Bøger af Michael Dobbs
- Den kolde krigs slutspil
218,95 - 289,95 kr. Den 25. december 2016 er det 25 år siden, at Mikhail Gorbatjov i en tv-transmitteret tale opløste Sovjetunionen. I SOVJETUNIONENS FALD fortæller Michael Dobbs hele historien om den kolde krigs endelige ophør. Som korrespondent for Washington Post i Moskva, Warszawa, og Jugoslavien i det sidste årti af det sovjetiske imperium, havde Michael Dobbs plads på første række, da de ekstraordinære begivenheder, der førte til kommunismens endelige sammenbrud, udspillede sig. Fra Titos begravelse til fødslen af Solidaritet i Gdansk skibsværft, fra tragedien i Himmelske Freds Plads til Boris Jeltsin stående på en tank i centrum af Moskva, Dobbs så det hele og mødte næsten alle de vigtigste aktører, herunder Mikhail Gorbatjov, Lech Walesa, Vaclav Havel og Andrej Sakharov. På sin vagt oplevede han dramatikere og elektrikere blive til præsidenter, dissidenter til statsministre, gamle marxister til nationalister og spioner til stenrige internationale erhvervsfolk. Dobbs bog er baseret på hans egen oplevelse af de skelsættende begivenheder, men også på tidligere hemmeligholdte dokumenter og hundredvis af interviews. Han viser bl.a., hvordan Gorbatjov i unionens sidste dage forsøgte at puste nyt liv i det kommunistiske system, men endte med udløse dens sammenbrud.
- Fra Jalta til Hiroshima: 6 måneder i 1945
206,95 kr. Da Roosevelt, Stalin og Churchill mødtes i Jalta i februar 1945, var Hitlers hære på flugt og en allieret sejr nært forestående. Efter at have kæmpet side om side i næsten fire år satte De Tre Store sig til forhandlingsbordet med intentioner om at skabe varig fred. I stedet lagde de kimen til Den Kolde Krig og et Europa delt på tværs af et ”jerntæppe”, som Churchill havde frygtet, og Goebbels havde forudsagt.De seks måneder fra februar til august 1945 skulle blive et historisk vendepunkt fuld af drama. Det Tredje Rige faldt, Det Britiske Imperium mistede sin betydning og amerikanerne lod atombomben falde over Hiroshima.Fra verdenskrig til kold krig er den medrivende historie om, hvordan den ene konflikt afløste den anden, hvordan Anden Verdenskrig blev afløst af Den Kolde Krig.★★★★★ Jyllands-Posten★★★★★ Ekstra Bladet★★★★★ Fyens StiftstidendeOm forfatterenMichael Dobbs (f. 1950) er tidligere reporter for Washington Post og forfatter til flere bøger, heriblandt Cubakrisen — Kennedy, Khrusjtjov og Castro på randen af atomkrig.
- Bog
- 206,95 kr.
- Kennedy, Khrusjtjov og Castro på randen af atomkrig
206,95 kr. Ved en rutineoverflyning 16. oktober 1962 opdager et amerikansk spionfly russiske atomaffyringsramper på Cuba. Det bliver starten på et dramatisk diplomatisk spil mellem John F. Kennedy og Nikita Khrusjtjov med Fidel Castro i midten som en farlig og uberegnelig joker. I tretten nervepirrende døgn forsøger de at kontrollere et krigsmaskineri, de selv har sat igang, men som hele tiden truer med at komme ud af kontrol. Aldrig, hverken før eller siden, har verden været tættere på atomkrig. I denne intense skildring bringer den prisbelønnede journalist, Michael Dobbs, os tæt på begivenhederne, som de udspillede sig time for time i Det Hvide Hus, i Kreml, i russiske ubåde, i amerikanske spionfly og på Cuba i Castros hovedkvarter og i terrænet ved affyringsramperne. På bagrund af nye amerikanske, russiske og cubanske kilder afdækker Dobbs hidtil ukendte optrin, som kunne have udløst atomkrigen.
- Bog
- 206,95 kr.
