Bøger af Martin
206,95 kr. Juice kure er ikke længere forbeholdt Hollywoodstjerner – juicekure er kommet for at blive.Vil du gerne blive slank på en sund måde? Have mere energi? Føle dig stærkere og sundere? Og mangler du opskrifter på lækre juicer, som hele familien kan drikke sammen med dig? Så er DEN FEDESTE JUICEKUR til dig.Med den fedeste juicekur kan du skabe store forandringer ved en relativ lille indsats.I 3, 7, 14 eller 30 dage vælger du, at alle dine måltider skal bestå af velsmagende, friske, energifyldte juicer og smoothies lavet af frugt og grønt i alle regnbuens farver. Og det er lige til at gå til: Bogen præsenterer dig for planer for de enkelte kure, som du kan følge, en overskuelig indkøbsliste og lette og spændende opskrifter. Samt inspirerende cases. Du bliver din helt egen juiceekspert, inden du er færdig. Og du kan vende tilbage til kuren igen og igen eller blot bruge bogens mange opskrifter I hverdagen.Når du bruger den fedeste juicekur, vil du mærke, hvordan du kan blive en sundere udgave af dig selv, hvordan du kan få en velfungerende krop, renset for affaldsstoffer og sprængfyldt med sundt og vitaminrigt frugt og grønt, som kan hjælpe dig med at komme af med træthed, helbredsgener og måske ekstra kilo på sidebenene. Og så kan den tilmed gøre dig frisk og glad.Er det tid til at komme i gang?
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- 206,95 kr.
- Opskriften til et langt liv i balance
289,95 kr. Et sundt og stærkt liv i balance med fornyet energi, mere ro, mindre stress og bedre søvn. Og naturlig ynde i alle aldre.Ayurveda er et 5000 år gammelt indisk sundhedssystem, der plejer sindet og kroppen. Ayurveda betyder "livets videnskab" – ayur (liv) og veda (viden).Zennie og Martin Bonde Mogensen gør med denne bog ayurveda letforståeligt og hverdagsmuligt i det nordiske hjem. Man behøver ikke et leksikon eller at være ekspert i sanskrit for at få glæde af de mange lettilgængelige "hemmeligheder" i ayurvedisk ernæring og livsstil. Ayurveda guider læseren til at finde sin præcise kropstype og dermed vejen til at nære kroppen bedst muligt; fysisk, psykisk og åndeligt, så man kan opnå et liv med balance. Bogen indeholder også sunde og lækre veganske opskrifter til morgen, middag og aften og tips og tricks til at snige ayurvedaen ind i hverdagen uden af skulle vende op og ned på sit liv.Zennie og Martin Bonde Mogensen driver behandlingsstedet Kropsinstituttet og rejsebureauet ZEN Luxury Travels, der hjælper private såvel som elitesportsfolk, erhvervsledere og andre high perfomere på sporet af en sundere livsstil.Zennie er psykoterapeut, uddannet mentaltræner og coach. Derudover er hun stud.biopat IBM og studerer til phytoterapeut.Martin er kropsterapuet, foredragsholder og CoFounder af behandlingssystemet Body All Mind. Sammen har de udgivet bestsellerne Den fedeste juicekur, Flere fede juicer, Den sejeste suppekur og Ren selvkærlighed.
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- 289,95 kr.
206,95 - 208,95 kr. Kom du med i juicerevolutionen med bestselleren Den fedeste juicekur? Hvis ikke, kan det nås endnu – med Flere fede juicer. Der er nemlig stadig masser af sundhedsgevinster at hente ved at erstatte et eller flere måltider med lækre, velsmagende juicer af frugt og grønt: Du får mere energi, slipper af med gamle skavanker, taber dig og ser bare bedre ud. I Flere fede juicer får du op mod 80 nye, lækre opskrifter at vælge og vrage imellem, blandt andet: • Hverdagsjuicer og smoothies, hvor du får fif og tricks til at juice og blende i en travl hverdag med børn og job. • Skønhedsjuicer, hvor der er særligt fokus på hud, hår og udstråling. • Slankejuicer, der ”punkterer” ballonmaven og giver optimal forbrænding. • Energijuicer, der renser ud, styrker immunforsvaret og giver nyt overskud. På den anden side: Du behøver ikke vælge. Du kan også drikke det hele …
228,95 kr. Gennem de seneste år har Martin Hall skrevet en række store features til GAFFA om bl.a. Sex Pistols, Joy Division og Throbbing Gristle. Alle artiklerne har fungeret som punktnedslag til en aktuel anledning, hvad enten det så har været et jubilæum eller en gendannelse. De samlede artikler er den første sammenhængende fortælling på dansk om punk- og postpunkperioden, som den primært udspillede sig i Storbritannien. Martin Hall var som udøvende musiker selv en del af den scene, der brød igennem i årene omkring 1980, og det mærkes tydeligt, når man læser NOSTATIC! Hall citerer flittigt datidens engelske musikpresse, ligesom han konstant perspektiverer de forskellige kunstneres indbyrdes forhold og interesser, hvad enten det drejer sig om situationisme, amfetamin, fransk lyrik eller satanisme. Der tegnes med andre ord noget nær et totalportræt af den scene, der om nogen har stået fadder til tidens ombejlede indie-kultur, og portrættet suppleres af de illustrationer, som maleren og musikeren Knud Odde har udført til bogens tolv kapitler.
