwayman. From this fateful moment, a series of gripping adventures unfolds, each inhabited by a diverse cast of intriguing characters and brimming with unforeseen challenges.What hidden secrets lie within the heart of the woods, where the apothecary's wife ventures alone, seeking mysteries untold? And why does a peculiar rat incessantly haunt the windmill's shadows as if harbouring a cryptic request? As you traverse the pages of this tale, you'll also wonder if the eccentric Cruickshank will, once again, unwittingly send his cottage's roof soaring into the sky."The Adventures of Ironstone Jack", the first instalment in this enchanting series, introduces you to this enthralling world, blending adventure with a hint of mischievous humour. Delve into a realm where curiosity knows no bounds and where the unexpected waits just around the corner, inviting you to join in the excitement.
- Bog
- 143,95 kr.
113,95 kr. In the aftermath of the Martian invasion that nearly brought Earth to its knees, a new threat looms in the shadows. The Martians, defeated by Earth's tenacious microorganisms, have been vanquished, but the danger remains. Unseen conspirators from Earth aided the invaders and now plot to send bacterial samples to Mars. Their nefarious aim is to assist the Martians to conquer the microscopic foes and then return to Earth as unstoppable conquerors.Victorian London, scarred by the invasion, struggles to rebuild. However, peril still lurks in the corners of society. Traitors, still seeking to tip the scales in favour of the Martian menace, endanger the lives of all who remain.The only hope for Earth rests with a woman named Victoria Neaves and her enigmatic demon assistant, Romney. Yet, they are missing, having been defeated and buried alive by those who would collaborate with the Martians.Can Victoria & Romney be located, and if found, will they have the strength to defeat the adversaries who once bested them? As the aftermath of war continues to scar the land, the British government deploys zeppelins to every corner of Britain with a mission that is both straightforward and crucial: Victoria Neaves must be found at all costs. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance, and time is running out..."MARS FALLS: A LONG AGE IN THE DEEP DELVED EARTH" is the first book in the "MARS FALLS" trilogy, For Victoria & Romney, the adventure continues...
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.
128,95 kr. In "The Franchise Game and Other Ghostly Tales", Michael White presents a collection of humorous and spine-tingling ghost stories. "Three Small Wishes" proves to be careful what you wish for when there is a rogue genie about. "The Franchise Game" proves that not all phantom hitchhikers are the same, and "The Ghost Next Door" provides a unique insight into the world of ghost tours. "The Artisan Cook's Tale" tells of a woman who is prepared to sacrifice everything to present a dish to the king... or is she? "An unremarkable Man" tells the tale of a lonely old man abandoned in a care home with no friends and no visitors. But who is he? We are about to find out... In "A Challenging Game of Crumble". a little girl gate-crashes a regular card game being held at midnight in an old cemetery, where none of the participants are quite what they seem. But what of the little girl who gate-crashes the party, for she has a secret too!" "The Franchise Game and Other Ghostly Tales" is available in both paperback and E-book. A sense of humour is most definitely required.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
- Serve Me?
78,95 kr. Malcolm was a reclusive IT security engineer until Amelia knocked on his door and literally shagged him to a higher plane of consciousness.Now in the grips of permanent mental ecstasy Malcolm finds himself working for the mysterious goddess Amelia as he helps her acquire new slaves across the city.As Amelia and her slaves hijack a local TV station to spread her "message" further Malcolm begins to doubt, "Is all of this horribly wrong?"An adventure in dominance, submission and mind control.Part 1 of 4
- Bog
- 78,95 kr.
- Bog
- 453,95 kr.
103,95 kr. Enter "The Waiting Room" if you dare! This spine-chilling collection of ghost and horror stories, woven with mystery and suspense, will have you on the edge of your seat. As you step into the Earl of Ranleigh's exclusive club, you'll quickly realise that membership requires more than just a lavish dinner. You must share a hair-raising tale of the supernatural to prove your worth. But be warned - not everything is as it appears. What lurks in the shadows may haunt you forever. Are you brave enough to face the unknown?
- Bog
- 103,95 kr.
- Ascent to Heaven: The Church of Man.
