Bøger af Michael Cunningham
193,95 kr. Michael Cunningham brings together his Pulitzer Prize-winning novel with the masterpiece that inspired it, Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway.In The Hours, the acclaimed author Michael Cunningham draws inventively on the life and work of Virginia Woolf and the story of her novel, Mrs. Dalloway, to tell the story of a group of contemporary characters struggling with the conflicting claims of love and inheritance, hope and despair. In this edition, Cunningham brings his own Pulitzer Prize-winning novel together with Woolf's masterpiece, which has long been hailed as a groundbreaking work of literary fiction and one of the finest novels written in English.The two novels, published side by side with a new introduction by Cunningham, display the extent of their affinity, and each illuminates new facets of the other in this joint volume. In his introduction, Cunningham re-creates the wonderment of his first encounter with Mrs. Dalloway at fifteen-as he writes, "I was lost. I was gone. I never recovered." With this edition, Cunningham allows us to disappear into the world of Woolf and into his own brilliant mind.
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- 193,95 kr.
118,95 kr. The hilarious collected messages of one man who's just trying to make friends and can't understand why everyone always gets so angry.
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- 118,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Meet Bobby, Jonathan and Clare. Three friends, three lovers, three ordinary people trying to make a place for themselves in the Seventies and Eighties. And as our threesome form a new kind of relationship, a new approach to family and love, questioning so much about the world around them, so they hope to create a space, a home, in which to live.
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- 118,95 kr.
101,95 - 138,95 kr. Winner of the 1999 Pulitzer Prize and Pen Faulkner prize. Made into an Oscar-winning film, 'The Hours' is a daring and deeply affecting novel inspired by the life and work of Virginia Woolf.Exiled in Richmond in the 1920s, taken from her beloved Bloomsbury and watched by her husband Leonard, Virginia Woolf struggles to tame her rebellious mind and make a start on her new novel.In the brooding heat of 1940s Los Angeles, a young wife and mother yearns to escape the claustrophobia of suburban domesticity and read her precious copy of 'Mrs Dalloway'.And in New York in the 1990s, Clarissa Vaughan steps out of her smart Greenwich Village apartment and goes shopping for flowers for the party she is giving in honour of her life-long friend Richard, an award-winning poet whose mind and body are being ravaged by AIDS.Michael Cunningham's exquisite and deeply moving novel is a meditation on artistic behaviour, failure, love and madness. Moving effortlessly across the decades and between England and America, Cunningham's elegant, haunting prose explores the pain and trauma of creativity and the immutable relationship between writer and reader.
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- 101,95 kr.
218,95 kr. Michael Cunninghams vidunderlige nyklassiker Timerne om tre kvindeskæbner på tværs af tid er nu igen tilgængelig i Pia Juuls lydhøre oversættelse.I Timerne trækker Michael Cunningham på Virginia Woolfs roman Mrs. Dalloway for at fortælle en historie om tre kvinders liv. Om Virginia Woolf, der arbejder på manuskriptet til Mrs. Dalloway, om Laura Brown, der ikke kan finde sig til rette i sit forstadsliv og stjæler sig tid til at læse og drømme sig væk, så ofte hun kan, og om Clarissa Vaughan, forlagsredaktøren, der skal arrangere en fest om aftenen for den aidssyge digter, hun har kendt hele sit voksne liv.Timerne er en roman om bristede håb og drømme, om kærlighed og skiftende begær og om det både trivielle og smukke i én dag i et menneskes liv.Michael Cunningham vandt Pulitzerprisen for Timerne.
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- 218,95 kr.
143,95 kr. April 5, 2019: In a cozy brownstone in Brooklyn, the veneer of domestic bliss is beginning to crack. Dan and Isabel, husband and wife, are slowly drifting apart-and both, it seems, are a little bit in love with Isabel's younger brother, Robbie. Robbie, wayward soul of the family, who still lives in the attic loft; Robbie, who, trying to get over his most recent boyfriend, is living vicariously through a glamorous avatar online; Robbie, who now has to move out of the house-and whose departure threatens to break the family apart. And then there is Nathan, age ten, taking his first uncertain steps toward independence, while his sister, Violet, five, does her best not to notice the growing rift between her parents. April 5, 2020: As the world goes into lockdown, the cozy brownstone is starting to feel more like a prison. Violet is terrified of leaving the windows open, obsessed with keeping her family safe. Isabel and Dan communicate mostly in veiled sleights and frustrated sighs. And dear Robbie is stranded in Iceland, alone in a mountain cabin with nothing but his thoughts-and his secret Instagram life-for company. April 5, 2021: Emerging from the worst of the crisis, the family reckons with a new, very different reality-and with what they've learned, what they've lost, and how they might go on.
