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Bøger af Michael Bruno

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  • - 15 Tricks You Must Teach Your Dog before Anything Else
    af Michael Bruno
    88,95 kr.

  • - How To Treat And Prevent Separation Anxiety In Dogs
    af Michael Bruno
    183,95 kr.

    <p><strong><u>20-40% of all dogs</u></strong><strong> worldwide <u>suffer from separation anxiety</u>! <u>Is yours one of them?</u></strong></p><p><strong><u>Yes?</u></strong></p><p><strong><em>Are you looking to </em></strong><strong><em><u>put an end to dog’s destructive and distractive behavior?</u></em></strong></p><p>If your dog literally turns your house upside down whenever you step out, leaving him/her alone at home, it can be paralyzing to even think about going out to work, shopping, dates, visiting family etc. when you now you have to leave him/her alone at home for extended periods.</p><p>Have you had the misfortune of walking into your house, which you keep in pristine condition at all times, only to find everything topsy-turvy? The <strong><em><u>furniture is all over the place, not to mention overturned; your door frames have deep claw marks, window sills have bloodstained teeth marks and your answering machine has about 90 messages from neighbors raising hell over your dog’s howls and endless barking</u></em></strong><u>? </u></p><p>If so, then you do not need too deep an introduction to separation anxiety… you’ve experienced it first hand, and know how unpleasant it can be. “Separation anxiety” <u>is a mild label for what is destructive, even distractive behavior.</u></p><p>Thirty years ago, this phrase was not too common in dog training circles. Today however, <strong><u>it is rare to find a dog owner who has not heard or experienced separation anxiety.</u></strong> More and more dog owners are seeking out as much information on the subject as they can find so they know what to do when faced with the problem.</p><p>This book is here to help you put a stop to the annoying problem.</p><p><strong>All you need</strong> as a dog owner or trainer <strong><u>is commitment to the process taught in this book!</u></strong></p><p><strong><u>The first part</u></strong> will focus on what separation anxiety is (and is not), symptoms and misdiagnosis of the same.</p><p><strong><u>The second part</u></strong> will equip you with functional information on steps to take, both preventive and not, to thwart this destructive behavior.</p><p><strong><u>More precisely, you will learn:</u></strong></p><ul><li>How to <u>correctly diagnose separation anxiety</u> in dogs so that you <strong>don’t mistake it for anything else</strong> like containment phobia and isolation distress</li><li><strong>20 reasons why your dog has the destructive behavior of separation anxiety whenever you leave him/her alone at home</strong></li><li><u>False positives for separation anxiety</u> you need to be aware of before concluding your dog has separation anxiety</li><li><strong>Different <u>dog breeds that are most susceptible to separation anxiety</u> affects and what to do about each</strong></li><li>How to <strong>effectively treat separation anxiety</strong> in your dog using any of <u>4 the different approaches</u> I will show you</li><li><strong>How to effectively <u>prevent separation anxiety</u> in your dog <u>in 10 secret steps</u></strong></li></ul>

  • - How to Get Your Dog to Stop Barking Excessively
    af Michael Bruno
    173,95 kr.