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- 228,95 kr.
- Featuring English Bulldogs
88,95 kr. Is your beloved pet an English Bulldog? Then this coloring book is for you! It features various, cutesy, will-make-you-smile line images of English Bulldogs for you to color. As in our other coloring books, we also include interesting and cool facts about the breed for you to color as well! The Dog Lovers Coloring Book Featuring English Bulldogs is both for kids and the young-at-heart. Have fun and enjoy! While waiting for your coloring book to arrive. . . Visit MJPublishingHouse.com and download a free, 25-page "I Love Dogs" Adult Coloring Book to tide you over!
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- 88,95 kr.
188,95 kr. Schoolboy is Martin Keaveney's fifth book. It follows the novels Delia Meade (2020) and The Mackon Country (2021), a novella, Caravan (2022) and a short story collection, The Rainy Day (2018), all published by Penniless Press. Stage and screen credits include Ireland's national broadcaster RTE and Scripts Ireland Playwriting Festival. He has a PhD in Creative Writing and Textual Studies. Scholarship has been published widely, including at the New Hibernia Review, Canadian Journal of Irish Studies and Estudios Irlandeses. He was awarded the Sparanacht Ui Eithir for his research in 2016. He works with hundreds of creative writers and literary enthusiasts annually (see more at www.martinkeaveney.com).
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- 188,95 kr.
278,95 kr. Understanding the Role of Manufacturing Engineering in Medical Device DevelopmentManufacturing engineering plays a critical role in the development of medical devices, ensuring that these life-saving technologies are not only safe and effective but also cost-efficient and scalable. This subchapter aims to provide students studying manufacturing engineering with a comprehensive understanding of their role in the medical device development process.The field of manufacturing engineering focuses on the design, development, and implementation of efficient manufacturing processes and systems. When it comes to medical device development, manufacturing engineers are responsible for translating the design concept into a tangible product that can be mass-produced.One of the key responsibilities of manufacturing engineers is to optimize the manufacturing process to meet the specific requirements of medical device production. This involves selecting appropriate materials, designing efficient assembly lines, and ensuring that the manufacturing process adheres to regulatory standards such as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and ISO 13485.Manufacturing engineers also collaborate closely with design engineers to ensure that the product design is manufacturable. They provide valuable input during the design phase, offering insights into material selection, component sourcing, and production feasibility. By working together, manufacturing engineers and design engineers can create a product that not only meets the functional requirements but is also easy to manufacture.Another crucial aspect of manufacturing engineering in medical device development is quality control. Manufacturing engineers are responsible for developing and implementing quality control processes to ensure that each device meets the highest standards of safety and effectiveness. This involves conducting thorough inspections, tests, and certifications throughout the manufacturing process.Furthermore, manufacturing engineers play a vital role in ensuring cost-effectiveness and scalability of medical device production. They are responsible for identifying areas where costs can be reduced without compromising the quality of the product. They also develop strategies to scale up production to meet increasing demand while maintaining efficiency and quality.
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- 278,95 kr.
- Featuring German Shepherds
83,95 kr. Another info coloring book for dog lovers from Martin & Joey's Publishing House, this time featuring German Shepherds. Designed for both the young and the young-at-heart, this fun and informative coloring book includes not just adorable German Shepherd line images to color but also, interesting facts about this very popular breed to color too! While waiting for your coloring book to arrive. . . Visit MJPublishingHouse.com and download a free, 25-page "I Love Dogs" Adult Coloring Book to tide you over!
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- 83,95 kr.
