Bøger af Mark Phillips
253,95 kr. Guitar For Dummies, 4th Edition (9781119293354) was previously published as Guitar For Dummies, 4th Edition (9781119151432). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.
- Bog
- 253,95 kr.
115,95 kr. Ten J. S. Bach classics arranged for piano (easy to intermediate level). Includes: Agnus Dei (from Mass in B Minor); Arioso (from Cantata No. 156); Air on the G String (from Orchestral Suite No. 3); Bourrée in E Minor (from Lute Suite in E Minor); Chorale (from St. Matthew Passion); Come, Sweet Death (from the Schemelli Songbook); Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (from Cantata No. 147); Keep, O My Spirit (from Christmas Oratorio); Sleepers, Wake (from Cantata No. 140); Sheep May Safely Graze (from Cantata No. 208).
- Bog
- 115,95 kr.
- 57 Creatures, 1,000+ Questions
167,95 kr. Unleash your inner animal expert with the Big Book of Animal Trivia: 57 Creatures, 1,000+ Questions! Whether you're a trivia buff or simply curious about the animal kingdom, this book is your passport to fascinating fun. Each chapter dedicates itself to one of your favorite creatures and features engaging multiple-choice questions that will test your knowledge and ignite your curiosity. From furry friends like dogs and cats to majestic giants like elephants and whales, each chapter is a treasure trove of bite-sized trivia. With over 1,000 questions to conquer, this book is perfect for individual or group fun, family game nights, or simply satisfying your insatiable thirst for animal knowledge. Prepare to be amazed by the incredible diversity and wonder of the animal kingdom!
- Bog
- 167,95 kr.
118,95 kr. 21 beautiful hymns for flute and guitar (in standard notation and tablature). Includes: Abide with Me; All Creatures of Our God and King; All Glory, Laud and Honor; All Things Bright and Beautiful; At the Cross; Be Thou My Vision; Beautiful Savior; Christ the Lord Is Risen Today; Crown Him with Many Crowns; God of Grace and God of Glory; Holy God, We Praise Thy Name; I Hear Thy Welcome Voice; I Seek Not Life's Ease and Pleasures; The King of Love My Shepherd Is; Lord, I Have Made Thy Word My Choice; A Mighty Fortress Is Our God; My Song Is Love Unknown; Nearer My God to Thee; Now Thank We All Our God; O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee; Softly and Tenderly.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Ten masterpieces by Mozart, arranged for classical guitar duet (in standard notation and tablature). Includes: Agnus Dei (from Coronation Mass), Andante in C Major (K. 315), Ave verum corpus, Flute Quartet No. 1 (Second Movement), Klavierstück (K. 33b), Là ci darem la mano (from Don Giovanni), Laudate Dominum, Piano Concerto No. 21 (Second Movement), Piano Sonata No. 6 (Third Movement, Variation XI), Rondo alla turca.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
- 22 Sacred Songs for Flute and Guitar
153,95 kr. 22 sacred songs by Bach from the Schemelli Songbook for flute and guitar (in standard notation and tablature). Includes Ach, dass nicht die letzte Stunde (Oh, That Is Not the Last Hour); Auf, auf! die rechte Zeit ist hier (Up, Up! The Proper Time Is Here); Beschränkt, ihr Weisen dieser Welt (Confine, Ye Wise Men of the World); Brich entzwei, mein armes Herze (Break in Two, My Poor Heart); Dich bet ich an, mein höchster Gott (I Worship Thee, My God Most High); Dir, dir, Jehova, will ich singen (To Thee, Thee, Jehovah, I Will Sing); Eins ist not! ach Herr, dies Eine (One Thing Is Needful, O Lord, This One Thing); Gott wie gross ist deine Güte (God, How Great Thy Goodness Is); Ich halte treulich still (I Shall Remain Faithfully Silent); Ich lass dich nicht (I Shall Not Leave Thee); Ich liebe Jesum alle Stund' (I Love Jesus Always); Ich steh' an deiner Krippen hier (I Stand Here by Thy Crib); Jesu, Jesu, du bist mein (Jesus, Jesus, Thou Art Mine); Komm, süsser Tod (Come, Sweet Death); Kommt, Seelen, dieser Tag (Brethren, When This Day Comes); Kommt wieder aus der finstern Gruft (Come Again from Out the Dark Tomb); Liebster Herr Jesu (Dearest Lord Jesus); Mein Jesu! was für Seelenweh (My Jesus, How Great Anguish of Soul); O finstre Nacht (O Gloomy Night); O liebe Seele, zieh' die Sinnen (Beloved Soul, Thy Thoughts Withdraw Now); Selig, wer an Jesum denkt (Blessed, He Who Thinks on Jesus); Vergiss mein nicht, vergiss mein nicht (Forget Me Not, Forget Me Not).
