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Bøger af Michael Kelly

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  • af Michael Kelly & Monique Roelofs
    278,95 - 1.055,95 kr.

  • af Michael Kelly
    178,95 kr.

    From Quiet Homes is an historical novel evocatively grounded in a broad canvas of Australian life from the first to the second world wars. A love story is at its heart but the novel also raises broader issues about the moral dilemmas of war. It tells the story of a young Queenslander who, brought up with pacifist sympathies, nevertheless joins the RAF's Bomber Command in WWII. Shot down, he falls in love with his German nurse before losing contact in a POW camp. After the war he searches for her amid the ruins of two German cities.

  • af Michael Kelly
    345,95 kr.

    The image is so well known it is practically iconic: The reclusive poet, feminine and fragile, weaving verse of beguiling complexity from the room in which she kept herself sequestered from the world. The Belle of Amherst, the distinctive American voice, the singer of the soul's mysteries: Emily Dickinson. Yet that image scarcely captures the fullness and vitality of Dickinson's life, most notably her many connections--to family, to friends, to correspondents, to the literary tastemakers of her day, even to the unnamed, and perhaps unknowable, "Master" to whom she addressed three of her most breathtaking works of prose. Through an exploration of a relatively small group of items from Dickinson's vast literary remains, this volume--an accompaniment to an exhibition on Dickinson mounted at The Morgan Library & Museum in New York--demonstrates the complex ways in which these often humble objects came into conversation with other people, places, and events in the poet's life. Seeing the network of connections and influences that shaped Dickinson's life presents us with a different understanding of this most enigmatic yet elegiac poet in American letters, and allows us more fully to appreciate both her uniqueness and her humanity. The materials collected here make clear that the story of Dickinson's manuscripts, her life, and her work is still unfolding. While the image of Dickinson as the reclusive poet dressed only in white remains a popular myth, details of Dickinson's life continue to emerge. Several items included both in the exhibit and in this volume were not known to exist until the present century. The scrap of biographical intelligence recorded by Sarah Tuthill in a Mount Holyoke catalogue, or the concern about Dickinson's salvation expressed by Abby Wood in a private letter to Abiah Root, were acquired by Amherst College in the last fifteen years. What additional pieces of evidence remain to be uncovered and identified in the attics and basements of New England? Published to accompany The Morgan Library & Museum's pathbreaking exhibit I'm Nobody! Who are You? The Life and Poetry of Emily Dickinson--part of a series of exhibits at the Morgan celebrating and exploring the creative lives of significant women authors--The Networked Recluse offers the reader an account of the exhibit itself, together with a series of contributions by curators, scholars of Dickinson, and poets whose own work her words have influenced.

  • af Michael Kelly
    353,95 kr.

    Note: Print copies usually arrive sooner than their guarenteed delivery date."This is a much needed, easy to use self help book for improving the function of your body for the average person. Michael Kelly takes the most advanced concepts in manual therapy and organizes them in a clear, usable format for the average person. Remobilize is a quick read packed with great information!" - Dr. Ellen McNally (Owner of Chiropractic Performance Center)Remobilize: Fix Your Aching Body in 6 Weeks is the groundbreaking step in a different direction from current exercise trends. While the fitness industry is dedicated to helping people get tired and sore, Remobilize goes the opposite direction and offers a solution to the epidemic of the chronic aching and pain that has become a staple of our culture.Written in a conversation style, scattered with jokes, and loaded with more pictures than most children's books, corrective exercise specialist Michael Kelly takes the reader through some of the most complex, scientific aspects of why our bodies ache and how to fix them in the most easy to understand approach ever presented. Best of all, Remobilize is written so that none of the science needs to be understood by the reader in order to execute the solution of fixing one's aching body.Broken down into 3 simple steps: 1. Remove scar tissue using self myofascial release and foam rolling techniques. 2. Realign the soft tissues of the body using advanced mobility exercises. 3. Reinforce the new found pain free movement by strengthening the weak links in the kinetic chain. ...anyone can easily follow and succeed. The 3 step solution is even offered in multiple depths of detail, ranging from a simple one day solution that the reader can get started with immediately, to a 6 week, highly detailed program.Add to that over 200 HD, color photos, and some of the most easily understood, yet detailed instructions ever written on exercise and Remobilize: Fix Your Aching Body in 6 Weeks is designed to get you feeling better and ready to get back to your favorite physical activities.Learn:Why your aching back is caused by sitting down all day and why stretching your back is the last thing you should do on page 21 and a stretch you can do to get instant relief in your lower back on page 118. On page 22 Why your stiff neck and shoulders are actually caused by your chest muscles and a trick you can use with a tennis ball to get them to relax right away on page 82.Why certain muscles always get tight, no matter how much you stretch them, as a result of other muscles going dormant and becoming weak and how to correct this problem on pages 25 and 180.Why your desk job is actually making your bones frail and weak, and how to reverse that (without having to quit your job) on page 12.How to calm yourself down using a simple breathing exercise, and how relaxed muscles trigger a relaxed mind on pages 39 and 41.The real reason why your muscles feel "short" and how to flip this natural reaction in your favor to loosen up on page 33.One of the best exercises for loosening your upper spine, developed exclusively for this book on page 176. And more...For a look inside, head over to

  • af Michael Kelly
    328,95 kr.

