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Bøger af Michael O'connor

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  • af Michael O'connor
    138,95 kr.

    This is a fully distilled book of poetry having been sweetened so that only the essential meanings remain superlative to the highest degree, bravely, most fiercely.

  • af Michael O'connor
    218,95 kr.

    Veracity of Ghost Light is about concealed mystery. Concealed mystery can be enhanced recollections for some, or lost memories for others. This is a play.

  • - A Tale of Love and Adventure
    af Michael O'connor
    363,95 kr.

    In the years before Papua New Guinea became independent, Michael O'Connor was for nine years a district administrator - a kiap - in remote parts of one of the planet's most forbidding environments. His is a story not only of the extension of law and order and the development of representative government but also of the experience of his young family in a fascinating world. It is a story of life that lacked any kind of modern facilities in isolated areas where travel was mostly on foot through mosquito-ridden swamps to freezing mountain ridges. Above all, it is a story of a people whose material poverty was overlaid with their friendship and good humor.

  • af Michael O'connor
    243,95 kr.

    I am too tired to fight fifty. The role of middle age is still not apparent to me, but I know that I will eventually get it-I have to as there is no other choice. Bringing this glass to my face I am aroused by the role age plays in the selection of wine-too far apparent. The glass of Chianti in front of me is deep red and the bouquet is richly berried, finishing off quite dry.

  • af Michael O'connor
    98,95 kr.

    He stroked and prodded Constance, all the while crudely continuing to compliment her physical attributes. Eventually, much to her relief, his attention was diverted to the board game on the table. 'I wonder what this is all about, ' he mused, leaning over to carefully study it. 'Better not touch anything, just to be on the safe side. Wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of your master.' He turned back to Constance. 'I wonder how long he'll be gone for. Long enough for me to have a little fun with you, eh?' Constance was looking for the perfect master......he demanded the perfect slave!

  • af Michael O'connor
    193,95 kr.

    Theatre Series by Michael O'Connor This is the third installment in the BhamAMP Business Arts MediaPlex Theatre Series written for smooth, snag free performance on all types of stages should they exit in physical or virtual terrains. Interests in performance are not absolute or conditional, and one assumes that they will be less structured than normal; given that normalcy was never a requirement. In short, these plays were conceptualized and developed as immersive visualization environments which combine the fine arts and digital display information for multi-screen, multi-media and multi-modal purposes. Having fun with them is indispensible provided that attribution is a vital constituent of a thing called production: that without which a thing cannot be itself. The Theatre Series includes the following releases: Jack's Day off Veracity of Ghost Light Perceptive Sensations

  • af Michael O'connor
    163,95 kr.

    The person heading down the street is body in motion. It is not particularly graceful. As a matter of projection one could suggest that it was somewhat grotesque as visible in slow motion. The body staggers foreword in zigzag fashion and as suddenly collapses against hard pavement, just missing the softer grasses by inches. From there this world becomes capriciously opaque until the director calls: "Cut, that is a wrap."

  • af Michael O'connor
    168,95 kr.

    It's a fine romance. It was a day and night on the beach when she turns forty. "This is foreplay, my friend. Did you know the feeling one gets straddling across that seat? It is the physical entailment, those simple directions from brain to feet, and an appreciation of the eloquent character of Venice Beach with no apology. This echoes in my head as I cross from the Bike Path over to the main Oceanfront Walk ever so mindful of those who are standing before me and flagging me down. Someone else wants my attention."

  • af Michael O'connor
    193,95 kr.

    There is this notion of a right of way and that this can ever truly be enforced using a balance between caution and passion. So what is more trust worthy, indeed, other than proximation by method of circumstance, fact and specification which succeeds as a result. This is Michael's second science fiction novel, and one which will succeed, naturally, as an extraordinary course of things and probable results. Having spent twenty-plus years in advanced platform technologies coupled with a lifetime in the fine arts, this is not entirely out of the range of expectations. Here is Ethos in Proximity, to the middle of the way to the central line of the road, via literature in due course. Choose knowingly.

  • af Michael O'connor
    208,95 kr.

    Shamans have long told stories of a naturally-occurring mineral possessing so much healing power it would cost the global pharmaceutical industry billions in profits if found. A brilliant but deranged physician covertly discovers a deposit of the stuff under the ground on old Cody McPherson's ranch in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The mineral is called montmorillonite, and "Doc" intends to lay his hands on it at any cost. Cody is murdered in a remote corner of his 8,400-acre ranch. His horse Boone is the only witness, and the two murderers go undetected. Hundreds of miles distant, Tom Larkin leaves Saint Paul, Minnesota on a quest to find himself, and just maybe save his marriage. Larkin's obsession with owning the dead rancher's land has set him on a collision course with the killers. His immediate obsession with Eva, an exotic local woman, leads Larkin into a passionate alliance that nearly destroys him and his marriage. Eva has an illegitimate child by Doc, who coerced her to betray Larkin. Finally, Eva makes a courageous stand. But did she wait too long? Using information Eva supplied to them, the killers have laid their trap for Larkin. Now his life is in play. Larkin breaks the law, his wife's heart and his personal code of ethics to stay alive. Along the way, he learns the painful difference between what he covets and what he holds most dear. Native Ground is a thought-provoking, yet thoroughly delightful romp through the mystical Black Hills, the erotic adventures of Eva Shepherd, and Tom Larkin's gut-wrenching journey in search of meaning in an anything-for-money world.

