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Bøger af Mary Jordan

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  • - Hvordan vi overlevede ti år som Cleveland-kidnapperens fanger
    af Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, Mary Jordan & mfl.
    93,95 - 138,95 kr.

    TO KVINDER, DER VAR CLEVELAND-KIDNAPPEREN ARIEL CASTROS TILFÆLDIGE OFRE, STÅR I DENNE BOG FREM OG FORTÆLLER DERES HISTORIE OM BORTFØRELSEN, TI ÅRS FANGENSKAB OG DEN DRAMATISKE FLUGT.Forladt af en hustru, han havde pint og plaget i årevis, besluttede en midaldrende skolebuschauffør fra Cleveland, Ohio i 2002 at tage, hvad han ikke kunne få. Over tre år kidnappede han tre piger fra nabolaget, installerede dem i sit hus i lænker og bag barrikaderede vinduer, og gennem ti år forsvandt han længere og længere ind i en vanvidsforestilling om et lykkeligt familieliv. Et liv, som for Amanda, Gina og Michelle var et slaveliv med vold, voldtægt, sult og sorg.HÅB er en gribende og grum kriminalhistorie om karakterafvigeren Ariel Castros ufattelige forbrydelse. Om mareridtet på Seymour Avenue, baseret på pigernes egne optegnelser, krydsklippet med historien om familiernes kamp for de savnede døtre og FBI-agenternes utrættelige søgen efter spor i en sag, der blev mere og mere kold – indtil en mirakuløs mandag i maj 2013. Men det er også pigernes livsbekræftende personlige historie om et spinkelt, spirende håb, materialiseret i Jocelyn, som Amanda fødte i huset. Og om viljen til at overleve manden og monstret, der stjal deres ungdom.

  • - The Untold Story of Melania Trump
    af Mary Jordan
    208,95 kr.

    Revelatory biography of Melania Trump from Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post reporter Mary Jordan.

  • af Mary Jordan
    208,95 kr.

    Second edition of the highly regarded Essential Guide to Avoiding Dementia If you have concerns about you or a loved one developing dementia, Mary Jordan guides you through how to assess your personal risk and the many things you can do to mitigate that risk based on the latest evidence. Whether you have a close relative with dementia, a history of high-risk factors for this condition, or a diagnosis of MCI (mild cognitive impairment) you may be concerned to know how personally 'at risk' you or a loved one is, and what you can do to 'dodge' what is definitely not inevitable. Mary Jordan guides readers through the many factors associated with developing dementia and the science behind our current understanding, including: Diet Exercise Trauma Pharmaceuticals Genetics Social isolation Sleep Neurological deficits such as hearing loss, insulin resistance and diabetes type 2 Based on her professional and personal experience, Mary offers a program from which the individual reader can choose what works for them and their individual risks and circumstances.

  • af Mary Jordan
    188,95 kr.

    This story is a personal and intimate look at a mental breakdown experienced by a nurse with 60 years experience. This story will hopefully inspire authentic, impactful conversation to begin about today's broken healthcare system.

  • af Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus & Mary Jordan
    198,95 kr.

  • af Mary Jordan
    248,95 kr.

  • - The Investigation, Impeachment, Acquittal and Aftermath
    af Mary Jordan & Kevin Sullivan
    228,95 kr.

    A compelling and masterful account, based on fresh reporting, of the investigation, impeachment, and acquittal of President Donald Trump, a ferocious political drama that challenged American democracy itself.In the spring of 2019, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi did not favor pursuing Trump's impeachment. Her view was: ';He's just not worth it.' But by September, after a whistleblower complaint suggesting that Trump had used his office for his political benefit, Pelosi decided to risk it. The impeachment inquiry led to charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, a gamble that ultimately meant Trump would be the first impeached president on the ballot in US history. Pulitzer Prizewinning Washington Post reporters Kevin Sullivan and Mary Jordan have crafted a powerful, intimate narrative that concentrates on the characters as well as the dramatic events, braiding them together to provide a remarkable understanding of what happened and why. Drawing on the deep reporting of Post journalists as well as new interviews, Sullivan and Jordan deliver a crisp page-turner with exquisite detail and scenes. They put readers in the room for both sides of the now-famous phone call between Trump and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25, 2019, revealing the in-the-moment reactions of those listening to the call in Washington, as well as the tension in Kyiv, as aides passed notes to Zelensky while he was talking to Trump. Sullivan and Jordan deftly illuminate the aims and calculations of key figures. Pelosi's evolution from no to yes. Trump's mounting fury as ';the I-word' became inevitable. Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell firmly telling Trump on the phone about the Senate trial: You need to trust me. Trump on Trial teems with unexpected moments. House member Elissa Slotkin, a Michigan Democrat, alone at the National Archives, walking amid the nation's founding documents, weighing her vote on impeachment. Fiery Republican congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida, a favorite Trump warrior, deciding to lead the storming of the secure room in the US Capitol basement, where witnesses were testifying. The authors paint vivid portraits of the men and women branded by the president's supporters as foes from the ';deep state': Ukraine experts Fiona Hill and Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman; ambassadors Marie Yovanovitch and William Taylor. The narrative spools out amid Trump's nonstop tweeting and the infinite echo chamber of social media, which amplified both parties' messages in ways unknown during past impeachments. Sullivan and Jordan, aided by editor Steve Luxenberg, follow the story into the aftermath of Trump's acquittal and the president's payback for those whom he believed had betrayed him. The retributions took place as the nation reeled from a devastating pandemic and widespread protests about racial injustice, with another trial looming: the 2020 election.

