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Bøger af Michael Hedegaard

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  • af Ove Hedegaard & Michael Hedegaard
    439,95 kr.

    Strategic Investment and Finance is a comprehensive course book covering investment and finance analysis from a strategic perspective. It explains classical theories and models of investment and finance, and uses examples and case studies to illustrate their application to concrete business challenges.The emphasis is on providing insights into how investment analysis and finance decisions are made in real life and how to apply these concepts in a practical setting in order to give the best results.The book links investment and finance theory with business strategy in a way which offers a new, dynamic perspective on investment analysis. This book is geared towards undergraduate or graduate studies enrolled in introductory to intermediate level courses in investment analysis, finance, and business strategy.The fundamentals of investment and finance theory are covered in a way which introduces strategic thinking into the managerial decision-making process. This perspective will also be of interest to experienced managers wishing to refresh their knowledge of strategic investment and finance.

  • af Michael Hedegaard
    373,95 kr.

    The global economy never ceases to fascinate and surprise as its many facets evolve at an ever-increasing pace. Globalisation and the International Economy introduces the reader to global economics in its historical setting. It brings to life some of the most important trade theories such as absolute and comparative advantage, factor endowment, and Porter’s Diamond Model through real-world examples. The book also introduces the reader to current trends in economics such as the unbundling of the global value chain, tariff barriers, and the increasing role of financial globalisation.The first part of the book focuses on globalisation, trade, tariffs and protectionism, and financial globalisation. The second part contains a collection of contributions from experts on anti-globalisation, the European integration project, country risk, export finance, the consequences of the free labour movement, and foreign direct investment in emerging markets.Globalisation and the International Economy provides an easily readable introduction to the global economy. Its primary audience is undergraduate B.A. students, although anyone with an interest in the subject will benefit from reading Hedegaard’s book.

  • af Kristina Vaarst Andersen, Lynn Eriksen, Niels Christian Kjærsgaard, mfl.
    576,95 kr.

    ERHVERVSØKONOMI er en omfattende introduktion til erhvervsøkonomi, designet til bachelorstuderende på videregående uddannelser. Bogen dækker de væsentligste teorier og modeller, og giver en dybdegående forståelse af virksomheders økonomiske strukturer og beslutningsprocesser. Den gennemgår:Virksomhedens strategiske univers: Lær at navigere i komplekse markeder og anvend strategiske modeller til at analysere virksomhedens relationer til omverdenen.Velfærdsteori: Forstå grundlæggende mikroøkonomiske principper, herunder efficiens og Pareto-optimalitet.Produktionsteori og Omkostningsteori: Udforsk produktionsfunktioner og omkostningsstrukturer for optimal ressourceanvendelse.Afsætningsteori og Pris/Mængde Optimering: Opnå indsigt i prismodeller og metoder til at finde balancen mellem pris og produktion.Spilteori: Analyser strategiske interaktioner mellem virksomheder og løs konfliktsituationer optimalt.Virksomhedens Regnskab og Økonomistyring: Få kendskab til regnskabsprincipper og teknikker til økonomistyring for økonomisk bæredygtighed.ERHVERVSØKONOMI kombinerer teoretiske rammer med praktiske eksempler og casestudier, der udvikler læserens evner til kritisk analyse og informeret beslutningstagning.Bogens forfattere er undervisere med lang erfaring inden for økonomi,erhvervsliv, tekniske uddannelser og forskning.

  • af Michael Hedegaard
    498,95 kr.

  • af Michael Hedegaard
    441,95 kr.

    STRATEGIC INVESTMENT AND FINANCE is a comprehensive course bookcovering investment and finance analysis from a strategic perspective. It explainsclassical theories and models of investment and finance and uses examples andcase studies to illustrate their application to concrete business challenges.THE EMPHASIS IS ON providing insights into how investment analysis andfinance decisions are made in real life and how to apply these concepts in apractical setting in order to give the best results.THE BOOK LINKS investment and finance theory with business strategy in away which offers a new, dynamic perspective on investment analysis. This bookis geared towards undergraduate or graduate studies enrolled in introductory tointermediate level courses in investment analysis, finance, and business strategy.IN THIS 3RD EDITION of STRATEGIC INVESTMENT AND FINANCING,the book has been particularly updated in relation to topics such asinternationalization, developments in interest rates and inflation, crowdfunding,sustainability, and Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) investment.Additionally, more examples and cases have been included throughout thebook to illustrate practical applications.MICHAEL HEDEGAARD is Associate Professor at DTU with particular focuson how technology and innovation is transferred into sustainable business anddevelopment. He has more than 25 years of experience in international financeand business development on emerging markets and teaching experiencefrom CBS and DIS. He is also the author of Globalisation and the InternationalEconomy.

  • - med Excel-eksempler
    af Mikkel Godt Gregersen & Michael Hedegaard
    208,95 kr.

    Der er tilsyneladende to forhold, som giver anledning til problemer i forbindelsemed anvendelse af matematik. Det ene er matematikskræk; alt formange har på et eller andet tidspunkt oplevet matematik som noget svært,noget man ikke kunne finde ud af og derfor givet op over for. Det andet ermanglende træning; det er ikke nok, at man en enkelt gang har set, hvordanman løser to ligninger med to ubekendte. Først når man har prøvet det tilstrækkeligmange gange selv, bliver det en hjælp og ikke en forhindring iforbindelse med andre fag.I denne udgave af bogen har vi tilføjet beskrivelser og eksempler i Excelpå, hvordan matematiske opgaver kan løses. Excelark med bogens eksemplerkan findes på bogens side på

  • - med Exceleksempler
    af Mikkel Godt Gregersen & Michael Hedegaard
    198,95 kr.

