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Bøger af Mario Vargas Llosa

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  • Spar 17%
    af Mario Vargas Llosa
    115,95 - 238,95 kr.

    Maleren Paul Gauguin møder aldrig sin mormor Flora Tristán, fordi hun dør, før han bliver født. Han bliver som hun, men på hver deres måde, optaget af drømmen om det ideelle og frie samfund. Flora forlader sin voldelige ægtemand – fra hvem hun ikke tager meget andet med end en dyb afsmag for sex – og begiver sig af sted til Peru for at kræve sin retmæssige fædrene arv, som hendes magtfulde onkel har sat sig tungt på. Undervejs skriver hun dagbog og bliver engageret i kvindernes kamp for lige vilkår, og hun får øje på sammenhængen mellem den kamp og forholdene for de undertrykte klasser i Peru, England og Frankrig. Paul bor i Paris og er gift med en dansk kvinde, han er aktiehandler og børsspekulant, men forlader den vestlige civilisation og sin kone og børn. Han vil forfølge sin drøm om at male og udforske det vilde og simple liv og rejser til Fransk Polynesien. I denne enestående dobbeltroman viser Mario Vargas Llosa barnebarnet og mormorens livsforløb som tæt forbundne i kampen for at bryde fri af et konventionelt, borgerligt liv og finde et fælles paradis på jord.

  • Spar 17%
    af Mario Vargas Llosa
    115,95 kr.

    "Velgøreren". Sådan blev han kaldt, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, som i 1930 ved et kup tog magten i Den Dominikanske Republik og fastholdt den i et brutalt jerngreb, indtil han blev myrdet af højtstående officerer i 1961. Romanen foregår i tiden omkring hans død - suppleret med erindringsglimt fra årene forud."Mario Vargas Llosas roman om den dominikanske diktator Trujillos død er en eksemplarisk fortælling om, hvad rettidig ondskab kan udrette."Lars Bonnevie, Weekendavisen

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    138,95 kr.

    The War of the End of the World is one of the great modern historical novels. Inspired by a real episode in Brazilian history, Mario Vargas Llosa tells the story of an apocalyptic movement, led by a mysterious prophet, in which prostitutes, beggars and bandits establish Canudos, a new republic, a libertarian paradise.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    128,95 kr.

    Urania Cabral, a New York lawyer, returns to the Dominican Republic after a lifelong self-imposed exile. Once she is back in her homeland, the elusive feeling of terror that has overshadowed her whole life suddenly takes shape. Urania's own story alternates with the powerful climax of dictator Rafael Trujillo's reign.In 1961, Trujillo's decadent inner circle (which includes Urania's soon-to-be disgraced father) enjoys the luxuries of privilege while the rest of the nation lives in fear and deprivation. As Trujillo clings to power, a plot to push the Dominican Republic into the future is being formed. But after the murder of its hated dictator, the Goat, is carried out, the Dominican Republic is plunged into the nightmare of a bloody and uncertain aftermath. Now, thirty years later, Urania reveals how her own family was fatally wounded by the forces of history. In The Feast of the Goat Mario Vargas Llosa eloquently explores the effects of power and violence on the lives of both the oppressors and those they victimized.'The Feast of the Goat will stand out as the great emblematic novel of Latin America's twentieth century and removes One Hundred Years of Solitude of that title.' Times Literary Supplement

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    128,95 kr.

    Ricardo Somocurcio is in love with a bad girl. He loves her as a teenager known as 'Lily' in Lima in 1950, where she claims to be from Chile but vanishes the moment her claim is exposed as fiction. He loves her next in Paris as 'Comrade Arlette', an activist en route to Cuba, an icy, remote lover who denies knowing anything about the Lily of years gone by. Whoever the bad girl turns up as and however poorly she treats him, Ricardo is doomed to worship her. Gifted liar and irresistible, maddening muse - does Ricardo ever know who she really is?

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    208,95 kr.

    A New York Times Notable Book of 2007From Nobel Prize-winning author Mario Vargas Llosa comes The Bad Girl, a "...splendid, suspenseful, and irresistible [novel]. . . A contemporary love story that explores the mores of the urban 1960s--and 70s and 80s."--The New York Times Book ReviewRicardo Somocurcio is in love with a bad girl. He loves her as a teenager known as "Lily" in Lima in 1950, when she flits into his life one summer and disappears again without explanation. He loves her still when she reappears as a revolutionary in 1960s Paris, then later as Mrs. Richardson, the wife of a wealthy Englishman, and again as the mistress of a sinister Japanese businessman in Tokyo. However poorly she treats him, he is doomed to worship her. Charting Ricardo's expatriate life through his romances with this shape-shifting woman, Vargas Llosa has created a beguiling, epic romance about the life-altering power of obsession.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    118,95 kr.