  • af Michael O'connor
    198,95 kr.

  • af Michael O'connor
    118,95 kr.

    Many strive for this thing called self actualization, which can be a precursor to self autonomy. Artists, including writers, think that they can represent this as a link to the secrets of the past. This book finds that connecting milestones of life, through art, one can understand the present in order to link to the future.

  • af Michael O'connor
    223,95 kr.

    There are three stages of twilight which all start after sunset and end before sunrise. The differences are a matter of degree. The truth is that there are three conceptions as to what constitutes truth: agreement of a thought and reality; eventual verification; and consistency of thought with itself. The differences are also a matter of degree. What happens when it begins to get dark is a range of a thing in time space, and how it is remembered is a matter of interpretation.

  • af Michael O'connor
    153,95 kr.

    Our mighty forays into deep space are much more extensive and better understood than the 70% of the waterways which covers this planet. Having understood it coming and going, I am happy to read about and watch the tenfold increase in funding exploration under the surface, and down to the mighty trenches which blanket the ocean floor around this globe. These are still secret places.

  • af Michael O'connor
    113,95 kr.

    The historical origins of Pagan Easter, Jewish Passover, and Christian Easter. Included are the cultural and geographical developments of each, and their intertwining over centuries. The character and spiritual essence of each are very different from the other, however symbols are sometimes used interchangeably. Also discussed is the modern view on the topic, as well as traditions among various Christian denominations. The significance to the modern Christian is discussed at the conclusion.

  • af Michael O'connor
    278,95 kr.

  • af Michael O'connor
    218,95 kr.

  • af Michael O'connor
    263,95 kr.

  • af Michael O'connor
    218,95 kr.

  • af Michael O'connor
    173,95 kr.

  • af Michael O'connor
    223,95 kr.

  • af Michael O'connor
    218,95 kr.

  • af Michael O'connor
    173,95 kr.

  • af Michael O'connor
    233,95 kr.

  • af Michael O'connor
    168,95 kr.

  • af Michael O'connor
    208,95 kr.

  • af Michael O'connor
    113,95 kr.

  • af Michael O'connor
    243,95 kr.

  • af Kim Martin Nielsen, Andy Hargreaves, Nanna Paarup, mfl.
    153,95 kr.

    Dette nummer af tidsskriftet indeholder følgende artikler: Din betydning for det gode og meningsfulde teamsamarbejdeAf Søs Rask Andresen og Nanna PaarupSom leder er du helt afgørende for, om teamsamarbejdet fungerer godt. Denne artikel giver dig lejlighed til at reflektere over din ledelse og den indvirkning, den har på samarbejdet på din arbejdsplads. Artiklen beskriver erfaringer med det gode teamsamarbejde, så du kan afklare, hvad du skal fortsætte med, og hvor du med fordel kan ændre din praksis. Alt sammen med det formål at opnå et mere meningsfuldt og effektivt teamsamarbejde.En læringskultur med kollektivt growth mindsetAf Kim Martin Nielsen og Michael DassaHvordan kan skoleledelsen skabe en kultur blandt sine medarbejdere, således at de får større lyst og vilje til at indgå i de læringsmuligheder, der ligger i hverdagen? Denne artikel giver et praksisorienteret bud på, hvorfor et kollektivt growth mindset bør være fundamentet for en lærings- og feedbackkultur, og ser nærmere på, hvilke faktorer i fællesskabet ledere, vejledere og ressourcepersoner skal være særligt opmærksomme på.Fortale for kollaborativ professionalisme: Fra professionelt samarbejde til kollaborativ professionalismeAf Andy Hargreaves og Michael T. O’ConnorI dette uddrag af bogen Kollaborativ professionalisme får du et aktuelt indspark til yderligere at kvalificere de teamsamarbejdsprocesser, der blev igangsat på danske skoler med introduktionen af professionelle læringsfællesskaber. Det sker gennem kollaborativ professionalisme, som markerer tredje bølge inden for professionelle læringsfællesskaber, og hvor fokus er på at samarbejde med eleverne og ikke kun for eleverne til et perspektiv.Få det til at ske – adfærdsledelse og implementering: opfattelseAf Henrik DresbøllDenne artikel er den anden i en serie på fire artikler, der handler om adfærdsledelse og implementering af dette. Hvor den første artikel så på, hvordan implementeringstiltag kan optimeres gennem fokus på den menneskelige opmærksomhed, ser denne artikel nærmere på, hvordan vi former meninger og holdninger gennem vores opfattelse af, hvordan verden er indrettet.Anmeldelse af Relationel kapacitetAf Peter Andersen

  • - A Biography
    af Michael O'connor
    488,95 kr.

    This book chronicles the life story of Ted Turner-cable television mogul, successful baseball team owner, and fascinating public figure.