Bøger af Michael Ford
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
258,95 kr. The New Pinnacle Of Luciferian Ascent What is Luciferian philosophy? How do you apply it? How do you self-initiate into Luciferianism? Apotheosis elucidates the 11 Points of Power with in-depth explanation, examples of how to apply these 11 Points of Power, with deeper meanings behind them for the neophyte-the new seeker who is drawn to Luciferianism. Apotheosis elaborates the definitions of Left-Hand Path and Right-Hand Path, and clarifies what makes an individual "Left-Hand Path."
- Bog
- 258,95 kr.
202,95 kr. - Bog
- 202,95 kr.
128,95 - 188,95 kr. Den unge dansk-syriske kvinde Amira er i Syrien for at hente sin mormor til Danmark, da hun under et voldsomt angreb bortføres af menneskesmuglere. Hendes forsvinden ansporer den gamle enspænder Tom Smith, der gennem længere tid har været Amiras lærer, til handling, og hans liv i Ålsgårde forvandler sig fra fredelige hverdage med gåture ved vandet til et voldeligt spil om penge i den krigshærgede Idlib-provins i Syrien.I Ålsgårde plages Tom af sin advokat, der ønsker at skrive hans livshistorie, men Tom mistænker, at hans intentioner er båret af noget langt mørkere, som han sammen med Anna, Toms husholderske gennem mange år, beslutter sig for at afdække, og skjulte sammenhænge dukker op. Tom, en Maverick, der går den modsatte vej af flokken, kaster sig ud i sit livs sidste eventyr. Maverick er en spændingsroman af den danske forfatter Michael Ford, hvis viden og forståelse for befolkningen og kriserne i Mellemøsten er opnået gennem et langt liv, blandt andet har Michael Ford boet i Beirut og undervist på en skole for mellemøstlige indvandrerbørn i Helsingør.
138,95 kr. En mand bliver indlagt på Rigshospitalets traumeafdeling efter et sammenstød med en kronhjort. Hans tilstand er kritisk, og han er i koma. Det er umuligt at finde oplysninger på ham, og han får derfor navnet John Doe.Ufrivilligt bliver han stjernen i et reality-show, hvor der tælles ned til dag 40. Det er dagen, hvor lægerne vil slukke for respiratoren.Sammenstødet med hjorten vækker Johns slumrende hukommelse, og i komatilstanden gennemlever han sit eget dramatiske liv, der har udspillet sig i både Norden og Mellemøsten.Den 13. Kriger, første lydbog i Michael Fords Koma-trilogien. Gennem Koma får vi et intenst indblik i de sidste 50 års historie i forholdet mellem kristne og muslimer. Situationen i Mellemøsten har aldrig været mere kaotisk og terrortruslen mod Danmark aldrig større. Fra massakren i de palæstinensiske flygtningelejre Sabra og Shatila til en dansk røverbandes ynkelige huserende tager vi med Koma-trilogien ud på en rejse mod fred, hvor Michael Ford store viden om og ærlighed til Mellemøsten skinner igennem på hver en side.Om Michael FordForfatter og forlægger Michael Ford er født i Stockholm i 1950. Han har skrevet skønlitteratur og dramatik i mere end 40 år og er mag.art. i engelsk/litteratur fra Københavns/Lunds Universitet.” Koma - Den 13. kriger ”er indlæst som lydbog af Michael Ford selv.
- Lydbog
- 138,95 kr.
98,95 kr. Grab your javelin and your discus - it's time to race in the ancient Greek Olympics!As a young boy in the city-state of Athens, the time has come to prove yourself in ancient Greek society. Following several years in school, your father pushes you to participate in the most famous athletic competition to exist - the Olympics. The training is treacherous, the equipment is excruciating, and the rivalries are rotten. Discover the awe-inspiring origins of the Olympics, what vigorous rules had to be followed, and just how you might go about surviving - or even winning - these ancient games. The You Wouldn't Want to Be series transports readers to the grisliest times and places in history, perfect for reluctant readers. The first-person narrative approach puts children in the shoes of the some of the unluckiest people ever to have lived.
