Bøger af Matthew J. Kirby
73,95 - 165,95 kr. DE SIDSTE EFTERKOMMERE er første bind i en helt ny serie baseret på computerspillet ASSASSIN’S CREED. Alt er gået den forkerte vej for Owen, siden hans far døde i fængslet, mens han afsonede sin straf for en forbrydelse, som Owen er sikker på, han ikke havde begået. Nu tilbyder Monroe – den IT-ansvarlige på Owens skole – at hjælpe ham med at få opklaret, hvad der egentlig skete med hans far. Monroe har nemlig fået fingre i en anordning, som gør det muligt for Owen at udforske genetiske minder - minder som ligger i hans DNA.
338,95 kr. With Inarius fallen to Lilith and enemies closing in, Reverend Mother Prava turns to Sanctuary's religions to chart her own path forward. Join her in this stunningly illustrated compendium of theological lore from Blizzard Entertainment's Diablo® universe.
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- 338,95 kr.
73,95 - 78,95 kr. Din fremtid ligger i fortiden. Isaiah har fundet to ud af de tre relikvier. Finder han det sidste - bliver han umulig at stoppe. Owen og de øvrige bliver trods uenigheder nødt til at alliere sig på tværs af Assassiner og Tempelriddere – Det er den eneste mulighed for at stoppe ham, mens der stadig er tid. Mere end tusind år tidligere leder Styrbjørn den Stærke Jomsvikingerne i et skæbnesvangert slag mod Harald Blåtand. Det er på denne kampplads, at det sidste relikvie skal findes. Det er her verdens skæbne og sandheden findes. Historien er skrevet – Nu er resten op til Owen og den umage alliance. Deres valg kan ændre verden for evigt.
343,95 kr. Diablo: Book of Lorath, penned by the talented Matthew J. Kirby, is a must-have for any book lover. Published in 2023 by Titan Books Ltd, this book is a riveting journey into a world of fantasy and adventure. As a part of the fantasy genre, it masterfully combines elements of magic, mystery, and suspense to create a compelling narrative that will keep you hooked from the first page to the last. Kirby's writing style is engaging and his storytelling skills are unparalleled, making this book a true gem in the literary world. Don't miss out on this fantastic read by Titan Books Ltd, a leading publisher in the fantasy genre. The book is available in English.
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- 343,95 kr.
133,95 kr. A 2024 Edgar Award Nominee!Survival and self-determination collide in this haunting, pulse-pounding science fiction novel from Edgar Award–winning author Matthew J. Kirby that spans both space and time.“An intense, read-in-one-sitting kind of ride.″—Kirkus, starred review 2199. Deep-space exploration is a reality and teleportation is routine. But this time something has gone very, very wrong. Seventeen-year-old Jessica Mathers wakes up in a lander that’s crashed onto the surface of Carver 1061c, a desolate, post-extinction planet fourteen light-years from Earth. The planet she was supposed to be viewing from a ship orbiting far above.The corridors of the empty lander are covered in bloody hand prints; the machines are silent and dark. And outside, in the alien dirt, there are fresh graves carefully marked with names she doesn’t recognize. Now Jessica must unravel the mystery of the destruction all around her—and the questionable intentions of a familiar stranger.
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- 133,95 kr.
333,95 kr. Diablo: Book of Lorath, a gripping novel penned by the talented Matthew J. Kirby, is a must-read for all fantasy enthusiasts. Published in 2023 by Blizzard Entertainment, this book plunges readers into a world of thrilling adventures and unforgettable characters. Its genre, a blend of fantasy and action, offers a unique reading experience that will captivate your imagination from the first page to the last. Matthew J. Kirby, an acclaimed author, masterfully weaves a tale that is both enchanting and riveting. The publication year, 2023, marks this book as a fresh addition to the genre, offering a new perspective and innovative storytelling techniques. Published by Blizzard Entertainment, a company renowned for its high-quality publications, Diablo: Book of Lorath promises to be a quality read. This book is written in English, making it accessible to a wide range of readers. Don't miss out on this epic tale of adventure and fantasy, grab your copy of Diablo: Book of Lorath today!
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- 333,95 kr.
133,95 kr. Discover the epic adventure of legendary viking Geirmund Hel-hide in this new novel set in the world of Assassin's Creed Valhalla.Norway, Mid-9th century.The Viking attacks and invasions are shattering England's kingdoms.Born into a royal lineage of Norwegian kings, Geirmund Hel-hide sets out for adventure to prove his worth as a Viking and a warrior.A perilous journey across the sea brings him into contact with a being out of myth and grants him a mysterious ring that promises both great power and bitter betrayal. As Geirmund rises in the ranks of King Guthrum's legendary army, he will have to use all his cunning to face the many dangers of a land ravaged by war . . .Fighting alongside his band of loyal warriors, his path will soon lead him into a conflict as old as the gods themselves.
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- 133,95 kr.
73,95 - 78,95 kr. Din fremtid ligger i fortiden Det lykkedes Owen og hans venner at finde paradissplinten, som både Assassinernes Broderskab og Tempelriddernes Orden var på jagt efter, men i sidste øjeblik blev det stjålet af en ukendt tredjepart. Gruppen splittede op - nogle gik med Assassinerne, mens andre valgte Tempelridderne. Nu går jagten ind på de to tilbageværende dele af det hellige relikvie. Owen må søge dybt ind i minder fra det krigshærgede Kina for at finde det næste stykke af relikviet, så han kan komme i sikkerhed og endelig få opklaret, hvad der egentlig skete med hans far. Men Assassinerne og Tempelridderne har ikke i sinde at begå samme fejltagelse to gange, og for Owen bliver det et kapløb både mod tiden og mod hans mægtige modstandere. Andet bind i en serie baseret på computerspillet ASSASSIN'S CREED.