  • - October 2021
    af Michael Kelly, Bruce Harris & CJ Verburg
    133,95 kr.

  • af Michael Kelly
    293,95 kr.

  • af Michael Kelly
    378,95 kr.

  • af Michael Kelly
    418,95 kr.

  • af Michael Kelly
    388,95 kr.

  • af Michael Kelly
    458,95 kr.

  • af Michael Kelly
    46,95 - 64,94 kr.

    I enhver krig vil der være fredstid mellem stormfulde højder. Der vil også komme dage, hvor vi mister modet. Dage, hvor vores venner forråder os ... men vi vil aldrig opgive vores kamp for Cybertron. Jeg er Optimus Prime ... og dette er min besked til universet: Vi er her. Vi er hjemme.Den mægtige Algnist, der er kilden til alle Transformeres livskraft, dukker op på planeten Jorden efter at have været forsvundet i millioner af år. Dette bliver starten på et episk opgør mellem de få overlevende autobotter og decepticons, der vil kæmpe til det sidste for at sikre sig Algnisten. Hvis den falder i decepticonernes kløer, bliver det enden på både menneskeheden og autobotterne – så nu må robotter og mennesker arbejde sammen for vinde over den frygtelige Megatron. Bøgerne er baseret på de populære Transformers-film. Filmene har været nomineret til flere Academy Awards.

  • af Michael Kelly
    30,95 - 42,95 kr.

    Livet har verkligen förändrats för Sam Witwicky. En gång i tiden var han en helt vanlig tonåring - men sen hamnade han mitt i ett krig mellan utomjordiska robotar och blev tvungen att rädda världen. Två gånger! Nu är han vuxen, arbetslös och får inte tala om vad det är han har upplevt. Hans tid som hjälte verkar vara över. Eller? Sanningen om när människorna egentligen fick reda på robotarnas existens är en hemlighet som bara ett fåtal personer vet om. En av dem är astronauten Buzz Aldrin. Nu är hemligheten på väg att skapa totalt kaos på jorden och Optimus Prime är inte imponerad. På månens mörka sida ligger ett skepp från Cybertron som decepticonerna absolut inte får komma åt. Om det inte är för sent ... HASBRO och dess logga, TRANSFORMERS och alla tillhörande karaktärer är Hasbros varumärken och används med tillåtelse. © 2020 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. © 2011 Paramount Pictures Corporation. Licensierad av HASBRO.Den mäktiga Allspark, källan till Transformers livskraft, dyker upp på planeten Jorden efter att ha varit försvunnen i miljontals år. Det blir starten på ett episkt krig mellan de få överlevande autoboterna och decepticonerna, som alla tänker kämpa för att få tag på Allspark. Om autoboterna får tag på den, blir det slutet för mänskligheten och autoboterna – så nu måste de två jobba tilllsammans för att vinna över den avskyvärda Megatron.Böckerna är baserade på de populära Transformersfilmerna. Filmerna har nominerats till flera Academy Awards.

  • af Michael Kelly
    32,95 - 39,95 kr.

    Optimus Prime jest rozczarowany, że ludzie nie powiedzieli mu o Arce – statku, który rozbił się na Księżycu wiele lat temu. Obiecali mu w końcu, że nie będą ukrywać przed nim niczego, co dotyczy sojuszu. Kiedy Sentinel Prime, zagubiony lider Autobotów i mentor Optimusa, zostanie odnaleziony na statku, jego postawa zaskakuje wszystkich. Bezpieczeństwo Ziemi znów jest zagrożone. Czy Autobotom i ludziom uda się znowu połączyć siły, aby pokonać wspólnego wroga? HASBRO oraz logo HASBRO, TRANSFORMERS oraz wszystkie powiązane znaki są znakami towarowymi należącymi do Hasbro i wykorzystanymi za zgodą producenta. © 2020 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. © 2011 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed by Hasbro. Potężny Algnist, źródło całej energii życiowej Transformersów, pojawia się na planecie Ziemia po milionach lat od poprzedniego zniknięcia. To będzie początek epickiego pojedynku pomiędzy kilkoma ocalałymi Autobotami i potworami, które będą walczyć do końca, by uratować Algnisten. Jeśli ten wpadnie w szpony Decepticonów, będzie oznaczało to koniec zarówno ludzkości, jak i Autobotów. Od teraz roboty i ludzie muszą współpracować, aby pokonać strasznego Megatrona.Książka oparta na popularnych filmach z serii Transformers, które były nominowane do kilku Oscarów.

  • af Michael Kelly
    139,95 kr.

  • af Michael Kelly
    139,95 kr.

  • af Michael Kelly
    35,95 - 56,95 kr.