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
118,95 kr. 14 gems arranged for intermediate-level solo guitar (in standard notation and tablature). Includes: Allegro for Musical Clock, Bagatelle (Op. 33, No. 6), Bagatelle (Op. 119, No. 1), Für Elise (Bagatelle No. 25), Ode to Joy (from Symphony No. 9), Piano Concerto No. 5 (Second Movement Theme), Piano Sonata No. 18 (Third Movement Theme), Piano Sonata No. 30 (Third Movement Theme), Piano Sonata No. 14 (Second Movement Theme), Six Variations on "Nel cor più non mi sento" (Variation No. 4), String Quartet No. 10 "Harp" (Second Movement Theme), Symphony No. 2 (Second Movement Theme), Symphony No. 5 (Second Movement Theme), Violin Sonata No. 9 "Kreutzer" (Second Movement Theme).
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
188,95 kr. This captivating collection features many renowned composers and their timeless melodies. From Bach to Debussy, experience the beauty of classical music as two clarinets harmoniously intertwine. Includes: Agnus Dei (from Mass in B Minor) by Bach; Air Anglois in F Major by Fischer; Air in D Minor by Purcell; Air on the G String by Bach; Allegrissimo in A Major by Scarlatti; Allegro (from Piano Concerto No. 14) by Mozart; Allegro for Musical Clock by Beethoven; Allemande in F Major by Weiss; Andante Cantabile by Tchaikovsky; Andante in E-flat Major by Pergolesi; Andante (from Piano Concerto No. 4) by Mozart; Andante (from Piano Concerto No. 15) by Mozart; Andante (from Piano Concerto No. 23) by Mozart; Arabian Dance (from The Nutcracker) by Tchaikovsky; Aria in D Minor by Graupner; Aria in G Major by Scholze; Aria in G Minor by Brescianello; Arioso by Bach; Ave Maria by Gounod; Ave Maria by Schubert; Ave Verum Corpus by Mozart; Bagatelle (Op. 33, No. 6) by Beethoven; Bagatelle (Op. 119, No. 1) by Beethoven; Barcarolle by Offenbach; Bist du bei mir by Bach; Bourrée in B-flat Major by Banister; Bourrée in C Minor by Handel; Bourrée in D Minor by de Visée; Bourrée in E Minor by Bach; Bridal Chorus by Wagner; Caro mio ben by Giordini; Chinese Dance (from The Nutcracker) by Tchaikovsky; Chorale (from St. Matthew Passion) by Bach; Clair de lune by Debussy; Contredanse (from London Sketchbook) by Mozart; Dance of the Blessed Spirits by Gluck; Dance of the Hours by Ponchielli; Dance of the Reed Flutes (from The Nutcracker) by Tchaikovsky; Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (from The Nutcracker) by Tchaikovsky; Flower Duet (from Lakmé) by Delibes; Funeral March of a Marionette by Gounod; Für Elise by Beethoven; Gavotte in D Minor by Lully; Gavotte in E Minor by Dieupart; Gavotte in E Minor by Vivaldi; Gavotte in F Major by Corelli; Gavotte in G Major by Krieger; Gavotte in G Major (from French Suite No. 5) by Bach; The Happy Farmer by Schumann; In the Hall of the Mountain King by Grieg; Intermezzo by