    <h2><strong><u>Bring back sanity and peace in your relationship with your dog by taming his/her excessive barking!</u></strong><br></h2><p><em>Has </em><strong><em><u>your dog’s barking getting into your nerves?</u></em></strong></p><p><em>Does he/she bark to the extent that the <strong>barking is becoming a bother to you, your family and your neighbors?</strong></em><br></p><p>Here is one thing you should know; e<em>very dog owner has, at some point, had to deal with something that his/her dog struggled with. Yours is barking. </em>It is embarrassing, annoying and can get into anyone’s nerves especially when trying to get some sleep, relax or when having a meeting with important people.<br></p><p>It is okay that while you love your furry friend, you hate his/her barking habit. What can you do about it if your patience for keeping the dog with its bad barking habits has run out?</p><p>You have either of <strong>2 options;</strong> <strong><u>take the dog to a shelter</u> <u>or train him/her</u></strong> to stop barking unnecessarily!</p><p>By the virtue that you haven’t taken the dog to a shelter or done worse stuff, it means <strong>you still enjoy your furry friend’s company and would want to keep </strong>him/her.</p><p>I know <strong>you want the 2<sup>nd</sup> option so keep reading</strong>, as this book is specially written for a dog owner in your situation.</p><h1><strong><u>More precisely, this book will teach you the following: </u></strong><br></h1><ul><li>How to differentiate <u>between the different barks that your dog has</u> so that you know when he/she is being annoying and when he/she is saying something important</li><li><strong>The <u>threshold for normal and excessive barking</u> so that you know when to take action</strong></li><li>Strategies to use to <u>tame your dog’s excessive barking</u></li><li><strong><u>Tools of trade</u></strong><strong> you need to get <u>the job done with great ease</u></strong></li><li>And much, much more!</li></ul><p>If you are <strong>tired of making excuses for your dog’s excessive barking behavior</strong>, this book is meant for you!</p><h2>Click <strong>Buy Now in 1-Click</strong> or <strong>Buy NOW</strong> to start your journey to a calmer <u>dog that barks only when necessary</u>.<br></h2>

  • - Complete Guide On How To Feed Your Dog Age Appropriate Food For Optimal Health
    af Michael Bruno
    183,95 kr.

    <h2><strong><u>Complete guide to feeding your dog what he/she has evolved to actually eat without having to go on a hunting expedition!</u></strong><br></h2><p><strong><u>Dear modern dog owner!</u></strong><br></p><p><strong><em></em></strong><em>Your <u>dog enjoys meat, the kibble and other sweet store bought treats but that’s not all he/she can eat!</u></em><strong><em> </em></strong><br></p><p>And <u>if you’ve noticed your dog looking at you with a </u><strong><em><u><u>‘</u>please share’ look</u></em></strong> <em><u>while you are having a salad, pizza and any other food</u>,</em> <em>you don’t need to be told that dogs want and need much more than meat and kibble that come with all manner <u>of fancy marketing labels like enriched, fortified etc</u>.</em><br></p><p>These foods are <strong><u>good in their own way but they are not enough</u></strong>. In fact, <em><u>the reason your canine friend doesn’t have as nice of a coat and skin may be all tied to the fact that he/she is not getting enough nutrients from the foods you’ve been giving him/her</u></em>!</p><p>This book wants to educate you <strong><em><u>so that you feed your dog right from a point of knowledge;</u></em></strong> <u>not just from a point of being instructed what to do</u>. It will <strong>cover what to do and explain why you should do it</strong> so that you can <strong><u>use that knowledge to expand your dog nutrition to suit your specific situation, environment and circumstance. </u></strong></p><h2><strong><u>More precisely, you will learn:</u></strong><br></h2><ul><li><u>Why</u> your <u>dog needs more than just meat in his/her diet</u><br></li><li><strong><u>What</u> your <u>dog actually needs in his/her diet </u>to be considered to be having a balanced canine diet</strong><br></li><li><u>What</u> <u>influences the unique nutrition requirement</u>s for your dog and how to use that information for your own dog breed, situation and circumstance<br></li><li><strong><u>How</u> to <u><em>determine optimal macronutrient ratios</em></u> for your dog and use that information appropriately</strong><br></li><li><u>Feeding routines</u> you can adopt for best results<br></li><li><strong>Age-specific nutrition requirements that you should embrace throughout the life of your dog</strong><br></li><li>And much more!</li></ul><p><p>If you wonder <strong><u>“what exactly do I need to feed my dog, which can be considered a balanced diet?”,</u></strong> this <u>book answers this question in a way that you can apply the knowledge in your everyday life.</u><br></p><h2>Click <u><strong>Buy Now in 1-Click</strong></u> or <u><strong>Buy NOW</strong></u> to <em>expand your knowledge bank about dog nutrition</em>!<br></h2><br></p>