Bøger af Michael Neill
- The Only Thing You Need to Know to Change Your Life Forever
148,95 kr. Would you like to experience amazing clarity, peace and freedom, even in the midst of challenging circumstances? This title explains where our feelings come from and how our experience of life can transform for the better in a matter of moments.
- Bog
- 148,95 kr.
- 10 Secrets To Transform Anyone's Life
173,95 kr. Shares the secrets of transforming your life and the lives of the people you care about most - your family, friends, colleagues and clients. This book helps you learn: the key to life-long happiness; how to stop thinking like a victim and become the predominant creative force in your life; and more.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- A 90-day Program to Get Your Dreams Out of Your Head and into the World
198,95 kr. Creating the Impossible reveals a surprising yet practical alternative to traditional approaches to goal-setting, productivity, creativity and project management. Perfect for solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, artists, work teams, leaders and anyone who has ever dreamed an impossible dream but given up before they ever really got started.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
- Finding Your Way Back Home
178,95 kr. There is a space within you where you are already perfect, whole and complete. It is a space of pure consciousness - the space inside which all thoughts come and go. When you rest in the feeling of this space, the warmth of it heals your mind and body. This book deals with the space of pre consciousness.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
- Alt hvad du behøver at vide for at forandre dit liv
73,95 - 213,95 kr. Livet opleves indefra og ud ændrer, hvordan vi kigger på tingene. Den gør det uden løftede pegefingre i en fascinerende samtale med læseren om hvordan vi oplever virkeligheden. Vi har vænnet os til at søge vores behov dækket i verden uden for os selv og problemer i den forbindelse er årsag til hårdt slid, men også ubehagelige tilstande som frustrationer og stress. Men den verden, vi ser derude, spejler blot vores tanker om den. Vi ser den ikke, som den er. Vi ser vores egne tanker om den. Så en hvilken som helst frustration er ikke feedback om en situation, men feedback om en ubehagelig tanke.Og hvad skal man så gøre? Ingenting. Det er selve vores forsøg på at gøre noget, der fjerner os fra det, vi søger. Vi er allerede, som vi skal være. Uden stressede tanker er der en naturlig væren – en dyb følelse af at være til stede – en glæde, som er uafhængig af ydre forhold. Alle mennesker har haft glimt af denne tilstand og der kommer flere af dem, mens man læser.
98,95 kr. Si SUPER COACH es nuevo para ti, simplemente disfrútalo. Confío en que te será útil y esclarecedor. A medida que lo escuches, tu experiencia de vida comenzará a mejorar sin esfuerzo y, a veces, ni siquiera vas a poder señalar una razón específica para ello. Es una introducción a algunas verdades universales que cambian el juego de la vida, está diseñada para personas que desean mejorar sus propias vidas y poner su granito de arena para que este mundo sea mejor. SUPER COACH ES UNA INVITACIÓN: ¡ EXPLORA, APRENDE y DISFRUTA !Este audiolibro está narrado en español latinoMichael Neill es coach de transformación de renombre internacional; o sea un maestro, un guía para transformar la vida personal y profesional de cualquier persona. Lo llaman "coach de coachs". Ha obtenido un extraordinario respeto dentro de su campo, pues, a través de su práctica, usando el humor, la inteligencia y el amor, logra liberar el potencial humano. Durante 30 años ha sido coach, asesor, amigo y mentor de celebridades, directores de empresas y de la realeza. Da un impulso creativo a todas aquellas personas que quieren aprovechar su propia vida. Michael es un comunicador talentoso que ha escrito seis libros, muchos de ellos de superación personal y autoayuda, que se han traducido a 22 idiomas. Sus libros han vendido, a nivel mundial, más de 7 millones de ejemplares. Sus conferencias, retiros, seminarios y programas por internet han transformado la vida de personas de más de 60 países en 6 continentes.
- Lydbog
- 98,95 kr.
258,95 kr. Are you ready to make your dreams come true?>Thousands of people from all over the world have already used the principles behind this 90-day program to reconnect with their creative spark and get their most important ideas and projects out of their head and into the world. Now it's your turn... What if you could accomplish more than you ever imagined without the constant stress and pressure associated with "high achievement?" What if creating what you want to see in the world isn't dependent on believing in yourself, or even believing that it's possible? Whether you want breakthrough results for your business, yourself, or your life, this book will change the way you see yourself as you learn to make the impossible possible!
- Bog
- 258,95 kr.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
198,95 kr. - Bog
- 198,95 kr.
153,95 kr. - Bog
- 153,95 kr.
- Bog
- 103,95 kr.
- Power, Politics, and Society in English Renaissance Drama
563,95 - 1.360,95 kr. Covering dramatic works by Shakespeare, John Fletcher, Philip Massinger, and others-and reflecting upon subjects ranging from social attitudes towards racial difference and adultery to the politics of mercantilism and the hierarchy of master/servant relationships-the book reenergizes the discussion of Renaissance drama and history.
- Bog
- 563,95 kr.
- Small Changes that Make a Huge Difference
158,95 kr. Reveals the 'how' of happiness - simple, effective ways to beat stress, overcome anxiety, move beyond depression and reap the benefits of feeling happy, in spite of it all. This book helps you find the Happy Formula - three simple steps that can enable you to feel good, feel better and even feel happy in any situation.
- Bog
- 158,95 kr.
157,95 kr. Shares the wisdom that the author has acquired from 15 years of working with thousands of individuals and experimenting with hundreds of techniques for creating a better life. This book offers tips, tricks and techniques and helps people recognize the unique contribution you are here to make in the world; and learn how to create the life you want.
- Bog
- 157,95 kr.
507,95 kr. Originally published in 1988, John Ford: Critical Re-Visions offers a wholesale reconsideration of the reputation of a major Caroline playwright. The volume takes an historical perspective and offers a better understanding of Ford's achievement in the light of the theatrical and social conditions of his own day.
- Bog
- 507,95 kr.