- Fra Jalta til Hiroshima – 6 måneder i 1945
289,95 kr. Få historiske vendepunkter er så fulde af drama som de seks måneder mellem februar og august 1945, hvor verden gik fra verdenskrig til kold krig: Hitler begik selvmord, nazisternes udryddelseslejre blev offentligt kendt, og USA kastede atombomberne over Japan. Alt imens et jerntæppe sænkede sig tværs gennem Europa.Michael Dobbs – journalist og forfatter til Cubakrisen og Nazisabotørerne – fortæller historisk kompetent, men ikke mindst levende og medrivende, om de seks måneder, der kom til at markere overgangen til atomalderen, hvor den kolde krig mellem to altdominerende supermagter med to vidt forskellige ideologier, splittede verden. De politiske ledere gjorde hvad de kunne for at positionere sig godt i forhandlingerne efter krigen: Stalin mente at Sovjetunionens enorme krigsofre, skulle komme landet til gode økonomisk, Churchill kæmpede for at beholde bare en smule af Storbritanniens svindende indflydelse, mens Roosevelts taktik var at forsøge at charmere Stalin – en taktik hans efterfølger Truman på ingen måde delte.Dobbs nye bogværk er en spændende beretning om den intense periode fra Anden Verdenskrigs ophør til den Kolde Krigs begyndelse, der så de politiske alliancer mellem krigens vindere smuldre og jerntæppet sænke sig i et Europa, der efter krigens rædsler og nazismens forbrydelser mod menneskeheden, var forandret for altid.
- Bog
- 289,95 kr.
- Nixon and Watergate: an American tragedy
218,95 kr. From an acclaimed British author, a sharply focused, riveting account - told from inside the White House - of the crucial days, hours, and moments when the Watergate conspiracy consumed, and ultimately toppled, a president. In January 1973, Richard Nixon was inaugurated after winning re-election in a historic landslide. But by April his presidency had fallen apart as the Watergate scandal metastasised into what White House counsel John Dean called 'a full-blown cancer'. King Richard is the intimate, utterly absorbing narrative of the tension-packed hundred days when the Watergate burglars and their handlers in the administration turned on one another, revealing their direct connection to the White House. Drawing on thousands of hours of newly released taped recordings, Michael Dobbs takes us into the very heart of the conspiracy, recreating these dramatic events in unprecedentedly vivid detail. He captures the growing paranoia of the principal players, and their desperate attempts to deflect blame, as the noose tightened around them and the daily pressures became increasingly unbearable. At the centre of this spellbinding drama is Nixon himself, a man whose strengths - particularly his determination to win at all costs - were also his fatal flaws. Structured like a classical tragedy with a uniquely American twist, this is an epic and deeply human story of ambition, power, and betrayal.
- Bog
- 218,95 kr.
128,95 kr. Newly elected Prime Minister Francis Urquhart takes on the new King, in the controversial No 1 bestselling second volume in the Francis Urquhart trilogy - now reissued in a new cover. After scheming his way to power in 'House of Cards', Francis Urquhart made a triumphant return in 'To Play the King' - a Sunday Times No 1 bestseller that became a hugely successful BBC TV series, with Ian Richardson resuming his award-winning role as Francis Urquhart. Its highly controversial and uncannily topical storyline - in which the role of the monarchy in modern Britain comes under scrutiny as Prime Minister Francis Urquhart threatens to expose Royal secrets when his plans are blocked by the idealistic new King - coincided with a huge increase in public interest in the future of the Royal Family following a series of Royal scandals.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Francis Urquhart's eventful career as Prime Minister comes to a spectacular end in the final volume in the Francis Urquhart trilogy - now reissued in a new cover. He schemed his way to power in 'House of Cards' and had a memorable battle of wills with the new king in 'To Play the King'. Now Francis Urquhart is about to take his place in the record books as the longest-serving Prime Minister this century. Yet it seems the public is tiring of him at last, and the movement to force him from power is growing. But Urquhart is not yet ready to be driven from office. If the public demand new blood, that is precisely what he will give them... Francis Urquhart goes out in a blaze of glory in this final volume in the irresistible story of the most memorable politician of the decade.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
- Kennedy, Khrushchev and Castro on the Brink of Nuclear War
133,95 kr. October 27, 1962, a day dubbed Black Saturday in the Kennedy White House. Dobbs's thrilling narrative features a cast of characters - including Soviet veterans never before interviewed by a western writer - with unique stories to tell, witnesses to one of the greatest mobilizations of men and equipment since the Second World War.
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.
108,95 kr. The acclaimed political thriller that first introduced the unforgettable Francis Urquhart MP and launched Michael Dobbs' No 1 bestselling career - now reissued in a new cover. Michael Dobbs' entertaining tale of skulduggery and intrigue within the Palace of Westminster has been a huge hit with the public. Its scheming hero, Chief Whip Francis Urquhart, who uses fair means and foul to become Prime Minister, is one of the best-known characters of the last decade - the politician we all love to hate. Acclaimed for its authenticity and insights into a secret world - the result of many years working behind the scenes for the Conservative Party - it became a highly popular, award-winning BBC TV series, with Francis Urquhart memorably portrayed by Ian Richardson, and was followed by two further sequels, 'To Play the King' and 'The Final Cut', which also became top-rating TV series.
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- 108,95 kr.
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- 118,95 kr.
