Bøger af Michael S. Malone
- Hvorfor nye organisationer er ti gange bedre, hurtigere og billigere – og hvordan din også bliver det.
198,95 kr. "Eksponentionelle organisationer" er en bog om, hvorfor den eksponentielle organisation er både hurtigere, bedre og billigere end andre organisationer. Det er en helt ny type virksomhed, som er opstået i løbet af de sidste fem år. Dens fokus er på, hvordan virksomheder via teknologi kan accelerere deres vækst.I "Eksponentielle organisationer" har tre stærke karakterer fra forretningsverdenen analyseret det nye virksomhedsfænomen. I analyserne dokumenteres 10 afgørende karakteristika for eksponentielle organisationer. Bogen er en introduktion til denne nye virksomhedstype, og den viser læseren, hvordan en almindelig virksomhed kan blive til en eksponentiel organisation.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
708,95 kr. The Craft of Professional Writing, 2nd edition, is the most complete manual ever written for every form of professional (and professional quality) writing.
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- 708,95 kr.
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- 208,95 kr.
369,95 kr. - Bog
- 369,95 kr.
434,95 kr. This book is not what it seems. It appears to be about technology, but it is really about people. It looks like a history book, but it is really an adventure story. Even its title is an oxymoron. These ambiguities are intentional, the paradoxes planned. The micro processor is not only a supremely important invention, but also a Rosetta Stone of our culture. To see how a microprocessor is made is to understand our cur rent limits of technology; to understand how it works is to appreciate the present sophistication of engineering; and to know how it is used is to discern the underlying social forces that are transforming our world. Even the events surrounding the microprocessor industry-the new marketing techniques, the litigation, the business partnerships-regularly set precedents that are soon followed by other industries. Thus the microprocessor, more than any other product, decodes and defines modern life. That's why understanding the microprocessor from every perspective is vitally important for all of us. And that is why The Microprocessor: A Biography was not written for a select audience, but for every audience-and especially for the general reader. If, as I believe, the microprocessor will define our lives for at least the next generation, if it has the potential for both great good and great evil, then for our own sake we need to know about the microprocessor in order to maintain control over it.
- Bog
- 434,95 kr.
- San Diego y Tijuana Dos paises, Dos ciudades, Una Comunidad
333,95 kr. ¿Una fascinante mirada a la historia y el futuro de esta mega región que une a México y Estados Unidos¿.¿Earl Anthony Wayne, Embajador de Estados Unidos en México (2011¿2015)Dos de las ciudades más importantes de Norteamérica están tan cerca físicamente que se tocarían si no estuvieran separadas por un muro en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México. Esa frontera ha sido un punto de confl icto durante siglos. Sin embargo, la realidad no contada en San Diego y Tijuana es que decenas de miles de personas cruzan ese muro en ambas direcciones¿legalmente¿cada día, para trabajar, ir a la escuela, socializar y visitar ¿el otro ladö. Si bien continúan las luchas por la inmigración indocumentada y el narcotráfi co en sus respectivos países, los ciudadanos de estas dos ciudades han construido una paz independiente sin igual en cualquier otro lugar del mundo.El Tercer País cuenta por primera vez la historia de Tijuana y San Diegöuna historia inolvidable de guerra y cooperación pacífi ca, dependencia y destino compartido, explotación y amistad. Sobre todo, cuenta las historias de individuos de ambos lados de la frontera que han acercado a las dos ciudades para su benefi cio mutuo. Esta fascinante narrativa nos da la esperanza de una solución universal a uno de los desafíos más apremiantes de este siglo y ofrece valiosas lecciones a las naciones de todo el mundo sobre la creación de alianzas binacionales transfronterizas..¿Ojalá El Tercer País: San Diego y Tijuana hubiera estado disponible para mí cuando llegué a Tijuana por primera vez como oficial del servicio exterior¿hubiera sido un tremendo recurso. Lo recomiendo como lectura obligatoria para todos los nuevos oficiales del gobierno asignados a la frontera México/Estados Unidos. Cualquiera que tenga curiosidad por los movimientos transfronterizos de personas y carga encontrará en este libro un recurso inestimable para entender cómo funcionan las fronteras modernas¿. ¿Andrew Erickson, Cónsul General de Estados Unidos en Tijuana¿Después de haber pasado 8 años en el área de Tijuana-San Diego, sé que ambas ciudades, a pesar de sus diferencias, han forjado conexiones extensas, mutuas y gratificantes. El Tercer País captura de manera brillante el alcance y la escala de estos lazos, rastrea su origen y evolución y apunta a un futuro prometedor. Descubriendo esta comunidad transfronteriza binacional puede constituir una sorprendente revelación para más de un lector¿. ¿Remedios Gómez Arnau, Cónsul General de México en San Diego¿Con una clara comprensión de lo que San Diego y Tijuana son individualmente, El Tercer País: San Diego y Tijuana, ofrece una sorprendente e interesante fotografía instantánea del personaje principal de la historia: la región fronteriza México / Estados Unidos en el Océano Pacífico, encarnada por estas dos ciudades. Las acciones de un elenco binacional diverso de actores individuales e institucionales resaltan el valor del ¿poder blandö en la reinvención de la dinámica regional. El libro arroja una luz importante sobre cómo la cooperación en una zona fronteriza compartida permite a ambas ciudades enfrentar desafíos comunes y aprovechar muchas oportunidades¿. ¿Carlos González Gutierrez, Cónsul General de México en San Diego
- Bog
- 333,95 kr.