  • - Den ufortalte historie om Melania Trump
    af Mary Jordan
    188,95 - 288,95 kr.

    I offentlighedens øjne opfattes Melania Trump som en gådefuld og reserveret kvinde, men hun er faktisk langt mere indflydelsesrig i Det Hvide Hus, end de fleste mennesker er klar over. Førstedamens aftale tegner et afslørende portræt af Melania Trump, der viser, at hun ikke blot hører til i præsident Trumps indercirkel, men faktisk har været hans vigtigste rådgiver på en række afgørende punkter. Mary Jordan følger Melanias rejse fra Slovenien til hendes spæde start som model og livet i en lille lejlighed på Manhattan. Senere følger et kompliceret datingforløb, der munder ud i hendes ægteskab med Donald Trump. Jordan dokumenterer Melanias afgørende rolle i Trumps politiske liv både før og efter hans tid i Det Hvide Hus, og hun viser, hvorfor han har så stor tillid til hendes mavefornemmelse. Det billede, der træder frem, viser Melania som en klog, ambitiøs, velovervejet og jernhård kvinde, der forstår at spille spillet. Hun har brugt sin indflydelse målrettet for at opnå lige præcis det, hun ønsker. Dette er historien om, hvordan det lykkedes for hende. ”Jordans research viser noget langt større end den sædvanlige stereotype historie, vi får serveret: Hvilken personlighed og strategi er nødvendig, hvis man skal få succes som hustru til en despot … Jordan afkoder dygtigt Melania uden at have en skjult dagsorden.” – NBC News ”Imponerende skrevet … Mary Jordan har trukket sløret til side. Vi får førstedamen at se som en magtspiller i egen ret, et menneske, der meget bevidst handler ud fra sine egne interesser.” – The Washington Post Uddrag af bogen ”Folk siger, ’Åh, hun er en model, så derfor må hun være dum.’ Der er intet dumt ved hende,” blev jeg fortalt i 2016, før hans juridiske problemer opstod, af rådgiver for Trump-kampagnen, Roger Stone, der senere blev kendt skyldig for at lyve under ed og forsøg på at påvirke vidner. Stone havde kendt Melania siden slut-1990erne, da hun begyndte at date Trump. ”Hun er en balancerende indflydelse på ham, en meget positiv indflydelse,” sagde han. Ifølge Stone, opmuntrede Melania Trump til at stille op. ”Det var hende, der sagde til sidst, ”Ved ud hvad, Donald, stop med at snakke om at stille op til præsidentvalget og gør det. Hvis du vil gøre det, så gør det. Men hvis du ikke vil gøre det, så stop med at snakke om at gøre det, for det er ved at blive gammelt. Og hvis du stiller op, så vinder du.’” Under kampagnen, beskrev Trump Melania som ”min bedste valgprognostiker.” Om forfatteren Mary Jordan (f. 1960) er forfatter og journalist ved The Washington Post, hvor hun har vundet en Pulitzer-pris for sit arbejde.

  • - I was beaten by my father as a slave. I escaped from home at the age of 12. I stole to live. I was trafficked. I survived.
    af Mary Jordan
    193,95 kr.

  • - A Guide to Managing Memory Loss, Effective Brain Training and Reducing the Risk of Dementia
    af Mary Jordan
    198,95 kr.

    Practical self-help strategies for older individuals and their families to help slow the onset of Mild Cognitive Impairment. Includes activities, health and lifestyle changes, memory aids, therapies and technological aids. Also suitable for those with early stage dementia wishing to prevent the condition worsening.

  • - Rethinking Dementia
    af Mary Jordan
    198,95 kr.

    Mary and Noel, based on running a joint dementia clinic, show how to understand the biological reality of dementia, readjust our thinking about the condition so that we can accept rather than fear it; and gain the expertise to manage the condition as a social rather than medical problem.

  • af Mary Jordan
    183,95 kr.

    Mary Jordan, author of The Essential Carer's Guide, explains what you can expect when you receive a diagnosis of one of the many causes of dementia and what you can do to manage life going forward - how you can slow the progress of symptoms and how you can maximise available support.

  • - Beyond Tomorrow
    af Mary Jordan
    168,95 kr.

    The period following the death of a loved one can be a time of great turmoil. This sensitive book acts as a helpful and supportive road map through the initial period of loss, and the weeks and months that follow. As well as the emotional and spiritual aspects of bereavement, it covers important practical considerations, which are often overlooked.