Bøger af Marianne
218,95 kr. "Jehovas Vidner fyldte hele Mariannes liv. Hendes mor var et meget aktivt medlem, og Marianne voksede op med den "sandhed", at Jehova og moderen kun kunne lide lydige børn.Da Marianne startede i skole, opdagede hun pludselig, at der fandtes en helt anden verden; et frit liv med højtider, fødselsdage, leg og fester. Hendes tilværelse blev nu meget vanskelig, for hun følte sig splittet mellem det, hun skulle og det, hun gerne ville. Som teenager blev det endnu sværere at styre dette komplicerede dobbeltliv. Hun var draget af spænding og erotik - samtidig opretholdte hun facaden som den gode og dygtige pige i menigheden.Da hun til sidst ikke længere kunne leve op til de forventninger og krav, hendes mor og menigheden stillede til hende, valgte hun at vende Jehovas Vidner ryggen - med store omkostninger til følge."
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- Strategies for Doctoral Advising Faculty and Their Advisees
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- Easy Rules to Get Along with Your Man
163,95 kr. Ever wonder just how easy it would be to get along with the man in your life? After reading this book will you be wondering; is this really how easy it is to deal with guys? If all women knew about rule #8, they would not ask their husbands about paint. How great could your love life be if we as women let go of our insecurities and worked on rule #4. When you called your man at work and his attention span died yet you got angry, it would have helped to have read rule #12 and 14.If you asked your man the question in rule #15 and got one of the answers in rule #17 and you both started arguing, it would have helped you to read this book.This book takes a witty approach about the rules that most men if not all men silently live by.What are men really thinking and why is it so hard to really get to know your man? Relationships do not have to be exhausting if both parties could just communicate and really just try to enjoy each other.
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