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
- 12 Short Stories
118,95 kr. Quick! Act Normal is a collection of original and thought-provoking short fiction which explores the nature of personal reality, and the varieties of human relations. These twelve stories introduce us to characters such as Frankie, the love-struck thief, Crispin, the nudist on a mission, and Faye, the socially phobic painter. They are all taken on emotional, spiritual, sexual and philosophical journeys which celebrate the mysteries and the miracles of the everyday."What a story! It's easily the best short story I've reads in decades."- Luke Rhinehart, author THE DICE MAN on 'It's About Time'
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
- The Lord of Pacts
778,95 kr. The Chief Emissary of the Demonic Gatekeeper instructs humankind on their ancient pact with Demonkind, and shows how to experience high gnosis. Unleash the most advanced, breakthrough magick of Lucifuge, the Lord of Pacts, with comprehensive grimoires by 12 of the world's top demonologists: E.A. Koetting, Michael W. Ford, Edgar Kerval, Bill Duvendack, Orlee Stewart, Enoch Petrucelly, V.K. Jehannum, and more. - Embark on a magick journey with the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers Saga, featuring humanity's official contact with prehistoric diplomats from the Outer Darkness: Belial, Lucifer, Azazel, Abaddon, Lucifuge, Beelzebub, Baal, Asmodeus & Satan.Foreword - Timothy - The Constitution & Social Contract of the Left Hand PathBook 1 - E.A. Koetting - The Grimoire of LucifugeIntroduction p.251. Opening the Gate p.33 2. Spoken Spells p.47 3. Inscribed Incantations p.614. Lucifuge's Secret p.715. The Pact Rite to Lucifuge p.87Book 2 - Michael W. Ford - The Saturnian Shadows of Lucifuge Rofocale6. Rising From the Darkness p.937. The Goetic Pact of Lucifuge Rofocale p.107 8. The Saturnian Ritual of Lucifuge Rofocale Ruling Sathariel p.127Book 3 - Edgar Kerval - The Arcana of Lucifuge Rofocale9. The Arcana of Lucifuge Rofocale p.13510. The Temple of the Red Mask p.141 11. Conjurations & Sacrifices p.14512. Working With Spirits p.15113. Building the Body of Fire p.15314. The Use of Magickal Sex in Conjurations p.155Book 4 - Bill Duvendack - Analysis of the Grand Grimoire15. Preliminary Analysis p.161 16. Judeo-Christian Grimoires p.163 17. Separating the Wheat From the Chaff p.167 18. Adonai p.169 19. Lucifuge Rofocale p.173Book 5 - Orlee Stewart - Tarot of Chaos20. Primordial Madness p.183 21. The Programming Code p.187 22. Subjective Reality p.189Book 6 - Frank White - Inner Alchemy of Sathariel23. The Inner Alchemy of Sathariel p.20324. Ritual of Attunement to Sathariel p.215Book 7 - J.D. Temple - Libera Te IpsumBook 8 - Enoch B. Petrucelly - Lucifuge: The Lord of Satariel26. Lucifuge p.24127. Lucifuge & the Overseer p.24728. Black Hole Initiation With Lucifuge p.25529. Initiation Through the City of the Pyramids p.25930. Attuning to the Silver Star p.267Book 9 - V.K. Jehannum - The Serpentine King of the Death Gods31. The Serpentine King of the Death Gods p.281 32. Divining About My Work With Lucifuge p.29133. The Ninefold Calling of the Nightside p.305Book 10 - Aserial Krabat - Kings of God34. The Rite of Transcendence p.31135. Transcendent Mind p.313 36. The Danger of Demonic Pacts p.31737. The Truth About Magick p.32738. Maya 33139. Collective vs. Individual Reality p.335Book 11 - Conner Kendall - Lucifuge Rofocale's Alchemy40. Lucifuge Rofocale's Alchemy of the Silent Tongue of Knowing p.34741. The Black Star p.36142. The Path of Thoth p.369Book 12 - C.H. Richard - Lucifuge Rofocale: Twin God of Thaumiel43. Hermetic Principles & Demonic Pacts p.377 44. Lucifuge: The Alchemist p.391 45. Murder, Transfiguration & Mephistopheles p.40146. Lucifer: Guiding Light on the Dark Tree p.417 47. Subterranean Tunnels of Thaumiel & the Y-Qliphoth p.435
- Bog
- 778,95 kr.
153,95 kr. Including a fresh introduction, this is an edition of the portrait of Henri J M Nouwen.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
93,95 kr. Few stories are as timeless, influential, and indelible as the Greek myths. Here they are told as if by a fireside storyteller, detailing the wondrous adventures of ancient heroes, gods, and monsters. The tales include the clash of the Titans and the gods of Olympus; Jason and the Golden Fleece; Theseus and the Minotaur; the Voyages of Odysseus; and Orpheus and Eurydice.
- Bog
- 93,95 kr.
183,95 kr. - Bog
- 183,95 kr.
193,95 kr. - Bog
- 193,95 kr.
213,95 kr. - Bog
- 213,95 kr.
