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Bøger af Matt Stone

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  • - The Cars and Bikes of a Hollywood Icon
    af Matt Stone
    233,95 kr.

  • af Matt Stone
    458,95 kr.

    Ask any automotive enthusiast what his or her favorite chase scene to appear in a movie is, and the majority will respond by saying "Bullitt." It has made the top five in every list covering the best automotive chase scenes in history. But the appeal isn't just about the chase scene.Shot entirely on location in picturesque San Francisco in 1968, the movie not only features the historic chase scene but also many outdoor scenes filled with cars and architecture of the period that are filmed in crisp clear color. The movie was the fifth-highest-grossing film for 1968, it was well received by critics, and Franks P. Keller won an Oscar for editing the chase scene. In Bullitt: The Cars and People Behind Steve McQueen, you will get the complete behind-the-scenes picture of how all of the action was coordinated and filmed. Included are the ideas behind the making of the movie, an interview with Director Peter Yates, production stills, and the planning for the scene. Also covered is the cast, the building of the cars used in the film, and the how and why the stunts were choreographed and filmed. To round out the story, an examination of what happened to the cars is included as well as coverage of the multiple Bullitt Edition cars released by Ford after the film, including the latest 2019 edition. While several books have been published about the "King of Cool" (Steve McQueen), never before has there been a thorough examination of this specific film and these specific cars. This edition is a welcome addition to the library of any McQueen, Mustang, or automotive film history fan.A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book benefit Boys Republic, the 501c3 non-profit educational institution in Chino Hills, California, attended by Steve McQueen, currently and actively supported by the McQueen families and estate.

  • - Racing and Riding with the King of Cool
    af Matt Stone
    298,95 kr.

    McQueen's Motorcycles takes a close look at the unique bikes that McQueen raced and collected. Any true McQueen or motorcycle fan will love this focused look inside McQueen's garage.

  • - The Metabolic Approach to Food and Drink
    af Matt Stone
    128,95 kr.

    'Eat for Heat' is best described as a complementary concept that has yet to be discussed anywhere in the world of health, diet, and nutrition. The book takes a close look at the modern habit of compulsive beverage consumption, mass prescriptions to "drink 8, 8-ounce glasses of water per day," phobias about salt and sugar, and turns them all upside down in classic 180DegreeHealth style. The objective? Increase the concentration of the extracellular fluid (the fluid in our bodies) for increased core body temperature (rise in metabolism), increased circulation to the extremities for warm hands and feet, and taking the burden off of the stress system for far-reaching health and hormonal improvements. The concept is extremely simple. The net sum of the food and beverages we consume can either concentrate or dilute our body fluids. 'Eat for Heat' discusses simple principles on how to make minor changes to your meals and drinking habits to keep your body in a better metabolic "zone" all day every day. It's a tactic that can be applied to any dietary belief system, and can even yield tremendous health benefits to those eating just a regular Western diet. Everyone can benefit from the simple concept put forth in Eat for Heat. In terms of specific benefits from mastering this idea, you can expect to... - Eliminate frequent urination and waking up at night to urinate - Overcome frequent headaches, migraines, and seizures - Increase body heat and body temperature to 98.6 degrees F and higher - Improve or eliminate anxiety completely, stabilizing mood - Sleep deeper and longer, waking feeling more rested - Enhance immunity and increase the speed of tissue renewal - Eradicate heart palpitations - Moisten your skin and hair, especially dry skin around the hands and lower legs and feet - Eliminate dry mouth and excessive thirst - Lower LDL, total cholesterol, and triglycerides - Increase sex hormone production like progesterone and testosterone - Be able to eat whatever you want, when you want, without gaining fat - Strengthen bones and teeth And more...

  • af Matt Stone
    247,95 kr.

