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Bøger af Mark Moss

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  • af Mark Moss
    118,95 kr.

    Wir schrieben Das UNkommunistische Manifest in der Hoffnung, dass es in dem Kampf zwischen Individueller Souveränität und Kollektivem Zwang, der um uns herum tobt, als Inspiration dienen möge. Wir ahmten sowohl Format als auch Umfang des Kommunistischen Manifests nach, schrieben es jedoch als eine Erinnerung daran um, aufwärts zu greifen und eine bessere Version seiner selbst zu werden, anstatt sich selbst in statische Gruppen zu klassifizieren und Befriedigung darin zu suchen, andere auf das eigene Niveau herabzuziehen.Unser Ziel war es, die Achse dieses "Kampfes" zu verlagern. Marx und Engels beschrieben ihn als einen "Kampf zwischen zwei Klassen" denen ein Individuum aufgrund seines materiellen Wohlstands willkürlich zugeordnet wird. Wir lehnen dies ab und behaupten, dass der wirkliche Kampf zwischen individueller Autonomie, Souveränität sowie Verantwortung auf der einen Seite und den kollektivistischen Tendenzen gruppenbasierter Identitätspolitiken, Rechte, Privilegien sowie Abhängigkeiten auf der anderen stattfindet.Unsere längerfristige Hoffnung ist, dass dieser Text ein Leuchtturm der Hoffnung, Zurechnungsfähigkeit und Vernunft in einer Welt sein wird, die der aller marxistischen Doktrin entströmende Neid einhüllt. Der Sirenengesang der marxistischen Entropie erklingt lauter denn je. Größe und Unantastbarkeit des Individuums müssen ihm entgegentreten.Dies ist die erste Ausgabe und wir hoffen, dass Du tiefe Sinnhaftigkeit und neues Licht in ihr vorfindest.Mark & Aleks

  • af Mark Moss
    118,95 kr.

    Escribimos el Manifiesto Incomunista con la esperanza de que se utilice como texto inspirador en la lucha entre la soberanía individual y la coerción colectiva, tan evidente a nuestro alrededor hoy en día. Emulamos el formato y la extensión del Manifiesto Comunista, pero lo reescribimos para recordar a las personas que deben ascender y convertirse en mejores versiones de sí mismas, en lugar de clasificarse en grupos estáticos y validar su deseo de rebajar a los demás a su nivel.Nuestro objetivo era cambiar el eje de la "lucha". Marx y Engels la esbozaron como "una lucha entre dos clases", a las que se asigna arbitrariamente un individuo en función de su riqueza material. Nosotros rechazamos esto y afirmamos que la verdadera lucha es entre la autonomía, la soberanía y la responsabilidad individual frente a la tendencia colectivista hacia la política de identidad de grupo, los derechos, las asignaciones y las codependencias.Nuestra esperanza a largo plazo es que este texto pueda ser un faro de esperanza, cordura y sentido común en un mundo que está siendo engullido por la envidia inherentemente justificada por la doctrina marxista. El canto de sirena de la entropía marxista es más fuerte que nunca. La grandeza y la santidad del individuo y del alma deben contrarrestarlo.Esta es la primera edición y esperamos que encuentres un mayor sentido y una nueva luz en ella.Mark y Aleks "El marxismo o la planificación central es muy similar a la eugenesia en el sentido de que los que creen en ella, por definición, también creen que hay algunos en la sociedad que son superiores y otros que son inferiores. En Estados Unidos hemos visto que eso llevó a legalizar la esterilización forzada, en otros países como Rusia y China mucho peor. Literalmente,

  • af Mark Moss
    98,95 kr.