618,95 kr. A complete modern grimoire, this book begins with Luciferian Ideology and the modern practice of the ancient pantheons within. The history of the Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Hittites, Moabites, Eblaites, Mari and Ammonites including their associations with the enemy of their cults, Yahweh. The realistic and etymological source of the old gods and demons are revealed including how they may be invoked with offerings. The ancient enemies of Yahweh were great & powerful deities associated with the reality of nature & the individual mind. Gods such as Chemosh, Baal, Baal-Zebub, Astarte, Dagan, Leviathan & many other ancient deities are restored to their ancient purpose & meaning. With over 56 God and Demon illustrations, this book will appeal to not only Luciferians but also former Christians, Satanists, Wiccans, Thelemites and other Pagans. The Second half explores First Century Demonology all the way through Medieval Qlipoth and the emergence of the Devil.
- Bog
- 618,95 kr.
265,95 - 673,95 kr. - Bog
- 265,95 kr.
383,95 kr. This massive, 585 page grimoire begins with historical, mythological, authentic origins of the Gods & Demons of ancient Bronze Age/Iron Age Canaanite Pantheons throughout the Levant. The Gods are described as 'Deific Masks', representations of a type of energy/power which manifests in nature & in relation to the individual. -Descriptions, Cult 'Names of Power', locations of temples including authentic modern rituals and workings with realistic goals for material and spiritual development. -Maps, architecture examples of Baal, Chemosh, Dagan & Baal-Zebub temples, consecration rituals, sorcery, necromancy and demonology and the rites of divination including communion with Dagan and Baal-Zebub by dreams. -Ancient Magickial scripts using authentic Aramaic, Moab/Philistine & Ugaritic cuneiform to inscribe 'Words of Power' for spells.
- Bog
- 383,95 kr.
195,95 kr. Shadows of Azathoth - Horrific Tales of Vampiric Darkness by Michael W. Ford Three haunting tales of vampire-rituals and sorcery which unveil a world of otherworldly darkness and the insatiable appetite for human blood. Within the pages you will find vampiric rituals to evoke the hungry dead, ancient Babylonian sorcery ripping away the veil of the world of fantasy and reality. In SHADOWS OF AZATHOTH, the rites of chaos invoke a coven of Seven Vampiric Spirits and the horde of insect-demons which attempt to wear the flesh of their victims. This Lovecraft-inspired work blends both the world of the physical with that of the beyond. In THE HUNGERING ONE a ancient chaldean woman is visited by something unnamable, with spider-like talons awakens her flesh and as she finds her blood the elixir from which she will enter the city of Irkalla, the place of the dead.... In THE CULT OF THE WAR-GOD the secret tablets of an Assyrian king reveals his affiliation with the cult of Tiamat and the blood offerings...
- Bog
- 195,95 kr.
98,95 kr. Framed for a murder she did not commit and sentenced to hang, Esmerelda's only hope for survival is the bell-ringer, Quasimodo, and an unlikely friendship is formed. This engaging story is presented as an exciting and fast-paced graphic novel which remains faithful to Victor Hugo's original text.
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
183,95 kr. Invites four spiritual masters onto the same stage for the first time and shows how they speak--Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen, Anthony de Mello, and John O'Donahue--while assessing their place in the world of contemporary spirituality.
- Bog
- 183,95 kr.
- What Can Happen in A Day
233,95 kr. Life is a fragile, unpredictable adventure. Yet all too often, we squander our twenty-four-hour days with complacency, fear, and petty fights, not appreciating that none of us are guaranteed another day. Michael Ford Jr. wrote 24: What Can Happen in a Day from his perspective as a 24-year firefighter and emergency medical technician, and as someone who knows all too well how we should treasure every moment in the day. From 24, readers will be motivated to overcome every fear, adversary, and obstacle to achieve healthy love, a vibrant life, and the understanding that anything can happen in a day.
- Bog
- 233,95 kr.
73,95 kr. Rosalind Franklin: air-raid warden, scientist, pioneer. Uncover fascinating facts about the extraordinary life of trailblazing scientist, Rosalind Franklin. A Life Story: This gripping series throws the reader directly into the lives of modern society's most influential figures. With striking black-and-white illustration along with timelines and never-heard-before facts. Also in the series: Katherine Johnson: A Life Story Stephen Hawking: A Life Story Alan Turing: A Life Story
- Bog
- 73,95 kr.
- Photographs and Folklife
463,95 kr. In the early 1970s photographer and filmmaker Michael Ford headed to rural Mississippi, where he spent four years recording everyday life. His efforts resulted in the film Homeplace, but none of his still photographs were ever published. Those photographs are now available and offer a window onto the culture of Mississippi at that time.