    'A comic novel on the grand scale written with tremendous confidence and verve. Mario, 18-year-old law student and radio news-editor, falls scandalously for his Aunt Julia, the 32-year-old divorced wife of a cousin, and the progressively lunatic story of this affair is interwoven with episodes from a series of radio soap-operas written by his friend Pedro Comacho. Vargas Llosa's huge energy and inventiveness is extravagant and fabulously funny.' New Statesman

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    118,95 kr.

    Set in an isolated, run down community in the Peruvian Andes, Vargas Llosa's riveting novel tells the story of a series of mysterious disappearances involving the Shining Path guerrillas and a local couple performing cannibalistic sacrifices with strange similarities to the Dionysian rituals of ancient Greece. Part-detective novel and part-political allegory, it offers a panoramic view of Peruvian society; not only of the current political violence and social upheaval, but also of the country's past, and its connection to Indian culture and to pre-Hispanic mysticism. As in his other novels, Vargas Llosa breathes into this work a magical assemblage of narrators, time frames and subplots. We meet Senderista guerrillas, disenfranchised Indians, jaded army officers, eccentric townspeople and cult worshippers, among many unforgettable characters. The result is a work of broad sweep, powerful narrative drive, and keen insight into one of Latin America's most fascinating and complex countries.

  • Spar 25%
    af Mario Vargas Llosa
    224,95 kr.

    Nobelpristager Mario Vargas Llosas’ seneste roman udkommer nu på dansk.Denne bog er tilsyneladende skrevet af hovedpersonen Toño Azpilcueta. Hans arbejde med at skrive artikler bliver til den bog, han bestemmer sig for at skrive og iblandes overvejelser over peruansk dans og musik. Toño arbejder på en teori om, at valsen formår at forene peruanerne på tværs af etniske grupper, på tværs af klasser og på tværs af borgerkrigen. En aften hører han guitaristen Lalo Molfino spille, og koncerten efterfølges af en eminent stilhed.Det bliver starten på en stormomsust akademisk karriere og en poetisk-politisk stræben hos vores hovedperson, der blander ideologi og lidenskab med realpolitik. Toño når at forvandle romantisk kærlighed til vellykket venskab. Men kan hans musikteori også forene et splittet Peru?Mario Vargas Llosa er født i Peru i 1936, og han er en mester i episke fortællinger – oftest med et historisk bagtæppe. Allerede med sin debutroman Byen og hundene fra 1962 begyndte Llosa sin kritik af den vold og undertrykkelse, som præger de latinamerikanske samfund og hele den moderne civilisation, en kritik, der går som en rød tråd gennem forfatterskabet. Man mærker historiens bevægelse og storslåethed samtidig med individets kamp for et ståsted i hans værker.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    128,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATUREOn December 7, 2010, Mario Vargas Llosa was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. His Nobel lecture is a resounding tribute to fiction's power to inspire readers to greater ambition, to dissent, and to political action. "We would be worse than we are without the good books we have read, more conformist, not as restless, more submissive, and the critical spirit, the engine of progress, would not even exist," Vargas Llosa writes. "Like writing, reading is a protest against the insufficiencies of life. When we look in fiction for what is missing in life, we are saying, with no need to say it or even to know it, that life as it is does not satisfy our thirst for the absolute-the foundation of the human condition-and should be better." Vargas Llosa's lecture is a powerful argument for the necessity of literature in our lives today. For, as he eloquently writes, "literature not only submerges us in the dream of beauty and happiness but alerts us to every kind of oppression."

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    168,95 kr.

    Liberties, a Journal of Culture and Politics, is essential reading for those engaged in the cultural and political issues of our time.In this issue of Liberties: Katherine C. Epstein — Scholarship and the Future of Society; Mario Vargas Llosa — A Forgotten Giant; Cass R. Sunstein — A Constitutional Manifesto; Mark Edmundson — The Trouble with Good People; James Wolcott — Billionaires on Parada; Elliot Ackerman — The American Strategic Imagination; Moshe Halbertal — Two Concepts of God in Judaism and Beyond; Noga Arikha — Why Brain Science does not Have the Last Word; Carlos Fraenkel — Astronomy and Magic; Daphne Merkin — What You Never Knew About Sigmund Freud’s Wife; James R. Russell — The Poet Misak Medzarents, and Two Poems;  Robert Alter — What Flaubert Taught Agnon; Rachel Connolly — The Unfunny Fate of Humor in Our Time; Helen Vendler — The Excitement of Discovering a New Poet; Celeste Marcus — Israel and The Struggle for Liberal Nationalism; Leon Wieseltier — How To Think Unhysterically About Change; and, poetry by Leslie Williams and Misak Medzarents.Liberties features serious, independent, stylish, and controversial essays by significant writers and introduces the next generation of writers and poets to inspire and impact the intellectual and creative lifeblood of today’s culture and politics. Nobel Prize winners, leading op-ed writers, well-known non-fiction writers, rising talents, and poets from around the world. A new issue is published every quarter.There’s a reason why engaged citizens, cultural warriors, political leaders, opinion makers, and activists from across the cultural and political spectrum read and cherish Liberties.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    218,95 kr.

