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Bøger af Michael Lewis

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  • af Michael Lewis & Traci Kochendorfer
    294,45 kr.

  • af Michael Lewis
    407,95 kr.

    Presents a narrative account of the post-2016 election chaos that took over Washington to reveal how a small number of uninformed Trump appointees are triggering devastating world consequences.

  • af Michael Lewis
    183,95 kr.

    La excepcional crónica del crash inmobiliario que originó la mayor crisis de los últimos 70 años. La gran apuesta es la excepcional crónica del crash inmobiliario que originó la mayor crisis de los últimos ochenta años. Cuando en otoño de 2008 la economía estadounidense se hundió, arrastrando tras de sí a buena parte del mundo desarrollado a una crisis de la que aún no hemos salido, a un grupo de personas no le sorprendió en absoluto. Eran unos cuantos inversores y analistas inteligentes que habían comprendido lo que estaba pasando, pero no dijeron nada, paralizados por el miedo y las posibles ganancias. La pregunta clave que plantea Michael Lewis es:¿quién se dio cuenta del riesgo que suponía dar por sentado que los precios del sector inmobiliario seguirían siempre al alza? Un riesgo complicado, además, por la creación de esos activos extraños y artificiales a partir de hipotecas dudosas. Para contestar esta pregunta Lewis nos presenta una historia increíble a través de los personajes que la protagonizaron, repleta de indignación y oscura ironía. "El mejor contador de historias de nuestra generación". Malcolm Gladwell "Nadie escribe con mayor agilidad narrativa sobre dinero y finanzas que Michael Lewis. Logra usar las historias de sus protagonistas para explicar la avaricia, la estupidez y la hipocresía de un sistema con una carencia notoria de supervisión seria. Con un estilo parecido al de Tom Wolfe, Lewis consigue introducir al lector de modo colorido en el mundo darwiniano del mercado de bonos." Michiko Kakutani , The New York Times "Probablemente el mejor libro de periodismo financiero de la historia." Felix Salmon, Reuters "La obra de nuestro mejor periodista económico, en su mejor forma. Y de lectura obligatoria." Graydon Carter, Vanity Fair ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The author of the signature bestseller Liar's Poker explains how the event we were told was impossible--the free fall of the American economy--finally occurred; how the things that we wanted, like ridiculously easy money and greatly expanded home ownership, were vehicles for that crash; and how shareholder demand for profit forced investment executives to eat the forbidden fruit of toxic derivatives.

  • - Another Writing
    af Michael Lewis
    1.219,45 kr.

    Derrida and Lacan: Another Writing argues that Jacques Derrida's philosophical understanding of language should be supplemented by Jacques Lacan's psychoanalytic approach to the symbolic order. Lacan adopts a non-philosophical, genetic or developmental approach to the question of language and in doing so isolates a dimension that Derrida cannot properly envisage: the imaginary. Michael Lewis argues that the real must be understood not just in relation to the symbolic but also in relation to the imaginary. The existence of an alternative approach to the real that is other than language allows us to identify the idiosyncrasies of Derrida's purely transcendental approach, an approach that addresses language in terms of its conditions of possibility. Lacan shows us that an attention to the genesis of the symbolic order of language and culture should lead us to understand this real other in a different way.This book relates transcendental thought to the insights of non-philosophical thought, and, more specifically, it proposes a way in which philosophy might relate to the insights of the human and natural sciences. By critically juxtaposing Derrida and Lacan, Derrida and Lacan: Another Writing attempts to systematise Slavoj Zizek's presentation of a Lacanian alternative to Derridean deconstruction. This work should be of interest to all readers in continental thought and transcendental philosophy, deconstruction, psychoanalysis, and literary studies.

  • af Michael Lewis
    115,95 kr.

    Step into the legendary world of medieval Europe. Meet powerful monarchs and chivalric knights, devout religious leaders and talented craftsmen. Experience the opulent life of court and the bustling world of newly developing urban centres. Admire the beautiful, vibrant art for which this period is renowned and witness the formation of states and cultures still recognized today. This souvenir catalogue showcases exquisite artifacts from the world-renowned British Museum to tell the story of this fascinating time in European history.

  • af Michael Lewis
    219,45 kr.

    When he became a father, Michael Lewis found himself expected to feel things that he didn't feel, and to do things that he couldn't see the point of doing. At first this made him feel guilty, until he realized that all around him fathers were pretending to do one thing, to feel one way, when in fact they felt and did all sorts of things, then engaged in what amounted to an extended cover-up.Lewis decided to keep a written record of what actually happened immediately after the birth of each of his three children. This book is that record. But it is also something else: maybe the funniest, most unsparing account of ordinary daily household life ever recorded from the point of view of the man inside. The remarkable thing about this story isn't that Lewis is so unusual. It's that he is so typical. The only wonder is that his wife has allowed him to publish it.

  • af Glenn Stout & Richard Ben Cramer
    214,45 - 269,45 kr.

  • af Michael Lewis
    164,45 kr.

    With his knowing eye and wicked pen, Michael Lewis reveals how the Internet boom has encouraged changes in the way we live, work, and think. In the midst of one of the greatest status revolutions in the history of the world, the Internet has become a weapon in the hands of revolutionaries. Old priesthoods are crumbling. In the new order, the amateur is king: fourteen-year-olds manipulate the stock market and nineteen-year-olds take down the music industry. Unseen forces undermine all forms of collectivism, from the family to the mass market: one black box has the power to end television as we know it, and another one may dictate significant changes in our practice of democracy. With a new afterword by the author.