Mascagni; Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by Bach; Keep, O My Spirit by Bach; Klavierstück by Mozart; La Boiteuse in D Minor by Rameau; Là ci darem la mano by Mozart; Largo in E Minor by Telemann; Laudate Dominum by Mozart; Liebestraum by Liszt; Lullaby (Wiegenlied) by Brahms; March (from The Nutcracker) by Tchaikovsky; Melody in F by Rubinstein; Minuet in A Major by Boccherini; Minuet in A Minor by Baron; Minuet in C Major by Faber; Minuet in C Major (from Notebook for Nannerl) by Mozart; Minuet in D Minor by Bach; Minuet in G Major by Bach; Minuet in G Major by Beethoven; Minuet in G Minor by Krebs; Overture (from The Nutcracker) by Tchaikovsky; Panis Angelicus by Franck; Pas de deux (from The Nutcracker) by Tchaikovsky; Pavane by Fauré; Piano Sonata No. 14 (Second Movement Theme) by Beethoven; Piano Sonata No. 18 (Third Movement Theme) by Beethoven; Pie Jesu by Fauré; Pomp and Circumstance by Elgar; Rondeau by Mouret; Rondo alla turca by Mozart; Russian Dance (from The Nutcracker) by Tchaikovsky; Sarabande in A Minor by Logy; Sarabande in E Minor by Buxtehude; Sheep May Safely Graze by Bach; Sleepers, Awake by Bach; Sonatina No. 5 (Third Movement) by Clementi; Surprise Symphony (Second Movement Theme) by Haydn; Symphony No. 1 (Fourth Movement Theme) by Brahms; Symphony No. 4 (Second Movement Theme) by Beethoven; Symphony No. 5 (Second Movement Theme) by Beethoven; Symphony No. 7 (Second Movement Theme) by Beethoven; Symphony No. 8 (Second Movement Theme) by Beethoven; Symphony No. 9 (Fourth Movement Theme: "Ode to Joy") by Beethoven; Theatre Tune in D Minor by Blow; Theme (from Flute Quartet No. 3, Second Movement) by Mozart; Theme (from Flute Quartet No. 4, First Movement) by Mozart; Variations on "Nel cor piu non mi sento," (Variation No. 4) by Beethoven; Waltz of the Flowers (from The Nutcracker) by Tchaikovsky; Wedding March by Mendelssohn; William Tell Overture by Rossini.
- Bog
- 188,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Twelve beautiful waltzes by Johann Strauss for flute and guitar (in standard notation and tablature). Includes: The Artist's Life; The Blue Danube; Cagliostro Waltz; Emperor Waltz; Kiss Waltz; Roses from the South; Tales from the Vienna Woods; A Thousand and One Nights; Treasure Waltz; Vienna Life; Where the Lemon Trees Bloom; Wine, Women and Song.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
- 72 Easy Classical Guitar Pieces in Standard Notation and Tablature, Featuring the Music of Bach, Handel, Purcell, Scarlatti, Telemann and Vivaldi
198,95 kr. 72 delightful baroque guitar solos that are easy to play yet sound full and complete. Features the music of only the best of the best of the baroque era: Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frederick Handel, Henry Purcell, Domenico Scarlatti, Georg Philipp Telemann, Antonio Vivaldi.
