Bøger af Marie-Louise Holle
389,94 kr. Restatement of Nordic Contract Law is a presentation of the fundamental rules and principles of Nordic Contract law, comprising the contract laws of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. While the Nordic countries do not have a common body of contract law, rules are quite similar. Many contract law rules are undisputed but unwritten, and the authors of this book have formulated black letter rules. Each black letter rule is accompanied by comments. The comments are thorough in explaining the background of the rules, their application and consequences, often citing court cases and giving examples.The book is divided into ten chapters: General Principles, Formation of Contract, Representation, Invalidity, Interpretation, Contract Content, Performance, Breach and Remedies, Direct Claims and Assignment of Claims.The book is a practical tool in law practice, as it provides non-Nordic lawyers with an overview of contract law in the Nordic countries.The authors are law school professors at universities in the Nordic countries, all specializing in contract law. The editorial board is presided by Professor Ole Lando, head of the commission of Principles of European Contract Law (the ”Lando commission”, PECL).
- E-bog
- 389,94 kr.
398,95 kr. Restatement of Nordic Contract Law is a presentation of the fundamental rules and principles of Nordic Contract law, comprising the contract laws of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. While the Nordic countries do not have a common body of contract law, rules are quite similar. Many contract law rules are undisputed but unwritten, and the authors of this book have formulated black letter rules. Each black letter rule is accompanied by comments. The comments are thorough in explaining the background of the rules, their application and consequences, often citing court cases and giving examples.The book is divided into ten chapters: General Principles, Formation of Contract, Representation, Invalidity, Interpretation, Contract Content, Performance, Breach and Remedies, Direct Claims and Assignment of Claims.The book is a practical tool in law practice, as it provides non-Nordic lawyers with an overview of contract law in the Nordic countries.The authors are law school professors at universities in the Nordic countries, all specializing in contract law. The editorial board is presided by Professor Ole Lando, head of the commission of Principles of European Contract Law (the ”Lando commission”, PECL).IndholdsoversigtPreface A Short Survey of the Laws of the Nordic Countries – the Laws in General and Contract Law in Particular - By Ole LandoRestatement of Nordic Contract Chapter 1: General principles Chapter 2: Formation of contract Chapter 3: RepresentationChapter 4: Invalidity Chapter 5: Interpretation Chapter 6: The contents of the contract Chapter 7: Performance Chapter 8: Breach of contract and remedies Chapter 9: Direct claims Chapter 10: Assignment of claims List of Abbreviations Notes on Editors Bibliography – Works in Contract Law Index
- Bog
- 398,95 kr.
- med særligt henblik på offentlige opgaver
938,95 kr. En undersøgelse af offentlige myndigheders hæftelsesansvar for uddelegering af opgaver.Opgaveløsningen i den offentlige sektor har ændret sig de senere år. Det betyder blandt andet, at en række offentlige opgaver er udlagt til private aktører – både opgaver i forbindelse med sagsbehandling og opgaver i sundheds- og omsorgssektoren.De ansvarsretlige konsekvenser af, at en privat aktør forvolder skade, der medfører et tab for en borger, er ikke undersøgt. Det er usikkert, i hvilket omfang den skadelidte borger kan rette et krav mod det offentlige på grundlag af hæftelsessynspunkter. Almindeligvis gælder det, at man ikke hæfter for en selvstændigt virkende tredjemand uden for kontrakt, da det er uden for arbejdsgiveransvarets område. Denne afhandling undersøger, om dette princip også gælder for offentlige myndigheder, der delegerer offentlige opgaver til private aktører.Der er tre hovedtemaer i afhandlingen: Betingelserne for hæftelsesansvaret for selvstændigt virkende tredjemænd i og uden for kontrakt.Betydningen for hæftelsesspørgsmålet af, at offentlige myndigheder agerer på to forskellige “skadevolderområder”. De erstatningsretlige implikationer af forvaltningsretten og folkeretten for hæftelsesproblemet.MålgruppeBogen indeholder overvejelser om grundlæggende erstatningsretlige figurer og kritisk analyse af hidtidig teori om hæftelsesansvaret. Desuden indeholder bogen analyser af praktiske eksempler på privat løsning af offentlige opgaver. Bogen henvender sig derfor til såvel praktikere som universitetsansatte med interesse for hæftelsesproblemer og uddelegering af offentlige opgaver.Om forfatterenMarie-Louise Holle er ansat på Juridisk Institut, CBS. Bogen er forfatterens ph.d.-afhandling.
- Bog
- 938,95 kr.