  • - Essays on Spectacle and Society
    af Mario Vargas Llosa
    173,95 kr.

    In the past, culture was a kind of vital consciousness that constantly rejuvenated and revivified everyday reality. Now it is largely a mechanism of distraction and entertainment. Notes on the Death of Culture is an examination and indictment of this transformation - penned by none other than the Nobel winner Mario Vargas Llosa, who is not only one of our finest novelists but one of the keenest social critics at work today.Taking his cues from T. S. Eliot - whose treatise Notes Towards the Definition of Culture is a touchstone precisely because the culture Eliot aimed to describe has since vanished - Vargas Llosa traces a decline whose ill effects have only just begun to be felt. He mourns, in particular, the figure of the intellectual: for most of the twentieth century, men and women of letters drove political, aesthetic, and moral conversations; today they have all but disappeared from public debate.But Vargas Llosa stubbornly refuses to fade into the background. He is not content to merely sign a petition; he will not bite his tongue. A necessary provocateur, here vividly translated by John King, provides an impassioned and essential critique of our time and culture.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    323,95 kr.

    The intellectual autobiography of Mario Vargas Llosa, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature.From its origins, the liberal doctrine has represented the most advanced forms of democratic culture, and it is what has most defended us from the inextinguishable "call of the tribe." This book hopes to make a modest contribution to that indispensable project.In The Call of the Tribe, Mario Vargas Llosa surveys the readings that have shaped the way he thinks and has viewed the world over the past fifty years. The Nobel laureate, "tireless in his quest to probe the nature of the human animal" (Marie Arana, The Washington Post), maps out the liberal thinkers who helped him develop a new body of ideas after the great ideological traumas of his disenchantment with the Cuban Revolution and his alienation from the ideas of Jean-Paul Sartre, the author who most inspired Vargas Llosa in his youth.The works of Adam Smith, José Ortega y Gasset, Friedrich A. Hayek, Karl Popper, Raymond Aron, Isaiah Berlin, and Jean-François Revel helped the author enormously during those uneasy years. They showed him another school of thought, one that placed the individual before the tribe, nation, class, or party and defended freedom of expression as a fundamental value for the exercise of democracy. The Call of the Tribe documents Vargas Llosa's engagement with their work and charts the evolution of his personal ideology.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    198,95 kr.