98,95 kr. "If you want to be famous, start a band. If you want to be rich start a religion..."In the universe, humanity reigns supreme under the iron-fisted rule of the Church of Man. Their dogma is clear and uncompromising: there are no extraterrestrial beings, no divine entities to worship, and the only faith that holds true is the one that acknowledges humanity's singular place in the universe. Any dissent from this creed is considered treason and met with swift and brutal punishment.The Church of Man's grip on power is absolute, and they use every tool at their disposal to maintain it. Those who dare to question their teachings are branded as Artificers, traitors to the state who threaten the very fabric of society. The Church's response to such heresy is ruthless, as they stamp out any sign of dissent with unyielding force.For thousands of years, the church has reigned supreme over the vast reaches of known space. Its monolithic cathedrals stand as symbols of disbelief, and its priests, trained for years on Homeworld Earth, spread the word of unbelief throughout the galaxy.But all that is about to change. A diverse cast of characters will embark on a journey into the depths of space, challenging the very foundations upon which the Church of Man is built. In Genesis Space: Death in Heaven, bestselling author Michael White presents a thrilling space opera that will forever alter our perception of the universe.As the characters unravel the mysteries of space and uncover evidence that challenges the church's beliefs, they risk everything to reveal the truth. But the church will not go down without a fight. Will the truth prevail, or will the Church of Man continue to reign supreme, suppressing all dissent and opposition?The fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance in this epic tale of faith, science, and the ultimate quest for truth. Get ready for a journey like no other, where nothing is as it seems and everything is up for grabs. The Church of Man may have ruled for millennia, but now, the game is changing, and space will never be the same again.
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
- Going Deep with
88,95 kr. This is book 2 of the series. For book one copy and paste ... https: //www.amazon.com/dp/B06VVKV358Seung-Ah and Jim are back! This time Jim is going to Seung's city for a long weekend he cannot forget. If you thought the first book dragged Jim into the deep end you aint seen nothing yet! An adventure in dominance, submission and a lot of mind control
- Bog
- 88,95 kr.
143,95 kr. Der Start der erfolgreichen Hexenblut-TrilogieLees Familie wurde massakriert und sie selbst mit zwei Kugeln im Rücken zum Sterben in der Wüste zurückgelassen. Doch Lee wird von Pete und seiner Gang gerettet und kann ihren Häschern entkommen. Als sie nach jahrelanger Flucht wie durch Zufall auf die Spur der Mörder stösst, sieht sie die Chance gekommen, Rache zu nehmen - und gerät in eine tödliche Falle! Frank, ein Diener uralter Vampire, bringt Lee in seine Gewalt und verwandelt sie in eine nach Menschenblut gierende Killermaschine. Um ihre Freiheit zurückzugewinnen schließt Lee einen blutigen Kontrakt mit Frank und kann ihn überlisten. Auf ihrer Flucht trifft sie auf Jennifer, eine geheimnisvolle Vampirin, die sich als alte Feindin Franks und seiner Hintermänner entpuppt. Jennifer nimmt Lee bei sich auf und weiht sie in die Geheimnisse der Unsterblichen ein. Für kurze Zeit wähnt sich Lee in Sicherheit, doch ihre Feinde haben ihre Witterung wieder aufgenommen und bringen Lees Geliebte Tanya in ihre Gewalt. Vor die Wahl gestellt, Tanya zu verraten und damit endgültig zum Monstrum zu werden oder ihre Menschlichkeit zu bewahren, stellt sich Lee dem finalen Kampf mit ihrem Widersacher und öffnet ein Tor zur Hölle, durch das nur einer in die Welt der Lebenden zurückkehren wird... Die weiteren Bände der Hexenblut-Reihe "Die Rache der Toten" und "Die Königin der Toten" sind ebenfalls als Ebook und als Taschenbuch bei Amazon erhältlich!
- Bog
- 143,95 kr.
198,95 kr. Set in the near future, our lives have been disrupted by the collision of our moon with astronoid and man has almost been eliminated. Some leather men have surrived and other near men are present. How they all unite to find their roots is the subject of this story.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
- A Henry Wadsworth Mystery
153,95 kr. On a cold February night in 1909, the nephew of President Theodore Roosevelt tumbled out of a window at Harvard and fell five stories to his death. "An accident," swore the coroner; "a horrible tragedy," stated the family; "a sobering loss," announced the College - and everyone agreed. Everyone that is, except a certain Henry Wadsworth, reporter on the Harvard Crimson, and Groton chum of the corpse now lying in the Cambridge morgue. Henry sets out to discover the truth of his friend's death, and quickly finds that very little at Harvard is what it seems. Intrigue, scandal, and cover-up quickly become the stuff of murder, threatening not only Henry's life, but his very self-identity. Part fact, part historical fiction, part murder mystery, part coming-of-age story, Descent brings the Gilded Age at Harvard vividly and thrillingly alive.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
153,95 kr. 7 FEMDOM stories about 8 POWERFUL WOMEN who use SEXY LEGS and SEDUCTIVE MINDS to get what they want. 2 bonus, erotic sci-fi stories. Look Inside to read the ENTIRE First Story! ________________________________________ MRS LIDDAS - Michael gets a biology lesson. HYANI MUSAKI, JAPANESE EXECUTIVE - Daniel is in line for promotion. ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ - Joseph makes a dangerous deal. Will he ever see his family again? TUTORING THE POLANOS - Matthew thought teaching Cassandra was difficult, well how about her mum? IN A PERFECT WORLD - James is cornered in a coffee shop. THE ORGANIST - A night at the opera turns interesting. STRANGER FROM STRANGE LANDS - Jason gives up his bedroom for an older friend. MALFUNCTION - They were half way to Jupiter when the hole appeared. BLOW UP - Sexual havoc unleashed on San Francisco!