    DeLorean recounts auto industry titan John Z. DeLorean’s story, from General Motors executive, to the 1975 founding of DeLorean Motor Company, to its 1982 bankruptcy, and the DeLorean car’s subsequent rebirth as pop-culture star in 1985’s film Back to the Future as well as efforts to relaunch the brand in the 21st century.

  • - restaurar la mente y el metabolismo del daño de las dietas, la bajada de peso, el ejercicio y la comida "sana"
    af Matt Stone
    128,95 kr.

    Recupérate de las dietas 2: restaurar la mente y el metabolismo del daño de las dietas, la bajada de peso, el ejercicio y la comida "sana" es la guía definitiva para poder liberarse de una inútil búsqueda por encontrar la dieta perfecta y el intento contraproducente por adelgazar forzosamente. El martirio y el fracaso de las dietas Es cierto que, aunque estés recortando tu consumo de carbohidratos o grasas, o haciendo una dieta vegetariana o llevando a raja tabla la dieta de Paleo, o consumiendo fibra en grandes cantidades, o incluso reduciendo el consumo de calorías, todas estas dietas que supuestamente sirven para adelgazar han sido comprobadas por diversos estudios como formas totalmente ineficientes para lograr una pérdida de peso a largo plazo. Da igual qué tipo de dieta restrictiva te hayas impuesto a ti mismo, tu probabilidad de volver a ganar peso después de los seis meses de la "luna de miel" te harán engordar más de lo que estabas cuando empezaste, y eso te lo puedo garantizar. Aquellos que gestionan su éxito en una reducción intencionada de peso o una rigurosa restricción en sus comidas es la gente que, por lo general, se daña más. El empezar a hacer dietas desde una temprana edad no es solamente un factor de riesgo prominente para el desarrollo de la obesidad, la diabetes, y las enfermedades del corazón, sino que se convierte en un inmenso factor para desarrollar trastornos alimenticos al mismo tiempo que crea muchas enfermedades psicológicas que acortan la esperanza de vida en por lo menos 25 años. Disfruta de la comida otra vez ¿No extrañas el poder comer sin pensar tanto en él? ¿El poder salir con tus amigos o ir a reuniones familiares en días festivos sin el miedo de que lo que te vayan a servir contenga gluten o azúcar refinado, a la vez que te sientes como un jugador de la ruleta rusa? Durante estos muchos años de investigación de temas de salud un lema se ha hecho escuchar cada vez más fuerte en mi mente: "Los dioses de la Salud son mucho más benéficos y simpáticos de lo que tú te crees." El estar sano es mucho más fácil de lo que piensas Lo que es mucho más fácil que simplemente usar el equivalente a un chicle de nicotina para dejar tu adicción, Recupérate de las dietas 2 realmente es un "libro de salud". Contiene un plan infalible y actualizado para optimizar el ritmo metabólico y remediar muchos problemas de salud que son causados por las restricciones en la alimentación y los intentos de forzar una bajada de peso. Nada, ni siquiera las hormonas suplementarias de la tiroides, subirá tu metabolismo tanto como la dieta y el estilo de vida contenidos en este libro. Y es muy simple- con solamente los mejores resultados y cambios mínimos. Asegurado y tranquilo con esta información, no te echarás atrás ni toallas tirarás, y ni siquiera recaídas tendrás de comer en exceso.

  • - Restoring Hormonal Health, Metabolism, Mood, and Your Relationship with Food
    af Matt Stone
    153,95 kr.

    Have you noticed since starting all this "healthy" eating, dieting, perfect Paleo diets, wholesome Vegan escapades, and all that glorious exercise that you did in the name of better health and a better appearance... THAT YOU LOOK AND FEEL WORSE? Eating pretty much any overly restricted diet will do these things to you. Throw some "healthy" exercise in there with it and you've got a recipe for shutting down your entire system. It's all caused by a drop in metabolic rate. Diet Recovery is your guide to bringing your metabolism back up to its ideal level. When you've had enough and you are ready to stop dieting forever, get your health back on track, stop obsessing over your body fat percentage, be happy, and join the rest of society by eating somewhat normal again, there's no better book in print for you to turn to. No more debilitating New Year's resolutions to run a daily marathon on cabbage soup this year- quit beating yourself, and stop the dieting madness! Eat the food!