  • - A Pandemic Story
    af Michael Lewis
    114,95 kr.

    New York Times Bestseller For those who could read between the lines, the censored news out of China was terrifying. But the president insisted there was nothing to worry about.

  • - Even Among Those Who Have Been Picked Over, Culled Out, Damaged, Dumped, And Left For Dead
    af Michael Lewis
    119,95 kr.

  • - 100 Poems
    af Michael Lewis
    122,95 kr.

  • af Michael Lewis
    122,95 kr.

  • af Michael Lewis
    131,95 kr.

  • - Mass Protest in Imperial Japan
    af Michael Lewis
    579,95 - 1.064,95 kr.

  • - The Dispensary System and the Battle over Liquor in South Carolina, 1907-1915
    af Michael Lewis
    559,45 kr.

    Examines the rise and fall of South Carolina's state-run liquor dispensary system from its emergence in the 1890s until prohibition in 1915. In this study, Michael Lewis offers a complete rendering of South Carolina's path to universal prohibition and sharpens our understanding of historical southern attitudes towards race, religion, and alcohol.

  • - 17 Turbulent Tales Edited by Stephen King and Bev Vincent
    af Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Stephen King, Ambrose Bierce, mfl.
    119,45 kr.

    An anthology of turbulent tales edited by Stephen King and Bev Vincent. This exciting new collection, perfect for airport and aeroplane reading, includes an original introduction and story notes for each story by Stephen King, and brand new stories from Stephen King and Joe Hill.

  • af Michael Lewis
    244,45 kr.

    A look at fifty fascinating finds from the medieval era, all recorded by the portable antiquities scheme.

  • - Sincerity, Charm, and the Fossilised Dialectic
    af Michael Lewis
    507,95 - 1.605,95 kr.

    Can philosophy conceive of a perfect animal? Can it think of the animal as anything other than an imperfect human? This books using the Hegelian dialect to rework the philosophy of nature in order to assign a proper place to the animal.

  • - Undoing Democracy
    af Michael Lewis
    119,45 kr.

  • af Michael Lewis
    589,95 - 2.471,95 kr.

    This rethinking of ethics and politics in light of the originality of 'being-with' brings us before a hitherto unnoticed proximity between Heidegger's later work and the Lacanian political thought of Slavoj Zizek among others; it thereby opens up the possibility of a politically progressive Heideggerianism, and many unexpected.

  • - On Nature
    af Michael Lewis
    586,95 - 2.164,95 kr.

    Argues that Heidegger's question of being cannot be separated from the question of nature and culture, and that the history of being describes the growing predominance of culture and technology over nature. This work proposes that we turn to Heidegger's thought in order fully to understand this crisis.

  • - Travels in the New Third World
    af Michael Lewis
    129,45 - 239,45 kr.

    As Pogo once said, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

  • - An Introduction
    af Michael Lewis & Tanja Staehler
    594,95 - 2.382,95 kr.

    Provides a comprehensive introduction to the concept of phenomenology, perhaps the most important and influential movement in twentieth century philosophy. This title explains the development of the phenomenological method in the works of four thinkers: Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty.

  • - A Silicon Valley Story
    af Michael Lewis
    184,45 kr.

  • - Lessons on the Game of Life
    af Michael Lewis
    144,45 - 154,95 kr.

    A story with a big heart about a boy, a coach, the game of baseball, and the game of life.

  • af Michael Lewis
    591,95 kr.

    Synthesizing decades of influential research and theory, Michael Lewis demonstrates the centrality of consciousness for emotional development. At first, infants competencies constitute innate reactions to particular physical events in the childs world. These action patterns are not learned, but are readily influenced by temperament and social interactions. With the rise of consciousness, these early competencies become reflected feelings, giving rise to the self-conscious emotions of empathy, envy, and embarrassment, and, later, shame, guilt, and pride. Focusing on typically developing children, Lewis also explores problems of atypical emotional development. Winner/m-/William James Book Award, Society for General Psychology (APA Division 1)

  • af Michael Lewis
    129,45 kr.

    This light-hearted look at business relations between Japan and the West follows the fortunes of two cultural transplants - Bob Collins, a forthright American insurance executive who lives and works in Tokyo, and Shuji Tomikawa, a Harvard-educated Japanese working for Mitsui Real Estate in New York City.Through his meetings with these men, the author is able to draw some surprising conclusions about current Japanese business practices, both in relation to foreigners attempting to trade with them, and in terms of their own headlong rush into overseas markets, from the Ginza bars of Tokyo to the wino gangs of Times Square.

  • af Michael Lewis
    129,45 kr.

    While Michael Lewis worked as a bond dealer at Salomon Brothers he began his second career as a journalist and helped to record a real-life 'bonfire of the vanities'. Not afraid of interviewing the world's most notorious financiers or of revealing the treachery and deception behind some of the biggest financial deals ever made, in The Money Culture, Lewis provides a contemporary record of the ups and downs of the world's money markets and the rise and fall of some of the larger-than-life personalities.