- Featuring Beagles
83,95 kr. Is your best friend a beagle? Then you will love this coloring book! This is the Beagle edition of our Dog Lovers Coloring Books. It features various line images of this beloved breed for you to color plus cool information about beagles which you can color as well. This fun and informative coloring book is not just for kids but also for the young-at-heart. Do you know of other Beagle lovers? Then give them a gift which will surely make them smile. Give them this Dog Lovers Coloring Book Featuring Beagles. While you wait for your coloring book to arrive. . . Visit MJPublishingHouse.com and download a free, 25-page "I love Dogs" Adult Coloring Book, to tide you over!
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- 83,95 kr.
- Featuring Dog Emojis
98,95 kr. You will surely smile and have fun coloring these various dog emojis - happy, disappointed, in love, stunned, bored, laughing, winking, being silly, mischievous, grossed out, petrified, dazed and confused, furious, excited, smiling, weeping, dumbfounded, contented, sleeping, sad and worried. We designed this coloring book not just for kids but for the young-at-heart as well. We do hope you will enjoy coloring these various dog emojis as much as we enjoyed creating them. While waiting for your coloring book to arrive. . . Visit MJPublishingHouse.com and download a free, 25-page "I Love Dogs" Adult Coloring Book to tide you over!
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- 98,95 kr.
- Featuring Labrador Retrievers
83,95 kr. Aren't Labrador Retrievers just adorable? That's why this coloring book is all about them. It contains not just line images of labs for you to color but also information about this popular dog breed which you can color too! That's why we call this not just a coloring book but an "Info Coloring Book". And it's suitable for both kids and adults! While waiting for your coloring book to arrive. . . Visit MJPublishingHouse.com and download a free, 25-page "I Love Dogs" Adult Coloring Book to tide you over!
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- 83,95 kr.
- 19 Secrets To A Happy Marriage
108,95 kr. Do you want to know the secrets to a happy marriage and have fun while learning? Then this one's for you. This is more than just an adult coloring book. It contains 19 secrets to a happy marriage (based on research studies) for you to color plus a short read on each of these 19 secrets! Give this to someone who just recently got engaged or to married couples celebrating their wedding anniversaries. This adult coloring book is also a great and unique wedding giveaway for special guests.
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- 108,95 kr.
- Featuring Golden Retrievers
83,95 kr. Designed for dog lovers especially those who love Golden Retrievers, this coloring book features not just adorable Golden Retrievers to color but also important information about the breed, to color as well! Hence, we call it not just a coloring book but as an Info Coloring Book. And by the way, this is both for the young and the young-at-heart. While waiting for your coloring book to arrive. . . Visit MJPublishingHouse.com and download a free, 25-page "I Love Dogs" Adult Coloring Book to tide you over!
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- 83,95 kr.
258,95 kr. Das Buch bietet eine umfassende und detaillierte Anleitung für angehende Unternehmer, die den Traum haben, ihr eigenes Transportunternehmen mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Gütertransport mittels Lastkraftwagen zu gründen und erfolgreich zu führen. Es führt die Leser durch den gesamten Prozess der Unternehmensgründung und -entwicklung in der Logistikbranche.Der Inhalt beginnt mit einer gründlichen Untersuchung der Grundlagen, einschließlich der Marktanalyse, der Identifizierung von Geschäftschancen und der Entwicklung eines tragfähigen Geschäftsplans. Es werden wertvolle Einblicke in die Herausforderungen und Chancen des Transportgeschäfts gegeben, um angehenden Unternehmern zu helfen, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und erfolgreich zu starten.Das Buch beleuchtet auch die wichtige Entscheidung der Fahrzeugauswahl. Es erörtert die verschiedenen Arten von Lastkraftwagen, ihre spezifischen Einsatzbereiche und die Kostenfaktoren, die bei der Beschaffung und Wartung berücksichtigt werden müssen. Zusätzlich werden Tipps zur Optimierung der Flottenleistung gegeben, um sowohl wirtschaftliche als auch umweltfreundliche Vorteile zu erzielen.Ein weiteres Hauptthema sind die rechtlichen und behördlichen Aspekte, die bei der Gründung und Führung eines Transportunternehmens zu berücksichtigen sind. Das Buch erläutert die notwendigen Genehmigungen, Lizenzen und Versicherungen, um den rechtlichen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden und Risiken zu minimieren.Die Autorinnen und Autoren präsentieren bewährte Strategien und Best Practices, um die Effizienz im Geschäftsbetrieb zu steigern und die betrieblichen Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Es werden innovative Technologien und digitale Lösungen vorgestellt, die die Logistikprozesse optimieren und die Kundenzufriedenheit steigern können.Darüber hinaus beinhaltet das Buch wertvolle Einblicke in den Aufbau langfristiger Kundenbeziehungen. Es erörtert die Bedeutung exzellenter Kundenserviceleistungen, transparenter Kommunikation und zuverlässiger Lieferungen, um eine treue Kundenbasis aufzubauen und sich gegenüber Mitbewerbern zu differenzieren.Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf der nachhaltigen Geschäftsentwicklung. Das Buch ermutigt Unternehmer, umweltbewusste Praktiken zu implementieren und den ökologischen Fußabdruck ihrer Transportaktivitäten zu minimieren. Es bietet Inspiration für nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle und umweltfreundliche Initiativen, die sowohl ökonomische als auch soziale Vorteile bringen können.Zusammenfassend bietet dieses Buch angehenden Unternehmern, die in der Transportbranche Fuß fassen möchten, eine umfassende und praxisorientierte Anleitung. Es gibt wertvolle Einblicke, bewährte Strategien und Ratschläge von erfahrenen Branchenexperten, um die Leser auf dem Weg zur Gründung und zum Wachstum eines florierenden Transportunternehmens zu begleiten."