- San Diego & Tijuana: Two Countries, Two Cities, One Community
333,95 kr. "A fascinating look at the history and future of this mega-region binding Mexico and the United States."-Earl Anthony Wayne, US Ambassador to Mexico (2011-2015)Two of the most important cities in North America are so physically close they would touch were they not separated by a wall at the US-Mexico border. That border has been a flashpoint of contention for centuries. And yet, the untold reality in San Diego and Tijuana is that tens of thousands of people cross through that wall in both directions-lawfully-each day, to work, go to school, socialize, and visit "the other side of town." While fights over undocumented immigration and drug trafficking continue in their respective countries, the citizens of these two cities have built a separate peace unmatched anywhere else in the world.El Tercer País tells the story of Tijuana and San Diego for the first time-an unforgettable tale of war and peaceful cooperation, dependency and shared destiny, exploitation and amity. Most of all, it tells the stories of forward-thinking individuals on both sides of the border who have brought the cities together for their mutual benefit. Th is enthralling narrative gives hope for a universal solution to one of this century''s most pressing challenges and offers valuable lessons to nations everywhere about creating cross-border, binational partnerships.I wish El Tercer País: San Diego and Tijuana had been available to me when I first got to Tijuana as a foreign service officer-it would have been a tremendous resource. I recommend it as required reading for all new government officials assigned to the US-Mexico border. Anyone curious about the cross-border movements of people and cargo will find this book an invaluable resource in understanding how modern borders work. -Andrew Erickson, US consul general in TijuanaHaving spent eight years in the Tijuana-San Diego area, I know that both cities, despite their differences, have forged extensive mutual and rewarding connections. El Tercer País brilliantly captures the scope and scale of these ties, traces their origin and evolution, and points to a promising future. Discovering this binational cross-border community may be a surprising revelation for more than one reader. -Remedios Gómez Arnau, consul general of Mexico in San DiegoWith a clear understanding of what San Diego and Tijuana are individually, El Tercer País: San Diego and Tijuana provides an interesting snapshot of its main character: the border region conformed by these two cities. With a diverse, binational cast of individual and institutional stakeholders, and highlighting the importance of soft power to reinvent the relationship''s dynamics, the book sheds light on the importance of collaboration and cooperation at the borderlands, both to face common challenges and to take advantage of the many opportunities. -Carlos González Gutierrez, consul general of Mexico in San Diego
- Bog
- 333,95 kr.
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- 331,95 kr.
- How Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, and Andy Grove Built the World's Most Important Company
268,95 kr. The definitive history of the Intel Corporation?the essential company of the digital age?told through the lives of its three preeminent figures: Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, and Andy GroveIntel has often been hailed as the most important company in the world, and with good reason: While technology companies come and go, Intel remains, more than four decades after its inception, a defining company of the global digital economy. The legendary inventor of the microprocessor?the single most significant product in the modern world?Intel today builds the tiny "engines" that power almost every intelligent electronic device on the planet.But the true story of Intel is the human story of the three geniuses behind it. In The Intel Trinity, Michael S. Malone takes an unflinching look at the strengths and weaknesses each member of the trio has brought to Intel, and how, without the perfect balance, the company would never have reached its current level of success. Robert Noyce, the most respected high- tech figure of his generation, brought credibility (and money) to the company's founding; Gordon Moore made Intel the world's technological leader; and Andy Grove relentlessly drove the company to ever-higher levels of success and competitiveness. Without any one of these figures, Intel would never have achieved its historic success; with them, Intel made possible the personal computer, the Internet, telecommunications, and the personal electronics revolution.Based on unprecedented access to corporate archives, The Intel Trinity reveals the fascinating stories behind the company's ubiquitous products and the unique business practices?including a willingness to commit to new ideas, an initiative to make bold investments in lean times, and a devotion to upholding Gordon Moore's namesake law?that led Intel to consistent success unheard of elsewhere in the tech world.The Intel Trinity is not just the story of Intel's legendary past; it is also an analysis of the formidable challenges that lie ahead as the company struggles to maintain its dominance, its culture, and its legacy.
- Bog
- 268,95 kr.
489,95 kr. - Bog
- 489,95 kr.