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
463,95 kr. Do you feel that it is time for a career change? Are you interested in learning what it is like to be a bodyguard? Have you sought training only to find that courses are scarce and very expensive? In 100 Rules for the New Bodyguard, industry expert Big Mark the Bodyguard talks straight about what it is like to be the protector to celebrities, corporate giants and people under threat as well as offers valuable insight into what it takes to begin and grow a career in private protections. Big Mark has poured into this book his 20+ years of experience, wonderful stories, applied and proven strategies, as well as practical advice that will equip you on your journey to become a protection professional with a realistic view of the bodyguard industry.In these pages, you will discover: What its like to be a bodyguard in today's social climateWhat you should immediately do to gain valuable experienceWhat steps you can take to avoid common pitfallsHow to communicate with Clients / PrincipalsHow to maximize on professional relationshipsIf you are looking for a resource that is easy to read and offers practical advice based on experience - that will save you time and money, this is the tool you need.
- Bog
- 463,95 kr.
- 14 Enchanting Melodies for Flute and Guitar
148,95 kr. 14 enchanting opera melodies for flute and guitar (in standard notation and tablature). Includes: Air pour les mesmes (from Lully's Phaëton); Bridal Chorus (from Wagner's Lohengrin); Dance of the Blessed Spirits (from Gluck's Orfée et Eurydice); Dance of the Hours (from Ponchielli's La Gioconda); Intermezzo (from Mascagni's Cavalleria rusticana); Là ci darem la mano (from Mozart's Don Giovanni); Méditation (from Massenet's Thaïs); Mélodie: Ballet II (from Gluck's Orfée et Eurydice); O mio babbino caro (from Puccini's Gianni Schicchi); Prologue, Troisième Partie (from Lully's Persée); Ruhe sanft, mein holdes Leben (from Mozart's Zaide); Una furtiva lagrima (from Donizetti's L'elisir d'amore); Waltz (from Glinka's A Life for the Tsar); Where'er You Walk (from Handel's Semele).
- Bog
- 148,95 kr.
113,95 kr. 24 favorite classical themes for clarinet duet, easy to intermediate level. Includes: Air on the G String (Bach); Arioso (Bach); Ave Maria (Gounod); Ave Maria (Schubert); Bourrée in E Minor (Bach); Bridal Chorus (Wagner); Dance of the Hours (Ponchielli); Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (Tchaikovsky); Funeral March of a Marionette (Gounod); Für Elise (Beethoven); In the Hall of the Mountain King (Grieg); Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Bach); Lullaby (Brahms); March from the Nutcracker (Tchaikovsky); Minuet in G Major (Bach); Ode to Joy (Beethoven); Pavane (Fauré); Pomp and Circumstance (Elgar); Rondeau (Mouret); Surprise Symphony (Haydn); Symphony No. 1, Fourth Movement Theme (Brahms); Waltz of the Flowers (Tchaikovsky); Wedding March (Mendelssohn); William Tell Overture (Rossini).
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.
158,95 kr. 30 hauntingly beautiful duets for flute and guitar (in standard notation and tablature), featuring music of the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern Eras. Includes: Adagio (from Flute Quartet No. 1, K. 285) by Mozart; Adagio (from Piano Sonata, Hob XVI:6) by Haydn; Adagio (from Violin Sonata, Op. 5, No. 5) by Corelli; Air (ZT 676) by Purcell; Allemande (from French Suite No. 2, BWV 813) by Bach; Allemande (from Lute Suite No. 33) by Weiss; Andante (from Flute Sonata, HWV 367b) by Handel; Arietta by Grieg; Arioso (from Flute Sonata, RV 50) by Vivaldi; Barcarolle ("June" from The Seasons) by Tchaikovsky; Chanson de matin by Elgar; En prière (from Contes mustiques) by Fauré; Flow, My Tears by Dowland; Für Elise (Bagatelle No. 25) by Beethoven; Grave (from Recorder Sonata, TWV 41: C2) by Telemann; Gymnopédie No. 1 by Satie; La plus que lente by Debussy; La séparation (Nocturne) by Glinka; Larghetto (from Sonata No. 34) by Scarlatti; Lonely Flowers (from Forest Scenes, Op. 82, No. 3) by Schumann; Lua branca (from Forrobodó) by Gonzaga; Mazurka (Op. 67, No. 4) by Chopin; Mélodie: Ballet II (from Orfée et Eurydice) by Gluck; Pavane by Fauré; Reverie by Debussy; Serenade (from Swan Song, D 957) by Schubert; Slavonic Dance (Op. 72, No. 2) by Dvorák; Symphony No. 3 (Third Movement Theme) by Brahms; The Swan (from The Carnival of the Animals) by Saint-Saëns; Valsa romantica by Villa-Lobos. Note: Pieces are at an intermediate level of difficulty. For the sake of playability, some pieces are abridged and/or transposed from the original key.