  • - Dietary and Lifestyle Interventions for Anxiety, Depression, and Other Mood Disorders
    af Matt Stone
    98,95 kr.

    We've Strayed from the Basics Medical and pharmaceutical advancements in the realm of depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders are astounding. The technology we have available and the boon in our collective understanding of the brain and how it works have come a very long way in recent decades. But there's a problem with all this fancy gadgetry, complex medical jargon, and piles of pills: They distract us from the basic fundamentals of physical and emotional health, and keep us focused on exotic-sounding cures that rarely pan out. The Answers may be simpler than you think Waiting around for the latest research finding to unlock the key to your problems with anxiety, panic attacks, and depression? Does the answer lie in a gene from a tissue sample out of the hippocampus of a Wistar rat? Doubtful. In fact, an army of smart people in white coats with a truckload of test tubes have far less power over your emotional health than someone you know. That someone is you. While none of us will ever be as happy as Pee-wee Herman buffing the fender on his shiny red bike, the path to having a predominantly calm, stable, upbeat demeanor might be shorter and straighter than you think. Eat, Sleep, and be Merry In Food for Mood: Dietary and Lifestyle Interventions for Anxiety, Depression, and Other Mood Disorders, independent health researcher Matt Stone brings forth revolutionary findings about basic aspects of our physiology such as metabolic rate, carbon dioxide levels, hormonal rhythms, hydration, and more-and explores their ties with emotional health. With simple tactics that anyone can implement, Stone puts the power back in your hands to get off the emotional rollercoaster ride and be your best. Read Food for Mood now, and regain control of your emotions without any medications, supplements, gadgets, or expensive doctor visits.

  • af Matt Stone
    153,95 kr.

    "Diet Recovery 2: Restoring Mind and Metabolism from Dieting, Weight Loss, Exercise, and Healthy Food" is the ultimate guide to breaking free from the empty hunt for the perfect diet and the counterproductive pursuit of losing weight. It's true, whether you are cutting carbs, or fats, or eating a vegetarian diet, or going Paleo, or eating a truckload of fiber - or even reducing your calorie intake... All of it has been proven ineffective in every weight loss study ever conducted. No matter what form of dietary restriction you impose upon yourself, your likelihood of not only regaining any weight lost in the initial 6-month diet honeymoon period, but actually ending up fatter than when you started, is a virtual guarantee. Those that do manage to succeed with intentional weight reduction or harsh dietary restrictions are the people who often do the most damage! Dieting at a young age is not just a prominent risk factor for the development of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It's a huge risk factor for developing an eating disorder as well- the most common psychological disease that shaves 25 years off of one's life expectancy. Needless to say, if you are already viewing a page about a book entitled "Diet Recovery 2", you probably already know this and are looking to break free from repetitive dieting cycles and the obsessive habit of micromanaging the details of your diet-of-the-month. And that's what "Diet Recovery 2" is meant to help you accomplish, once and for all. Don't you miss just being able to eat and not think about it? Be able to go out with friends or home for the holidays without worry and fear about what's going to be served as if having gluten or refined sugar is on par with a game of Russian Roulette? When you are ready to let go, this can be your guide- vastly more freeing and probably more effective because of it than the original version of the book. Over the years one mantra has grown louder and louder... "The Gods of Health are much kinder than you think they are." Being healthy is a lot easier than you are making it out to be. Far more than just the equivalent to Nicorette gum for diets to help you quit your addiction, "Diet Recovery 2" really is a "health book" too. It contains a foolproof and fully up-to-date strategy for restoring optimal metabolic rate and overcoming the many health problems that can be caused by restrictive eating and attempts at forced weight loss.Nothing, not even thyroid hormone drugs, are likely to raise your metabolism to the extent that following this general diet and lifestyle prescription will. And it's all very simple- just the biggest results with the absolute smallest changes. No wagons to fall off of. No rebellious splurges right around the next corner. With the help of Diet Recovery 2, you should not only be able to overcome your diet obsession and eat normally again, but you can also confidently expect to: - Raise your body temperature significantly- most returning to the normal 98.6 degrees F or above in just a few weeks - Become "fat proof," more or less incapable of gaining body fat eating whatever you want, in the quantity you desire, with or without exercise - See major health improvements in areas that were being impaired by the metabolism-suppressing effect of restricted diets - Learn how to make small changes in your diet to function properly in such areas as digestion, metabolism, sex drive and function, sleep, mood, dental health, and others - Completely eliminate all strong cravings for any and every food 100% in just a matter of weeks - Eradicate binge eating, emotional eating, and other behaviors only seen when a person is consciously interfering with his or her food intake - Actually see big improvements in how your body looks (more muscle, less fat, better proportions) a year or two down the road from having fully completed the diet recovery process And more...