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- 143,95 kr.
116,95 - 258,95 kr. Dag er den første roman i ni år fra Pulitzerprisvindende Michael Cunninghams hånd. Forfatteren bag romaner som Timerne og Når mørket bryder frem har skrevet endnu en vidunderlig roman med fokus på menneskelige relationer, der beskrives med genkendelighed og indlevelse.I et lille Brownstone-hus i Brooklyn bor Dan og Isabel, der udadtil ligner selve billedet på et lykkeligt ægteskab, men indadtil slår kærligheden sprækker. I et værelse øverst i huset bor Isabels lillebror Robbie, der prøver at komme sig over sin seneste kæreste og har skabt en Instagramprofil for en fiktiv ung børnelæge, som han lever mere og mere igennem, for at flygte fra virkeligheden. Dan og Isabel er på hver sin måde lidt forelskede i Robbie, men de er ikke længere forelskede i hinanden. Nathan på ti er ved at tage de første skridt mod selvstændigheden, og Violet på fem prøver på ikke at lægge mærke til den kløft, der åbner sig mere og mere mellem hendes forældre. Robbie finder ud af, han er nødt til at flytte ud af huset; det truer med at splitte familien fuldstændig ad. Michael Cunningham (f. 1952) er en amerikansk forfatter, der debuterede med noveller i The Atlantic og The Paris Review og fik sit gennembrud med den Pulitzerprisbelønnede og filmatiserede roman Timerne i 1998. Han er en af de største og mest hyldede stilister i amerikansk litteratur. Dag er hans første roman i ni år.
113,95 - 163,95 kr. - Bog
- 113,95 kr.
128,95 kr. - Bog
- 128,95 kr.
44,94 kr. Skildring af en dag i tre forskellige kvinders liv, tre forskellige steder og til tre forskellige tider. Den ene er Virginia Woolf, som vi møder i begyndelsen af 1920'erne, i færd med at skrive sin berømte roman Mrs. Dalloway. Denne roman spiller en væsentlig rolle for de to øvrige kvinder, som er fiktive: forlagsredaktøren Clarissa Vaughan i 1990'ernes New York og husmoderen Laura Brown i efterkrigstidens Los Angeles. Timerne gennemspiller et vigtigt tema hos Virginia Woolf og i ethvert liv generelt - nemlig selvmordet som mulighed, men i lige så høj grad muligheden for det modsatte; at vælge det, som 'timerne' har at byde på af glæde og smerte.
44,94 kr. Det er november 2004. 38-årige Barrett Meeks er nok engang ramt af kærlighedskvaler og går nedbtrykt gennem Central Park. Pludselig ser han et blegt, gennemskinneligt lys på nattehimlen. Barrett tror ikke på åbenbaringer – og heller ikke på Gud – men han kan ikke benægte det, han har oplevet.Samtidig, i den mindre mondæne del af Brooklyn, kæmper Barretts ældre bror, musikeren Tyler, med at skrive en bryllupssang til sin kommende hustru, Beth. Beth er alvorligt syg, og Tyler er fast besluttet på, at sangen skal stå som et varigt udtryk for hans kærlighed til hende.Plaget af sin åbenbaring søger Barrett religionen. Tyler derimod bliver mere og mere overbevist om, at kun kokain kan frigøre de kreative evner. Imens forsøger Beth at forlige sig med sin egen dødelighed med så meget mod, hun kan mønstre.Snedronningen er smuk og hjerteskærende, komisk og tragisk. Et stærkt portræt af to brødres midtvejskriser, deres længsel efter at høre til og finde en mening i tilværelsen.“Mr. Cunningham’s most original and emotionally piercing book to date." - New Tork Times
44,94 kr. Provokerende og kompromisløs efterfølger til succesromanen Timerne (dansk 2000). I Udvalgte dage hyldes livet i New York, og samtidig undersøges den amerikanske skæbne i en moderne verden i denne originale blanding af spøgelseshistorie, thriller og fremtidsvision.