- Bog
- 158,95 kr.
113,95 kr. 24 favorite classical themes for alto sax duet, easy to intermediate level. Includes: Air on the G String (Bach); Arioso (Bach); Ave Maria (Gounod); Ave Maria (Schubert); Bourrée in E Minor (Bach); Bridal Chorus (Wagner); Dance of the Hours (Ponchielli); Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (Tchaikovsky); Funeral March of a Marionette (Gounod); Für Elise (Beethoven); In the Hall of the Mountain King (Grieg); Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Bach); Lullaby (Brahms); March from the Nutcracker (Tchaikovsky); Minuet in G Major (Bach); Ode to Joy (Beethoven); Pavane (Fauré); Pomp and Circumstance (Elgar); Rondeau (Mouret); Surprise Symphony (Haydn); Symphony No. 1, Fourth Movement Theme (Brahms); Waltz of the Flowers (Tchaikovsky); Wedding March (Mendelssohn); William Tell Overture (Rossini).
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.
148,95 kr. 14 gems for flute and guitar (in standard notation and tablature), featuring music by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Borodin, Glinka, Scriabin, and others. Includes: "Andante Cantabile" by Tchaikovsky; "Cantabile" (Op. 36, No. 2) by Cui; "Ãlégie" by Rachmaninoff; "Hélène-Polka" by Borodin; "La Séparation" by Glinka; "Lullaby" by Ilyinsky; "Mazurka in C Minor" by Glinka; "Melody in F" by Rubinstein; "Prelude" (Op. 11, No. 15) by Scriabin; "Romeo and Juliet (Love Theme)" by Tchaikovsky; "Sleeping Beauty Waltz" by Tchaikovsky; "Song of India" by Rimsky-Korsakov; "Une Larme" by Mussorgsky; "Waltz of the Flowers" by Tchaikovsky.
- Bog
- 148,95 kr.
118,95 kr. 12 gems from Tchaikovsky for solo guitar (in standard notation and tablature). Includes: Andante Cantabile (from String Quartet No. 1), Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (from The Nutcracker), June: Barcarolle (from The Seasons), Mama (from Album for the Young), Nocturne (Op. 19, No. 4), Old French Song (from Album for the Young), Russian Song (from Album for the Young), Sleeping Beauty Waltz, Swan Lake (Theme), Sweet Dream (from Album for the Young), Theme (from Rococo Variations), Theme (from Theme and Variations, Op. 19, No. 6
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
113,95 kr. 24 favorite classical themes for trumpet duet, easy to intermediate level. Includes: Air on the G String (Bach); Arioso (Bach); Ave Maria (Gounod); Ave Maria (Schubert); Bourrée in E Minor (Bach); Bridal Chorus (Wagner); Dance of the Hours (Ponchielli); Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (Tchaikovsky); Funeral March of a Marionette (Gounod); Für Elise (Beethoven); In the Hall of the Mountain King (Grieg); Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Bach); Lullaby (Brahms); March from the Nutcracker (Tchaikovsky); Minuet in G Major (Bach); Ode to Joy (Beethoven); Pavane (Fauré); Pomp and Circumstance (Elgar); Rondeau (Mouret); Surprise Symphony (Haydn); Symphony No. 1, Fourth Movement Theme (Brahms); Waltz of the Flowers (Tchaikovsky); Wedding March (Mendelssohn); William Tell Overture (Rossini).
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.