    The true story of Guatemala's political turmoil of the 1950s as only a master of fiction can tell itGuatemala, 1954. The military coup perpetrated by Carlos Castillo Armas and supported by the CIA topples the democratic government of Jacobo Árbenz. Behind this violent act is a lie that will have drastic consequences for the entire region: the accusation by the Eisenhower administration, determined to protect American commercial interests in Central America, that Árbenz encouraged the spread of Soviet Communism in the Americas.Harsh Times is a story of international conspiracies and conflicting interests in the time of the Cold War, echoes of which still reverberate today. In this thrilling novel, the Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa invents vivid characters who go to the heart of the dilemmas of Guatemala's history in a deeply textured blending of fact and fiction that is his alone. Not since The Feast of the Goat, his classic novel about the downfall of the Trujillo regime in the Dominican Republic, has Vargas Llosa combined political intrigue and suspense so compellingly.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    228,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATUREA landmark collection of essays on the Nobel laureate's conception of Latin America, past, present, and futureThroughout his career, the Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa has grappled with the concept of Latin America on a global stage. Examining liberal claims and searching for cohesion, he continuously weighs the reality of the continent against the image it projects, and considers the political dangers and possibilities that face this diverse set of countries.Now this illuminating and versatile collection assembles these never-before-translated criticisms and meditations. Reflecting the intellectual development of the writer himself, these essays distill the great events of Latin America's recent history, analyze political groups like FARC and Sendero Luminoso, and evaluate the legacies of infamous leaders such as Papa Doc Duvalier and Fidel Castro. Arranged by theme, they trace Vargas Llosa's unwavering demand for freedom, his embrace of and disenchantment with revolutions, and his critique of nationalism, populism, indigenism, and corruption.From the discovery of liberal ideas to a defense of democracy, buoyed by a passionate invocation of Latin American literature and art, Sabers and Utopias is a monumental collection from one of our most important writers. Uncompromising and adamantly optimistic, these social and political essays are a paean to thoughtful engagement and a brave indictment of the discrimination and fear that can divide a society.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    188,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATUREA thrilling tale of desire and Peruvian corruption swirls around a scandalous exposé that leads to murderFrom the Nobel Laureate comes a politically charged detective novel weaving through the underbelly of Peruvian privilege. In the 1990s, during the turbulent and deeply corrupt years of Alberto Fujimori's presidency, two wealthy couples of Lima's high society become embroiled in a disturbing vortex of erotic adventures and politically driven blackmail. One day Enrique, a high-profile businessman, receives a visit from Rolando Garro, the editor of a notorious magazine that specializes in salacious exposés. Garro presents Enrique with lewd pictures from an old business trip and demands that he invest in the magazine. Enrique refuses, and the next day the pictures are on the front page. Meanwhile, Enrique's wife is in the midst of a passionate and secret affair with the wife of Enrique's lawyer and best friend. When Garro shows up murdered, the two couples are thrown into a whirlwind of navigating Peru's unspoken laws and customs, while the staff of the magazine embark on their greatest exposé yet.Ironic and sensual, provocative and redemptive, the novel swirls into the kind of restless realism that has become Mario Vargas Llosa's signature style. A twisting, unpredictable tale, The Neighborhood is at once a scathing indictment of Fujimori's regime and a crime thriller that evokes the vulgarity of freedom in a corrupt system.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    215,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATUREA provocative essay collection that finds the Nobel laureate taking on the decline of intellectual lifeIn the past, culture was a kind of vital consciousness that constantly rejuvenated and revivified everyday reality. Now it is largely a mechanism of distraction and entertainment. Notes on the Death of Culture is an examination and indictment of this transformation-penned by none other than Mario Vargas Llosa, who is not only one of our finest novelists but one of the keenest social critics at work today. Taking his cues from T. S. Eliot-whose essay "Notes Toward a Definition of Culture" is a touchstone precisely because the culture Eliot aimed to describe has since vanished-Vargas Llosa traces a decline whose ill effects have only just begun to be felt. He mourns, in particular, the figure of the intellectual: for most of the twentieth century, men and women of letters drove political, aesthetic, and moral conversations; today they have all but disappeared from public debate. But Vargas Llosa stubbornly refuses to fade into the background. He is not content to merely sign a petition; he will not bite his tongue. A necessary gadfly, the Nobel laureate Vargas Llosa, here vividly translated by John King, provides a tough but essential critique of our time and culture.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    218,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURESpanning thirty years of writing, Making Waves traces the development of the Nobel Prize-winning author Mario Vargas Llosa's thinking on politics and culture, and shows the breadth of his interests and passions. Featured here are astute meditations on the Cuban Revolution, Latin American independence, and the terrorism of Peru's Shining Path; brilliant engagements with towering figures of literature such as Joyce, Faulkner, and Sartre; and observations about the dog cemetery where Rin Tin Tin is buried, Lorena Bobbitt's knife, and the failures of the English public-school system.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    323,95 kr.

    A series of conversations held at Princeton University between the Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa and Rubén Gallo.Princeton University, 2015. For one semester, Mario Vargas Llosa taught a course on literature and politics with Rubén Gallo. Over several classes, the two writers spoke to students about the theory of the novel and the relationship between journalism, politics, and literature through five beloved books by the Nobel laureate: Conversation in The Cathedral, The Real Life of Alejandro Mayta, Who Killed Palomino Molero?, A Fish in the Water, and The Feast of the Goat. Conversation at Princeton records these exhilarating discussions and captures the three complementary perspectives that converged in the classroom: that of Vargas Llosa, who reveals the creative process behind his novels; that of Rubén Gallo, who analyzes the different meanings the works took on after their publication; and that of the students, whose reflections and questions give voice to the responses of millions of Vargas Llosa's readers. During these talks, Vargas Llosa not only speaks with intelligence and lucidity about the craft of writing, but also offers an absorbing, inquisitive analysis of today's political and cultural landscape. Conversation at Princeton is a singular opportunity to attend a unique master class on literature and society taught by one of our greatest writers and thinkers.

  • af Mario Vargas Llosa
    118,95 kr.

    Behind this violent act is a lie passed off as truth, which forever changed the development of Latin America: that those in power encouraged the spread of Soviet communism in the Americas. Mario Vargas Llosa has written a drama on a world stage, in which some persecutors end up as victims of the very plot they helped construct.