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
93,95 kr. Charlie Horse has very set ideas of just how his pub should be run. No food (apart from crisps and nuts) and very definite ideas about what kind of customers are welcome in his hostelry. Unbeknown to Charlie however, there is something very odd indeed going on in "The Bucket and Shovel", and for just this once, Charlie is going to be the last person to find out. Because very shortly, an inspector is going to call...Please note this is a short story and is quite difficult to categorise - there are slight elements of fantasy (although it has a contemporary setting) as well as a smattering of mystery, and also is intended to have a slight Pratchettesque feeling to it. This short story is also available in the "Paul McCartney's Coat and Other Stories" collection, along with nine other tales, and is available to purchase separately.
- Bog
- 93,95 kr.
- Vampirthriller
123,95 kr. Der zweite Band der erfolgreichen Hexenblut-Trilogie Die sterblichen Mörder ihrer Familie sind tot - doch Lees Rachedurst ist immer noch nicht gestillt. Mit Hilfe der unruhigen Toten beschwört sie ein Wesen aus der Unterwelt herauf und fordert damit die Uralten heraus. In der goldenen Stadt enthüllen diese Lee endlich den wahren Grund für ihre Verwandlung in ein Kind der Nacht - sie soll das Portal öffnen, hinter dem sich die Blutgöttin in ihrem unruhigen Schlummer wiegt. Lee begibt sich auf die Suche nach dem Portal - nicht wissend, dass ihre alte Feindin Catherine die Rückkehr der Göttin um jeden Preis verhindern will. Währenddessen planen die Uralten die Macht der Göttin an sich zu reißen - und der Preis dafür ist Lees unsterbliche Seele... Der weiteren Bände der Hexenblut-Reihe sind ebenfalls als Ebook und als Taschenbuch bei Amazon erhältlich!
- Bog
- 123,95 kr.
- The Story of Briseis the Slave Girl
143,95 kr. Briseis, a girl stolen into slavery, was the subject of the conflict between the Achilles and Agamemnon that lies at the heart of Homer's Iliad, the first and greatest epic ever written. This is her story.
- Bog
- 143,95 kr.
- Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving Crafts For Kids.
88,95 kr. Make the perfect gift for anyone who loves coloring! Enjoy this Thanksgiving Coloring Book For Children. Click the cover to reveal what's inside!About this book: - Printed on high-quality solid white paper, - Easily color with crayons, colored pencils or colored pens, - Beautiful designs appropriate for all ages, - Each coloring page is printed on a separate page to avoid bleed throughPut a SMILE on your child's face! Scroll up and BUY NOW!
- Bog
- 88,95 kr.
108,95 kr. This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
- Volume One
88,95 kr. Tales from the Village Green - Collected Tales (Volume 1) brings together the first five of Michael White's well loved cricket stories, stories of friendship, heroism, and fierce battles on the cricket pitch. Included in this collection - Never Give Up After another poor performance, John is dropped from Welmsworth Seconds, and at sixty-one years old thinks his career in village cricket might be over for good. Then he gets one last chance to prove himself... The Substitute Mewteth Seconds are one player short for the game that could decide which team goes up and which team goes down from Cornish League Seven East. Mewteth's captain has found a substitute player, but only if Trevor, the captain of Ramswell Seconds, agrees. The guy has an unusual name, but what does it matter? He's never played cricket before... The Twelfth Man Kevin Green is his school cricket team's perennial twelfth man. On the unlikely occasions that he gets to play, he bats eleven, doesn't bowl, and fields at fine leg. Then one day, his form teacher, Mr. Woodhouse, asks him to play a real game - for Highfield's men's team. Kevin finally has a chance to prove he can play, but will he end up as hero or zero? Searching for W.G. Jimmy Wentworth is known as a stonewaller and has no chance of making the team for the Twenty20 Knockout Cup final. That is until he receives a mysterious message, and begins to grow a rather famous beard... Grandad's Old Bat Kenny is looking forward to trying out for his school team. What he's not looking forward to is using his grandad's tatty old bat. Used during his grandad's only first class century, Kenny isn't convinced that if he uses the bat special things could happen ... Michael White writes stories about village cricket. As a result each story is packed full of cricket terminology. If you don't know much about cricket then this book might not be for you. However, if you enjoy tales of simple heroism, you may find it worth a read.
- Bog
- 88,95 kr.