47,95 - 62,95 kr. Na arenie politycznej walki najsilniejszą emocją jest strach. Po upadku rządu Margaret Thatcher brytyjska scena polityczna, trzymana dotąd żelazną ręką, ulega rozchwianiu. W kolejnych wyborach władzę obejmuje słaby Henry "Hal" Collingridge. Tak przynajmniej widzi go Mr. Urquhart - polityk o wybujałych ambicjach, który próbuje wykorzystać chaos w życiu politycznym kraju do swoich celów. Przedstawia premierowi misterny plan przetasowań w rządzie, a gdy ten nie daje się przekonać, Urquhart postanawia odsunąć go od władzy. Powieść dała początek cyklowi thrillerów politycznych, który 1990 r. został zaadaptowany jako miniserial przez BBC. Dla miłośników twórczości Remigiusza Mroza i Ryszarda Ćwirleja.Michael Dobbs (ur. 1948) - polityk brytyjskiej Partii Konserwatywnej, publicysta i pisarz, najbardziej znany jako autor powieści "House of Cards". Posiada doktorat z badań nad obroną nuklearną. Był doradcą Margaret Thatcher oraz posłem piszącym przemówienia. Swoje doświadczenie z kariery politycznej wykorzystał jako twórca serii thrillerów politycznych. Jego powieści były wielokrotnie ekranizowane, z czego największą sławę zyskał serial Netflixa pt. "House of Cards".
218,95 kr. - Bog
- 218,95 kr.
228,95 kr. - Bog
- 228,95 kr.
198,95 kr. ?This is a magnificent novel. It will hold the reader's fascination from beginning to end.?-Press Association This stunning historical novel brings you deep inside Winston Churchill's mind and heart as he becomes Prime Minister and takes on the terrifying challenge of halting Hitler's murderous invasion of France, Holland and Belgium with only his wits and his magnificent words. Only his courage stands between the people of the British Isles and advancing enemy armies as they drive his retreating soldiers onto the beaches of Dunkirk and into the English channel. You will live at Churchill's side as he deals with his own feelings of inadequacy while contending with his fellow ministers, who plot to throw him out of office. And you will be the fly on the wall of history as he matches wits with Hitler in the most crucial battlefield of all, the battlefield of the mind. Best-selling author Michael Dobbs has written fifteen novels. He served as one of the chief advisers to Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and John Major. ?Dobbs doesn?t put a foot wrong. I read it in two gulps in just two nights; the characters are brilliantly sketched.? -Churchill Center website ?Dobbs masterfully dissects three weeks of the Second World War. A historical hit.?-Daily Mirror ?Better than any other fiction, [Dobbs's books] convey the desperation of those times, which we today, six decades removed, cannot possibly imagine.?-Finest Hour, magazine of the Churchill Center
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- 198,95 kr.
218,95 kr. In 1942, Hitler's Nazi regime trained eight operatives for a mission to infiltrate America and do devastating damage to its infrastructure. It was a plot that proved historically remarkable for two reasons: the surprising extent of its success and the astounding nature of its failure. Soon after two U-Boats packed with explosives arrived on America's shores-one on Long Island, one in Florida-it became clear that the incompetence of the eight saboteurs was matched only by that of American authorities. In fact, had one of the saboteurs not tipped them off, the FBI might never have caught the plot's perpetrators-though a dozen witnesses saw a submarine moored on Long Island. As told by Michael Dobbs, the story of the botched mission and a subsequent trial by military tribunal, resulting in the swift execution of six saboteurs, offers great insight into the tenor of the country--and the state of American intelligence--during World War II and becomes what is perhaps a cautionary tale for our times.
- Bog
- 218,95 kr.
168,95 kr. In the new novel of treachery at the highest levels from the bestselling author of House of Cards, backbench MP Tom Goodfellowe is caught up in a national crisis as the capital is held to ransom by one angry man. Colonel Peter Amadeus is an old soldier with a grievance. He wants an apology from the Prime Minister. But this Prime Minister does not believe in apologizing for anything. For Amadeus it becomes a matter of honour ? and retribution. Soon London is a city under siege, its lifelines cut. Then comes his ultimatum: the Prime Minister must resign ? or London will be destroyed. Only one man stands between the capital and disaster ? Tom Goodfellowe, a backbench MP who can't even sort out his own life, let alone save the lives of others. He is a man torn between ambition, honour and love ? with the fate of London slipping swiftly through his fingers.
- Bog
- 168,95 kr.
133,95 kr. Backbench MP Tom Goodfellowe is caught up in the search for the new Dalai Lama in this highly original and compelling thriller from the author of GOODFELLOWE MP and HOUSE OF CARDS ? now reissued in new cover style. Tom Goodfellowe is the unlikeliest of political heroes. An MP whose career has already been consigned to the scrapheap of history, with a private life that staggers between confusion and chaos... And it's all about to get worse. A new Dalai Lama is born. The infant god-king of Tibet. And around the child explodes an international conspiracy that will carve a trail of death from the slopes of Mount Everest right to the heart of London's Chinatown. Goodfellowe becomes drawn into a murderous race against time and against sinister sources within his own government. On the outcome will hang the fate of one of the world's great religions ? and Goodfellowe's turbulent personal life. Because someone, someone very close, is betraying him at every turn.