  • - Eat Better Than A Caveman
    af Matt Stone
    118,95 kr.

    Got the Paleo blues? Eating the perfect diet for your genetic blueprint, but mysteriously feeling worse? Think it's because you're not trying hard enough? Think all these problems are due to the one croissant you had 6 months ago? Think again! There are some serious flaws with the Paleo Diet. Sure, many people lose weight when they switch over to a boring diet of mostly meat and vegetables. Well, for the first few months before they start gaining it back that is. And many see health improvements - legitimate ones, as happens when the nutrition content of a diet goes up dramatically. Of course there are people who benefit from switching from a McDiet to something like Paleo! But many get ravaged by it, and there are clear, obvious, and very basic physiological reasons for it. Obvious signs that the Paleo Diet is inappropriate for you would be cold hands and feet, frequent urination, nighttime urination or night sweats, sleep problems - particularly waking up between 3-4 am, anxiety or panic attacks, muscle cramps, irritability, lack of energy, delayed stomach emptying, constipation, body odor, breath odor, dark circles under your eyes, appearance of allergies or autoimmune disease, loss of sex drive, sexual function, or menstruation, dry skin, poor exercise performance and recovery, migraines, blurred vision, and countless others. If you suffer from these issues and you're on a Paleo Diet, you better make some adjustments! 12 Paleo Myths: Eat Better than a Caveman goes into great detail about the physiology behind how the Paleo Diet, particularly one that is heavy in meat and fat and low in carbohydrates, affects us as human beings. For some, those affects might be highly favorable. But for others it's like throwing gasoline on a fire. The book also includes a discussion of some of the most basic tenets of Paleo that are illogical or scientifically wrong, such as the belief that carbohydrate consumption causes blood sugar or insulin levels to become too high, or the belief that we are genetically identical to our Paleolithic forebears. And of course, it includes valuable information on how to overcome and reverse some of the problems you may have incurred or ceased to improve with your adherence to this latest peculiar, sciencey-sounding fad. But that's not all! The book also includes over 60 thick pages of stories of people who had miserable results trying to follow a Paleo diet - from insomnia and panic attacks to loss of menstruation and boner kill. All for just one easy payment of $13.99! SHAMWOW!

  • - How to Raise Kids to Be Lean, Mean, Eating Machines
    af Matt Stone
    88,95 kr.