    Cybertonista kauan sitten kadonnut avaruusalus löydetään Kuusta. Mitä salaisuuksia aluksessa piilee? Alkaa jännittävä kilpailu totuuden selvittämiseksi. Kaikki kuitenkin muuttuu, kun Decepticonit ilmestyvät piiloistaan ja tarttuvat valtaan. Autobottien on taisteltava heitä vastaan ja pelastettava uusi kotinsa! Tarina perustuu suosittuun "Transformers – Kuun pimeä puoli" -elokuvaan, joka sai useita Oscar-ehdokkuuksia.Tule mukaan jännittävään seikkailuun, kun Bumblebee ja Autobotit taistelevat ihmiskunnan turvallisuuden puolesta. "Transformers – Kuun pimeä puoli" perustuu samannimiseen elokuvaan, joka ilmestyi vuonna 2011.HASBRO ja sen logo, TRANSFORMERS sekä kaikki siihen liittyvät hahmot ovat Hasbron tavaramerkkejä, ja ne ovat käytössä Hasbron luvalla. © 2020 Hasbro. All rights reserved. © 2011 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed by Hasbro.

  • af Michael Kelly
    29,95 - 49,95 kr.

    Packender Nachwuchsroman aus der Welt der Transformers.Auf dem Mond wird ein längst verlorenes Raumschiff von Cyberton entdeckt. Welche Geheimnisse birgt es? Ein spannendes Rennen auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit beginnt. Doch dann kommen die Deceptions aus ihrem Versteck und übernehmen die Macht. Die Autobots müssen zurückschlagen, um ihr neues Zuhause zu retten. Die Geschichte basiert auf den beliebten Transformers-Film, der für mehrere Oscars nominiert war.HASBRO und das Logo TRANSFORMERS sowie alle dazugehörenden Charaktere sind Markenzeichen von Hasbro und werden mit Zustimmung verwendet. © 2020 Hasbro. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. © 2011 Paramount Pictures Corporation. Lizenziert von Hasbro.

  • af Michael Kelly
    458,95 kr.

    The story of the Arthur family of Limerick who are the only Arthur Family who originated in Ireland. The family were successful merchants in Limerick City for hundreds of years. This story follows them in so far as possible down to the present day. It is a family who now have members in many different places all over the world

  • af Michael Kelly
    223,95 - 350,95 kr.

  • - A graphic thesis on hacking the all-seeing eye
    af Michael Kelly
    208,95 kr.

  • af Michael Kelly
    298,95 - 408,95 kr.

  • af Michael Kelly
    264,95 - 283,95 kr.

  • af DO Kelly & Michael
    258,95 - 283,95 kr.

  • af Michael Kelly
    178,95 kr.

  • af Michael Kelly
    180,95 kr.

    Michael Kelly's startling debut collection, featuring tales of dark miracles and terrible wonder, originally published in 2007, is now reissued with a striking new cover and new afterword. In vivid prose, Kelly scratches beneath the surface of the mundane to reveal worlds of beauty and pain, terror and transcendence. "These stories are daerk, yes, yet they shine with the empathy and beauty Kelly has instilled in them. Wonderful stuff!" - Craig Davidson, Author of Rust and Bone.

  • - What do we know about miracles? What do they tell us?
    af Michael Kelly
    127,95 kr.

  • - Of The King's Theatre, And Theatre Royal Drury Lane: Including A Period Of Nearly Half A Century (1826)
    af Michael Kelly
    361,95 - 364,95 kr.

  • af Michael Kelly
    734,95 kr.

  • - Enacting the Demands of Art
    af Michael Kelly
    331,95 - 618,95 kr.

    For decades, aesthetics has been subjected to a variety of critiques, often concerning its treatment of beauty or the autonomy of art. Collectively, these complaints have generated an anti-aesthetic stance prevalent in the contemporary art world. Yet if we examine the motivations for these critiques, Michael Kelly argues, we find theorists and artists hungering for a new kind of aesthetics, one better calibrated to contemporary art and its moral and political demands.Following an analysis of the work of Stanley Cavell, Arthur Danto, Umberto Eco, Susan Sontag, and other philosophers of the 1960s who made aesthetics more responsive to contemporary art, Kelly considers Sontag's aesthetics in greater detail. In On Photography (1977), she argues that a photograph of a person who is suffering only aestheticizes the suffering for the viewer's pleasure, yet she insists in Regarding the Pain of Others (2003) that such a photograph can have a sustainable moral-political effect precisely because of its aesthetics. Kelly considers this dramatic change to be symptomatic of a cultural shift in our understanding of aesthetics, ethics, and politics. He discusses these issues in connection with Gerhard Richter's and Doris Salcedo's art, chosen because it is often identified with the anti-aesthetic, even though it is clearly aesthetic. Focusing first on Richter's Baader-Meinhof series, Kelly concludes with Salcedo's enactments of suffering caused by social injustice. Throughout A Hunger for Aesthetics, he reveals the place of critique in contemporary art, which, if we understand aesthetics as critique, confirms that it is integral to art. Meeting the demand for aesthetics voiced by many who participate in art, Kelly advocates for a critical aesthetics that confirms the power of art.