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- 133,95 kr.
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- 263,95 kr.
218,95 kr. Boken beskriver de dramatiske ukene i oktober 1962 da verden stod på randen av en kjernefysisk krig etter at Sovjetunionen hadde plassert atomraketter på Cuba. Boken gir innblikk i tankegangen til Kennedy, Khrusjtsjov og Castro. Har register.
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- 218,95 kr.
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- 298,95 kr.
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- 198,95 kr.
173,95 kr. A brilliant novel about one of the giants of 20th-century history, set at the close of World War Two, from the author of the No. 1 bestseller House of Cards (inspiration for the Netflix series).
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- 173,95 kr.
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- 128,95 kr.
98,95 kr. Harry Jones braces himself for a tense, exhilarating race against time in Michael Dobbs' superb new thriller
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- 98,95 kr.
- FDR, Stalin, Churchill, and Truman - from World War to Cold War
198,95 kr. When FDR, Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin gathered outside the Crimean city of Yalta in February 1945, they had Hitler's armies on the run, and victory was just a matter of time. Their mission was to forge the decisions that would shape the postwar world, and above all to divide up Europe between Soviet and Western influence.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
118,95 kr. A brilliantly incisive and witty novel of power and ambition in Westminster, from the author of the No. 1 bestseller that inspired the hit Netflix series House of Cards.
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- 118,95 kr.
183,95 kr. The combination of Michael Dobbs' excellent writing skills and historical passion, and the legendary character of Winston Churchill, have provided two triumphantly successful books in WINSTON'S WAR and NEVER SURRENDER.In 1941, the war appears to be going badly on many fronts. Churchill is the confirmed leader and so his domestic political struggles are slightly lessened, but battered, bloody and almost bankrupt, Britain limps on. Churchill knows his country cannot win the war alone.An alliance with America is paramount, and Churchill is determined to develop and use a friendship with Averall Harriman, American Ambassador to Britain, and personal friend of President Franklin Roosevelt. But his son's wife exploits this first. Pamela Churchill's passionate affair, conducted under her father-in-law's roof, presents Churchill with the appalling dilemma between saving his country, and allowing his son Randolph to be cuckolded.With no British battlefield successes, and with a jubilant Germany controlling Europe, 1941 was a bleak year. America continued resolute against fighting, but by the year's close Pearl Harbour had forced America into the war. Why had the Japanese been persuaded to attack American targets? And how were the rumours of the attack prevented from reaching American ears?Decisions of love and war are often matters of perception. And so it was in this case.This is an extraordinary novel of a man at bay, a nation facing disaster, and the political skills, human dilemmas and brilliant leadership that saved the day.
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- 183,95 kr.
193,95 kr. Winston Churchill embarks on a battle of wills with Adolf Hitler in the run-up to Dunkirk. The compelling new historical novel from the acclaimed author of Winston's War.Winston Churchill at his lowest ebb - pitted in personal confrontation with Adolf Hitler, and with ghosts from his tormented past.Friday 10 May 1940. Hitler launches a devastating attack that within days will overrun France, Holland and Belgium, and bring Britain to its knees at Dunkirk. It is also the day Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister. He is the one man capable of standing in Hitler's way - yet Churchill is still deeply mistrusted within his own Cabinet and haunted by the memory of his tortured father.Never Surrender is a novel about the courage and defiance that were displayed in abundance - not just by Churchill, but by ordinary men and women over three of the most momentous weeks in British history.
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- 193,95 kr.
230,95 kr. From a bestselling novelist with an unrivalled insight into the workings of power comes a compelling new novel exploring Winston Churchill's remarkable journey from the wilderness to No 10 Downing Street at the beginning of World War II.Saturday 1 October 1938. Two men meet. One is elderly, the other in his twenties. One will become the most revered man of his time, and the other known as the greatest of traitors.Winston Churchill met Guy Burgess at a moment when the world was about to explode. Now in is astonishing new novel, Michael Dobbs throws brilliant fresh light upon Churchill's relationship with the Soviet spy and the twenty months of conspiracy, chance and outright treachery that were to propel Churchill from outcast to messiah and change the course of history.
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- 230,95 kr.
158,95 kr. From the No 1 bestselling author of HOUSE OF CARDS, a new-cover reprint of a highly acclaimed thriller of international intrigue that brilliantly captures the tense atmosphere of Berlin -- just before the wall came down.
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- 158,95 kr.