44,94 kr. Et hjem ved verdens ende er en roman om sårede, utilpassede mennesker, der har opgivet at falde til ro i det vedtagne familiemønster og prøver at skabe et hjem og en tilværelse på andre præmisser. Som ”dengang i tresserne”, men uden tressernes naive optimisme – verden er blevet en anden.Historien fortælles på skift af Bobby og Jonathan, som har været venner siden barndommen, af Jonathans mor Alice og endelig af Clare – Jonathans platoniske kærlighed og mor til Bobbys datter. Bogen er filmatiseret.
44,94 kr. ”Der er sætninger så kraftfuldt præcise og smukke, at de nærmest svæver over siden” – Entertainment WeeklyPå overfladen lever Peter og Rebecca Harris en misundelsesværdig tilværelse i New York omgivet af kunst og byens pulserende liv. Han er gallerist, hun er redaktør, og de lever et liv, hvor venner er noget man har i overflod, og cocktailpartys er det, man slår tiden ihjel med. Men en uro ulmer i Peter. For midt i det tilsyneladende perfekte liv længes han efter, at livet for alvor rammer ham. Og det gør det. I skikkelse af Rebeccas lillebror Mizzy – der egentlig hedder Ethan, men bliver kaldt Mizzy: ”Fejltagelsen”. NÅR MØRKET BRYDER FREM er en smuk og hjerteskærende roman om ægteskab, om de flossede bånd mellem forældre og børn, om det moderne menneskes formålsløse famlen – og om længsel. "Cunningham har udviklet denne fængslende narrative stemme, der blander hans egne skarpe kommentarer med Peters spot-heroiske fortvivlelse. Halvt Henry James, halvt James Joyce, men helt igennem Cunningham (…)” – The Washington Post
98,95 kr. This is a charming real story about her weekend with her daddy, their adventures, and see how much fun they have along the way. Presented in a positive manner addressing the modern family unit today. Tehya lives with her mum and looks forward to her special weekends she spends with her dad.
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- 98,95 kr.
208,95 kr. From Michael Cunningham, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Hours, comes the acclaimed novel of two boyhood friends A Home at the End of the World, now a feature film starring Colin Farrell and Dallas Roberts Jonathan.There's Jonathan, lonely, introspective, and unsure of himself; and Bobby, hip, dark, and inarticulate. In New York after college, Bobby moves in with Jonathan and his roommate, Clare, a veteran of the city's erotic wars. Bobby and Clare fall in love, scuttling the plans of Jonathan, who is gay, to father Clare's child. Then, when Clare and Bobby have a baby, the three move to a small house upstate to raise "their" child together and, with an odd friend, Alice, create a new kind of family. A Home at the End of the World masterfully depicts the charged, fragile relationships of urban life today.
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- 208,95 kr.
- A BBC Radio 4 full-cast dramatisation
158,95 kr. **Winner of the Gold Award for Best Drama in the New York Festivals Radio Awards 2018***A BBC radio adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize-winning book by Michael Cunningham, inspired by Virginia Woolf's Mrs DallowayThree separate women, living in different locations and eras, are linked by their passion for Virginia Woolf's novel Mrs Dalloway.
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- 158,95 kr.
223,95 kr. From the bestselling author of The Hours and Specimen Days comes a generous, masterfully crafted novel with all the power of a Greek tragedy.The epic tale of an American family, Flesh and Blood follows three generations of the Stassos clan as it is transformed by ambition, love, and history. Constantine Stassos, a Greek immigrant, marries Mary Cuccio, an Italian-American girl, and they have three children, each fated to a complex life. Susan is oppressed by her beauty and her father's affections; Billy is brilliant, and gay; Zoe is a wild, heedless visionary. As the years pass, their lives unfold in ways that compel them--and their parents--to meet ever greater challenges.
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- 223,95 kr.
118,95 kr. From the Pultizer Prize-winning author of 'The Hours', comes the story of a marriage thrown off course by a moment of mistaken identity.Peter Harris is forty-four, prosperous, the owner of a big New York apartment and a player in the contemporary art scene. He has been married to Rebecca for close to twenty years. Their marriage is sound, in the way marriages are. Peter might even describe himself as happy. But then Rebecca's much younger brother Mizzy shows up for a visit. Beautiful, twenty-three years old, with a history of drug problems, Mizzy is looking for direction. And in his presence, Peter finds himself questioning his marriage, his desires, his career - the entire world he has so carefully constructed for himself.Making us think deeply about the uses of beauty and the place of love in our lives, By Nightfall is heartbreaking look at the way we live now.
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- 118,95 kr.
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- 972,95 kr.