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- 258,95 kr.
258,95 kr. - Bog
- 258,95 kr.
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- 273,95 kr.
360,95 kr. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
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- 360,95 kr.
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- 279,95 kr.
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- 601,95 kr.
213,95 kr. The Torah, as the ultimate source of wisdom and hope, as seen from the perspective of a psychologist and a musician. The author tenderly and lovingly explores the words of the Five Books of Moses, with original ideas and emotions filtered by his journey as a ba'al teshuvah (one embracing anew the life of an observant Jew). His thinking, reflected in his stories and other books, have made a real difference in the lives that he has touched.The author acknowledges the deep influences of Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks as well as Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo.
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- 213,95 kr.
328,95 kr. To protect the cargo ships essential to the continuing existence of the fledgling Coalition of Planets, the captains of the United Earth's Starfleet are ordered to interstellar picket duty, with little more to do than ask "Who goes there?" into the darkness of space. Captain Jonathan Archer of the Enterprise seethes with frustration, wondering if anyone else can see what he sees. A secret, closed, militaristic society, convinced that their survival hangs by a thread, who view their neighbors as a threat to their very existence -- the Spartans of ancient Greece, the Russians of the old Soviet Union, the Koreans under Kim Il-sung -- with only one goal: attain ultimate power, no matter the cost. The little-known, never-seen Romulans seem to live by these same principles. The captain realizes that the bond between the signers of the Coalition charter is fragile and likely to snap if pushed. But he knows that the Romulans are hostile, and he believes they are the force behind the cargo ship attacks. If asked, Archer can offer no proof without endangering his friend's life. To whom does he owe his loyalty: his friend, his world, the Coalition? And by choosing one, does he not risk losing all of them? What is the solution to a no-win scenario?
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- 328,95 kr.
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- 271,95 kr.
208,95 kr. Exploring architectural itineraries that lead to a series of possible futures for architecture and urbanism, "Multi-National City" follows three architectural itineraries through three cities and their histories.
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- 208,95 kr.
2.240,95 kr. Engineers who play a major role in hazardous waste management, must have full understanding of technical, regulatory, economic, permitting, institutional and public policy issues. This reference book provides this information, providing data and techniques that can be applied to analyzing, designing and developing effective hazardous waste management solutions.
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- 2.240,95 kr.
183,95 kr. - Bog
- 183,95 kr.
116,95 kr. - Bog
- 116,95 kr.
- the 1. Necessity, 2. Nature, 3. Means, 4. Signs of It. With a Concluding Speech to the Vnconverted
168,95 kr. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
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- 168,95 kr.
- Who Was Taken Prisoner After the Defeat of the French and Rebels, at the Battle of Ballinamuck, in the County of Longford, and Being Tried by a Court- Martial, Was Found Guilty, and Ordered For...
153,95 kr. - Bog
- 153,95 kr.
153,95 kr. "Wherever You Are, Whoever You Are" is a children's book that focuses on reminding children to be kind and the importance of being kind. The book explains to children that they have superpowers and their superpowers are love and kindness. It is full of color with words that rhyme on every page. The book also includes light humor and geographical elements. The book is modern and includes emojis. Gratitude is expressed to Jesus on the dedication page and the book can easily be added to the Christian book section.
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- 153,95 kr.
- The Life and Letters of the Commander of the Heavy Brigade at Balaklava
283,95 kr. The first work devoted to a great Victorian soldier, Major Gen Sir James Scarlett, commander of the Heavy Brigade through the Crimean War.
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- 283,95 kr.