    Want to be able to trust your kids around a full cookie jar? Want your kids to say "no" to McDonald's and actually choose to eat something else? Want your kid to be able to eat whatever they want without ever worrying about their weight? With 'Food Ninjas: How to Raise Your Kids to be Lean, Mean, Eating Machines, ' this reality is just a small step away. In a world full of increasing paranoia about the food we eat and health-obsessed parents imposing more and more bizarre dietary restrictions on their children, 'Food Ninjas' provides the swift kick in the pants that many health fanatical parents need. 'Food Ninjas' is THE roadmap for raising your children to be the "lucky" ones who can eat whatever they want, whenever they want, and be lean and healthy as a result. Think your kid needs to eat a bunch of vegetables? Think your kid will become a raging diabetic if he is allowed to consume as much cake, candy, and Coca Cola as he desires? Think your kid will be healthier if you raise her only on "whole foods?" Wrong, wrong, wrong. All creatures, humans included, come hardwired with powerful regulatory mechanisms with million-year track records of success. Children come programmed with all the instincts they could ever need to manage their body fat levels, energy levels, fluid intake, and much more-even while eating a modern diet. As a parent, the biggest mistake you can make is to INTERFERE. 'Food Ninjas' is about stepping out of the way and allowing a child to develop a healthy relationship with food, an optimal metabolic rate, and eat and drink based on internal, instinctual cues. Those internal cues can be trusted. Psychological interference about when, what, and how much to eat is what drowns out instinct and starts a lifelong neurotic tug of war between what we want to eat, and what we think we should eat. After reading 'Food Ninjas, ' you will no longer have to control, bribe, struggle, or fight your children to eat this or eat that. You can relax. They can relax. You can stop trying to force them to swallow that green juice and cod liver oil, and you can stop having to listen to them whine and beg to eat junk food despite your best efforts to get them excited about Brussels sprouts and grass-fed beef. And the whole family can put all that wasted time and effort towards something a lot more fulfilling. 'Food Ninjas' is not another idealistic book filled with tricks to make kids eat vegetables and delusional statements about how carrot sticks and hummus can be just as enjoyable as burgers and fries if you mold the hummus to look like a skateboard park or a Barbie bathtub. It is the answer for how kids and adults alike can eat in the most casual, intuitive, and carefree way as possible with excellent health to go along with it.

  • af Matt Stone
    513,95 kr.

    Porsche is a world-renowned brand that is known best for producing highly sought-after sports cars, exotic cars and more recently for high-performance sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and high-tech luxury electric cars. Additionally, Porsche is a world-dominating sports car racing brand with factory-built-and-backed motorsport activities dating to the early 1950s, having won the 24 Hours of Le Mans outright more than any other carmaker, dominating sports car racing, endurance racing, and championship-level rallying around the world.Enthusiasts at all levels generally recognize and can identify on sight Porsche's most iconic and mainstay models, such as the original 356 models of the 1950s and early 1960s, the seminal 911 first shown in 1963 and still in production nearly seven decades later, and perhaps the mid-engine 914. Each of these model platforms contain many subsets of special-edition versions built to higher levels of style, performance, luxury, or rarity. These include a variety of anniversary editions, commemorating certain landmarks in the marque's history. Lumping all Porsches into the "if you've seen one, you've seen them all" category is to miss the design, details, and performance of many great cars. These cars range from relatively straightforward color and trim combinations to limited-edition, high-performance machines, including several generations of modern 911-based Speedsters, Turbos, slant-nose Flachbaus, select RS and ClubSport models, special 356s, factory and independent concepts, and design studies. The unique work of low-volume production houses, such as Germany's RUF, and high-end restoration and custom build shops, such as Singer Vehicle Design, Guntherwerks, and others, are also found here. This book contains a veritable Smorgasbord of interesting, rare, and unique special Porsches from around the world.

  • af Matt Stone
    156,95 kr.

  • - Grand Prix the movie, Baja, The Rockford Files, and More
    af Matt Stone
    453,95 kr.

  • - Maximum Taste, Zero Waste
    af Matt Stone & Callan Boys
    218,95 kr.

    The Natural Cook is about making food with maximum taste and zero waste. Here are over 100 recipes to show you how eating healthily and ethically doesn't have to be an enormous burden.