- Bog
- 463,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Survival is just the beginning in this action-packed middle grade adventure that's Mad Max for kids. Thirteen years ago, the world ended. A deadly chemical called Waste began to spread across the globe, leaving devastation in its wake. Millions died. Cities fell into chaos. Anything the Waste didn't kill, it mutated into threatening new forms.Kobi has always believed he and his dad were the only survivors. But when his dad goes missing, Kobi follows his trail?and discovers a conspiracy even deadlier than the Waste itself.Nonstop action, chilling dangers, and edge-of-your-seat twists make this gripping, fast-paced read perfect for young readers who love survival adventures like Gary Paulsen's Hatchet and dystopian series like Jeanne DuPrau's City of Ember.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
83,95 - 202,95 kr. Mens månen stemningsfuldt står op over Kronborg Slots borggård en smuk sensommeraften, hvor forventningsfulde publikummer valfarter til årets opførelse af Shakespeares Hamlet, foregår der dramatiske ting i kulissen. Den unge kristne litteraturstuderende, dansk-palæstinenseren John Abdul Ali Hansen, sidder blandt publikum – forsynet med en selvmordsbombers udstyr. John Abdul vil forsøge at redde sin familie, der er taget som gidsler. Han ville under normale omstændigheder havde nydt at se sit foretrukne teaterstykke, men intet er, som det umiddelbart synes. I århundreder har Holger Danskes ånd våget over Kronborg og Danmark. Spørgsmålet er nu, om ånden vågner op til dåd og forhindrer den dødbringende mission, eller om en årvågen efterretningstjeneste og et unikt undercoversamarbejde kan nå at standse terrorhandlingerne.
94,95 kr. Flygtningene strømmer fra Syrien op igennem Europa, og ingen kan blive enige om, hvordan og hvor meget man skal hjælpe dem. Efterhånden som det ene land efter det andet smækker grænserne i, bliver det tydeligt, at der må nye ideer til. Det lykkes John Doe og hans ven Khaled at samle støtte til at lave en mønsterflygtningelejr i Beekadalen, hvor flygtningene kan være uafhængige og selvforsynende, og der anes et håb om, at flygtningekrisen kan ende godt.Men John Doe er også optaget af konflikten mellem Palæstina og Israel og forsøger ved hjælp fra selveste paven at mægle mellem de stridende parter for at skabe en tostatsløsning. Men ikke alle er begejstrede for ideen om fred i Mellemøsten, og stærke kræfter modarbejder fredsmæglerens essentielle arbejde.Den danske forfatter Michael Ford har skrevet både skønlitteratur og dramatik i over fyrre år. Han er uddannet mag.art. i engelsk litteratur, og han har en særlig interesse for samfundsforhold og geopolitik, hvilket kommer tydeligt til udtryk i hans værker."Michael Fords Koma-Trilogi udmærker sig ved, at forfatteren har en grundlæggende forståelse for de problematikker verden står over for i forbindelse med krisen i Mellemøsten. Han er hård ved både danskere og arabere - det kan jeg godt lide. Og så er det samtidig en velskrevet og meget spændende historie. Den kan jeg varmt anbefale."-Naser Khader
- Lydbog
- 94,95 kr.
- Conversations Gay and Spiritual
243,95 kr. This volume provides a collection of interviews in which gay and lesbian Christians speak of their struggle to remain true to themselves and true to the Church.
- Bog
- 243,95 kr.
- Bog
- 183,95 kr.
143,95 kr. - Bog
- 143,95 kr.
- Babylonian Magick
311,95 kr. Maskim Hul is a complete grimoire of Tiamat-centered magick, pre-luciferian sorcery developed from authentic Mesopotamian clay tablets. Tiamat, Kingu and the 11 Chaos-Monsters created by Tiamat are explored, their functions, manifestations and how they survived and existed in the pantheon of Marduk, Ea and the other gods. The gods, demons and evil spirits of Mesopotamia are presented along with Cuneiform sigils and documentation of their use in sorcery. The extensive Invocations of the Gods, Hymns and the entire foundation of authentic Kassapu-practice of ancient Babylon is offered in a concise manner. The grimoire is founded and dedicated to the Seven Sebitti or Maskim, the "Seven Evil Gods" or rebels along with Lamashtu, Lilith are presented in a plethora of rituals and their names of calling. The Serpent Gods of fertility, Ishtar revealed as a form of Tiamat (from pantheon sources) and the rites of necromancy and the Black Flame (Melammu) is presented.
- Bog
- 311,95 kr.
- Bog
- 228,95 kr.