    Matematik for Erhvervsøkonomi er en effektiv guide til matematik og den praktiske anvendelse inden for erhvervsøkonomi. Bogen vil styrke din matematiske forståelse og ruste dig til at tackle komplekse økonomiske udfordringer.Den er lettilgængelig og præsenterer matematiske koncepter på en intuitiv måde. Læseren vil begynde med at udforske grundlæggende matematiske operationer og bevæge sig gradvist videre til mere avancerede emner, herunder lineær algebra, differential- og integralregning.Hvert kapitel er fyldt med praktiske eksempler der illustrerer matematikkens praktiske anvendelse.Bogen er bygget op med en progressiv læringstilgang, hvor komplekse emner bliver nedbrudt til håndterbare trin. Uanset om du ønsker at forbedre dine eksisterende matematiske færdigheder eller bare ønsker at opdage den fascinerende forbindelse mellem matematik og erhvervsøkonomi, vil “Matematik for Erhvervsøkonomi" være bogen for dig.Matematik for Erhvervsøkonomi henvender sig især til studerende på videregående uddannelser, men kan også sagtens anvendes i erhvervslivet og af andre interesserede.

  • af Michael Hedegaard
    448,95 kr.

    Strategic Investment and Finance is a comprehensive course book covering investment and finance analysis from a strategic perspective. It explains classical theories and models of investment and finance, and uses examples and case studies to illustrate their application to concrete business challenges.The emphasis is on providing insights into how investment analysis and finance decisions are made in real life and how to apply these concepts in a practical setting in order to give the best results.The book links investment and finance theory with business strategy in a way which offers a new, dynamic perspective on investment analysis. This book is geared towards undergraduate or graduate studies enrolled in introductory to intermediate level courses in investment analysis, finance, and business strategy.In this 3rd edition of Strategic Investment and Financing, the book has been particularly updated in relation to topics such as internationalization, developments in interest rates and inflation, crowdfunding, sustainability, and Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) investment. Additionally, more examples and cases have been included throughout the book to illustrate practical applications.Michael Hedegaard is Associate Professor at DTU with particular focus on how technology and innovation is transferred into sustainable business and development. He has more than 25 years of experience in international finance and business development on emerging markets and teaching experience from CBS and DIS. He is author of “Globalisation and the International Economy”.

  • af Michael Hedegaard
    439,95 kr.

    Strategisk investering og finansiering er en grundlæggende lærebog inden for investering, finansiering og virksomhedsstrategi. Bogen præsenterer alle de klassiske teorier og modeller på området og betragter investeringsanalysen i et strategisk perspektiv.I denne 5. udgave af Strategisk investering og finansiering er bogen især opdateret i forhold til emner som internationalisering, udviklingen i renteniveau og inflation, crowdfunding, bæredygtighed og Environment samt Social and Governance (ESG)-investering. Der er også tilført endnu flere eksempler og cases, der gennem hele bogen bruges til at illustrere anvendelsen i praksis.Der er lagt stor vægt på det sproglige udtryk, så de faglige emner bliver forklaret så enkelt som muligt

  • Spar 10%
    af Michael Hedegaard
    404,95 kr.

    Strategisk investering og finansiering er en grundlæggende lærebog inden for investering, finansiering og virksomhedsstrategi. Bogen præsenterer alle de klassiske teorier og modeller på området og betragter investeringsanalysen i et strategisk perspektiv. I denne 5. udgave af Strategisk investering og finansiering er bogen især opdateret i forhold til emner som internationalisering, udviklingen i renteniveau og inflation, crowdfunding, bæredygtighed og Environment samt Social and Governance (ESG)-investering. Der er også tilført endnu flere eksempler og cases, der gennem hele bogen bruges til at illustrere anvendelsen i praksis. Der er lagt stor vægt på det sproglige udtryk, så de faglige emner bliver forklaret så enkelt som muligt. Om forfatteren: Michael Hedegaard, har over 25 års erfaring i international finansiering og forretningsudvikling på vækstmarkeder. Han er desuden lektor ved DTU og ekstern lektor ved bl.a. CBS.

  • Spar 10%
    af Michael Hedegaard
    293,95 kr.

    The global economy never ceases to fascinate and surprise as its many facets evolve at an ever-increasing pace. Globalisation and the International Economy introduces the reader to global economics in its historical setting. It brings to life some of the most important trade theories such as absolute and comparative advantage, factor endowment, and Porter’s Diamond Model through real-world examples. The book also introduces the reader to current trends in economics such as the unbundling of the global value chain, tariff barriers, and the increasing role of financial globalisation.The first part of the book focuses on globalisation, trade, tariffs and protectionism, and financial globalisation. The second part contains a collection of contributions from experts on anti-globalisation, the European integration project, country risk, export finance, the consequences of the free labour movement, and foreign direct investment in emerging markets.Globalisation and the International Economy provides an easily readable introduction to the global economy. Its primary audience is undergraduate B.A. students, although anyone with an interest in the subject will benefit from reading Hedegaard’s book.About the authorMichael Hedegaard holds a master’s degree in Economics and has more than 20 years of professional experience in international investment, finance, and business development. In addition, he is an adjunct faculty member at Copenhagen Business School, University of Copenhagen, and DIS. He has previously co-authored Strategic Investment and Finance at Djøf Publishing.