    Nós escrevemos O Manifesto DesComunista com a esperança de vê-lo sendo usado como inspiração na luta entre o Indivíduo Soberano e a Coerção Coletiva, tão evidente no mundo de hoje. Nós replicamos o formato e a duração do Manifesto Comunista, mas o reescrevemos para incentivar os leitores a almejar mais e ser a melhor versão de si, ao invés de se colocar em coletivos estáticos e validar seus desejos de igualar os outros ao seu nível.Nosso objetivo foi alterar o significado da palavra "luta". Marx e Engels a resumiram como "um conflito entre duas classes", às quais indivíduos são alocados arbitrariamente de acordo com suas riquezas materiais. Nós rejeitamos tal conceito, e afirmamos que a verdadeira luta é aquela entre autonomia individual, soberania e responsabilidade versus a tendência coletivista das políticas identitárias, direitos e co-dependências.Nossa esperança é que no longo prazo esse livro se torne um balizador de esperança, sanidade e sentido em um mundo cada vez mais engolido pela inveja da doutrina Marxista. O destrutivo canto da sereia Marxista está mais alto do que nunca. A grandeza e santidade do indivíduo e da alma precisam enfrentá-lo.Esta é a primeira edição deste livro, e nele esperamos que você encontre sentido e luz.

  • - The Past as Image
    af Mark Moss
    633,95 - 1.414,95 kr.

    Over the past 50 years, the influence of visuals has impacted society with greater frequency. No subject is immune from the power of visual culture, and this fact becomes especially pronounced with regards to history and historical discourse. Where once the study of the past was books and printed articles, the environment has changed and students now enter the lecture hall with a sense of history that has been gleaned from television, film, photography, and other new media. They come to understand history based on what they have seen and heard, not what they have read. What are the implications of this process, this visualization of history? Mark Moss discusses the impact of visuals on the study of history with an examination of visual culture and the future of print. Recognizing the visual bias of the younger generations and using this as a starting point for teaching history is a critical component for reaching students. By providing an analysis of photography, film, television, and computer culture, Moss uses the Holocaust as an historical case study to illustrate the ways in which visual culture can be used to bring about an awareness of history, as well as the potential for visual culture becoming a driving force for social and cultural change.

  • - Educating Young Boys in Ontario for War
    af Mark Moss
    598,95 kr.

    By examining the cult of manliness as it developed in Victorian and Edwardian Ontario, Moss reveals a number of factors that made young men eager to prove their mettle on the battlefields of Europe.

  • af Mark Moss
    630,95 - 1.276,95 kr.

    Mark Moss's The Media and the Models of Masculinity details the impact that the mass media has upon men's sense of identity, style, and deportment. From advertising to television shows, mass consumer culture defines and identifies how men select and sort what is fashionable and acceptable. Utilizing a large mine of mediated imagery, men and boys construct and define how to dress, act, and comport themselves. By engaging critical discussions on everything from fashion, to domestic space, to sports and beyond, readers are privy to a modern and fascinating account of the diverse and dominant perceptions of and on Western masculine culture. Historical tropes and models are especially important in this construction and influence and impact contemporary variations.

  • - Teaching, the Humanities, and the Importance of a Liberal Education in the Age of Mass Information
    af Mark Moss
    618,95 - 1.275,95 kr.

    Education and Its Discontents: Teaching, the Humanities, and the Importance of a Liberal Education in the Age of Mass Information, by Mark Moss, is an exploration of how the traditional educational environment, particularly in the post-secondary world, is changing as a consequence of the influx of new technology. Students come to the classroom or lecture hall expecting to have their habits and tastes, gleaned from the online world, replicated in an Educational environment. Faculty who do not adapt face enormous obstacles, and faculty that do adapt run the risk of eroding the integrity of what they have been trained to teach. Students now have access to myriad of technologies that instead of supplementing the educational process, have actually taken it over. Issues that run from plagiarism to the erosion of the humanities are now rampant concerns in the post secondary world. Behavior issues, YouTube videos, cell phones, and the incessant clicking of the computer keys are just a few of the technologies altering the educational landscape. Moss discusses that it is now not only how we learn, but what we continue to teach, and how that enormously important legacy is protected.Education and Its Discontents: Teaching, the Humanities, and the Importance of a Liberal Education in the Age of Mass Information, by Mark Moss, argues that education has changed and the supremacy of the book and the lecture is now open for debate. What has been gained over the last five hundred years is now susceptible to the vagaries of technology, which compel us to question their continuing relevance.